This week the Forum is excited to have a talk by Veli Mitova: White
ignorance undermines internalism about epistemic blame! Consequently, there
will be no reading. As always, everyone is welcome to join, especially
newcomers - just show up!
According to the standard story about blame, non-culpable ignorance is an
excuse: if I dont know that the drink I am giving you contains poison, I am
blameless for poisoning you. White ignorancethe oppressors ignorance of
the experiences of the oppressedshares a surprising number of features with
this kind of case despite being a clearly culpable form of ignorance. For
instance, it is typically invisible to its owner, rendering her ignorant of
its epistemic and moral harms. This makes the standard blame-story unable to
account for the very real intuition that white ignorance is both morally and
epistemically blameworthy. In this talk, I focus on epistemic blame. I first
draw on the epistemic-excuses literature to argue that white ignorance is
epistemically blameworthy. I then show that we can only make sense of this
claim if we reject the reasons-internalism implicit in the standard story
about epistemic blame.
When: Friday, 10.06.22, 18:30-20:00
Where: HS 3F (NIG)
Or Zoom:
Meeting ID: 838 4299 6811
Password: 9Mn0AY
Martin Niederl