Iris May 2024
  • 10 participants
  • 20 discussions

Lecture und Workshop: Stephen Halliwell, 5. und 6. Juni 2024
by Evelyn Fischer
9 months, 2 weeks

C. Z. Elgin, "Iterative Explications" - PACE University of Vienna Metaphilosophical Talk Series
by Mariia Fedorova
9 months, 2 weeks

Gastvortrag PD Dr. Michael Schramm: Rhetorik, Politik und Philosophie im Neuplatonismus
by Institut für Philosophie
9 months, 3 weeks

Externer Lehrauftrag ‚Ethics of Transformation and Human Rights‘
9 months, 3 weeks

WIP Series 23.05.2024 Reminder (Thursday) - "'Im Namen von ...' Über die Gründungsdimension des Rechts mit Blick auf die Subjektkonstitution." by Kanau Kobayashi - "How democratic should democracy seeking agents be in electoral authoritarian regimes?" by Ali Emre Benli
by Adrian Josef Fleisch
9 months, 3 weeks

Invitation - LogicLounge - May 28
by Institut für Philosophie
9 months, 3 weeks

Reminder: Trans*formations: Talk by Alyosxa Tudor (SOAS London) - 16.5., 12:00
by Flora Löffelmann
9 months, 4 weeks

Lesekreis zu Aristoteles´ De Anima III, Di, 18:30Uhr
by Institut für Philosophie
9 months, 4 weeks

IVC Talk: Daniel Koenig on "Mathematics as Form of Knowledge in Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Culture", May 23, 4.45pm
by Zarah Weiss
9 months, 4 weeks

Lecture Jack Halberstam - mdw, 16.5., 17:00
by Flora Löffelmann
9 months, 4 weeks
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