Dear colleagues and friends,
This is a gentle reminder of our conference "International Planning for
Freedom. Otto Neurath's democratic planning theory in the context of the
climate crisis". The program and abstracts can be downloaded via this link:
Please note that also the links to the two related events (June 14:
"Utopianism, Rationality, and Thought Experiments...", June 15-16:
"Metrics of Energy") have been updated (see below).
Elisabeth Nemeth
International Conference:
International Planning for Freedom. Otto Neurath's democratic planning
theory in the context of the climate crisis
A cooperation between Institute Vienna Circle (University of Vienna),
Vienna Circle Society (Vienna), Chamber of Labor (Vienna), FWF Project
Isotype. Origin, development, legacy (P 31500), Wien Museum.
Only a few years ago it was hardly imaginable that demands for planned
economy measures would be raised and publicly discussed again. Now the
time has come. Ulrike Herrmann's book "Das Ende des Kapitalismus. Warum
Wachstum und Klimaschutz nicht vereinbar sind – und wie wir in Zukunft
leben werden" (2022) is a bestseller. Her central thesis is discussed in
numerous public media: The transition from growth-dependent capitalism
to a social and ecological circular economy will only be possible
through a "private planned economy".
What she understands by this has striking similarities with the ideas of
economic planning that Otto Neurath conceived even before the First
World War and continued to develop until the end of his life in 1945. An
important point of reference for Neurath was Josef Popper-Lynkeus. The
latter justified the demand for overall social planning with a radically
individualistic ethic. Seen from today, this combination is surprising
and inspiring - not least because Popper-Lynkeus and Neurath were among
the first to introduce ecological viewpoints into economics.
A highlight of the conference will be the screening of the film "Land of
Promise" (UK 1946). The film was conceived by Neurath as a "film
argument" and directed by Paul Rotha. It argues for combating the
housing shortage in post-war England with extensively planned housing
programme. The arguments put forward in the film bear a remarkable
resemblance to the arguments Ulrike Herrmann puts forward today for a
"private planned economy" as a transition to a circular economy.
June 12th, 2023: Chamber of Labor - Bildungszentrum, Theresianumgasse
16-18, 1040 Vienna
Conference language: German
Please pre-register:
(registration open from next week)
June 13th, 2023: Erika Weinzierl-Hoersaal, University of Vienna,
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Conference language: English
Please pre-register: office.wienerkreis(a)
ENTRANCE FREE. Please find the detailed program attached.
PLEASE NOTE two events closely related to our conference:
Institute Vienna Circle Philosophy of Science Colloquium Special Panel:
Utopianism, Rationality, and Thought Experiments in Viennese Late
June 14th, 2023, 15:00-17:00
Institut für Philosophie, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG),
Universitätsstraße 7, Lecture Room 2i Contact:
The Metrics of Energy: Accounting for Nature in the History of Social
Science and Ecological Economics
June 15th and 16th, 2023
International Workshop, organised by Anna Echterhölter and Marco Vianna
University of Vienna (Key Research Area History of Science) in
cooperation with the
Institute for Advanced Studies IHS Vienna (research group Energy,
Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures)…
ao. Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr. Elisabeth Nemeth
Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7