Dear colleagues,
I'm pleased to invite you to our next APSE talk on Thursday, 25th
January 2024, 3:00 (s.t.) - 5:00 p.m. in HS 3A, 3. OG, NIG.
The speaker is Professor Stella Villarmea (Complutense University of
Madrid & University of Oxford). She will be speaking about:
"Birthing: Vindicating a Visceral Body Philosophically"
Birth matters matter — and they matter philosophically too. I work on
philosophy of birth, that is, I use the tools of philosophy to analyse
representations and practices around childbirth. My thesis is that to
reorient philosophical conversation toward birth and, specifically, to
the origin of our lives in the female body, produces a radical shift.
Once we take that turn, many of the tales about our origin truly become
'old-tales'. Are we already imagining a new genealogy, a new logos for
genos? Can we philosophically (and medically/obstetrically) represent
and vindicate this new genea-logy?
The talk will be followed by a dinner. Please let me know if you would
like to join.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Best wishes,
Anne Sophie
"The Metaphysics of Development and Evolution: From Thing Ontology to
Process Ontology", Human Development, online first:
"Emergent Properties", in: The Routledge Handbook of Properties, ed. by
A.-S. Maurin & A. Fisher (pp.347-357), Routledge
"The Metaphysics of Living Consciousness: Metabolism, Agency and
Purposiveness", Biosemiotics 16 (2023), 281–290:
Elise Richter Research Fellow
Institute of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Vienna, Austria