The Center for Religious Studies cordially invites you to a
Public Lecture by
*Dr.****Carlos Steel*
*“Malum metaphysicum. The Neoplatonic Antecedents”*
Vienna Campus
Quellenstrasse 51
Room : B-319 Senate Room
*Thursday, November 16, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm***
* *
This lecture examines whether the Neoplatonic explanation of evil can be
seen as an antecedent of the Leibnizian metaphysics of evil, as is often
claimed. The starting-point is Augustine’s distinction between “malum
culpae” and “malum poenae”, to which Leibniz is indebted. The concept of
metaphysical evil is needed to encompass instances of evil that do not
fall under that distinction.
*Carlos Steel* is emeritus Professor for ancient and medieval philosophy
at the University of Leuven. His main research is devoted to the study
of the Platonic tradition from Plato to Ficino, with a particular
emphasis on the philosophy of Proclus. He is also known for his critical
editions and translations of ancient and medieval philosophical texts.
External guests need to register for events by filling up this form
<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=E1nE2VN24kuSC72wOGOBhHAm4rUDqmVHg0i8dk9_3KlUNDFBTUwzR0pOSlhEV0hNTjNYM0RRQkVGRC4u> before
November 15th.
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/Center for Religious Studies/
Quellenstrasse 51 | 1100 Wien | B217a
_religion.ceu.edu <http://religion.ceu.edu/>_ / Rauleacg(a)ceu.edu