Dear colleagues,

since end of September, the documentation of the first “Day of Parliamentary Research” (2023) is available online (currently only in German) under: Tag der Parlamentsforschung 2023: Tagungsbericht | Parlament Österreich.

It includes the presentation slides of keynote speaker Marc Geddes (see: Tag-der-Parlamentsforschung-2023-Keynote-Marc-Geddes.pdf) as well as almost all the other presentations and posters.

On this occasion, we are delighted to make the following announcements:

-          The next “Day of Parliamentary Research” will take place on 20 June 2024. The according call for contributions will probably be published in January 2024.

-          The call for applications for the annual “Research Year in Parliament” is expected to be published in December 2023. The programme supports a one-year research project with expertise and resources from the Austrian Parliamentary Administration. Applications will be accepted in English and German.

-          Currently, not all contents about our initiatives concerning parliamentary research are available in English yet. However, please stay in touch and follow the constant development of the according section on our website: Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich.

If you have any questions, please contact us via We kindly ask you to spread the information among interested colleagues and hope to see you again next year in the Austrian Parliament.

Kind regards on behalf of the whole team,
Christoph Clar


Research and Support in Parliamentary Matters
Parliamentary Administration
Legal, Legislative and Research Services (RLW)


1017 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 401 10-2668
Mobil +43 676 8900 2668

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