Wir wurden um Weiterleitung der folgenden Nachricht gebeten.
Dear all,
we’re looking for presenters for our workshop on Collaborative and Antagonistic Action
with Prof. Anton Ford <https://philosophy.uchicago.edu/faculty/ford> from the
University of Chicago.
More specifically, we’re looking for people who are currently pursuing a Bachelor’s,
Master’s or PhD degree here in Vienna, work on action theory, and would want to present
their work at this wonderful workshop we’re putting together.
This is supposed to be a workshop where students can get feedback on their work. So
there’s no need for a fully fledged abstract since we do expect everyone to still be very
much working on whatever it is they’re wanting to present. Just send us a brief outline of
your project that gives us an idea of what the talk is going to be about.
Here are some more precise bullet points:
Date: *December 16, 2022*
Format: Talks will be 20-25 mins, with 20 min Q&A
Topic: Really anything related to the topic, including but not limited to:
o Collaborative and antagonistic action
o Collective and joint intentionality
o The nature and function of practical reasons and practical reasoning
o Reasoning about acting together (or hindering action)
o Background conditions for successful action
Submission: Please send me (martin.niederl(a)univie.ac.at) a short outline of your project
(around 500 words, but can be more or less)
Deadline: Please send me the outline by* August 21, 2022*
We're very much looking forward to all your submissions!
And as a rule of thumb: /When in doubt, just send it to me anyways /or drop me an e-mail
in advance and we can just quickly discuss it.
And as always, if you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me
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