We are happy to invite you to our 3rd talk of the Vienna STS Talk Series in 2025S:
Best wishes,
Katrin Hackl
Mag. Katrin Hackl
Research Support & Communication
Department of Science and Technology Studies
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7 /II/ 6th floor (NIG)
1010 Vienna / Austria
Tel.: 0043-1-4277-496007
Dear all,
I am delighted to invite you all to the fourth installment of the
Trans*formations talk series at the Department of Philosophy, University
of Vienna. The talk series provides insights into recent developments in
trans* philosophizing.
The next talk, "On the Cass Review: A Philosophy of Science Perspective"
will be given by Emelia Stanley, University of Vienna, on March 11,
2025, at 16:30 in HS 2H (NIG, 2nd Floor).
The Cass Review was a report commissioned by NHS England in 2020 to
recommend new practice guidelines in transgender healthcare for
children and adolescents, as well as to document problems with the
existing gender identity services. Following its release last year, it
was cited by both major political parties to justify the wholesale
closure of the services, a halt and then ban on the prescription of
puberty blockers to under 18s, and the suspension of a pending law to
outlaw conversion-therapy. A valuable case study as a piece of
scientific research and communication, this presentation examines the
scientific Cass Review from a philosophy of science perspective,
evaluating its conclusions and methodology with respect to notions of
evidential norms, standpoint epistemology, prejudicial attitudes, and
the current paradigm for trans* healthcare.
Emelia Stanley is a Philosophy PhD candidate at the University of
Vienna. She is pursuing a thesis in the philosophy of logic and
mathematics, but writes independently about trans* issues in the UK
and abroad from a personal and philosophical perspective.
There will be drinks and snacks kindly provided by the Vienna Doctoral
School of Philosophy (VDP)!
When: March 11, 2025 - 16:30 to 18:15
Where: Lecture Hall 2H, NIG (2nd floor, Neues Institutsgebäude,
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien)
On The Cass Review (Trans*Formations Series)
Mar 11, 2025 04:30 PM Vienna
Meeting ID 694 7678 6960
SecuritycheckedPasscode 98279
Attached, you find a poster for the event.
Happy if this invitation is forwarded to all who could be interested,
and the poster disseminated widely!
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the talk!
Flora Löffelmann
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Dear all,
we are very happy to invite you to our EST Semester Opening Event!
When?: Wednesday, 12.03.2025, At 18:00
Where?: Seminarraum 12, Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Wien
We want to take some time to get to know eachother better in a different
setting than the usual seminars. We will also talk about our Curriculum,
how it works and what our options as students are. And finally, we want
to collect ideas for future events for this semester!
Afterwards we will together go for dinner to the Wiener Deewan!
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
All the best,
Vinzenz and Dolores
Liebe EST'ler:innen!
Beste Grüße zum Semesterauftakt. Nächste Woche beginnt ein EST
Masterkolloqium, zu dem man sich nicht anmelden konnte. Ist das unsere
neue Politik? Nur Auserwählte werden zugelassen? Ganz im Gegenteil: Es
handelt sich um eine technische Panne. In diesem Semester wird das
Seminar ausnahmsweise nicht von der Philosophie angeboten, sondern von
der Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Zu der technischen Panne kam es, da ich als
Mitinitiatorin des Studiengangs EST an einer anderen Fakultät angestellt
bin, wo ich am IfG die Professur für Wissenschaftsgeschichte seit 2018
inne habe und wo wir mit den drei neuen TT Professuren Güttler, Felten
und Nemec inzwischen ein sehr gutes Spektrum anbieten können.
Natürlich könnten wir das Masterkollquium unter diesen unorthodoxen
Umständen einfach ausfallen lassen. Vielleicht aber gibt es doch
Personen unter Ihnen, die den Kurs dringend benötigen und/oder
unverbindlich gerne einmal ein Masterthema ausprobieren möchten? Falls
sich mindestens 5 Personen finden, die sich bis nächsten Montag, 10.3.
bei mir schriftlich melden, dann können wir sehr gerne stattfinden. Die
SPL 18 trägt Sie dann händisch in den Kurs ein und Sie können sich auch
wie gehabt bis Ende März selbst wieder abmelden.
Das Modell des Kurses (pre-circulated papers) beruht nicht auf der
Vorstellung von Exposés und großen Plänen in Vorträgen. Wir versuchen
das Seminar direkt mit Ihrer eigentlichen Masterarbeit zu verknüpfen.
Der Ablauf sieht zwei Möglichkeiten der Teilnahme vor:
1) Sie lassen ein Kapitel Ihrer entstehenden Masterarbeit vorab unter
den Teilnehmenden zirkulieren und wir lesen und kommentieren Ihre Arbeit
2) diejenigen, die noch am Anfang stehen, zirkulieren eine zentrale
Quelle/oder einen entscheidenden Theorietext und werten diese/diesen in
ca. 5 Seiten aus, wir lesen und kommentieren alle gemeinsam
Der Kurs kann unabhängig von zukünftigen Betreuer:innen belegt werden,
wir laden auch gerne bereits bestehende Betreuer:innen, Expert:innen
oder Komiliton:innen zu "Ihrer" Sitzung dazu, falls Sie das möchten.
Texte können auf Deutsch oder Englisch vorgestellt werden.
Gibt es denn Bedarf? Bitte teilen Sie mir auch mit, falls Sie die ECTS
dringend in diesem Semester benötigen. Ein erstes Treffen wäre:
Di 11.03. 18:30-20:00Hörsaal 2G, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg.
II/2.Stock, 1010 Wien
Mit bestem Gruß
Anna Echterhölter
P.S. Falls Sie Fragen zum Modul 4 haben, wo wir in letzter Zeit
hervorragende Studienprojekte bekommen haben: Derzeit bin ich
Modulbeauftragte und berate Sie gerne.
VDP Academic Writing Workshop: Peer-Feedback
Datum: 4. März, 14:00 - 17:00
Ort: Seminarraum 3A, NIG
Workshopsprache: Deutsch
Anmeldung: lisa.tragbar(a)univie.ac.at<mailto:lisa.tragbar@univie.ac.at>
Bitte mitbringen: 1-2 Seiten eigener Textentwurf (auf Deutsch oder Englisch)
Peer-Feedback ist eine der produktivsten Methoden im Schreibprozess. Es hilft uns, Texte schnell und gezielt zu überarbeiten, damit sie präziser, verständlicher, kohärenter und strukturierter werden. Darüber hinaus wirkt es sich positiv auf unser Schreiben und die Analyse von Literatur aus. In diesem Workshop werden wir den Feedback- und Überarbeitungsprozess diskutieren und unterschiedliche Methoden für Peer-Feedback ausprobieren.
Markus Mersits, promovierter Philosoph und Coach für Philosophische Praxis, unterrichtet an Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und privaten Instituten Workshops und Seminare u.a. zu den Themen Schreiben, Lernen, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Berufscoaching. Er betreut wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten sowie Sachbuchprojekte: praxisnahe-philosophie.at<https://www.praxisnahe-philosophie.at/?page_id=322>
VDP Writing Afternoon Summer Semester 2025
The VDP Writing Afternoons provide an opportunity for focused work on dissertations and academic texts. They are accessible to philosophy PhD candidates, BA and MA students, or anyone in between.
Every Tuesday, 14:00-18:00, in Room 3A, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, it's writing o'clock. No registration necessary, just show up.
Each Writing Afternoon consists of 4 writing sessions, each session comprises 50 minutes of writing and 10 minutes of peer interaction/break.
Summer Semester 2025:
Tuesdays, 14:00-18:00, Room 3A, NIG 3rd floor
(Except on public holidays and lecture-free periods)
4.3., 14-17 Uhr Academic Writing Workshop*
11.3., 14-18 Uhr
18.3., 14-18 Uhr
25.3., 14-18 Uhr
1.4., 14-18 Uhr
8.4., 14-18 Uhr
29.4., 14-18 Uhr
6.5., 14-18 Uhr
13.5., 14-18 Uhr
20.5., 14-18 Uhr
27.5., 14-18 Uhr
3.6., 14-18 Uhr
10.6., 14-18 Uhr
24.6., 14-18 Uhr
For questions and inquiries, please contact lisa.tragbar(a)univie.ac.at or eva.liedauer(a)univie.ac.at.
We are happy to invite you to our 2nd talk of the Vienna STS Talk Series in 2025S:
Best wishes,
Katrin Hackl
Mag. Katrin Hackl
Research Support & Communication
Department of Science and Technology Studies
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7 /II/ 6th floor (NIG)
1010 Vienna / Austria
Tel.: 0043-1-4277-496007
Dear all,
our next speaker in the Philosophy of Science Colloquium organized by the Institute Vienna Circle is Sebastian G. Speitel (IVC Fellow), who will give a talk on March 6, 4.45-6.15 pm.
All are welcome!
Philosophy of Science Colloquium TALK: Sebastian G. Speitel (IVC Fellow)
Mathematical Determinacy
Philosophy of Science Colloquium
The Institute Vienna Circle holds a Philosophy of Science Colloquium with talks by our present fellows.
Date: 06/03/2025
Time: 16h45
Venue: New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, HS 3A
The existence of non-standard models of important mathematical theories, such as first-order Peano-Arithmetic, threatens to undermine the claim of the moderate mathematical realist that non-mysterious access to mathematical structures is possible on the basis of our best mathematical theories. The move to frameworks stronger than FOL to articulate ‘better’ versions of these theories is denied to the moderate realist on the grounds that it merely shifts the indeterminacy ‘one level up’ into the meta-theory by — illegitimately, — assuming determinacy of the notions needed to formulate such logics.
In this talk I want to outline the beginnings of a response to the determinacy challenge facing the moderate mathematical realist. I argue that the unique determinability of notions that enable categorical characterizations of important mathematical structures provides grounds for claiming naturalistically acceptable access to these structures, sufficient to resolve the determinacy challenge. I will illustrate the idea by showing how the mathematical realist may achieve arithmetical determinacy, and discuss ways to extend this approach to richer mathematical theories.
Dear all,
I am delighted to invite you all to the fourth installment of the
Trans*formations talk series at the Department of Philosophy, University
of Vienna. The talk series provides insights into recent developments in
trans* philosophizing.
The next talk, "On the Cass Review: A Philosophy of Science Perspective"
will be given by Emelia Stanley, University of Vienna, on March 11,
2025, at 16:30 in HS 2 (NIG).
The Cass Review was a report commissioned by NHS England in 2020 to
recommend new practice guidelines in transgender healthcare for
children and adolescents, as well as to document problems with the
existing gender identity services. Following its release last year, it
was cited by both major political parties to justify the wholesale
closure of the services, a halt and then ban on the prescription of
puberty blockers to under 18s, and the suspension of a pending law to
outlaw conversion-therapy. A valuable case study as a piece of
scientific research and communication, this presentation examines the
scientific Cass Review from a philosophy of science perspective,
evaluating its conclusions and methodology with respect to notions of
evidential norms, standpoint epistemology, prejudicial attitudes, and
the current paradigm for trans* healthcare.
Emelia Stanley is a Philosophy PhD candidate at the University of
Vienna. She is pursuing a thesis in the philosophy of logic and
mathematics, but writes independently about trans* issues in the UK
and abroad from a personal and philosophical perspective.
There will be drinks and snacks kindly provided by the Vienna Doctoral
School of Philosophy (VDP)!
When: March 11, 2025 - 16:30 to 18:15
Where: Lecture Hall 2H, NIG (2nd floor, Neues Institutsgebäude,
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien)
On The Cass Review (Trans*Formations Series)
Mar 11, 2025 04:30 PM Vienna
Meeting ID 694 7678 6960
SecuritycheckedPasscode 98279
Attached, you find a poster for the event.
Happy if this invitation is forwarded to all who could be interested,
and the poster disseminated widely!
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the talk!
Flora Löffelmann
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Dear all,
Just a quick reminder to fill in your preferred dates for our MA EST
Semester Opening Event by 24.02.2025! :)
Here is the Termino link:
As Vinzenz already mentioned last week, students, teachers, researchers
and all those interested in EST are welcome. Based on the current poll
results, Wednesday seems best for most of us - hint, Wednesday is also
Rector's Day, which means a lecture-free day, yaay. However the final
date and location will be decided on the basis of the final results, so
you will be hearing from us soon with all the details.
In the meantime, enjoy your semester-free time! :)
All best,
Dolores Šurlina and Vinzenz Fischer
Hey everyone!
As we did last semester, Dolores Šurlina and I (Vinzenz Fischer) are
organizing another MA EST Semester Opening Event! We want to make sure
as many of you (that is students, teachers, researchers and all
interested in EST) can come. Since the core courses of our Masters
Program start on the 11.03.2025, we have made a Termino for that whole
week. Please let us know what dates work best for you:
Please fill out your preferences until the 24.02.2025!
Based on the date best for most of us we will arrange the location and
let you know!
We hope you are enjoying your break and we're looking forward to
welcoming you into the new semester!
Vinzenz Fischer and Dolores Šurlina