WIP Series 21.03.2024 - Thursday, HS 3A, NiG - "Katharsis: On the Platonic Adaptation of an Orphic Idea" by Hermann Crüwell

Dear all,

This is an email to inform you that the next presentation in the Work-In-Progress series will be given by Hermann Crüwell (Ernst-Mach Postdoc, University of Vienna; Ph.D., University of Oxford)) this coming Thursday. The presentation is entitled "Katharsis: On the Platonic Adaptation of an Orphic Idea"

At the time when Plato wrote his dialogues, many people sought meaning and salvation in Orphic mystery cults. In short, Orphism taught that the soul was once in a state of primordial blessedness in the company of the gods. Because of an original sin, it fell away from this state and is now trapped in circles of reincarnation in human bodies. Only initiation into the Orphic mysteries and purification from its current impure condition can help the practitioner to be released from this circle, restore itself in its original condition and attain eternal bliss in the company of the gods once again.

Plato was critical of these cults, which often demanded fees in exchange for salvation by purifying rituals and initiation into the mysteries (cf. Republic 364b–c). At the same time, he took on central concepts and narratives from the Orphics to give expression to his own philosophical outlook on the soul, its fate, and its quest for self-perfection. Focusing on the Phaedo and its concept of katharsis (purification), I explore how Plato transforms an Orphic idea to conceptualize the soul's cognitive progress towards wisdom and virtue of character by means of philosophy.

The meeting will take place in lecture hall 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 3rd floor) at 17:15 and will last up to 18:45. All are invited to join us for dinner or drinks afterward. If possible, please let us know in advance by email.

You can write to wip.philosophie@univie.ac.at if you have any questions or would like to present for the Work-in-Progress series in the SoSe24. Calendar and event information can be found at: https://vd-philosophy.univie.ac.at/phd-program/doctoral-training/wip-series/

Best wishes and we hope to see many of you there!

The Organizing Team (Chiara Dankl, Martin Niederl, Yi-Jie Xia, Adrian Fleisch, Mark Basafa, Sophie Veigl, Nianzu Tu, Raphael Aybar)