Dear all,
it is my pleasure to invite you to the next talk organized by APSE –
Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology. Mirjam Faissner (Charité
- Universitätsmedizin Berlin) will give a talk titled "Epistemic
Oppression and Trans Healthcare".
Where and When: 21.3.2024, 15:00, HS 3A (NIG).
To understand and communicate our social experiences, we rely on
epistemic resources, such as words, concepts, metaphors, or social
meanings. Yet, which epistemic resources are socially available depends
on power structures. The concept of epistemic oppression, as developed
by Kristie Dotson, is helpful in understanding how power structures
enable and constrain epistemic agency, i. e. our ability to use, develop
and adapt our shared epistemic resources.
In this talk, I argue that institutional epistemologies in healthcare
sustain the epistemic oppression of trans people. More specifically, I
suggest that dominant narratives on transition and detransition
available in healthcare result in hermeneutical injustice and
smothering, two types of epistemic injustice that uphold epistemic
oppression. I discuss consequences of the epistemic oppression of trans
people for trans healthcare.
Mirjam Faissner is a medical ethicist working at the Institute of the
History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine at Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Trained as a medical doctor and a
philosopher, she works on questions of structural and epistemic
injustice in healthcare, combining philosophical and empirical research.
Looking forward to seeing you at the talk!
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann on behalf of APSE
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!