Dear all,
we cordially invite you to the upcoming talk of the APSE - lecture
series, delivered by Stephanie Ifill (University of Westminster)
Title: Knowledge as a turn towards the possibility of existence
When/Where: 12.10., 15-17pm, HS 3A
If you are interested in joining us for dinner/drinks afterwards, write
an email to Manu Sharma (manu.sharma(a)! everyone welcome!
"I came to realise that to produce knowledge, I must enter into a
framework where I am non-existent....I refused...There must be another
possibility, another way of knowing." This talk brings forward the
question: what is the possibility of epistemic non-existence? One of the
possibilities I raise is that of the turn. The turn is not a seek of
inclusion in; it's a turn, a break from. I turn in relation to Sylvia
Wynter (to rupture) and Henri Bergson (to indetermination) to help
articulate what I mean by epistemic turn. Upon awareness, there is the
possibility to turn from, indeed with a cost, but a possibility none the
less. This talk represents the culmination of deep thought brought out
through relational conversations and a direct lived confrontation with
epistemic non-existence; it's part of an ongoing experiment in the
possibility of appearing in Europe as a *Black woman (outside of the
Kind regards,
Sophie Veigl on behalf of the APSE-Unit
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)
my pronouns are she/her
Dear colleagues,
on behalf of Univ.-Prof. Angela Kallhoff and the Department of
Philosophy, I cordially invite you to a guest lecture titled
*"Humankind’s Common Cultural Heritage, Justice and Territorial Rights"*
by *Cecile Fabre *(All Souls College, Oxford).
Thu Dec. 14th, 2023, 6:30 p.m. in HS 3D (NIG)
For questions, contact sophie.kroiss(a)
The thought that there are cultural landmarks which have universal value
is a familiar one. It is at the heart of UNESCO's and the World
Heritage's mission, and is affirmed in a number of international
declarations, not least the Convention Concerning the Protection of
World Cultural and Natural Heritage. For all its appeal, UNESCO's ideals
raise some deep concerns. In particular, it is not easy to articulate an
account of universal value; and it is not easy to show why we are under
moral obligations in respect of that heritage. Nevertheless, I attempt
to defend those ideals. I seek to show that the protection of
humankind's heritage, qua humankind's, not only is a moral imperative:
more strongly put, it is a duty of justice. I then address one of the
most important objections to it - namely that it undermines states’ and
their citizenries’ legitimate interest in deciding what to do with
landmarks which are located on their territory.
/Cecile Fabre a political philosopher, and currently Senior Research
Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. She is also Professor of Political
Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and affiliated with the Faculty
of Philosophy, the Department of Politics and International Relations,
and Nuffield College, Oxford. Her research interests are in theories of
distributive justice; the philosophy of democracy; just war theory; the
ethics of foreign policy, with particular focus on the ethics of
economic statecraft and the ethics of espionage.
She most recently published Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of
Espionage and Counter-Intelligence (Oxford University Press 2022);
Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality
(Harvard University Press, 2018), preceded by (among others)
Cosmopolitan Peace (Oxford University Press, 2016), The Morality of
Defensive War, co-edited with Seth Lazar (Oxford University Press,
2014), Cosmopolitan War (Oxford University Press, 2012)./…
Dear all,
I would like to cordially invite you to the first Trans*Formations
event! Trans Philosophy is one of the most exciting 'new' strands of
philosophical theorizing, and we are happy to host the first event on
the topic at the University of Vienna.
First, Luce deLire (formerly John Hopkins University, will give the talk "Can The Transsexual
Abstract: On September 14, 2021 Ella Nik Bayan set herself on fire at
Berlin Alexanderplatz, Germany. She died shortly after. On February 2,
2024, the German government will most probably pass a new
'Self-Determination Law' (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz) which promises to
simplify transition related changes of name and gender identity markers
in legal documents. In my talk, I use these two examples to present what
I call 'the transsexual contract': Trans and non-binary self
determination is (often violently) incapacitated by means of concrete
legal, political and epistemological arrangements. This is the case even
in left wing art, activism and allegedly 'progressive' legislation.
Allegedly, the transsexual contract protects cis people from trans
propaganda and from their own confusion. Yet in reality, its main goal
is the production and control of cis people. One is not born cis, but
becomes cis. With a post-colonial lens, I suggest queer hospitality as a
concrete practice to unlearn this toxic logic of protection.
After a Q&A with Luce deLire, we will watch the film "Die Räuberinnen"
(2023) by Austrian filmmaker Isa Schieche, who recently also received
the Goldene Medusa Award for this film.(More Info:
The talk will be in English, the film is in German with English
There will be popcorn, snacks and drinks to round off the event!
When? Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 from 15:00 to 16:30
Where? HS 3F, Institute of Philosophy, NIG (Universitätsstraße 7, 1010
Looking forward to seeing you on January 16th!
Any sharing of the event is highly appreciated, and the poster for the
event is attached to this email.
Please do not hesitate to contact me concerning any accessibility needs
or questions!
With warm greetings,
Flora Löffelmann
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Submit your project ideas for the "Research Year in
Parliament" 2024
Datum: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:02:16 +0000
Von: Parlamentsforschung <Parlamentsforschung(a)>
An: Parlamentsforschung <Parlamentsforschung(a)>
***** Deutschsprachige Version siehe unten ********
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to inform you that, for the second time, the Legal,
Legislative and Scientific Service of the Parliamentary Administration
of the Austrian Parliament invites *representatives from all scientific
disciplines* to submit their *project ideas* for the "*Research Year in
Within this initiative, the Scientific Advisory Board
selects a research project that deals with a parliament-related issue in
a particularly innovative way. A *contract for work and services worth a
total gross amount of EUR 16,000.00* will be awarded. In addition,
during the one-year term the project will receive support from experts
from the Parliamentary Administration and access to the knowledge
resources of the Austrian Parliament.
Please send your ideas including all required documents (in PDF format)
*by March 21, 2024 *to parlamentsforschung(a)
Details on the submission and all other initiatives of the Parliamentary
Administration concerning parliamentary research can be found at
Research | Parliament Austria <>.
We kindly ask you to *forward this call to potentially interested
colleagues* and look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have
any questions please contact us using the contact details below.
Kind regards and best wishes for the upcoming holidays - on behalf of
the project team,
Christoph Clar
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
wir freuen uns, Sie darüber zu informieren, dass der Rechts-,
Legislativ- und Wissenschaftliche Dienst (RLW) der Parlamentsdirektion
des österreichischen Parlaments zum zweiten Mal *Vertreter:innen aus
allen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen* dazu einlädt, ihre *Projektideen*
für das „*Forschungsjahr im Parlament*“ einzureichen.
Im Rahmen dieser Initiative wählt der wissenschaftliche Beirat
ein Forschungsprojekt aus, das sich auf besonders innovative Weise mit
einer parlamentsbezogenen Fragestellung auseinandersetzt. Dafür wird ein
*Werkvertrag in der Höhe von insgesamt EUR 16.000,00 brutto* ausgelobt.
Darüber hinaus erhält das Projekt während der einjährigen Laufzeit
Unterstützung durch Expert:innen der Parlamentsdirektion sowie Zugang zu
den Wissensressourcen des österreichischen Parlaments.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Ideen inklusive aller erforderlichen Unterlagen
(im PDF-Format) *bis zum 21. März 2024* an die E-Mail-Adresse
Details zur Einreichung sowie zu allen weiteren Initiativen der
Parlamentsdirektion im Bereich der Parlamentsforschung finden Sie unter
Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich
Wir bitten Sie um die *Weiterleitung an potenziell interessierte
Kolleg:innen* und freuen uns über Ihre Einreichungen. Für Rückfragen
sind wir unter den unten angeführten Kontaktdaten zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen und den besten Wünschen für die bevorstehenden
Weihnachtsfeiertage – im Namen des Projektteams,
Christoph Clar
*Research and Support in Parliamentary Matters*
Parliamentary Administration
Legal, Legislative & Research Services (RLW)
1017 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 401 10-2668
Mobil +43 676 8900 2668
For further information see: Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich
German) or Research | Parliament Austria
<>(in English)
Use of Personal Data
The Privacy Statement <>informs you
about how the Parliamentary Administration processes your personal data.
> CfA: Biasing Mechanisms in Scientific Research
> Leibniz University Hannover
> May 31^st – June 1^st , 2024
> In the philosophy of science, recent work has led to an emerging
> consensus that science is not value-free, and that values, including
> social and political values, play different roles in the research
> process. It has also become clear that, values can have both a
> positive and a negative impact on science. Sometimes, values can
> contribute to science’s epistemic and social goals, while other times,
> they can have a detrimental effect on science’s epistemic goals, i.e.,
> biasing research results. With this framework in mind, the main goal
> of this workshop is to clarify the negative roles of values in
> scientific research, and in particular their sometimes-biasing
> effects. While it is well-known that biases impact scientific research
> results, we have a less clear understanding of the different types of
> biases, their mechanisms, and their scope. Current invited speakers
> include:
> * Heather Douglas (Michigan State University)
> * Jacob Stegenga (University of Cambridge)
> * David Teira (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
> * Anke Büter (Aarhus University)
> We welcome submissions that seek to advance our understanding of
> negative biases and their effects in scientific research. Questions
> that might be addressed include (but are not limited to):
> * In which situations are biases most likely to occur?
> * Which mechanisms enable biases to interfere with scientific
> practice? Are these mechanisms intrinsic to scientific practices
> or can we debias scientific procedures to mitigate or eliminate
> them altogether?
> * What relationship(s) do biases have to values in science? Do
> negative biases have any special implications for the value-free
> ideal?
> * What relationship(s) do biases have to diversity in science?
> * How might we characterize ‘negative’ biases?
> * Are there different types of biases or biasing mechanisms in science?
> This workshop is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), as
> a part of the research project “A Philosophical Approach to Biasing
> Mechanisms in Scientific Research” and the SOCRATES
> <> Centre for Advanced
> Studies. Abstracts should be a maximum of 800 words, in English, and
> submitted by January 15^th , 2024 at the latest. They can be submitted
> through the following Google form:
> We aim to give notifications of
> acceptance by mid to late February.
> Any questions or inquiries can be sent to Jamie Shaw
> (
> Warm wishes,
> Jamie Shaw, Manuela Fernandez-Pinto, and Torsten Wilholt (Organizing
> Committee)
> --
> Dr. Leonie Wiemeyer (sie/she)
> Koordinatorin | Coordinator
> Office days: Tuesdays and alternate Thursdays
> “SOCRATES – Social Credibility and Trustworthiness of Expert Knowledge and Science-Based Information”
> DFG-Kollegforschungsgruppe (KFG) 43, Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
> Institut für Philosophie
> Leibniz Universität Hannover
> Lange Laube 32
> 30159 Hannover
> Germany
> Mobil: +49 (0)160 92470508
> Telefon: +49 (0)511 762-14541
> Find us online at!
Dear colleagues,
please find in this mail an update on articles published in the Journal
of Didactics of Philosophy this year so far. (Further papers are
currently under review, but unlikely to be published this year.) Enjoy
* Critical Elucidation of Concepts as a Philosophical Competence, by
Alexander Broedner
* Teaching Ethics Without Confusing Questions. Illustrated by the
Example of Schopenhauer's Ethics, by Matthias Holweger
* On the Use of YouTube, Digital Games, Argument Maps, and Digital
Feedback in Teaching Philosophy, by Markus Bohlmann et al.
* Teaching Philosophy based on We-Experience: A New Approach and Four
Teaching Concepts, by Donata Romizi et al.
**** Please find more papers in the section Country Reports and Book
Reviews on the Journal's website:
About the Journal
The Journal of Didactics of Philosophy (JDPh) is a peer-reviewed
academic journal devoted to research on the teaching and learning of
philosophy. Articles may be about any level of education, however the
main focus is on high school philosophy. All articles are published in
Open Access; there are no fees (Diamant/Platinum OA). We welcome work
with a philosophical or normative approach as well as reports of results
from empirical qualitative and quantitative research. The journal also
publishes reviews of books, textbooks and other educational material of
international interest as well as country reports about similarities and
differences in teaching philosophy in different countries. It is an aim
of the journal to promote the dialogue among researchers and practising
teachers across the world.
Please get in touch, if you have any suggestions or plans to submit a paper!
Best regards
Jonas Pfister and Philipp Richter
Call for Applications
(Deadline: April 1, 2024)
univie: summer school - Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
in cooperation with
Vienna, September 9-13, 2024
The second European Summer School on the Philosophy of Mathematics will
focus on different topics in the philosophy of mathematics, its
foundations, as well as on the philosophy of mathematical practice. We
are happy to invite abstract submissions by graduate students (MA and
PhD). The School will be hosted in person at the University of Vienna
and will include three tutorials by distinguished scholars as well as a
training unit on "Quantitative and qualitative empirical methods for
philosophers of mathematics" by Matthew Inglis and Deborah Kant
(provided by the CIPSH Chair DMRCP ("Diversity of Mathematical Research
Cultures and Practices").
The school aims to bring together Master and PhD students interested in
the connection between philosophy and mathematics, giving them the
opportunity to discuss related topics with leading scholars in the
Topics will be selected reflecting participants' interests and may
* Mathematical knowledge and mathematical understanding
* Justification and representation in mathematics
* Informal proofs and mathematical rigor
* The role of intuition and diagrams in mathematical reasoning
* Experimental mathematics and mathematical practice
* Mathematical ontology
Jessica Carter (Aarhus University)…
Yacin Hamami (ETH Zurich) [1]
Leon Horsten (University of Konstanz)
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior
researchers in relevant fields, but the organizers also encourage
applications from people in all stages of their career.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International
Program Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and
scientists. Its members represent the scientific fields in the scope of
USS-SWC, make contact to their home universities and will also support
acknowledgement of courses taken by the students. The annual summer
school is organised by the Institute Vienna Circle of the University of
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University
Carolina) here:…
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
Scientific director:
Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
CfP: ECPR General Conference 2024 | University College Dublin | Section
of the Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought
The ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought is delighted to
announce that its application for a section on "Kant, Science and
Politics" as part of the ECPR General Conference (University College
Dublin, 12-15 August 2024) has been successful, and 6 panels have been
allocated to the Section.
As a result, paper and panel proposals for the section "Kant, Science
and Politics" are now invited. Paper proposals may either be submitted
as part of one of the five suggested panels below or as part of a new
panel on a topic related to that of the section. The aim of this section
is to examine Kant's view of a practical metaphysics (both in ethics and
politico-juridical philosophy) that is on the secure path of science;
the following are suggested panel topics:
* The Relation Between Theoretical and Practical Cognitions
* Kant's Conception of Moral Theory as a Philosophical Science
* The "Land of Truth" - The Political Language of Scientific Truth
* Autonomy and the Moral Law
* Science and Racism - Kant's Anthropology and the Need for
Reorientation of Kant Scholarship
You may find further details on the section here: Kant, Science and
Politics ( [1].
If you are interested, please send an Expression of Interest with a
short outline of your paper (max. 500 words) or, if applicable, of the
proposed panel to jakob.rendl(a) and s.baiasu(a) by
11 January 2024, or contact us for more information.
All welcome!
Dear all,
on behalf of the APSE Group (Applied Philosophy of Science and
Epistemology), I would like to remind you about the talk by Aleksandra
Derra (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland), which will
happen ONLINE tomorrow, December 14th, 2023 from 15:00 - 17:00.
Please find the abstract & link below!
Please also forward this invite to others who could be interested.
Title: Another Science is Possible. The Role of Feminist Theory in
Building Socially Responsible Scientific Knowledge
Londa Schiebinger, in her book entitled ‘Has Feminism Changed Science’
(2001), has shown how the growing number of female scientists gradually
transformed specific fields of science. Following her reasoning, I want
to point out how feminist theories influence the way we think about
science in the philosophy of science and science and technology studies
today, and additionally indicate how the critical feminist approach
affects the priorities, methodologies, and aims of the particular fields
of knowledge.
In the first step, following Janet Kourany, I will explain what a
socially responsible philosophy of science is. Then I will show what it
means to adopt a feminist perspective in science and to include a gender
perspective in research. Then, I will present research results that
indicate that science as an institution is entangled in broader cultural
processes that perpetuate stereotypes (e.g. Draw a Scientist experiment,
visualization of a female scientist, the role of material culture).
Finally, I will present two examples of building complementary, socially
responsible scientific knowledge, enriched with a critical feminist
perspective: neurofeminism and data feminism.
Thema: Talk Alsksandra Derra
Uhrzeit: 14.Dez. 2023 03:00 PM Wien
Meeting-ID: 618 2270 9658
Kenncode: 0000
All the beste on behalf of the APSE Group,
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!