Dear all,
together with several people all over the university and Manu Sharma
from our own institute, I am organizing an InterGender – International
Consortium for Interdisciplinary Feminist Research Training course for
PhD and late stage MA students, which will happen in October and is
entitled "Learning to Read Differently".
You can even get 7,5 or 10 ECTS credits for it!
Here's a short description:
Much academic work relies on existing texts and their interpretation. As
scholars, we necessarily build on these knowledges transmitted to us by
others in order to try to better understand power relations and their
modes of action, to form our own arguments based on the texts, to make
sense of certain social phenomena and to contribute to thinking_feeling
about the world. All too often, this process of reading becomes so
normalized that we hardly think about the consequences and premises of
these practices of reading themselves. Therefore, we want to dedicate
this PhD and MA course to the goal of “Learning to Read Differently”.
Throughout the course, we will engage not only with how we read “texts”
as they are commonly understood, but also with how we interpret the
fabric of reality and the situations and phenomena we encounter in our
research and beyond. Together, we want to explore what we choose to read
or not to read, as well as the political implications that arise from
these practices. Thus, the course aims to support participants in
exercising reading practices and research methods that enable them to
critically reflect upon the “standard” practices usually governed by
white euro-anglo-centric academia, to challenge them, and to try out
different approaches.
Deadline for application is June 18, 2023.
We invite all those who are interested to apply, and are happy if you
also widely share this call with others!
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!