Liebe Kolleg:innen,
Anbei darf ich Sie auf einen CfP zur politischen Philosophie von Cornelius Castoriadis aufmerksam machen.
Mit besten Grüßen
Sergej Seitz
Call for Papers
Democracy and Radical Imagination: Castoriadis Revisited
International Workshop
University of Vienna, Department of Political Science
May 25-26, 2023
Organized by Sara Gebh & Sergej Seitz | ERC Research Project Prefiguring Democratic Futures
That democracy is in crisis is a truism today. In recent years, many commentators have identified the disintegration of truth and facts as the core threat to democratic societies, and accordingly call for restoring our political sense of reality. In turn, this workshop proceeds from the conviction that we face at least as severe a crisis of our political sense of possibility: a crisis of political imagination. It has become increasingly difficult to even imagine democratic politics and democratic futurity differently, that is, significantly departing from the status quo of the minimal model of present, liberal western democracy. The infamous TINA dictum emblematically attests to the outright rejection of political creativity under the hegemony of neoliberal capitalism. While democratic creativity withers away, progressive change seems to be outsourced to the field of technology, in terms of planned and anticipable ‘innovation’. This is all the more fatal in times of ecological disaster, where democratic political action is increasingly challenged by calls for establishing ‘authoritarian environmentalism’, often accompanied with technocratic ideas of climate engineering.
To explore paths for restoring and enlivening political imagination and our political sense of possibility, it seems apt to (re)turn to the work of Cornelius Castoriadis. Nearly half a century after the publication of his magnum opus The Imaginary Institution of Society (1975), it is not only time to take stock and evaluate the relevance and productivity of his political philosophy for present discussions. Rather, with his distinctive account of democracy as autonomous self-institution and his notion of radical imagination at the heart of the political, Castoriadis’s thought may deliver conceptual tools and theoretical frameworks that help foster new, radical democratic imaginaries. Against this background, the workshop proposes to revisit the work of Castoriadis in order to explore how, to what extent, and in which respects it can be utilized or updated for tackling the crisis of imagination. To this end, the workshop convenes interdisciplinary participants from philosophy, political science, and sociology, rallying around the main question of whether Castoriadis’s thinking allows us to establish a notion of democratic imagination and/or democratic imaginaries fit for the challenges of the present.
Central Questions
1. Theorizing Democratic Imaginaries: Recently, there has been a lot of research on different types of imaginaries, as for instance the broad discourse on ‘socio-technical imaginaries’ in science and technology studies. Following Castoriadis, we propose to explore the notion of ‘democratic imaginaries’: What are the components of a democratic imaginary? How can a specifically democratic imaginary be distinguished from other kinds of political imagination? In what ways can a democratic imaginary be revived, and how does it have to be adapted, in times of (political, ecological, military, pandemic) crises?
2. Rethinking History as Creation: Based on Castoriadis’s critique of a Marxist theory of history, we invite contributions that investigate his view of history as ‘creation and destruction’. What is the role of the past in creating alternative visions of the future? How can we acknowledge history as made and always in-the-making without rendering its meaning fully contingent? What are the hidden potentials of conceiving the history of ideas, specifically, not as an unambiguous recounting of the past, but as a resource for keeping alive the self-instituting impulse of society?
3. Widening (Counter-)Institutional Imagination: Castoriadis decidedly opposes functionalist theories of political institutions. Instead of analyzing institutions merely in terms of their instrumental rationality and stabilizing function, he points us towards the ways in which institutions incorporate, reflect, and reproduce imaginary meanings. In this vein, we want to ask—empirically and theoretically—how both established institutions as well as activist counter-institutions constrain and expand the horizon of political imagination. What kinds of concrete institutions or institutional features widen our sense of possibility today?
We strive towards creating a true workshop-atmosphere that allows for a serious, productive, and collaborative engagement with each other’s work. Workshop participants send in working papers (approx. 5000 words) in advance (deadline: April 30, 2023) and each participant prepares a commentary on one of the other papers. Each session begins with a brief opening statement by the author(s) on the background of the text (5 min), followed by a commentary (10 min) that opens the general discussion of the text.
Venue and Accommodation
The workshop will take place in-person at the University of Vienna. Online participation is not possible. There is no participation fee. The organizers are happy to give recommendations regarding travel arrangements. In individual cases, assistance with travel expenses may be provided.
We plan to publish the workshop’s proceedings as a special issue in a peer-reviewed journal and/or in an edited volume.
Submission deadline: December 31, 2022
Communication of results: January 31, 2023
Deadline for working papers: April 30, 2023
Submission & Contact
Please send your application with an abstract of max. 500 words and a brief biographical note to sara.gebh(a)<> and sergej.seitz(a)<>. For any questions regarding the CfP, please contact both Sara Gebh and Sergej Seitz.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Council (erc). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Die FB Philosophie und Psychologie freut sich, die virtuelle Ausstellung zur Eröffnung der Dauerleihgabe der Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft vorstellen zu dürfen:
Liebe Grüße
Sonja Fiala
Von: Sonja Fiala
Gesendet: Montag, 10. Oktober 2022 11:32
An: hermes(a)<>
Betreff: Reminder: Herzliche Einladung zur Eröffnung der Dauerleihgabe der Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft 20.10.2022 16h
Liebe Institutsangehörige!
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur
Eröffnung der Dauerleihgabe der Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft
Wann: Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2022, 16:00 Uhr
Wo: Lesesaal der Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie
Begrüßung und Eröffnung:
Sonja Fiala, Leiterin der Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie, Universität Wien
Friedrich Stadler, Gründer und Leiter der Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft, Universität Wien
Paul Weingartner, Universität Salzburg
Im Anschluss laden wir zu Brot und Wein.
Zur Sammlung:
Viele Wissenschaftler*innen, die im Geiste des Wiener Kreises gearbeitet haben, wurden von den Nationalsozialist*innen vertrieben und mit ihnen deren Gedanken, Ideen und Werke. Herzstücke ihrer Arbeit sind natürlich die Bibliotheken.
Die Dauerleihgabe der Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft umfasst rund 10.000 Titel aus den Beständen des Vereins und wichtiger Anhänger des Wiener Kreises. Sie besteht aus historischen Werken, händisch kommentierten Ausgaben, Fachliteratur über Philosophie, Musikwissenschaft, aus der Theatertheorie, Geschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Literaturforschung - viele davon mit Widmungen und Ex Libris versehen -, die eine historisch interessante und für die logisch-empirische Philosophie bedeutende Sammlung bilden.
Die Arbeitsbibliotheken und Sammlungen sind ihren Nachlassgeber*innen folgend aufgestellt. Sie stehen der interessierten Öffentlichkeit und der Forschung ab sofort als Präsenzbestand zur Verfügung.
Zu den Nachlassgeber*innen:
* Paul Weingartner, Philosoph und Wissenschaftstheoretiker (Innsbruck, London, München, Salzburg)
* Kurt Rudolf Fischer, Philosoph (Wien, Brünn, Shanghai, Berkeley, Millersville, Lancaster)
* Eugene T. Gadol, Philosoph, Logiker, Wissenschaftstheoretiker (Wien, New York, Oxford)
* Kurt Blaukopf, Musiksoziologe und Philosoph (Wien, Paris, Jerusalem)
* Herta Blaukopf, Literatur- und Musikwissenschaftlerin (Wien)
* Hilde Zaloscer, Kunsthistorikerin, Koptologin (Wien, Alexandria, Ottawa)
Zur Ausstellung:
Die Ausstellung zur Eröffnung der Dauerleihgabe wird von einer Projektgruppe des "Universitätslehrgangs Library and Information Studies" gestaltet. Sie befasst sich mit den Biografien der Nachlassgeber*innen, der Geschichte der Bestände und den Bearbeitungsschritten der Dauerleihgabe.
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Stadler gründete als Historiker und Philosoph 1991 unter dem Namen Institut Wiener Kreis die Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft und leitet diese seitdem. Seit 2011 ist das Institut Wiener Kreis eine Subeinheit der Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft.
Die einzelnen und vielgereisten Bibliotheken der Wiener Kreis Gesellschaft wurden von Prof. Stadler zusammengeführt und der Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie als Dauerleihgabe zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Ausstellung wurde von ihm außerdem dankenswerterweise mit Kommentaren versehen.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten!
Tel. (01) 4277-16822 oder Email fb-phil-psych.ub(a)<>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sonja Fiala
Bitte informieren Sie sich über die zum Zeitpunkt der Veranstaltung geltenden Covid-Maßnahmen<>. Mit der Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung stimmen Sie der Veröffentlichung und Speicherung von Fotos, Video- sowie Audioaufzeichnungen, die im Rahmen der Veranstaltung entstehen, bis auf Widerruf zu (Datenschutzerklärung<>).
OR Mag. Sonja Fiala
Leiterin der Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie
Fachreferentin für Philosophie
Universität Wien
Fachbereichsbibliothek Philosophie und Psychologie
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-15079
Dear all
The CEU Department of Philosophy has the following upcoming events:
Cartesianism, Baconianism and the new science: Henry Power’s
"Experimental Philosophy"
Dana Jalobeanu (University of Bucharest)
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 3:40PM
Vienna Campus | Quellenstrasse 51 | QS D-001 Tiered
The Holism of Doxastic Justification
Erhan Demircioğlu
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 1:30PM
Vienna Campus | Quellenstrasse 51 | QS D-001 Tiered
Social Science in Urbanism: Neurath's Modern Utopias
Ivan Ferreira da Cunha (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, IVC
Research Fellowship)
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 3:00PM
Universität Wien (NIG, Hörsaal SR3A) & ONLINE
“What’s on your mind?” Webinar for prospective students at the
Department of Philosophy at CEU
Katalin Farkas, Head of Department, Hanoch Ben-Yami
Friday, November 18, 2022 - 2:30PM
Pablo Cobreros (Universidad de Navarra)
Pablo Cobreros (Universidad de Navarra)
Tuesday, November 22, 2022 - 3:40PM
Vienna Campus | Quellenstrasse 51 | QS D-001 Tiered
Sorin Bangu (IVC Fellow)
Sorin Bangu (IVC Fellow)
Thursday, November 24, 2022 - 3:45PM
Universität Wien (NIG, Hörsaal SR3A) & ONLINE
The Tractatus Centenary Celebration
Peter Hacker, Martin Pilch, Ilse Somavilla
Thursday, November 24, 2022 - 5:40PM
QS D-002 Tiered
Jonathan Birch (LSE) <>
Jonathan Birch (LSE)
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 3:40PM
Vienna Campus | Quellenstrasse 51 | QS D-001 Tiered and ONLINE
Instrumental formalism and conservativity
Georg Schiemer (Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna)
Thursday, December 1, 2022 - 3:45PM
Universität Wien (NIG, Hörsaal SR3A) & ONLINE
Indeterminacy in Physics
Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU), Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva), Flavio del
Santo (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Sebastian Horvat (University of
Vienna), Iulian Toader (University of Vienna)
Friday, December 16, 2022 - 11:30AM
Vienna Campus | Quellenstrasse 51 | C419
For more information and updates to events, please consult ourevents
We look forward to welcoming you to CEU.
Kind regards
*Dr. Sigrid Preissl (she/her)*
Department Coordinator
*Central European University*
*Department of Philosophy*
Quellenstrasse 51 | A-1100 Wien | Austria
Office: Room D426
Working hours: Monday 09:00 – 17:00; Tuesday 09:30 – 17:30; Wednesday
and Thursday 09:00 – 16:00
This message is intended for the individual named above and is
confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the
sender. Central European University (CEU) is an undergraduate- and
graduate-level private university accredited in the United States,
Austria, and Hungary. CEU’s educational activities in Austria are
performed at Central European University Private University by CEU GmbH,
a private limited-liability company having its seat in Vienna, under the
address Quellenstrasse 51, A-1100 Wien, and is registered at the Vienna
Commercial Court under registration number FN 502313 x. CEU’s
educational activities in Hungary are performed by Közép-európai
Egyetem, at Nádor utca 9., 1051 Budapest, under registration number FI
27861. CEU is accredited in the US, with a registered address at 224
West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA.
Dear Colleagues,
The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy is launching a weekly academic
writing event for doctoral students, co-organized by Lisa Tragbar and
Raphael Aybar.
The VDP Writing Evenings provide an opportunity, and space, to advance
your dissertation or other academic texts. We will have focused writing
sessions under a peer pressure schema. The evenings are structured in
four 50 minutes sessions, with short breaks in between for socializing
with your peers.
The VDP Writing Evenings will take place every *Monday evening* in
*Hörsaal 3A, NIG*, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna.
Writing Evenings for the WS 2022:
14.11.22, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
21.11.22, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
28.11.22, *17:00-*20:00, NIG, 3A*
05.12.22, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
12.12.22, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
19.12.22, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
09.01.23,*17:00-*20:00, NIG, 3A*
16.01.23, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
23.01.23, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
30.01.23, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
*Please note the shorter writing sessions on 28.11.22 and 09.01.23
We are pleased to kick off *the first VDP Writing Evening on the 14^th
of November 2022 *with a*short academic writing workshop from Lisette
Schmidt*, staff member of the Centre for Doctoral Studies.
We invite all the members of the VDP to attend our weekly Writing
Evenings and especially encourage those to come who do not have an
office space at the university. If there is enough room, we would like
to extend the invitation to advanced master students working on their
If you wish to attend the kick-off session on the 14th of november,
please send a short message to vd.philosophy(a)
<>to register. For the other meetings,
you do not need to register, but you will greatly help us if you do it.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask
lisa.tragbar(a) <>or
raphael.aybar(a) <>.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Lisa & Raphael
Lecture Series Winter semester 2022/2023
*Encountering Madness. Intercultural and Decolonial Approaches to the
Phenomenon of Mental Illness*
Organization: Cristina Chitu, Manu Sharma & Murat Ates
A cooperation between WIGIP, IWK and the Department of Philosophy
Lecture 11.11.2022, 6:30 pm, Location: Institut für Wissenschaft und
Kunst (Berggasse 17, 1090 Vienna)
*Mitha Karim (Edinburgh): Mental Health and Muslim Communities *
Abstract: Within any culture, there are paradigmatic views of personal
and communal experiences and understanding of social and natural
phenomena. This includes frameworks of understanding what is viewed as
“mental illness”. Whilst a sociopsychobio framework is largely the model
used to address mental health and illness amongst allopathic
practitioners, it is important to recognise that the lived experience
and therefore the understanding of experiences by individuals is
influenced by cultural frameworks. In relation to Muslims,
conceptualisations of mental health and illness is often viewed and
discussed in the literature in terms of “cultural formulations”, with an
almost Other-ed approach in viewing traditional and spirito-cultural
models of understanding mental health. That said, this approach neglects
recognition of the diaspora of Muslim communities, that faith is
practised across various cultural milieus and the therefore reductive
nature of a monolithic approach, and that social and contextual factors
can influence discourse on mental health. This talk discusses
contemporary approaches and debates pertaining to “Muslim mental health”
– noting common models of understanding of psychopathology, various
frameworks and coping strategies, and problematises current approaches
and whether they are adept/fit for Muslim communities. It also considers
current movements to “decolonise” mental health from the Muslim
framework, addressing intra-community debates pertaining to Muslim
mental health, as well as problematising current approaches to
addressing mental health needs amongst Muslim migrant communities.