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Wenn Sie selbst einen Beitrag zur GAP-Infomail haben, senden Sie uns
diesen bitte als einfachen Text im Emailkorpus unter info(a)gap-im-netz.de
Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Hannover, Deadline: 30.09.2024)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit (Postdoktorand/in, m/w/d) in der Philosophie
und Ethik der Wissenschaften
(2) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Berlin, 08-09.&10-11.10.2024)
Two Workshops on Philosophy of Psychedelic Research and Therapy
(3) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Dortmund & Online, 10-11.10.2024)
Call for Registration: Feminist Analytic Philosophy
(4) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Online, 15.10.2024 und weitere)
Proof-Theoretic Semantics Seminar
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Hannover, Deadline: 30.09.2024)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit (Postdoktorand/in, m/w/d) in der Philosophie
und Ethik der Wissenschaften
EntgGr. 13 TV-L "FwN", 80-100%)
Die Stelle ist auf 4 Jahre befristet. Die Arbeitszeit umfasst auf Wunsch
einen Umfang zwischen 80% und 100%. Eine über 80% hinausgehende
Beschäftigung erfordert geringfügige Lehrverpflichtungen (im Umfang
von einer Veranstaltung pro Jahr).
Weitere Infromationen zur Ausschreibung finden Sie hier [1].
Spezielle Anfragen zum Forschungsschwerpunkt richten Sie bitte an
Philippe van Basshuysen [2]. Für Verwaltungsangelegenheiten wenden Sie
sich bitte an Yvonne Stöber [3].
Bitte reichen Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit den entsprechenden Unterlagen ein
(Anschreiben, in dem Sie Ihr Interesse und Ihre Qualifikation für die
Stelle erläutern, Forschungsbericht von max. 2 Seiten zur Erläuterung
Ihres Forschungsvorhabens im Rahmen des MAPS-Projekts, Lebenslauf mit
Publikationsliste, Zeugnisse, eine Schriftprobe von max. 20 Seiten zu
einem beliebigen Thema, das Ihre besten philosophischen Arbeiten
widerspiegelt, sowie Namen und Kontaktinformationen von zwei Gutachtern)
bis spätestens 30. September 2024 in elektronischer Form an
E-Mail: yvonne.stoeber(a)cells.uni-hannover.de
oder alternativ per Post an:
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Zentrum für Ethik und Recht in den Biowissenschaften
Otto-Brenner-Str. 1, 30159 Hannover
(2) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Berlin, 08-09.&10-11.10.2024)
Two Workshops on Philosophy of Psychedelic Research and Therapy
_Workshop 1: "Psychedelics: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science" _
(08. & 09. Oct. 2024, organised by PsychedELSI:
_Workshop 2. "Transformative Psychedelic Experiences" _
(10. & 11. Oct. 2024, organised by PsyTrans: https://www.psytrans.com/)
_Location:_ Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Charité
Mitte, Berlin Germany
_Focus:_ The international research projects PsychedELSI and PsyTrans
are presenting two consecutive workshops that explore the intersections
of psychedelic research and therapy with philosophy. This event, hosted
at the Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences (Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte in Berlin) will bring
together leading experts in the fields of psychedelic research, therapy,
neuropharmacology, psychology, psychiatry, epistemology, philosophy of
science, and philosophy of mind (see programme below).
_Outreach:_ The programme is complemented by a public lecture by _Laurie
Ann Paul_ (Yale University) on "Transformative Psychedelic Experiences"
(9th of October, Ostertaghaus, Philippstraße 12, 10115 Berlin, House 4,
LectureHall 4, 1st floor). No registration is required for this lecture.
_Attendance:_ Seating is limited. So if you are interested in
participating as a guest in the workshops, please reach out to Adrian
Kind (adrian.kind(a)charite.de) with Sascha Fink (sascha.fink(a)fau.de) and
Dimitris Repantis (dimitris.repantis(a)charite.de) in CC until the 15th of
September 2024. Decisions concerning the available seats will be
communicated by the 18th of September. Preference will be given to those
with an academic background. Attendance is 20EUR, food and drinks will
not be provided. A streaming option is currently not in planning.
_Workshop 1: Psychedelics: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science _
_Di. 8.10: _
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome (Repantis & Fink: PsychedELSI)
10:30 - 11:30 Timo Torsten Schmidt (Free University Berlin): "The
systematic quantitative study of the phenomenology of altered states of
11:30 - 12:30 Quill Kukla (Georgetown University Washington DC):
"Agency, Ambivalence, and Uncertainty in Recreational Drug Use"
14:00 - 15:00 Brian Earp (University of Oxford / National University of
Singapore): "Would MDMA-inspired love be real? How could you tell?"
15:00 - 16:00 Sascha Fink (FAU Erlangen): "Epistemology of self
experimentation in the science of psychedelics"
16:30 - 17:00 Jack Lyons (University of Glasgow): "Psychedelics and
justified belief"
18:00 - 19:00 Chiara Caporuscio (Charité Medical University Berlin):
"Evidence-based practice in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy"
_Mi. 9.10: _
10:00-10:30 Welcome
10:30 - 11:30 Chris Letheby (University of Western Australia): "Learning
from tripping and learning from reading"
11:30 - 12:30 Karen Yan (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University):
"Assessing Clinical Models for Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy" (with
Christina Ni)
14:00 - 15:00 Chris Timmermann (Imperial College London): "Mechanisms of
Deconstruction and Reconstruction in the Psychedelic Experience"
15:00 - 16:00 Open Discussion
_PUBLIC EVENING LECTURE (no registration required)_
Ostertaghaus, Philippstraße 12, 10115 Berlin, House 4, LectureHall 4
(1st floor).
18:00 - 20:00 Laurie Ann Paul (Yale University): "Transformative
Psychedelic Experiences"
_Workshop 2: Transformative Psychedelic Experiences_
_Do. 10.10: _
10:00-10:30: Welcome (Fink, Repantis, Yan: PsyTrans)
10:30-11:30: Nicholas Langlitz (The New School New York): "First-Person
Methods in Psychedelic Research"
11:30 - 12:30 Christopher Poppe (Charité Medical University Berlin):
"Expecting transformation? Empirical and normative analysis of
prospective participants' expectations in psychedelic trials"
14:30 - 15:30 Chris Bublitz (University of Hamburg): "The progressives'
dilemma with psychedelic therapy"
15:30 - 16:30 Minsu Yoo (The New School New York): "Legitimizing Past
Life Memories: Trauma as Collective Altered States of Consciousness"
17:00 - 18:00 Roy Salomon (Haifa University): "Experiencing trauma under
altered states of consciousness"
_Fr. 11.10: _
10:00-11:00: Edward Jacobs (University of Oxford): "Transformations
Supported and Transformations Interrupted: Patient Experiences in P-AT
11:00 - 12:00 Sascha Benjamin Fink (FAU Erlangen): "Psychedelic-Assisted
Therapy: Informed consent or informed request?"
13:30 - 14:30 Ari Brouwer (University of Wisconsin - Michigan):
"Psychedelics as models of self-transformation"
14:30 - 15:30 Panel Discussion: Transformative Experiences and Limits of
Informed Consent
(3) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Dortmund & Online, 10-11.10.2024)
Call for Registration: Feminist Analytic Philosophy
_Technical University Dortmund & Online_
Since the mid-20th century, feminist perspectives have received
considerable attention within the field of philosophy, particularly in
areas often associated with 'Continental philosophy'. Within the
'Analytic' tradition, though, feminist approaches have been rather
overlooked, marginalized, or even deprecated. However, in recent years,
researchers across all subdisciplines of Analytic Philosophy have
increasingly recognized the value of feminist philosophy and have
actively contributed to its development. This conference aims to share
and discuss the latest research by bringing together speakers who work
within a diverse range of feminist and analytic approaches to
philosophy, uniting both established experts and early career
* Valérie Aucouturier (UCLouvain)
* Sara Ayhan (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Leda Berio (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Anna Brożek (University of Warsaw)
* Anne-Marie S. Christensen (University of Southern Denmark)
* Silke Körber (University of Vienna)
* Marius Thienenkamp (Technical University Dortmund)
* Jasmin Trächtler (Technical University Dortmund)
* Sara Uckelman (Durham University)
* Kim Ann Woodley (Ruhr University Bochum)
_Organization and contact: _
Jasmin Trächtler (Technical University Dortmund)
Sara Ayhan (Ruhr University Bochum)
For any questions or inquiries please send a mail to:
jasmin.traechtler(a)tu-dortmund.de or sara.ayhan(a)rub.de.
_The conference is planned to be held as a hybrid event._ Registration
is free but mandatory. Please use the following link to register _until
October 9_ for on-site or online participation:
For more information please see:
(4) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Online, 15.10.2024 und weitere)
Proof-Theoretic Semantics Seminar
With this mail we would like to announce the launch of our _PTS Seminar
Series_: a series of periodic online talks delivered by early career
researchers working in proof-theoretic semantics or akin fields,
organised by the PTS-Network.
For the remainder of this year we have two sessions planned:
_- October 15, 4-5pm (UTC +1): Sophie Nagler (University of St Andrews)_
_- November 26, 4-5pm (UTC +1): Timo Eckhardt (University College
If you are interested in joining, please send us a mail to
theptsnetwork(a)gmail.com for the Zoom link or directly subscribe to our
mailing list using our subscription form [4]. We also plan to make
recordings of these meetings available on our YouTube channel. For more
information about our network and recent work in proof-theoretic
semantics, have a look at our website:
All the best,
Sara Ayhan, Hermógenes Oliveira, Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona & Will
Wir wurden gebeten, folgende Korrekturen zu Ankündigungen durchzugeben:
GAP Infomail 35-2024: Die korrekte E-Mail-Adresse zur
Bewerbung/Einreichung für die Studentischen Tagung // Universität
Potsdam // 12-14. Februar 2025 ist: tup-potsdam(a)proton.me
[1] https://www.cells.uni-hannover.de/de/jobs
[2] https://www.cells.uni-hannover.de/de/prof-dr-philippe-van-basshuysen
[3] https://www.cells.uni-hannover.de/de/stoeber
[4] https://sites.google.com/view/ptsnetwork/membership/subscribe
Hermes mailing list -- hermes(a)lists.philo.at
To unsubscribe send an email to hermes-leave(a)lists.philo.at
MSc. Mag. Raphael Aybar, BA
Scientific Coordinator
Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7, B0301
1010 Wien