Dear All,
The Philosophy Department of the Central European University, the
Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science
and Epistemology (of the Department of Philosophy of the University of
Vienna) are jointly organizing a series of talks this term:…
The next talk will be Thursday, January 12th, 3-5pm CEST.
This talk is online only.
The speaker will be Jonathan Flowers (California State University).
The title of the talk is:
'Science as Culture' (Abstract below)
Online access (without registration):
Meeting-ID: 614 7520 5762
Password: 264065
No RSVP or registered accounts are required for online attention, it's
enough to click on the link and enter your name. Chrome or Firefox
browsers work best.
This talk will apply John Dewey’s theory of culture and technology and
science to algorithmic platforms, commonly known as “artificial
intelligence,” to indicate the need to consider not simply the platforms
themselves, but the data they rely upon, as continuous with culture to
better understand the indirect and direct consequences of their
deployment and how they structure experience.
Everyone welcome!
On behalf of the organizers,
Martin Kusch
Prof. Martin Kusch (he/they)
Univ. of Vienna, Dpt. of Philosophy