Dear colleagues,
When? Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 16:00 hours
Where? HEUER am Karlsplatz, Treitlstraße 2, 1040 Vienna
*“Exploring Connections: Wittgenstein, Gödel, and ChatGPT”*
Join us at Café Heuer am Karlsplatz for a captivating LogicLounge panel,
featuring renowned computer scientists Carla Gomes and Bart Selman.
Delve into the fascinating connections between Wittgenstein, Gödel, and
ChatGPT in this thought-provoking discussion moderated by journalist
Sarah Kriesche.
Admission-free, no registration or expertise required; this is an event
for the general public. You are welcome to forward this invitation to
anyone who might be interested in the talk! We look forward to seeing
you there.
If you would like to share this information, you can find us on facebook
and twitter: @vclaTUwien.
Best wishes
*Andrea Hackl, MA*
Project Manager
Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms
**Technische Universität Wien*
Favoritenstraße 9-11, Stiege 3, 3. Stock, 1040 Wien
andrea.hackl(a) <> <>
Call for Papers
Creative Bodies—Creative Minds
The third international, interdisciplinary conference in gender research
25-26 March 2024, University of Graz, Austria
Organized by:
Sociology of Gender section, Department of Sociology, University of
Graz, Austria; FH JOANNEUM– University of Applied Sciences Graz; Centre
for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz.
Theoretical discussions on creativity in the last two decades have
addressed existing dichotomies in its conceptualization, such as
professional/everyday and public/private. Cultural studies have then
been critical of creativity being approached in terms of the individual
talent and elite (“creative class”), in economic terms (“creative
industries”) or in terms of exclusive locations (“creative
city”)[1]. Gender scholars, in the meantime, have levelled criticism
at the gendered definition of creativity, too often conceived as a
property of a lone male genius, and at the gender bias of research on
creativity that had tended to overlook activities in which women
typically engaged [2].
Currently, in the European cultural/political space we witness a rise in
the use of diverse artistic, creative, and playful tactics and practices
in protests and everyday activism which challenge structural
inequalities intersecting gender, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age
and (dis)ability. Such examples of creative expression, including arts,
crafts, participatory practices, and/or aesthetic interventions in
public space [3], and in feminist and queer politics, in particular
(e.g. “craftivism” [4], “artivism”[5]) challenge the common
understanding of what constitutes political, as well as creative
activities. Likewise, studies on socially engaged art in Southeastern
Europe that have conceptualized “creative work […] as a labor of
care and compassion” [6] make us think beyond the ideas of creativity
in terms of individual self-expression.
The third Creative Bodies—Creative Minds Conference 2024 will explore
the gendered and political aspects of current, historical or everyday
creative practices. DIY-making, as a form of everyday creativity,
carries a different meaning in different political regimes (such as in
the former Eastern Bloc, liberal market democracies, or post-colonial
context). Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns exemplify how everyday
creative practice is/was an adaptive response to external circumstances.
We witnessed how digital media enabled sharing of creative responses to
the constraints, including the use of humor (“from zines to memes”)
to cope with the situation, express care and solidarity, and maintain
relationships. We are interested in exploring creative adaptations to
external circumstances across different political, economic and gender
Keynote speakers:
Věra Sokolová, Department of History, Charles University, Prague
Milica Tomić, Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz University of
The areas of interest for the CBCM 2024 conference include, but are not
limited to:
* creativity and intersectional activism;
* arts, crafts, play as activist and political tools;
* reparative cultural and political practices;
* creative living as an adaptation to different biopolitical
* (everyday) creativity across different political, economic and gender
* creative labor (precarity, rethinking work/productivity, collective
* creative, playful, fun and politicized use of space and time (e.g.
festivals, parks and clubs);
* intersectional activism and digital media;
* humor, playfulness and fun in feminist and LGBTQ+ activism;
* creativity as care for others, collective and solidary creativity;
* DIY, maker movement: from knitting, through home-making to open
* material, processual and relational aspects of creative practices;
* the place of creative methodologies and creative research in teaching
and scholarly research in social
sciences and humanities.
We are inviting proposals for presentations from scholars, practitioners
and postgraduate students from a wide range of disciplines including,
but not limited to: sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human
geography, political science, gender studies, art, performance, history,
literary studies, social studies of science and technology and
environmental studies.
Please send a 250-word abstract and a 150-word bio note before 10th
September 2023 to creative.bodies(a)
Registration fee: 190 EUR
Registration fee (student presenters): 130 EUR
The conference registration fee includes the conference dinner, two
lunches, tea/coffee breaks and the conference pack with the book of
Information on registration and updates on the program will be available
on the conference website: [1]
Graz, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site and Cultural Capital of
Europe for 2003, is the capital of the Austrian province of Styria and
the home of Austria’s second largest university.
Conference organizers:
Libora Oates-Indruchová, Professor of Sociology of Gender, University
of Graz
Zorica Siročić, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology,
University of Graz
Birgit Bachler, FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz
Florian Bieber, Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of
Wolfgang Kühnelt, FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz
Biljana Purić, Centre for Southeast European Studies and Institute of
Art History, University of Graz
Gudrun Reimert, FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: 10 September 2023
Informing about abstract acceptance: mid-November 2023
Conference registration opens: 15 December 2023
Conference registration ends: 31 January 2024
[1] Oates-Indruchová, Libora and Jana Mikats. 2022. “Gender
Perspectives on Professional and Everyday Creativities: Introduction to
the Special Issue”, _Cultural Studies_ 36 (5): 699-712.
[2] Eisler, Riane and Alfonso Montuori. 2007. “Creativity, Society,
and the Hidden Subtext of Gender: Toward a New Contextualized
Approach,” _World Futures_ (63): 479-99.
[3] Sommer, Doris. 2014. _The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and
Public Humanities_. Duke University Press.
[4] Cvetkovich, Ann. 2012. _Depression: A Public Feeling_. Durham, NC:
Duke UP.
[5] Mouffe, Chantal. 2007. “Artistic Activism and Agonistic Spaces”.
_Art & Research_: Chantal Mouffe, Arts & Research. (Available at [2], last accessed
[6] Alacovska, Ana. 2020. “From Passion to Compassion: A Caring
Inquiry into Creative Work as Socially Engaged Art.” _Sociology _54
(4): 727–44.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten Sie gerne darauf aufmerksam machen, dass der Club of Vienna
dieses Jahr wieder den
auslobt. In den eingereichten Arbeiten muss ein Bezug zur evolutionären
Erkenntnistheorie ersichtlich sein, als deren Begründer Rupert Riedl
gilt. Arbeiten, die neue oder kritische Zugänge zu
evolutionstheoretischen Ansätzen aufgreifen, sind gleichermaßen
willkommen. Gefördert werden theoretische und praxisbezogene Arbeiten
aus den Geistes-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie den Natur-
und Technikwissenschaften.
Wir bitten interessierte NachwuchswissenschafterInnen, ihre
Bewerbungsunterlagen in Pdf-Format bis zum*30. Juni 2023 * an
__sekretariat(a) <> zu
*Kriterien der Preiswürdigkeit*
- Verankerung in der Evolutionstheorie
- Interdisziplinarität
- gesellschaftliche Relevanz
- wissenschaftliche Exzellenz
Der Club of Vienna wendet sich mit den Preis vor allem an den
wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in den jeweiligen Disziplinen. Die Arbeiten
können in deutscher und englischer Sprache verfasst sein und dürfen
nicht älter als zwei Jahre sein (ab 2020). Arbeiten, die bereis einmal
eingereicht wurden, können kein zweites Mal berücksichtigt werden.
*Preisgeld und Jury*
Die Höhe des Preisgeldes beträgt 1.000 Euro.
Die Forschungsarbeiten werden von einem ExpertInnenkreis begutachtet.
Die Entscheidung der Jury findet unter Ausschluss des Rechtswegs statt.
*Einzureichende Unterlagen*
- Forschungsarbeit (Diplom-, Masterarbeit, Dissertation, Habilitation)
- Zusammenfassung der Forschungsarbeit auf 1-2 Seiten in deutscher Sprache
- Beurteilung der Arbeit
- Lebenslauf der Bewerberin bzw. des Bewerbers
Die Informationen zur Preisausschreibung sind auch auf unserer Homepage
Für Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit besten Grüßen
Sigrid Kroismayr
Mag.a Sigrid Kroismayr
Gußhausstr. 30/230-1
A-1040 Wien <>
mit freundlicher Unterstützung
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