28. April 2023 | NIG, Hs. 3B, 15:00–16:30 Uhr
Jakob Ohlhorst: Baby Logic - A Hinge Epistemology
Recently, epistemologists have turned their attention to core knowledge: The product of innate core cognition modules which encode constraints on how we interpret our experiential input. Zoe Jenkin argues that core knowledge is partially justified by these constraints because they serve as epistemic reasons. In this talk, I argue that these constraints can serve as reasons for our core knowledge because they are Wittgensteinian hinges, i.e. unjustified presuppositions that enable us to be epistemically active. First, this means that some hinges are innate and biologically anchored. Second, it means that core cognition plays a fundamental, constitutive epistemological role.
Everyone welcome, including "tourists" in Vienna.
Esther Heinrich-Ramharter