Writing Evenings in Summer Semester 2023
Mondays, 15:00-20:00, Room 3A, NIG 3rd floor
Because the event was well received last semester, we are pleased to
be able to start the Writing Evenings in the summer semester one hour
earlier, at 15:00. However, you are free to leave earlier if you
cannot work productively until 20:00.
The VDP Writing Evenings will take place every Monday evening (except
holidays) from 15:00-20:00 in Hörsaal 3A, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7,
1010 Vienna.
06.03.23, 15:00-16:00 Workshop on “Academic Writing: Writing
Productivity and Writing Flow” - Claudia Macho (more information
follows), NIG, 3A
afterwards: 16:00-20:00 Writing Evening, NIG, 3A
13.03.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
20.03.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
27.03.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
17.04.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
24.04.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
08.05.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
15.05.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
22.05.23, 16:00-20:00, NIG, 3A (starts an hour later!)
05.06.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
12.06.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
19.06.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
26.06.23, 15:00-20:00, NIG, 3A
We invite all the members of the VDP to attend our weekly Writing
Evenings and especially encourage those to come who do not have an
office space at the university.
Advanced master students working on their thesis or other academic
texts are also welcome to join the Writing Evenings.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask
lisa.tragbar(a)univie.ac.at or raphael.aybar(a)univie.ac.at.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Besten Dank und liebe Grüße
Lisa Tragbar, BA BA MA
Universitätsassistentin an der Professur für Ethik mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung von angewandter Ethik Fakultät für Philosophie und
Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Wien
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG, Zi. A 0308)
A-1010 Wien
lisa.tragbar(a)univie.ac.at <mailto:lisa.tragbar@univie.ac.at>