Dear All,
The "Wittgen=Steine" group organizes three talks this term:
21.03.2025, 15.00-16.30h, HS 3D
Anna Boncompagni: "Conceptual engineering or care? A new perspective inspired by Addams and Wittgenstein"
16.05.2025, 15.00-16.30h, HS 3A
Charles Travis: "Re-Turning The Linguistic Turn (Two Puzzles)"
13.06.25, 15.00-16.30h, HS 3D
Konstantin Deininger: "On the Material and Formal Aspects of (Moral) Certainty"
We will send out abstracts closer to the time of the talks.
All welcome!
Best wishes from the organizers,
Esther Ramharter
Anja Weiberg
Martin Kusch