Moin Thomas, 

Du weist in Deinem Text ausdrücklich auf die Nicht-Zufälligkeit der Koordinationen hin. Da an allem Zufall beteiligt ist bzw. jeglicher Untergrund fluktuiert, wird Dein Semantik-System nur eine mehr oder weniger grobe Annäherung für interaktionelle Kompositionen sein. Berücksichtigen könntest Du die Fluktuationen natürlich in den Offenheiten, auf die Du hinweist. 


Am 11.03.2023 um 17:11 schrieb Dr. Dr. Thomas Fröhlich über PhilWeb <>:

Lieber Karl, lieber Waldemar,

vielleicht findet Ihr von Euch gerade Geschriebenes sinngemäß auch hierein wieder: es ist ein Kapitel aus einem Beitrag, den ich zum Thema Qualitative Systems Research / Qualitative Research in Phenomenological Landscape veröffentlichen werde (zunächst peer reviewed über ):

Semantic systems, what makes them different?

To act and interact meaningful, a system must be composed of agencies able to implement the other agency’s momentary processing, as far as relevant for further co-processing. Contained in this short statement is an idea of process-based, structurally context-related elements composed not of monadic objects, but of co-processing units that interact in a non-random, but coordinated way. This, in turn, implies an in actu attentiveness in the form of a mutually enacted orientation towards each other, combined with a simultaneous openness to further structured and co-structuring interactions. The processes’ faces are oriented towards each other, without losing receptivity concerning further processes. The coordinated and structured co-processing installs multiple dialogs, with a pertained ability to listen to further dialog partners. Each dialog forms a centre of emerging systematisation and meaning. Not being static and fixed, continuously engaged in a move forward instead, each dialogic centre has the shape and function of an emerging semantic axis, providing structuring information for the further dialogs, as seen from the focused dialog’s side. So, each system as a whole contains and realises as many perspectives as dialogs are cooperating in it. The system’s content, then, is a composed dynamic, a multiplicity of oriented, mutually implementing interactions realising their individual perspectives, and their genuine perspectivity. The system resembles a cloud, ready to interact with further processes and process-clouds. Qualitative research aims to identify the dialog partners, their perspectives, the way they implement information received and perceived, and their multi-perspectival and orchestrated polycontexturality. On a further level, system-with-system-interactions are determined, and, in a non-disjunctive way, also element-with-system, and system-with-element interactions. The whole picture can only be captured in the form of vivid dynamic visualisations or audible orchestrations, showing dialogic processing spiralling around emerging semantic axes. A semantic system resembles an orchestra, or an ensemble of actors playing their momentary roles, hence. It does not compare to sets of objects, arranged in a lifeless manner. In fact, it does not contain objects at all; it is made of agents, engaged in selective, adaptive, implementing structured co-processing. Each participating dialog enacts a non-absolute, but relationally open inside-to-outside emergence, with its semantic genuine interactional inside quality not suspended by becoming another inside’s outside. So, the elements’ fill is preserved, it qualifies them, as well as their structured interactions. The latter also form a genuine, inside timing, orienting and dynamizing, in the form of an semantic energisation. So, each focused dialog is an energetic creative centre, contributing to a systematically energised cooperation in the form of a semantic system.

Ich freue mich über Kritik und Resonanz, und danke Euch für Eure bisherigen, zahlreichen Anregungen….

Liebe Grüße,
