Dear all,
next week, there will be a little Easter break. Please note that our next speaker in the
Philosophy of Science Colloquium organized by the Institute Vienna Circle is Adrien
Champougny (IVC Fellow), who will give a talk on April 4, 4.45-6.15 pm.
All are welcome!
Philosophy of Science Colloquium TALK: Adrien Champougny
Reverse Mathematics: Why Should the Philosopher Care About It?
Philosophy of Science Colloquium
The Institute Vienna Circle holds a Philosophy of Science Colloquium with talks by our
present fellows.
Date: 04/04/2024
Time: 16h45
Venue: New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, HS 3F
Reverse mathematics is a sub-field of mathematical logic. It is used to, a certain theorem
t being given, be able to identify exactly what is needed to prove t. The goal of this
talk is to provide a brief introduction to reverse mathematics and to give a few insights
on why it is an interesting subject from a philosophical point of view.
I will show how the founding fathers of reverse mathematics (that is Harvey Friedeman and
Steven Simpson) offered a first philosophical reading of their work that was mainly
ontological in character: according to their view, the goal of reverse mathematics is to
identify “[…] which set existence axioms are needed to prove the known theorems of
mathematics” [Simpson,2009].
I will then present another way to see the philosophical interest of reverse mathematics
that is more focused on the epistemological side. This reading rests on a simple idea: all
other things being equal, one has a deeper epistemological control over a constructive
proof than over an unconstructive one (I will try to make this concept precise in the
course of the presentation). According to this reading, reverse mathematics can be seen as
a way to evaluate what kind of knowledge we can hope to acquire concerning a particular
mathematical theorem.
Finally, assuming that time permits, I will close my presentation by mentioning a new
field of research started by Benedict Eastaugh and Walter Dean: reverse philosophy. The
idea in this field is to find an argument in philosophy that somehow rests on a
mathematical theorem and to show that this mathematical theorem necessitates some
non-trivial mathematical resources to be proven.
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