Dear All,
The Institute Vienna Circle and the APSE group are jointly organizing a
talk by ...
Prof. Anjan Chakravartty (University of Miami)
"Humanism and the Aim of Science: Past, Present, Future"
Time and Location:
Thursday, July 6th, 3-5pm, NIG HS 2G
Abstract: Humanism, conceived as a worldview, and science, conceived as
a form (or family of forms) of inquiry into the world, have been
entangled with one another across a long sweep of intellectual history.
I consider their co-evolution as a prelude to the present, briefly
reviewing formative aspects of Renaissance humanism and deepening
associations of values central to the Enlightenment with precursors to
modern science, en route to an arguably peculiar situation today. Where
past conceptions of the aim of science (natural philosophy, etc.) seem
intimately connected to the idea of fashioning a better world,
contemporary philosophy seems largely devoid of normative discussions of
what science itself is for, exactly. I conclude with some reflections on
a possible return to a humanist conception of the role and promise of
Everyone welcome!
Best, Martin Kusch
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir dürfen Sie auf folgende Veranstaltung hinweisen und herzlich dazu einladen (siehe auch die Informationen im Anhang).
Workshop des Forschungsschwerpunkts Menschenrechte und Demokratie der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät "Hegel's World Revolutions" mit Richard Bourke (University of Cambridge), am Montag, den 16. Oktober 2023, 10:00-12:00 Uhr im
Seminarraum 6, Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Wien, Erdgeschoß.
Anmeldung erbeten bis 11. Oktober bei: birgitta.bader-zaar(a)<>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Office-Team Institut für Geschichte
From August 1, 2024 to August 8, 2024 the 25th World Congress of Philosophy will take place in Rome, Italy. The title of the congress is “Philosophy Across Boundaries”.
For the Thematic Section (50) “Philosophy & Psychoanalysis ” contributions with a maximum length of 1800 words, together with an abstract of 200 words and up to five keywords can be submitted.
Contributions on all subjects and areas of the relation between philosophy and psychoanalysis are welcome. In particular contributions that deal with feminist/intersectional and phenomenological perspectives in the field of philosophy, psychoanalysis and psychiatry are warmly invited.
The address for submissions is: <>
The deadline for submissions is November 10, 2023.
A more detailed description of the thematic section is attached.
Please be aware that you have to provide the financial means to attend this World Congress, and € 200 for early registration prior to October 1st, 2023 € 225 for registration until January 31st, 2024 € 250 for registration from February 1st, 2024, (and € 50 for Students)
In case you are interested to share a panel let me know, and there is of course a possibility to bring in your ideas in order to foster a dialogue between philosophy, gender matters and psychic health with a special emphasis on (or dialogue with) psychoanalytic approaches. Round tables would usually include speakers from at least three different countries and are subject to the approval of the Steering Committee of FISP.
We look forward to receiving as many submissions as possible and to a fruitful and innovative atmosphere at the next World Congress in Rome.
Feel free to share the call in your community/department.
Sincerly, Brigitta Keintzel, Dr.
University of Vienna, Philosophy.
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
im Anhang schicke ich Ihnen den Aushang für die kommende FÖP der DSPL43(
Philosophie) am Mittwoch, 18.10.2023 ab 13:30. Bitte beachten Sie, dass
die FÖP dieses Semester vor Ort im Hörsaal 3C (3. Stock, NIG) stattfindet.
Dear colleague,
Please find attached the schedule for our next faculty-public
presentation (FÖP) of doctoral research projects on Wednesday,
18.10.2023 from 1.30 p.m. onwards. Participants are welcome! Please note
that this semester the FÖP will be held onsite in Hörsaal 3C (3. Stock,
Mit besten Grüßen,
With best wishes,
Benjamin Schnieder, DSPL43
Guten Tag!
Das Center for Teaching and Learning veranstaltet am Do., 28.09.2023,
10:00-13:00h folgenden Kurs:
Geschlechtervielfalt in der Lehre
Wie kann ich ihr den ihr gebührenden Raum geben?
Trans, inter*, nichtbinär, divers, cis, Pronomenrunde, all gender toilet
... Nicht nur der Staat erkennt Geschlecht mittlerweile als vielfältig
an, auch an Universitäten kommt das Thema immer öfter auf. Aber was ist
Geschlecht bzw. Geschlechtervielfalt eigentlich? Was bedeuten Begriffe
wie trans, cis, nichtbinär etc.? In welchen Geschlechternormen bewege
ich mich selber? Wie kann ich trans_inter*nichtbinären Personen in
meiner Lehre respektvoll begegnen? Wie kann ich einen möglichst offenen,
geschlechtervielfältigen Raum gestalten?
In diesem Workshop haben wir 3 Stunden Zeit, uns mit dem Thema
Geschlechtervielfalt in der Lehre aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu
beschäftigen: Neben einer Einführung in zentrale Begriffe und Konzepte
stehen die Selbstreflexion der eigenen Geschlechterbilder und vor allem
konkrete Fragen aus Ihrem Arbeitsalltag im Mittelpunkt. Bringen Sie Ihre
Fragen und Anliegen mit, damit wir sie gemeinsam diskutieren können!
Alle Lehrende sind herzlich dazu eingeladen!
Link zur Anmeldung:…
Prof. Friedrich Stadler (University of Vienna):
“Georg Henrik von Wright and Austrian Philosophy – Personal and
Intellectual Encounters with Family Resemblances”
Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki,
October 20th 2023, 15.15-17.00 (3.15-5 pm).
Live stream:
Georg Henrik von Wright acknowledged Eino Kaila and Ludwig Wittgenstein
as pivotal to his philosophical growth, reflecting his deep engagement
with Austrian philosophy from Mach to the Vienna Circle. His connection
with Wittgenstein, both as successor and literary heir, strongly shaped
his intellectual path. However, this should not overshadow his
individual accomplishments in fields like induction, deontic logic, and
ethics. His interactions with Austrian thinkers fit within the framework
of “Austrian Philosophy,” which potentially would have led him to study
under Viktor Kraft in Vienna instead of Cambridge if not for WWII.
In this lecture von Wright’s intellectual journey from pre-war Vienna to
the end of the 20th century will be illustrated, involving encounters
with the Vienna Circle and the Wittgenstein community in Austria. At the
end the question is raised whether Georg Henrik von Wright was a typical
analytic philosopher.
Professor Friedrich Stadler
Friedrich Stadler is retired Professor of History and Philosophy of
Science at the University of Vienna and is currently Permanent Fellow at
the Institute Vienna Circle, which he founded and headed until 2018. He
also acts as director of the Vienna Circle Society and as member of the
Commission for History and Philosophy of Science at the Austrian Academy
of Sciences.
He is the author of books on Ernst Mach and the Vienna Circle, editor
and co-editor of a book series covering Logical Empiricism, history and
philosophy of science, analytic philosophy, modern intellectual history
and more. He has served as President of the European Philosophy of
Science Association and of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
/See below for English version./
Sehr geehrte Internationalisierungsbeauftragte an den Fakultäten und
im Rahmen unserer Strategischen Partnerschaft mit der University of
Chicago erfolgt heuer die siebte Ausschreibungsrunde für das
*International Grant Program der University of Chicago und der
Universität Wien*. Im Rahmen des Programms lädt die Universität Wien
Wissenschafter*innen ein, sich gemeinsam mit ihren Forschungskontakten
an der University of Chicago für die Förderung eines Joint Projects in
Wien oder Chicago zu bewerben (Förderhöhe: bis zu 12.500 US-Dollar).
Details zur Ausschreibung finden Sie im Anhang und auf unserer Webseite
Die Ausschreibungsfrist endet am *3. November 2023.*
Bitte beachten Sie, dass im Rahmen dieses Programms ausschließlich
Wissenschafter*innen der Universität Wien sowie der University of
Chicago gefördert werden können.
Für Rückfragen zu dieser Ausschreibung steht Ihnen Frau Janna Kazim per
Email unter janna.kazim(a) oder telefonisch unter der
Durchwahl 18235 gerne zur Verfügung.
Wir bitten um Verteilung der Ausschreibung innerhalb Ihrer Fakultät /
Ihres Zentrums und bedanken uns für Ihre Unterstützung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Barbara Good
*Dr. Barbara Good*
DLE Internationale Beziehungen | International Office
Leitung | Head
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien | Vienna
Österreich | Austria
Tel + 43-1-4277-18216
Mobile +43-664-60277-18216 <> <>
Dear Internationalisation Representatives at the Faculties and Centres,
As part of our strategic partnership with the University of Chicago, the
7th call for the *Chicago-Vienna International Grant Program* is now
open. Faculty members at the University of Vienna and their
collaborators at the University of Chicago are invited to apply for
funding in an amount up to US$ 12,500 to organize joint projects either
in Chicago or in Vienna.
For more detailed information, please see the call for applications in
the attachment or on our website
The deadline for applications is *November 3, 2023.*
Please note that only scientists from the University of Vienna and the
University of Chicago are eligible for funding under this program.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Janna Kazim from the
International Office (email: janna.kazim(a)
<>, Tel .: + 43-1-4277-18235).
We kindly ask for distribution of the call within your faculty / centre
and thank you for your support.
Best regards,
Barbara Good
*Dr. Barbara Good*
DLE Internationale Beziehungen | International Office
Leitung | Head
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien | Vienna
Österreich | Austria
Tel + 43-1-4277-18216
Mobile +43-664-60277-18216 <> <>
*Call for Papers: Circle U. Conference on Interdisciplinary and
Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, Louvain, 23-34
November (Call open until 1 October)*
This annual conference aims at stimulating and supporting the emergence
of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in the field of
sustainable development. The call for papers is targeted at researchers
from Circle U. partner universities as well as their non-academic
partners interested in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research
related to sustainable development.
Target group: especially early career researchers from Circle U.
Open for all fields of research!
Call for Contributions open until: 1 October
For possible travel funding, please contact circle-u(a)
More information on:…
Internationale Beziehungen | International Office
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien | Vienna
Österreich | Austria
<> <>