Am 15.01.2025 12:49, schrieb Sophie Juliane Veigl:
> Dear all,
> Here's a reminder that our second meeting will take place on the 27th
> of January.
> Reading: Craver, C. F., & Dan-Cohen, T. (2024). Experimental artefacts.
> Time: 15:00 - 16:30
> Place: Rüdigerhof, Hamburgerstraße 20 1050 Vienna
> Those who haven't signed up yet - let us know and we'll forward the
> reading.
> Everyone welcome!
> Looking forward,
> Sophie, Elis, Olesya
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)
my pronouns are she/her
Liebe alle,
wir laden herzlich zur nächsten *Fakultätsöffentlichen Präsentation von
Dissertationskonzepten der Philosophie (FÖP) *ein.
Die Veranstaltung findet *_heute_*, *Mittwoch, den _15. Januar 2025 ab
14:00 Uhr im Hörsaal 2H_ *(NIG, 2. Stock) statt.
Die folgenden drei Kandidat*innen werden ihre Dissertationenkonzepte
/*Aristotle and the Objects of Geometry
*/Eric Leighton Archambault, MA
Betreuung: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Georg Schiemer
/*Mensch und Phantasie. Untersuchung der anthropologischen Grundlage
von José Ortega y Gassets Kulturphilosophie
*/Alexander Strupp, BA MA
Betreuung: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Hans Schelkshorn & Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralf
/*„I have always been for the woman” Eine Untersuchung von Otto
Neuraths praktischer Philosophie in Kooperation mit den Frauen
seines sozialen Umfelds
*/Patricia Sydney Grill, BA MA MA
Betreuung: Mag. Dr. Christian Damböck, Privatdoz.
Ab 15:30
*/Nicht-öffentliche Beratung des Beirats für Philosophie
Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung/*
Für das *leibliche Wohl* ist gesorgt! In Zusammenarbeit mit Raphael
Gustavo Aybar Valdivia, Scientific Coordinator der Vienna Doctoral
School of Philosophy (VDP), konnten wir ein Catering organisieren.
/Wir freuen uns sehr auf eure Teilnahme!/
Bitte teilt die Einladung gerne mit Interessent*innen.
Mit besten Grüßen
im Auftrag von Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schnieder
/Studienprogrammleitung Doktoratsstudium DSPL43/
Dear all,
We cordially invite you to the next *Faculty Public Presentation of
Dissertation Concepts in Philosophy (FÖP)*.
The event will take place today, *_Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from
2:00 p.m. in Lecture Hall 2H_ *(NIG, 2nd floor).
The following *three candidates *will present their dissertation concepts:
/*Aristotle and the Objects of Geometry
*/Eric Leighton Archambault, MA
Supervision: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Georg Schiemer
/*Mensch und Phantasie. Untersuchung der anthropologischen Grundlage
von José Ortega y Gassets Kulturphilosophie
*/Alexander Strupp, BA MA
Supervision: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Hans Schelkshorn & Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Ralf Becker
/*„I have always been for the woman” Eine Untersuchung von Otto
Neuraths praktischer Philosophie in Kooperation mit den Frauen
seines sozialen Umfelds
*/Patricia Sydney Grill, BA MA MA
Supervision: Mag. Dr. Christian Damböck, Privatdoz.
From 15:30
*/Non-public consultation of the Philosophy Board
Announcement of the decision/*
Refreshments will be provided during the event./
/We are looking forward to your participation!/
Please feel free to share this invitation.
With best wishes
On behalf of Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schnieder/
/Director of Doctoral Programmes DSPL43/
Dear all,
our next speaker in the Philosophy of Science Colloquium organized by
the Institute Vienna Circle is Caterina del Sorda (IVC Fellow), who will
give a talk on January 16, 4.45-6.15 pm.
All are welcome!
Philosophy of Science Colloquium TALK: Caterina del Sordo (IVC Fellow)
Philosophy of Science Colloquium
The Institute Vienna Circle holds a Philosophy of Science Colloquium
with talks by our present fellows. Date:16/01/2025
Time: 16h45
Venue: New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, HS
This paper calls into question the thesis that early Carnap's rational
reconstruction arises as a proto-version of his later and more mature
idea of explication. The aim of the paper is to show that (1) according
to the criteria of similarity, exactness, and fruitfulness, rational
reconstruction qualifies as an explication, and that (2) according to
their explanatory preconditions, rational reconstruction and explication
emerge as processes of conceptual generalization and specification,
respectively. To support (1), I consider rational reconstruction, in
terms of early Carnap's quasi-analysis, as a representational theory of
mathematical structures; to support (2), I rely on formal concept
analysis as a common framework for comparing conceptual constructions.
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
untenstehend für Sie zur Information.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Dipl.-Ing. Katherina Geneviève Krobath, BEd
Andreas Wintersperger, MA
+43(1)4277 46401
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7, Raum A316
1010 Wien
Liebe Kolleg*innen!
ich freue mich sehr, euch mitteilen zu können, dass dank der Unterstützung verschiedener Forschungsinstitute der Universität Wien ein interdisziplinäres Symposium zum Thema "Psychoanalyse-Recht-Religion.
Zur Bedeutung und Aktualität von Pierre Legendres dogmatischer Anthropologie" stattfindet! Dies ist eine der seltenen Gelegenheiten, sich mit dem faszinierenden Denken des französischen Rechtshistorikers und Psychoanalytikers vertraut zu machen, das im deutschsprachigen Raum bislang noch unzureichend diskutiert wurde.
Das Symposium findet am 30.01.2025 ab 10 Uhr im HS I in ETF (5.Stock) statt.
Die Veranstaltung ist auch für die Online-Teilnehmer (nach Anmeldung) zugänglich.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter folgendem Link.
Ich freue mich sehr auf euer Interesse und die Verbreitung der Information!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kanau Kobayashi MA
Institut für Philosophie
Im Jahr 2023 verstarb Pierre Legendre, einer der bedeutendsten Denker unserer Zeit. Seine Forschungsarbeit zeichnet sich insbesondere durch einen trans- und interdisziplinären Ansatz aus, der unterschiedliche Wissensgebiete miteinander in Verbindung bringt. Dazu zählen die Psychoanalyse, die Rechtsgeschichte und die Theologie bzw.
Religionsgeschichte. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Spannungsfelder, in denen Legendre zufolge das Wissen über die Reproduktion der sprechenden Gattung Mensch aufbewahrt wird, führte ihn zu einer erneuerten Fokussierung der politisch- und sozialphilosophisch bedeutsamen Frage nach dem Verhältnis von menschlicher Existenz und Institution: Ist das Institutionelle für die menschliche Existenz etwas Äußerliches oder ist es ihr ein wesentlich zugehöriges Phänomen, ohne das sie selbst nicht sein könnte? Welcher Bedeutung kommt in dieser Hinsicht Legendres Begriff der „dogmatische Anthropologie“ zu? Diese Frage gewinnt in der heutigen Zeit zunehmend an Bedeutung, in der, wie Roberto Esposito treffend formuliert, konservative Institutionen und anti-institutionelle Praktiken jede politische Dialektik der Erneuerung zu verhindern scheinen.
Obwohl die Relevanz seines Denkens für unsere Gegenwart mittlerweile als unbestritten gilt, befindet sich die Rezeption von Legends Werk im deutschsprachigen Raum noch im Anfangsstadium. Um die Erforschung des Werkes von Legendre weiter voranzutreiben und auch Kolleginnen und Kollegen auf sein Denken aufmerksam zu machen, orientiert sich das Symposium an folgenden leitenden Fragen: Was sind die theoretischen und ideengeschichtlichen Hintergründe seines Denkens? Wie und was ist unter dem Begriff der „dogmatischen Anthropologie“ zu verstehen und inwiefern kommt ihm eine herausragende Bedeutung zu, über das Verhältnis von Indivduum und Institution Auskunft zu geben? Anhand dieser Leitfragen zielt das Symposium darauf ab, die Relevanz und Aktualität von Legends Werk aus den Perspektiven von Recht, Religion und Psychoanalyse zu diskutieren. Damit soll nicht zuletzt sein Denken einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden.
Dr. Katrin Becker (Universität Luxemburg) Dr. Marina Laurent (Universität Luxemburg) Prof. Dr. Rainer Maria Kiesow (École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Assoz. Prof. DDr. Ulrike Kadi (Medizinische Universität Wien/ Universität Wien) Dr. Peter Anna Zeillinger (Universität Wien) Kanau Kobayashi MA (Universität Wien)
- Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy (VDP)
- Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion (VDTR)
- Forschungszentrum “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society” (RaT)
Das Symposium wird hybrid stattfinden (Für die Online-Teilnahme wenden Sie sich bitte an die unten angegebene Kontaktadresse).
Kanau Kobayashi (a12138695(a)
Dear all,
Your doctoral school wishes you a wonderful 2025. We would like to
invite you to the following events taking place next week at the Neues
Institutsgebäude (NiG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien.
1. Writing Evenings WS24
The VDP Writing Evenings provide an opportunity for focused work on
dissertations and academic texts. They are accessible to philosophy PhD
candidates, advanced master's students, or anyone in between.
Upcoming sessions:
14.01.25, 15:00-19:00, NIG, 3A
21.01.25, 15:00-19:00, NIG, 3A
28.01.25, 15:00-19:00, NIG, 3A
For questions and inquiries, please contact lisa.tragbar(a) or
2. Faculty Presentation (FÖP)
Date: 15.01.25 - 14:00 – 2H, NiG.
Please find attached the poster for the next public Faculty Presentation
of Dissertation Concepts in Philosophy (FÖP).
We are very happy that the next FÖP will be offering drinks and snacks
for the attendees. Thank you for your support!
3. Pragmatic Academic Series: Teaching in Philosophy & External Teaching
Date: 17.01.25 - 11:30-13:00 – 3A, NiG.
If you're planning to apply for external teaching positions, or if you'd
like to brush up on your teaching skills in philosophy, this workshop is
for you! Led by Donata Romizi and Michael Staudigl, it will first focus
on the structure of applications for external teaching positions, the
expectations of decision-making committees, and clues for writing a good
application. The second part will focus on teaching preparation.
Speakers will share their views on how to teach philosophy in a way that
promotes reading, writing and critical thinking skills to undergraduate
students, managing their expectations, presenting philosophical ideas,
motivating class discussions, assigning homework, and giving feedback.
Thank you for reading this message and we hope to see you at some of
these events,
Raphael Aybar
Dear All,
the "Theodor Körner Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst" has
asked Prof. Kusch to share their Call for Applications for the "Theodor
Körner Preis 2025".
The Fund invites submissions for ongoing projects in scientific
research, as well as in the arts, literature, and composition. The
submissions may apply to the development of research designs intended to
serve as foundations for competitive grant applications (such as FWF).
Projects must be independently conceived and executed by the applicants.
The application deadline is March 31, 2025.
For more information on the application process and eligibility
criteria, please visit the Theodor Körner Fund website:
All the best,
Ella Berger
(Organizational assistant of Martin Kusch)
Summer School
Call for Applications
(Deadline: February 15, 2025)
23rd univie: summer school Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
The History and Epistemology of Econometrics
Vienna, July 7-11, 2025
Course Description
Models and their econometric estimation play an increasingly important role
in modern economic and political life. From macroeconomic policy and
financial regulation to public health and climate policy, models contribute
to shaping policies. The generation of ever more data is likely to support
the proliferation of models and econometrics. Research resources in academia
focus on the theoretical foundations of the underlying model and on the
statistical methods of econometrics; much less attention is devoted to the
epistemological challenges of the underlying concepts, the normative
challenges of the everyday work with econometrics, and the application of
its results in policy decisions and evaluation.
The objective of this program is to increase attention amongst philosophers
of science, academic economists, and empirical economists in policy
institutions (eg, central banks) to these issues.
The course is also structured around a particular point of
view namely, that economics is a science of models and that most of the
main features of econometrics relate generally to the role of models in
Topics will be selected reflecting participants interests and may include:
* History of econometrics to frame the philosophical issues to be
discussed in the course
* The Vienna Circle and econometrics
* Values and Ethical Pitfalls in econometric research
* Key philosophical issues of how models relate to the world and how
they relate to each other
* Data: observation, classification, and measurement of economic
variables from a modeling point of view
* Conceptual issues related to modeling randomness
* The identification problem: how possibly, if at all possible, to
map descriptive relations onto theoretical variables?
* Issues related to optional stopping, search methodologies, and the
proper interpretation of results obtained through search
* Different approaches to the nature of causation and different
strategies of causal inference
* The conceptual basis of graphical causal modeling and controlled,
natural, and field experiments
* The conceptual issues surrounding the problem of model
uncertainty, as well as some of the strategies economists use to address it
Main Lecturers:
Kevin D. Hoover (Duke University)
Kevin D. Hoover is Professor of Economics and Philosophy and Senior Fellow
of the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University. He
is the editor of the journal History of Political Economy and a past editor
of the Journal of Economic Methodology. His current research addresses
causality, causal inference in economics, the history of macroeconomics,
philosophical issues related to the microfoundations of macroeconomics, and
the engagement with economics of the American pragmatist philosopher
Charles. S. Peirce. He is the author of The New Classical Macroeconomics,
the Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics, Causality in Macroeconomics,
Applied Intermediate Macroeconomics, as well as many articles in monetary
and macroeconomics, the history of economics, the philosophy of economics,
and applied econometrics.
Jennifer Jhun (Duke University)
Jennifer Jhun is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department at Duke
University, as well as a Senior Fellow of the Center for the History of
Political Economy. She holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of
Pittsburgh. Her main research interests are in the philosophy of science,
especially philosophy of economics, but also in issues in other areas, such
as psychology and physics. She is currently engaged on a project that
investigates antitrust from a historical and philosophy-of-science
perspective: Whats the Point of ceteris Paribus? or, How to Understand
Supply and Demand Curves. Philosophy of Science 85, no. 2 (2018): 271-292;
Economics, Equilibrium Methods, and Multi-scale Modeling. Erkenntnis 86,
no. 2 (2021): 457-472; Multi-Model Reasoning in Economics: The Case of
COMPASS. Philosophy of Science 90, no. 4 (2023): 836-854; Implied Market
Shares and Antitrust Markets as Fuzzy Sets. Forthcoming at The Antitrust
Bulletin. (Joint with Matthew Panhans, Federal Trade Commission)
Guest Lecturer:
Marcel Boumans (University of Utrecht)
Marcel Boumans is historian and philosopher of science at Utrecht
University. His main research focus is on understanding empirical research
practices in science outside the lab from a philosophy of
science-in-practice perspective. He is particularly interested in the
practices of measurement and modelling and the role of mathematics in social
science. The first step in these practices is to make sense of the available
data. Visualisations play an important role in this. His current research
project Vision and Visualisation is nearing completion with a book
manuscript Shaping the Phenomena.
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior
researchers in philosophy of science and economics as well as empirical
economists at policy institutions (eg, central banks) but the organizers
also encourage applications from people in all stages of their career and
from fields other than economics that apply advanced econometrics.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International Program
Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. Its
members represent the scientific fields in the scope of USS-SWC, make
contact to their home universities and will also support acknowledgement of
courses taken by the students. The annual summer school is organised by the
Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna.
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University (North
Carolina) here:
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alser Straße 23/32
1080 Wien
<> summerschool.ivc(a)
Scientific director:
Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alser Straße 23/32
1080 Wien
<> georg.schiemer(a)
Dear all,
I warmly invite you to an upcoming APSE event on refusal. It consists of
a talk by Laura Caponetto (Milan) entitled "Refusing - and Refusing to
Obey" and an accompanying reading circle prior to the talk.
Date: Thursday, January 16th
Reading Circle: 1pm - 3pm
Talk: 3pm - 5 pm
Location: room 3A (NIG)
After the talk, we will go out for dinner. Please write to
veronika.lassl(a) if you would like to join.
Everyone is welcome to attend parts or all of this event!
We can do several different things with the word ‘No’. We can turn down
an offer, decline an invitation, deny permission. We can engage in civil
disobedience. In this talk, I aim to map these varieties and unpack the
normative profile of refusal. I argue that refusal constitutes an
illocutionary family comprising acts which have different felicity
conditions but share the definitional normative function of preventing
certain obligations from being created or waived. I begin by singling
out what I take to be the paradigmatic case of refusal. I then broaden
the picture a little, to consider speech acts that share ‘family
resemblances’ with this paradigmatic case. And then I broaden it
further, to look at speech acts that populate the ‘illocutionary
neighborhood’, including ‘refusal to obey’.
The talk expands upon my previous work on the topic (Caponetto 2023).
While that work was primarily concerned with ‘upstream norms’ for
refusing (i.e. the conditions under which refusal succeeds), I here
focus on its ‘downstream norms’ – on the changes refusal effects on
the normative landscape.
Reading Circle:
We will discuss Caponetto's 2023 paper "The pragmatic structure of
refusal" (attached as a PDF), which is closely related to the topic of
the talk. Please feel free to bring your lunch! The reading circle is
open to everyone - please send a message to vinzenz.fischer(a)
if you want to attend.
As an introduction to the field, we suggest:
Green, M. (2020) . Speech acts. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford
encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition).
For further reading regarding the topic:
Caponetto, L. (2017). On silencing, authority, and the act of refusal.
Rivista di Estetica, 64, 35–52.
Langton, R. (2018b). Blocking as counter-speech. In D. Fogal, D.W.
Harris, & M. Moss (Eds.), New work on speech acts (pp. 144–164). Oxford
University Press.
Sbisà, M. (2019). Assertion among the speech acts. In S. C. Goldberg
(Ed.), The Oxford handbook of assertion (pp. 158–178). Oxford University
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Veronika Lassl
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
untenstehend zu Ihrer Information.
mit besten Grüßen,
Andreas Wintersperger, MA
+43(1)4277 46401
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7/3/A 316
1010 Wien
-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: Ausschreibung: Roland Atefie-Preis der Österreichischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften 2025
Datum: 07.01.2025 11:42
Von: "Kontny, Johannes" <Johannes.Kontny(a)>
Ausschreibung: Roland Atefie-Preis der Österreichischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften 2025
Der Roland Atefie-Preis wird für eine hervorragende Dissertation aus
den Fachbereichen Philosophie, Theologie oder Indologie vergeben, die an
einer österreichischen Universität durchgeführt und max. zwei Jahre
vor dem Einreichtermin abgeschlossen wurde.
Bevorzugt werden Antragstellende, deren Dissertation zum Zeitpunkt der
Einreichung bereits publiziert oder von einem Verlag zur Publikation
angenommen wurde.
Die Höhe des Preises beträgt 4.000,- Euro. Der nächste Einreichtermin
ist der 3. März 2025.
Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie unter…
Dr. Johannes Kontny
Stipendien & Preise | Fellowships & Awards
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | Austrian Academy of
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Österreich | Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 51581-1318
johannes.kontny(a) | [1]
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