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Beiträge, die uns bis Freitag 10 Uhr erreichen, werden per GAP-Infomail
am darauf folgenden Montag verschickt - Beiträge, die uns danach
erreichen, entsprechend eine Woche später.
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Berkeley, Deadline: 21.10.2024 and 02.12.2024)
Postdoc in AI, Ethics, & the Public (UC Berkeley)
(2) CALL FOR PAPERS (Wuppertal, Deadline: 15.11.2024)
Workshop on Scientific Pluralism, Epistemic Diversity, and Progress in
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (München, Deadline: 15.12.2024)
Munich Colloquium for Philosophy of Religion 2025
(4) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Mainz und online, 14-15.11.2024)
Normative Concepts in the Digital Age: Paradigm Shift or Piecemeal
(1) STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG (Berkeley, Deadline: 21.10.2024 and 02.12.2024)
Postdoc in AI, Ethics, & the Public (UC Berkeley)
Please find the job posting here:
As artificial intelligence is coming of age, it promises to bring new
capabilities that could improve people's lives yet also poses serious
challenges. These challenges require attending to ethics and political
theory, and considering innovative regulation and governance at all
levels. The successful candidate will work to identify and address these
questions and challenges by breaking down the barriers between computer
scientists, philosophers, experts in law, policy, or business, and the
Next review date: Oct. 21, 2024.
Final review date: Dec. 2, 2024.
_Applications received after Oct. 21 will only be considered if the
position has not yet been filled. We strongly encourage applying by the
Oct. 21 review date._
Application documents: CV, Interest Statement (max. 1000 words), DEI
Statement (1-2 paragraphs), Writing Sample.
Starting date: As soon as possible, as late as August 20, 2025.
Duration: 2 years with the possibility of renewal depending on
performance and availability of funding.
Basic qualifications: PhD or equivalent international degree, no more
than 3 years post PhD research experience.
Salary range: $69,000-$76,502, depending on prior experience. If you
have external funding to support your work, please include this
information in your application.
_You may also submit proposals for additional, externally funded
postdoctoral positions (no deadline; the sooner, the better). Topic
areas: general philosophy, ethics, political theory, and public
engagement as they intersect with artificial intelligence, neuroscience
and neurotechnology, or genomics and genome editing._
For any further questions, please feel free to contact
(2) CALL FOR PAPERS (Wuppertal, Deadline: 15.11.2024)
Workshop on Scientific Pluralism, Epistemic Diversity, and Progress in
_Workshop Date:_ 27.03. - 28.03.2025
_Location:_ University of Wupppertal
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Glanzstoffhaus, 6th Floor
Kasinostraße 19 - 21
42103 Wuppertal
_Submission Deadline:_ 15.11.2024
_Notification of Acceptance:_ 15.12.2024
The idea that science should converge on a single, ultimate truth has
become contested as the dominant view in the academic world; scientific
pluralism has gained wide acceptance. However, these discussions have
become so rich and entangled that now we can speak of a confusing
"plurality of [scientific] pluralisms" (Wylie 2015). The overall goal of
this workshop is to examine and clarify different ideas of scientific
While proponents of scientific pluralism argue that pluralism offers a
range of epistemic benefits which are conducive to scientific progress
(Chang, 2012, 2022), pluralism not only comes with benefits but also
with costs (e.g., Lari and Mäki 2024). This raises the question of the
conditions under which pluralism contributes to scientific progress and
those under which it may impede it. In addition to its role in promoting
progress, the relationship between pluralism and the social and
institutional organisation of science is also a subject of growing
debate. Given that science is significantly shaped by social values
(Longino 1990), scientific pluralism is increasingly discussed in the
context of social and epistemic diversity as a crucial element for
objective and inclusive knowledge production. One of the primary
subjects to be addressed is that of how diverse research groups can
fruitfully collaborate in order to foster scientific progress, and what
part institutions play in this process.
The workshop investigates the complex relationship between scientific
pluralism, epistemic diversity and scientific progress, both
theoretically and through the examination of case studies. The overall
goal is to discuss whether pluralism hinders or contributes to progress,
and to explore the roles of institutional and social structures in this
dynamic. A particular focus is put on the social sciences, with an
emphasis on the fields of psychology and economics, but case studies
from any other field of science are very welcome.
_Workshop Themes and Questions:_
We invite submissions that address, but are not limited to, the
following questions and themes:
_1. Pluralism and Scientific Progress:_
* Under what specific conditions does pluralism contribute to scientific
progress, and in what contexts might it impede progress?
* How do different forms of pluralism (such as methodological,
theoretical, and epistemic) affect the course of scientific progress
across various disciplines?
* What kind of progress are we talking about in relation to scientific
_2. Epistemic Diversity:_
* What is the link between epistemic and social diversity and (value)
* How does epistemic diversity within research teams and scientific
communities influence the generation of knowledge?
* What are the benefits and challenges of fostering epistemic diversity
in scientific research, particularly in the social sciences?
_3. __Social Organization and Institutional Structures:_
* What roles do social organization and institutional structures play in
fostering or hindering pluralism and epistemic diversity in scientific
* What institutional measures can be implemented to overcome barriers
and promote a more inclusive and cooperative scientific environment?
_4. Case Studies:_
* Which scientific fields, e.g. in the social sciences, are particularly
interesting for investigating the relationship between pluralism,
epistemic diversity, and progress? What lessons can be learned from
historical and current examples of pluralistic approaches in the various
scientific fields?
* What lessons can be learned from historical and current examples where
plurality seems to be lacking?
_Submission Guidelines:_
We welcome submissions from scholars at all career stages and specially
encourage PhD students and early career scholars to submit their work.
Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words, including references, and
must be prepared for anonymous review. Please send your abstract
(300-500 words) in PDF format to pluralism.workshop(a)uni-wuppertal.de by
_Key Dates:_
* Submission Deadline: 15.11.2024
* Notification of Acceptance: 15.12.2025
* Workshop Date: 27.-28.3.2025
_Organizing Committee:_
* Jeremias Düring, University of Wuppertal
* Anastasiia Lazutkina, University of Wuppertal
* Charlotte Constanze Poller, University of Wuppertal
_Keynote Speakers:_
* Anna Alexandrova (University of Cambridge)
* Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Leibniz University Hanover)
* Inkeri Koskinen (University of Helsinki)
* David Ludwig (Wageningen University & Research)
For further information, please visit our workshop website at
https://grk2696.de/scientific-pluralism-workshop/. If you have any
further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Please note that we have limited funds available for a travel grant for
early career researchers. If you require financial assistance for your
travel expenses, please indicate this on your application so that we can
try to make arrangements.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and to a stimulating a
productive workshop!
(3) CALL FOR PAPERS (München, Deadline: 15.12.2024)
Munich Colloquium for Philosophy of Religion 2025
Globalizing Philosophy of Religion
LMU Munich, February 19-20, 2025
The Munich Colloquium in Philosophy of Religion is a forum for early
career philosophers (PhD students and PostDocs) from all fields and
backgrounds working on issues in philosophy of religion. It offers an
open space to present and discuss the participants' current projects.
The colloquium is organized jointly by the chair for philosophy of
religion (Sebastian Gäb) and the Romano Guardini chair (Ana Honnacker).
In recent years, philosophy of religion has more and more been
confronted with the charge of having reached a dead end. Critics argue
that as a discipline, philosophy of religion is preoccupied with Western
theism in its most scholastic version, and that it ignores non-Western
and non-theist forms of religion. Instead of studying just one
particular religion, it is argued, philosophers of religion should
rather devote their attention to the phenomenon of religion itself, in
all its different manifestations. Consequently, traditional philosophy
of religion should be replaced with a new, globalized philosophy of
religion, as e.g. Victoria Harrison, or Yujin Nagasawa have argued.
The colloquium will focus on all issues in connection with the concept
of a globalized philosophy of religion, for example: what methods should
philosophers of religion use when engaging with non-Western religions?
Can the concept of religion be applied globally? How can it be
distinguished from cognate concepts like philosophy, dharma, or dao?
What does 'religion' mean anyway? How could philosophers of religion
cooperate fruitfully with researchers from other fields like religious
studies or cultural studies? Are there examples of a successful global
approach to particular problems in philosophy of religion?
Deadline for submissions: December 15, 2024
Please submit an abstract for your presentation (25 minutes + 20 minutes
Q&A) as email attachment to: s.gaeb(a)lmu.de. Abstracts should not exceed
500 words (excluding references).
Limited funds are available for travel support.
(4) VERANSTALTUNGSANKÜNDIGUNG (Mainz und online, 14-15.11.2024)
Normative Concepts in the Digital Age: Paradigm Shift or Piecemeal
Wann und wo: 14. und 15. November 2024 im Plenarsaal der Akademie der
Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz und online als Zoom-Webinar
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der digitale Technologien die meisten
Aspekte unseres Lebens durchdringen, von der Gesundheitsfürsorge über
die Bildung bis hin zu Politik und persönlichen Beziehungen. Dies
schafft Umstände, welche die philosophischen Grundlagen unserer
ethischen, sozialen und politischen Urteile intensiven Prüfungen
unterziehen. Die Integration digitaler Technologien in das Gefüge der
Gesellschaft stellt uns vor neue Herausforderungen, eröffnet aber auch
neue Möglichkeiten, normative Konzepte, die für viele philosophische
Überlegungen zentral sind, neu zu untersuchen.
Das Ziel dieser Konferenz ist es, Forscher:innen eine Plattform zu
bieten, um das komplexe Zusammenspiel zwischen digitaler Technologie und
normativer Philosophie zu untersuchen. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir für
die Veranstaltungen eine Reihe hervorragender Sprecher:innen gewinnen
konnten, unter anderem Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, John Danaher und
Karoline Reinhardt. Zum Abschluss des ersten Konferenztages wird die
Pianistin Jennifer Klein im Kalkhof-Rose-Saal einen musikalischen
Beitrag leisten. Das volle Programm findet sich unter
Interessierte können sich kostenlos unter
https://events.adwmainz.de/normative-concepts/ für die Teilnahme vor Ort
oder online anmelden. Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch.