CfA: Winter School 2024 | ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political
Thought | The Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre
10 December - 12 December, hybrid event, at the European Consortium for
Political Research (ECPR), Harbour House, Colchester
The ECPR'S Kantian Standing Group, in association with the
Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre@Keele University
and the University of Vienna, invites registrations for its hybrid
Winter School which explores the relevance of Kantian political thought
in addressing pressing global challenges of our time such as
environment, climate change, world poverty, human rights, toleration,
pandemic, AI, and migration, among others.
Approximately 15-20 postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers
are invited to participate to 3 days of themed sessions and discussions
with the additional option of giving a presentation and receiving
feedback from expert scholars leading the sessions, including: Pauline
Kleingeld (University of Groningen), Stefanie Grüne (University of
Cologne), Eric Watkins (University of California), Marcus Willaschek
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) and Sorin Baiasu (Keele University); two
more speakers will be confirmed shortly.
Please note: this year, the Winter School will be followed by the
_'Rousseau' Annual Lecture and Conference_, on 12-13 December. The
'Rousseau' Annual Lecturer will be Marcus Willaschek [1]
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) (on "Who Is a Person? Universality and
Exclusion in Kant's Ethics").
The topic of the Annual Conferences will be "Kant on Reason, Metaphysics
and Morality. Themes from the Work of Marcus Willaschek". Application to
the Winter School will grant exclusive access to the two Annual Rousseau
Lectures and Conferences at a discounted rate.
To register, please see: Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought
Winter School, ECPR Harbour House & Online, 10 - 12 December 2024 [2]
Application deadline: 31 July 2024 midnight BST.
For more information, please email the Kantian Standing Group's Event
Officer, Jakob Rendl (Jakob.rendl(a)
All welcome!