-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Gertrud Wachter
Datum:29.04.2016 12:47 (GMT+01:00)
An: hermes(a)philo.at
Betreff: [Hermes] EINLADUNG Vortrag Prof. Maria Kronfeldner, 4.5.2016, 17:15 Uhr im NIG
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
im Namen der Faculty des Doktoratskollegs "Naturwissenschaften im
historischen, philosophischen und kulturellen Kontext" übermitttle ich
anbei die Einladung zu einem Vortrag von
Frau Prof. Dr. Maria Kronfeldner (CEU, Budapest)
"Should we eliminate human nature talk? Essentialism, dehumanization and
the elimination question."
Zeit: 4. Mai 2016, 17:15
Ort: Hörsaal 2i, Institut für Philosophie, Universitätsstraße 7,
2.Stock, 1010 Wien
The concept of human nature is currently under attack: scientifically it
has been criticized for relying on outdated essentialist thinking and
politically it has been criticized because it facilitates
dehumanization. Given post-essentialism and dehumanization, should we
stop using the term human nature, i.e., should we eliminate human nature
talk in science as well as society? Revisionists claim that the concept
of human nature can be freed from outdated essentialist baggage. If so,
a successor notion could then be reclaimed for proper scientific usage.
Eliminativists, by contrast, claim that what is left after revision is
scientifically useless. Both sides so far mostly ignore the politics of
human nature. They ignore that the concept of human nature transgresses
the boundary between science and society, with dehumanization as a dark
side of the concept’s usage in society. This paper will show that,
first, there is no way to get rid of dehumanization and that, second,
the elimination question is relying on value-laden epistemic attitudes,
in particular clarity and conceptual continuity, which are hard to
trade-off. The talk concludes with applying a precautionary principle:
given that the risk of misuse is high and the prize of elimination is
low, we should eliminate human nature talk.
Informationen zur Vortragenden finden Sie auf ihrer Webseite unter
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Elisabeth Nemeth
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Nemeth
Dekanin der Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft
Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7
T: +43-1-4277-46480
M: +43-664-60277-46480