Dear all,
UPsalon and the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy cordially invite
you to a jointly organized pragmatic-academic event: "Combatting
Gendered Marginalization and Exclusion - Good Practices for
Philosophers". The workshop will be facilitated by Stephanie Deig
(University of Lucerne).
When: May 23rd, 4-6pm
Where: VinziRast-Lokal mittendrin
This workshop is open to persons of all genders working and studying at
all levels of the department. We especially invite people with extensive
teaching experience to share their perspectives and experiences on
gendered exclusions and bystanding in academic settings.
Please sign up to the workshop via the following link:
Note that we only have 20 open spots; we will allocate them via a “first
come, first serve” system.
Brief workshop description:
“The field of academic philosophy has a serious problem with the
under-representation of women as well as persons who do not identify
with the gender assigned to them at birth. This is due to structural
forms of gendered marginalization and exclusion that create unsafe and
harmful environments. In the first part of this workshop, participants
will be introduced to how specific mechanisms, such as implicit bias,
stereotype threat, as well as sexual and moral harassment manifest
within philosophical settings: working, teaching, and learning, and how
transforming certain conditions and practices could help combat them. In
the second half of the workshop, participants will be given a
theoretical introduction to bystander interventions and be encouraged
(but not required) and given space to share their own experiences
relevant to these questions to create awareness and discuss potential
strategies that could be enacted locally. We will conclude by using
these experiences as a basis for discussion about how bystanders can
safely and productively intervene in instances of gendered wrongdoings.
Even though the workshop focuses on gender-based exclusions, the
convener seeks to create a space for discussing marginalization from an
intersectional perspective."
If you have a topic that you’d particularly like to discuss or are
interested in contributing to the workshop, please contact Stephanie
Deig at: stephanie.deig(a)
Stephanie Deig, MA, is a PhD Candidate at the University of Lucerne. She
is a co-founder of two organizations that have worked to combat gendered
inequalities in the academic field of philosophy in Switzerland and is
active as a board member with The Society for Women* in Philosophy
Here you can find the link to the Good Practice Guide that Stephanie
bases the presentation on (it is in DE and EN).
And here the event description on our website:
Kind regards,
Sonja (on behalf of UPsalon)
Sonja Riegler, BA BA MA
Prae Doc Philosophy
University of Vienna