Iris June 2024
  • 9 participants
  • 20 discussions

Reminder: International Conference: Feyerabend and Austrian Philosophy - His Formative Years in Postwar Vienna | July 5-6
by Zarah Weiss
3 months, 4 weeks

Phänomenologische Forschungen - 26. Juni 2024 - David W. Johnson: Intersubjective Phenomenality: Kimura, Merleau-Ponty, Arendt (Vortrag)
by Institut für Philosophie
3 months, 4 weeks

IVC Talk: Aleksandra Knežević (IVC Fellow) on "A framework for the feminist anthropology of science", June 27, 4.45 pm
by Zarah Weiss
3 months, 4 weeks

Call für Papers SWIP Symposium 2024
by Institut für Philosophie
4 months

P.Hahne (U. Vienna) "‘Trust the Machine?’: Conceptualising Trust in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence" & D.Boll (VU Amsterdam) "Taking Responsibility: With or Without You?" - WIP Series - 28.06-5pm (3A NiG)
by VDS Philosophy
4 months

AK-Wissenschaftspreis 2025
by Institut für Philosophie
4 months

Phänomenologische Forschungen – 20./21. Juni 2024 – Thomas Fuchs: Verteidigung des Menschen. Plädoyer für einen verkörperten Humanismus (Vortrag und Workshop)
by Institut für Philosophie
4 months

Philosophie und Ethik in Schule und Gesellschaft: Schule und Universität zusammendenken
by Dilek Divan
4 months

Khôra Colloquium: , 20.06. 2024, 18:30, HS 2H, NIG
by Sebastian Krach
4 months

IVC Talk: Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona (IVC Fellow) on "Sundholm's Semantics: Logical Atavism and the Nature of Proofs", June 20, 4.45 pm
by Zarah Weiss
4 months
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