Dear All,
On behalf of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, it
is my pleasure to invite you to the next edition of the Young Academy
Distinguished Lecture Series, which will take place on Wednesday, 9th
October 2024, at 5p.m. in the Sitzungssaal of the main building of the
Austrian Academy of Sciences (Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2).
The topic is:
"The Boundaries of Mathematics: From Gödel to the Study of Large
Mathematics is known as an exact science: Every statement seems to be
true or false in the sense that it can be proved or disproved. Kurt
Gödel shocked the mathematical community in the 1930s by showing that
there are mathematical statements that can neither be proved nor
disproved. While his example was of theoretical nature, we now know
several examples from mathematical practice. In particular, the study of
large infinities is full of unprovable statements, thus pointing beyond
mathematics into the realm of philosophy.
The lecture will shed light on the origins of Gödel's incompleteness
theorem and discuss the latest research on unprovable statements,
especially in the study of large infinities.
The speakers are:
- Jan von Plato, logician and historian of science at the University of
- W. Hugh Woodin, Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at Harvard
University and expert in axiomatic set theory,
- Sandra Müller, member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of
Sciences and mathematician at the TU Wien.
The discussion will be moderated by Anne Sophie Meincke, philosopher at
the University of Vienna and member of the Young Academy.
The Young Academy Distinguished Lecture Series brings cutting-edge
scientific topics to the public, presented by distinguished experts and
a member of the Young Academy.
More details are to be found in the attached booklet.
Please register for the event here:…
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Best wishes,
Anne Sophie
Recent publications:
"Continuant Processes or Processual Continuants? Towards an Analytic
Process Metaphysics", in: Objects and Properties: New Essays in
Metaphysics, ed. by A. Moran & C. Rossi, Oxford University Press,
"Emergent Properties", in: The Routledge Handbook of Properties, ed. by
A. Fisher & A.-S. Maurin (pp.347-357), Routledge 2024
"The Metaphysics of Development and Evolution: From Thing Ontology to
Process Ontology", Human Development 67, 5-6 (2023), 233-256:
"The Metaphysics of Living Consciousness: Metabolism, Agency and
Purposiveness", Biosemiotics 16 (2023), 281–290:
Elise Richter Research Fellow
Institute of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Vienna, Austria