*Call for Abstracts / Call for Papers*
/Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and
Sociocultural Hermeneutics/, Vol. 18, No. 2, Winter 2016
*Praxis, Virtues, and Values *
*A Special Issue on the Occasion of the 2.400^th Anniversary of Aristotle *
/Labyrinth/– an international peer-reviewed printed and open access
journal – is dedicating its Winter 2016 issue on the subject "Praxis,
Virtues, and Values". The Issue is focused on the following topics:
1)Aristotle's practical philosophy, more concretely his moral theory and
his concepts of human action, virtues and values
2)Historical receptions and contemporary interpretations of Aristotle's
practical/moral philosophy and his concepts of virtues and values
3)Actual axiological debates on virtues and values, which can, but must
not be based on Aristotle's works
Interested philosophers and researchers are invited to submit a 500-1000
words *abstract till 30^th of September* with a brief biographical note
(including institutional affiliation, research interests and main
publications). Those, who have a ready a finished paper are invited to
submit it within the abstract, in order to help the peer review process.
Also welcome are off-topic papers and essays, as well as book reviews.
As a multilingual journal /Labyrinth/ accepts papers in English, German
or French. More information about the journal policies and submission
guidelines are to be found on the journal's homepage:
Submission and Review Deadlines:*
*30th September 2016*: deadline for submissions of abstracts; if you
have a finished paper, please submit it within the abstract!
15th November: paper submission deadline for accepted abstracts
30^th November: peer-review process completion, results notification,
and peer-reviewers’ recommendations
15^th December, 2016: deadline for submitting papers in their final form
All abstracts, papers and books reviews should be sent to:
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