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am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bremen, Deadline: 29.11.2024)
13 PhD Positions in Contradiction Studies at the University of Bremen
(2) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 08.11.2024)
The Role of Imagination in Learning, Understanding, and Knowledge
Call for Interferences - Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group
Online-Workshop: Wissenschaftsgeleitetes Publizieren und Open Access in
der Philosophie
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 28-30.11.2024)
Emerging Biotechnologies and Ethics
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 05-06.12.2024)
Workshop: Mental Files in Philosophy and Psychology: Merits and Limits
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 23-24.01.2025)
Workshop: Recent Work on Authoritative and Formal Normativity
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Bremen, Deadline: 29.11.2024)
13 PhD Positions in Contradiction Studies at the University of Bremen
The Research Training Group "Contradiction Studies--Constellations,
Heuristics and Concepts of the Contradictory" at the University of
Bremen is welcoming applications for 13 3-year positions as Doctoral
This interdisciplinary group examines the ways in which individuals,
groups, institutions, and states navigate the concept of contradiction,
particularly in relation to the prevalent demand for consistency
(freedom from contradiction). It aims to develop novel forms and
procedures for addressing the inherent contradictions of living
together. (Philosophers should note that it not only studies logical
contradictions, but also a broad range of other types of
Members of the group are expected to complete their dissertation over
the course of the term. They are expected to participate in the
modularized doctoral program and in the group's research colloquium. The
working language of the program is generally English. The positions
carry no teaching obligation and are 75% positions paid on a TV-L 13
basis (which translates to a net pay of at least 26.500EUR/year).
Deadline for application is Nov 29, the positions are expected to begin
on June 1, 2025.
For the full job advert, see:
For the research group's website, see:
Applicants with research interests in (or adjacent to) philosophy are
welcome to contact Norman Sieroka (sieroka(a)uni-bremen.de) before
applying. (See also
(2) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 08.11.2024)
The Role of Imagination in Learning, Understanding, and Knowledge
Dear all,
We cordially invite you to the hybrid Workshop "The Role of Imagination
in Learning, Understanding, and Knowledge", which will be held at the
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (GA 04/187) on the 8th of November 2024, from
9:30 to 17:15 CET.
Philosophers across various traditions and areas of research have long
debated the epistemic roles of imagination. While imagination is often
associated with creative thinking and the discovery of possible or
fantastical worlds, the question remains: does imagination enhance our
understanding of the actual world and help us acquire knowledge?
This workshop brings together experts across various
fields--phenomenology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of
mind--to examine the diverse epistemic roles of imagination. By
exploring how imagination can be a source of learning, deepen
understanding, and contribute to knowledge formation, we aim to foster
interdisciplinary dialogue and uncover new insights into this essential
cognitive process.
Confirmed speakers:
* Kristina Liefke (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Joshua Myers (University of Barcelona)
* Sofia Pedrini (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Zuzanna Rucińska (University of Antwerp)
* Alfredo Vernazzani (Ruhr University Bochum)
* Markus Werning (Ruhr University Bochum)
Organizers: Sofia Pedrini, Alfredo Vernazzani, Markus Werning (Ruhr
University of Bochum).
For the full program and the Zoom link, visit:
For further questions send an email to sofia.pedrini(a)rub.de
Call for Interferences - Act up/Building up: EcoTechGender Action Group
Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn
The era of strictly demarcated sciences is over, at least since the
COVID-19 pandemic. Over the years, changing social values, modern
technologies, but also scientific misconduct and demands for
emancipation based on diversity have led to the fact that science has
become a multidisciplinary but also increasingly interwoven institution
since at least the second half of the 20th century. The present bias is
particularly evident in the institutionalization of knowledge and
content from the humanities and the natural sciences and technology,
which are in part still strictly separated and not automatically related
to each other. This lack of contextualization and intertwining of
nature, culture, technology, society, and gender theory can be
illustrated by a number of problematic examples: Crash test dummies that
only represent men and make cars all the more unsafe for women; toxic
cultures of masculinity in engineering courses that make it almost
impossible for women to build careers and reveal a serious lack of
female role models; racist or sexist algorithms that overwhelm the
increasingly important AI and fuel resentment; or supposedly glorious
inventions by men for women, such as the Pinky Gloves released in 2021,
that reveal a sometimes disastrous picture of gender stereotyping. All
these examples clearly show that there is an urgent need to link the
cultural sciences and humanities, which have been strictly separated,
with the natural, technical, information and engineering sciences.
However, these experiences also show how strong the influences of
social, political, economic and societal factors are, which also have an
unconscious effect on the natural and technical sciences and their
results. This modern change therefore confirms all the more the
establishment of an interlocking perspective and instructions for action
for the scientific enterprise. An appropriate culture/expansion of
discourse makes it possible to show how research in the natural,
technical, information, and engineering sciences can be seen and
evaluated in a multiple and constantly changing world in the context of
society, politics, the environment, technology, and gender. Science is
no longer a homogeneous and awe-inspiring entity that can sustain
itself. It is increasingly criticized and confronted with demands to
open up and to represent all aspects of social life in an interconnected
way. There is therefore a need for other interfaces and interconnections
that drive this world of research, transform it, make it usable, and
build it in a future-oriented way. This particular entanglement has
always been explored in the EcoTechGender research project [1] (est.
2007 by Prof. Dr. Ruth E. Hagengruber [2]).
In the context of a workshop, we would like to emphasize this importance
once again, work it out together, and offer space for a
philosophical-interdisciplinary workshop and discourse in which young
scientists can present their visions and contributions to the
entanglement field of EcoTechGender. In addition to invited speakers,
lecture slots will be advertised in order to provide a platform for
exchange for interested young scientists. The aim of the workshop is to
present different perspectives on EcoTechGender from young scholars from
different academic disciplines to show the interferences of humanities,
social sciences, science and technology studies, medicine and computer
The workshop will be introduced by our Keynoter _Kateryna Karpenko [3]_,
Director of the Center for Gender Studies at Kharkiv National Medical
University, Ukraine. Afterwards, we will have the opportunity to follow
and listen to several different PhD students from STEM fields,
STS-Studies, medicine, gender studies and philosophy, who will present
their views and ideas on EcoTechGender. For more inspiration have a look
at our preliminary program [4].
The Workshop will take place on November 15, 2024 at the _Center for the
History of Women Philosophers and Scientists_ as _online event._ For
participation please register via our registration platform [5].
_The workshop is organized by __Ruth E. Hagengruber [2]__ & __Felix
Grewe [6]__._
For further questions please contact:
Online-Workshop: Wissenschaftsgeleitetes Publizieren und Open Access in
der Philosophie
Die Veranstaltung umfasst folgende Themenschwerpunkte:
- allgemeine Informationen zu Open Access
- die (vermeintliche) Wirkung von Metriken auf das Renommee von
Forschenden: Warum entscheiden sich Forschende, bei einem bestimmten
Verlag zu publizieren?
- Publikationsvorhaben im Diamond Open Access: Welche technischen
Lösungen und editorischen Workflows, Herausforderungen bzw. Desiderate
- Diskussion des Positionspapiers "Elektronisches Publizieren und
Bewertung philosophischer Expertise" und die Wirkmacht der eigenen
Ziel des Workshops ist es, Good-Practice-Beispiele vorzustellen,
Publikationsmöglichkeiten zu entdecken und Handlungsspielräume des
wissenschaftsgeleiteten Publizierens auszuloten.
Die Veranstaltung findet statt anlässlich des World Philosophy Day am
21.11.2024, 15.00 bis 17.30 Uhr im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts
open-access.network in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Philosophie (DGPhil), dem FID Philosophie und dem Open-Access-Büro
Berlin (OABB). Es handelt sich um eine Online-Veranstaltung via Webex.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, um verbindliche Anmeldung wird bis zum 19.
November 2024.
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter:
(5) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 28-30.11.2024)
Emerging Biotechnologies and Ethics
_Marsilius Kolleg, Heidelberg University_
_28-30 November 2024_
For registration and additional information please visit:
The rapid advancement of biotechnologies presents unprecedented
opportunities and challenges across various domains of human life.
Innovations like synthetic cells, living materials, soft robotics, brain
organoids, artificial intelligence in healthcare, and germline editing
promise breakthroughs in science and medicine. They also raise profound
ethical and anthropological questions about the nature of life, human
identity, and the social impacts of altering biological processes.
_The workshop _seeks to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue between
life sciences researchers and scholars engaged in ethical,
philosophical, and social reflection on these advancements. It _is a
joint venture between the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering
and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM), the Max Planck Institute for Medical
Research (MPImR), and the Marsilius-Kolleg. _
_The event will open with a public panel discussion at the Neue Aula of
Heidelberg University on Thursday (November 28th) on the topic of brain
organoids,_ followed by two days of talks and in-depth discussions.
The majority of speakers will be drawn from Heidelberg University and
its renowned local research institutions, including the German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT),
and Heidelberg University Hospital as well as the IMSEAM and the MPImR
themselves. _The workshop will also feature S. Matthew Liao, Arthur
Zitrin Professor of Bioethics at the School of Global Public Health at
New York University (NYU), as the keynote speaker_, adding an
internationally recognized voice to the ethical debates surrounding
emerging biotechnologies.
For registration and additional information please visit:
Any further questions can be directed to:
(6) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Bochum & Online, 05-06.12.2024)
Workshop: Mental Files in Philosophy and Psychology: Merits and Limits
_Ruhr-University Bochum, Venue: GAFO 04/619_
Meeting-ID: 863 6140 4677
Password : A4L8ev
_Scientific Organization: _Francesco Marchi, Albert Newen, Julia Wolf
_Please register: _Attendance is free, but we have limited seats and,
thus, registration is mandatory for in person participation only.
To register, please, send an email to
hilfskraefte-newen(a)ruhr-uni-bochum.de(Venue details will be send then)
_Thursday December 5th_
Lunch: 12.00-13.30 (meeting at north main entrance of the building GA
at11:55, see description)
Start Workshop: 13.30
Talk 1: 13.30-14.30 _Francois Recanati, Collège de France:_ _Reference
Through Indexed Files_
Break: 14.30-14.45
Talk 2: 14.45-15.45 _Julia Wolf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum_: _Files,
Links and Indexes - The Development of Perspective Taking in the Mental
Files Framework_
Break: 15.45-16.15
Talk 3: 16.15-17.15 _John Perry, Stanford University_: _TBA_
Dinner: 18.30
_Friday December 6th _
Talk 4: 9.00-10.00 _Francesco Marchi & Albert Newen, Ruhr-Universität
Bochum_: _The A-B-C of belief_
Break: 10.00-10.15
Talk 5: 10.15-11.15 _Julia Smortchkova & Michael Murez, Institute Jean
Nicod_: _First impressions of people and people-files_
Break: 11.15-11.30
Talk 6: 11.30-12.30 _Christian Scholz, Ruhr-Universität Bochum_:
_Modelling Aphantasia Competency in the Mental Files Framework_
Lunch: 12.30-13.45
Talk 7: 13.45-14.45 _Josef Perner, Universität Salzburg_: _The
Developmental Impact of Managing Coreferential Files_
The workshop is part of the DFG funded D-A-CH project "Structure and
Development of Understanding Reasons and Actions" (PIs: T. Schlicht, A.
Newen, H.-J. Glock, J. Perner)
(7) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Heidelberg, 23-24.01.2025)
Workshop: Recent Work on Authoritative and Formal Normativity
Over the past decades, a range of different fields in philosophy has
made use of the distinction between a _formal _and an _authoritative
_variety of normativity. However, within the metanormative literature,
scholars have come forward raising doubts about the conceivability of
that distinction, and several attemps have been made to rebuttal these
reasons supporting scepticism. In the course of this workshop, we aim to
bring different voices and perspectives on the authoritative-formal
divide and its application together.
* Derek Baker (_Frankfurt_)
* James Brown (_Sheffield_)
* Eline Gerritsen (_Hamburg_)
* Susanne Mantel (_Heidelberg_)
* Elizabeth Ventham (_Salzburg_)
* Michael Vollmer (_Heidelberg_)
* Jonathan Way (_Southampton_)
* Jack Woods (_Leeds_)
_Location:_ Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg
To register and for more information:
_Organizers:_ Susanne Mantel & Michael Vollmer