Hi everyone,
We cordially invite you to the next doc:wip, taking place next Monday
from 13:30 to 15:00
Andrew Tedder (Institute Vienna Circle) will be presenting on:
Pluriplenitudinous Platonism
Abstract: I discuss a view in philosophy of mathematics which combines
realism with a robust pluralism, admitting a range of structures,
following Mark Balaguer's Plenitudinous Pluralism, but going more
broadly in admitting inconsistent and other odd structures. In this work
in progress, I sketch the view, as well as my reasons for wanting to
adopt it.
all welcome,
Sophie Veigl (in name of the organizers)
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)univie.ac.at
my pronouns are she/her