Dear All,
The Institute Vienna Circle and the APSE group are jointly organizing a
talk by ...
Prof. Anjan Chakravartty (University of Miami)
"Humanism and the Aim of Science: Past, Present, Future"
Time and Location:
Thursday, July 6th, 3-5pm, NIG HS 2G
Abstract: Humanism, conceived as a worldview, and science, conceived as
a form (or family of forms) of inquiry into the world, have been
entangled with one another across a long sweep of intellectual history.
I consider their co-evolution as a prelude to the present, briefly
reviewing formative aspects of Renaissance humanism and deepening
associations of values central to the Enlightenment with precursors to
modern science, en route to an arguably peculiar situation today. Where
past conceptions of the aim of science (natural philosophy, etc.) seem
intimately connected to the idea of fashioning a better world,
contemporary philosophy seems largely devoid of normative discussions of
what science itself is for, exactly. I conclude with some reflections on
a possible return to a humanist conception of the role and promise of
Everyone welcome!
Best, Martin Kusch
Dear colleague,
We kindly invite you to submit a manuscript for the 9th International
Online Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (9IeCSHSS
-, which will be held
online on 15-17 September 2023, in cooperation with the South-West
University “Neofit Rilski” (Faculty of Philosophy), Blagoevgrad,
BULGARIA, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” (Faculty of Business and
Management), Ruse, BULGARIA, Albanian University, Tirana, ALBANIA, and
Kaye Academic College of Education, Beersheba, ISRAEL.
The Conference Proceedings will be applied for indexing in the Web of
Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI - WoS).
e-Conference Deadlines:
Abstract Submission Deadline: ........................ 2 September 2023
e-Conference: .................................... 15-17 September 2023
Full Text Submission Deadline: ........................ 5 November 2023
Also, you can submit a manuscript for publishing in the OPEN JOURNAL FOR
You can redirect this mail to your colleagues and to your PhD students.
For the latest news and useful information about academic publishing
please follow us at:
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards from Belgrade.
Milan Antonijević
COAS Editorial Office
Vojvode Vlahovića 57c, 11000 Belgrade, SERBIA
Tel. +381 11 425371
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
herzlich laden wir Sie zu den kommenden Symposien der "Maimonides
Lectures" ein:
Theatersaal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien
Mittwoch, 08.11.2023, 17.00-20.00: Keynote Lecture und Empfang
Donnerstag, 09.11.2023, 10:00-19:00: Symposion
RELIGIÖSER PATIENT:INNEN (22.-23.05.2024)***
Festsaal der Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für
Gesundheitswissenschaften, Krems an der Donau
Mittwoch, 22.05.2024, 17.00-20.00: Keynote Lecture und Empfang
Donnerstag, 23.05.2024, 10:00-19:00: Symposion
Wissenschaftliche Leitung der /Maimonides Lectures/:
w.M. Univ.-Prof.^in Dr.^in Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch
w.M. em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Klein
Bitte merken Sie sich diese Termine vor. Nähere Informationen zu den
Veranstaltungen und zur Anmeldung erhalten Sie selbstverständlich
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch
Hans-Dieter Klein
P.S.: Wir bitten Sie auch, dieses Save the date auch an interne Listen
per Email oder sonstige Interesdierte weiterzuleiten und um weitere
Versendung zu ersuchen.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten Sie gerne auf eine Jobausschreibung für eine Stelle als
Organisationsassistent*in à 20h an unserem Institut aufmerksam machen.
Der Aufgabenbereich der Stelle umfasst die Betreuung von
Organisationsagenden der Professur für Theoretische Philosophie von
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schnieder, sowie der zugeordneten
wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter*innen. Dies bedeutet verschiedene Formen
administrativer Unterstützung in Forschung und Lehre, bei der
Organisation von Tagungen und bei der Betreuung wissenschaftlicher
Projekte. Dementsprechend besteht die Erwartung, dass Sie über
hervorragende organisatorische Fähigkeiten und die Bereitschaft im Team
zu arbeiten verfügen.
Nähere Informationen finden Sie in der Ausschreibung:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Markus Riedl
Mag. Markus Riedl
+43(1)4277 46401
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7/3
1010 Wien
Call for Applications
22 November - 24 November 2023, hybrid event, at the European Consortium
for Political Research (ECPR), Harbour House, Colchester
The ECPR'S Kantian Standing Group, in association with the
Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre@Keele
University, the Jagiellonian University and the University of Vienna,
invites applications for its hybrid Winter School, which explores the
relevance of Kantian moral and political thought in addressing pressing
global challenges of our time such as environment, climate change, world
poverty, human rights, toleration, pandemic, AI, and migration, among
Approximately 12 postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers are
invited to participate to 3 days of themed sessions and discussions with
the additional option of giving a presentation and receiving feedback
from expert scholars leading the sessions, including: Alasia Nuti
(York), Dana Howard (Ohio), David Owen (Southampton), David James
(Warwick), Luigi Caranti (Catania & Frankfurt), Norman Ajari (Edinburgh)
and Stefanie Buchenau (Paris).
Please note: this year, the Winter School will be preceded and followed
by two 'Rousseau' Annual Lectures and Conferences, on 20-21 November and
24-25 November. The 'Rousseau' Annual Lecturers will be Katrin Flikschuh
(LSE) (on "External Freedom and the Idea of General United Will in Kant)
and Rainer Forst (Frankfurt) (on "Legitimacy, Rationality and
Morality"). The themes of the Annual Conferences will be, respectively
"Kant and Rousseau" and "Justice, Kantian Constructivism, Trust and
Solidarity". Application to the Winter School will grant exclusive
access to the two Annual Rousseau Lectures and Conferences at a
discounted rate.
To register, please see:
Application deadline: 16 August 2023 midnight BST.
For more information, please email the Kantian Standing Group's Event
Officer, Jakob Rendl (Jakob.rendl(a) or the KOSAK's Media and
Research Coordinator, Eric Sancho Adamson (kosak.rc(a)
Call for Applications
22 November - 24 November 2023, hybrid event, at the European Consortium
for Political Research (ECPR), Harbour House, Colchester
The ECPR'S Kantian Standing Group, in association with the
Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre@Keele
University, the Jagiellonian University and the University of Vienna,
invites applications for its hybrid Winter School, which explores the
relevance of Kantian moral and political thought in addressing pressing
global challenges of our time such as environment, climate change, world
poverty, human rights, toleration, pandemic, AI, and migration, among
Approximately 12 postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers are
invited to participate to 3 days of themed sessions and discussions with
the additional option of giving a presentation and receiving feedback
from expert scholars leading the sessions, including: Alasia Nuti
(York), Dana Howard (Ohio), David Owen (Southampton), David James
(Warwick), Luigi Caranti (Catania & Frankfurt), Norman Ajari (Edinburgh)
and Sorin Baiasu (Keele - TBC); one other instructor will be confirmed
Please note: this year, the Winter School will be preceded and followed
by two 'Rousseau' Annual Lectures and Conferences, on 20-21 November and
24-25 November. The 'Rousseau' Annual Lecturers will be Katrin Flikschuh
(LSE) (on "External Freedom and the Idea of General United Will in Kant)
and Rainer Forst (Frankfurt) (on "Legitimacy, Rationality and
Morality"). The themes of the Annual Conferences will be, respectively
"Kant and Rousseau" and "Justice, Kantian Constructivism, Trust and
Solidarity". Application to the Winter School will grant exclusive
access to the two Annual Rousseau Lectures and Conferences at a
discounted rate.
To register, please see:
Application deadline: 16 August 2023 midnight BST.
For more information, please email the Kantian Standing Group's Event
Officer, Jakob Rendl (Jakob.rendl(a) or the KOSAK's Media and
Research Coordinator, Eric Sancho Adamson (kosak.rc(a)
Call for Papers: HOPOS 2024 at The University of Vienna, July 9-12, 2024
The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)
will hold its biennial international congress at the University of Vienna,
Austria, 9-12 July 2024. The Society hereby requests proposals for papers
and symposia to be presented at the meeting.
Submission deadline: Sept. 15, 2023.
HOPOS is devoted to promoting scholarly research on the history of the
philosophy of science. We construe this subject broadly, to include topics
in the history of related disciplines and in all historical periods, studied
through diverse methodologies. We aim to promote historical work in a
variety of ways, but especially through encouraging exchange among scholars
through meetings, publications, and electronic media. The program committee
particularly encourages submissions on philosophical themes that cross time
The conference language is English.
The conference will take place directly after "Paul Feyerabend and Austrian
Philosophy: His Formative Years in Postwar Vienna," an international
conference also to be held at the University of Vienna, July 5-6, 2024.
Guidelines for Submissions:
HOPOS 2024 accepts two types of submissions: contributed papers and
symposia, which are topical collections of 3-4 papers intended to be
presented in a single session.
To submit a proposal, contributors will need to create and account on the
HOPOS 2024 website. Proposals for contributed papers and symposia should be
prepared for anonymous review.
Proposals for contributed papers should include:
* Title of the paper.
* Abstract of the paper (maximum 500 words).
* Contact information for all co-authors.
Proposals for symposia should include:
* Title of the symposium.
* Symposium summary statement (maximum 500 words).
* Titles and abstracts of the papers (maximum 500 words for
each paper).
* Contact information for all symposiasts.
Further details about the submission procedure will be available at:
You will be able to find a link to the submission portal on the same page,
once the portal is opened.
HOPOS will continue its tradition of holding a mentoring program for junior
scholars during the conference. Details will also become available on the
conference website, <>
Program Chairs:
David M. Miller (Auburn University) - Kant and Before Fracesca Biagioli
(University of Turin) - After Kant
Local Organizing Committee:
Martin Kusch, Georg Schiemer, Friedrich Stadler and Elisabeth Nemeth
For further questions and inquiries, please contact
<> webmaster(a)