Dear all,
This is an email to remind you that the next presentation in the
Work-In-Progress series will be given by Hermann Crüwell (Ernst-Mach
Postdoc, University of Vienna; Ph.D., University of Oxford)) this coming
Thursday. The presentation is entitled "Katharsis: On the Platonic
Adaptation of an Orphic Idea"
At the time when Plato wrote his dialogues, many people sought meaning
and salvation in Orphic mystery cults. In short, Orphism taught that the
soul was once in a state of primordial blessedness in the company of the
gods. Because of an original sin, it fell away from this state and is
now trapped in circles of reincarnation in human bodies. Only initiation
into the Orphic mysteries and purification from its current impure
condition can help the practitioner to be released from this circle,
restore itself in its original condition and attain eternal bliss in the
company of the gods once again.
Plato was critical of these cults, which often demanded fees in exchange
for salvation by purifying rituals and initiation into the mysteries
(cf. Republic 364b–c). At the same time, he took on central concepts and
narratives from the Orphics to give expression to his own philosophical
outlook on the soul, its fate, and its quest for self-perfection.
Focusing on the Phaedo and its concept of katharsis (purification), I
explore how Plato transforms an Orphic idea to conceptualize the soul's
cognitive progress towards wisdom and virtue of character by means of
The meeting will take place in lecture hall 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße
7, 3rd floor) at 17:15 and will last up to 18:45. All are invited to
join us for dinner or drinks afterward. If possible, please let us know
in advance by email.
You can write to wip.philosophie(a) if you have any questions
or would like to present for the Work-in-Progress series. Calendar and
event information can be found at:
Best wishes and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Team (Chiara Dankl, Martin Niederl, Yi-Jie Xia, Adrian
Fleisch, Mark Basafa, Sophie Veigl, Raphael Aybar, Nianzu Tu)
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie im Namen von Khôra herzlich zum nächsten Kolloquium einladen.
Termin: 14.03.2024, 18:30 - 20:00, Hauptgebäude, Seminarraum 8, UG im Hauptgebäude
Thema: In unserer ersten Einheit werden wir uns – anlässlich seines diesjährigen 150. Geburtstag – mit Franz Kafka Beschäftigen:
Kann man in Kafkas Werk von radikalem Perspektivismus sprechen? Wir möchten uns dieser Frage anhand einiger Texte Kafkas und mittels Donna Haraways Konzept des „situierten Wissens“ nähern.
Ob es Josef K. ist, der im Gerichtsapparat verstellt durch Gänge, Bürokratieapparate, Tore und Mauern nie einen Blick auf „das Gesetz“ erhascht, der auf dem Rücken liegend erwachende Gregor Samsa oder z.B. die ungewöhnliche Verortung der Erzählerfigur in ihrem Bau in der gleichnamigen Geschichte: es scheint immer die Perspektive zu sein, die letztendlich das hervorbringt, was wir „Kafkaesk“ nennen und die große Kraft von Franz Kafkas Prosa freisetzt.
"Er hat den archimedischen Punkt gefunden, hat ihn aber gegen sich ausgenützt, offenbar hat er ihn nur unter dieser Bedingung finden dürfen." (Kafka, Aphorismen: Paralipomena zur Reihe „Er“)
Was ist das „Kafkaeske“ in den unhintergehbaren Perspektiven bei Kafka? Welche Macht geht von der Perspektive aus? Und welche vom Nicht-Perspektivier- und damit Perzipierbaren? Wir möchten mit euch, Kafka und Haraway philosophisch Experimentieren.
Für Texte zum Thema schreiben Sie mir bitte persönlich, ich sende diese gerne auf Anfrage zu.
Weitere Informationen sowie eine Mailingliste finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
Danach ist im Café Gagarin reserviert, wo wir den Abend gemeinsam ausklingen lassen.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Liebe Grüße
Sebastian Krach
Dear all,
it is my pleasure to invite you to the next talk organized by APSE –
Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology. Mirjam Faissner (Charité
- Universitätsmedizin Berlin) will give a talk titled "Epistemic
Oppression and Trans Healthcare".
Where and When: 21.3.2024, 15:00, HS 3A (NIG).
To understand and communicate our social experiences, we rely on
epistemic resources, such as words, concepts, metaphors, or social
meanings. Yet, which epistemic resources are socially available depends
on power structures. The concept of epistemic oppression, as developed
by Kristie Dotson, is helpful in understanding how power structures
enable and constrain epistemic agency, i. e. our ability to use, develop
and adapt our shared epistemic resources.
In this talk, I argue that institutional epistemologies in healthcare
sustain the epistemic oppression of trans people. More specifically, I
suggest that dominant narratives on transition and detransition
available in healthcare result in hermeneutical injustice and
smothering, two types of epistemic injustice that uphold epistemic
oppression. I discuss consequences of the epistemic oppression of trans
people for trans healthcare.
Mirjam Faissner is a medical ethicist working at the Institute of the
History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine at Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Trained as a medical doctor and a
philosopher, she works on questions of structural and epistemic
injustice in healthcare, combining philosophical and empirical research.
Looking forward to seeing you at the talk!
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann on behalf of APSE
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Workshop on Truth, Definability and Quantification into Sentence
27 and 28 September 2024, University of Vienna
Jointly organised by Max Kölbel, Julio de Rizzo and Benjamin Schnieder
Can truth be defined? Frege argued that it couldn't. Ramsey argued that
defining it would be easy if only we had an analysis of judgement. Today
Horwich claims that truth cannot be defined explicitly because doing so
would require quantification into sentence position and such
quantification is not coherent. Instead he proposes a "minimal theory"
of truth, which comprises all the unproblematic instances of the
equivalence schema. Künne, by contrast, argues that quantification into
sentence position is coherent and may actually be part of some natural
languages. Künne uses such quantification to define truth explicitly:
∀x (x is true iff ∃p ((x is the proposition that p) & p)). Or in
English: a representation (belief, assertion etc) is true just if things
are as it represents them as being. Künne claims also to find this
definition in Frank Ramsey's posthumous work, which, as an exegetical
claim, is not uncontroversial.
Is truth definable? Is propositional quantification coherent? Do natural
languages involve propositional quantification, and in what sense? What
do the answers to these questions mean for philosophical attempts to
define or explain truth? Is truth redundant if explicitly definable? Not
redundant if not explicitly definable? We are interested in these and
related questions (broadly conceived).
Confirmed speakers are:
Peter Fritz (Australian Catholic University)
Paul Horwich (New York University)
Wolfgang Künne (University of Hamburg)
Poppy Mankowitz (University of Bristol)
Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto)
We invite submissions of extended abstracts (1000 words max.) for up to
3 further talks. Please send your anonymized abstracts by 22 March 2024
to truthwien(a) Selected speakers will be notified by mid April.
We will cover accommodation of selected speakers (and on application
offer them a travel subsidy of up to 400 Euros).
This workshop is supported by the FWF Cluster of Excellence project
"Knowledge in Crisis", the FWF project "Truth is Grounded in Facts" and
the University of Vienna.
Dear all,
our next speaker in the Philosophy of Science Colloquium organized by
the Institute Vienna Circle is IVC fellow Christian J.
Feldbacher-Escamilla (University of Cologne), who will give a talk on
March 14, 4.45-6.15 pm.
All are welcome!
Philosophy of Science Colloquium
The Institute Vienna Circle holds a Philosophy of Science Colloquium
with talks by our present fellows.
Date: 14/03/2024
Time: 16h45
Venue: New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, HS
In Rudolf Carnap's work on inductive logic (starting with his 1950), he
challenged the traditional view that inductive methods contradict
empiricism due to their reliance on a synthetic a priori uniformity
assumption. Carnap proposed a logical alternative to frequentist
probability, advocating for a probabilistic uniformity assumption. He
aimed to categorize all probabilistic statements as analytical and part
of an inductive logic. Despite these efforts, we want to argue that
Carnap's account has gaps. It remains to be proven that from his system
a probabilistic statement about nature's uniformity can be derived.
Additionally, his approach seems to require meta-probabilistic
reasoning, which, at least at first sight, seems to face the problem of
triggering an infinite regress and leaving his account to induction
Eastern Philosophy
The University of Vienna is internationally renowned for its excellence in
teaching and research, and counts more than 7,500 academics from all
disciplines. This breadth of expertise offers unique opportunities to
address the complex challenges of modern society, to develop comprehensive
new approaches, and educate the problem-solvers of tomorrow from a
multidisciplinary perspective.
At the Faculty of Philosophy and Education, the University of Vienna seeks
to appoint a Full Professor of Eastern Philosophy.
The position:
The successful candidate has a research focus in an area of Eastern
Philosophy, such as Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Indian
Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, or Japanese Philosophy. Within a research
focus in Eastern Philosophy, we welcome applications from all philosophical
sub disciplines, including (but not limited to) Epistemology, Metaphysics,
Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Political Philosophy, Ethics, and Aesthetics. The
candidate has an excellent research track record in the respective field
with publications in internationally leading journals.
Your academic profile:
* Doctoral degree/PhD
* Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding
record, international reputation
* Proven leadership qualities
* Gender and diversity competence
* Experience in designing and managing large research projects
* Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's,
master's, and doctoral level
* Willingness to take on organisational and administrative
responsibilities within the Faculty and/or the University
The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within
three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelors
programmes and for participation in university committees.
We offer:
* a dynamic research environment
* a wide range of research and teaching support services
* attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
* an attractive salary according to the
/> Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (§98 UG, level A1,
to be negotiated individually) and an organisational retirement plan
* a start-up package, in particular for the initiation of research
* comprehensive relocation support
Application documents:
Please submit a single PDF file (LastName_FirstName.pdf) containing the
following information in English via e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of
Philosophy and Education at the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans
Bernhard Schmid, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 1010 Wien, (
1. Letter of motivation
2. Academic curriculum vitae
o education and training
o positions held to date
o relevant parental, family or other care times
o awards and honors
o commissions of trust
o previous and current cooperation partners
o list of most important acquired third-party funding as principal
investigator, and, if applicable, of inventions/patents
o list of most important scientific talks (max. 10)
o teaching and mentoring
o supervision experience (Master and PhD)
3. List of publications and a link to your ORCID record
4. Research statement
o most important research achievements (max. 2 pages) and
planned future research activities (max. 4 pages)
o synopsis of five key publications with relevance to the position
5. Teaching and supervision statement
o teaching and supervision concept, including a description of the
previous and planned priorities in academic teaching and supervision (max. 2
Appendices to application document:
a. Five key publications as electronic full text version
b. Teaching evaluations (if available, compiled into a single PDF
c. Copies of certificates of academic degrees (mandatory, compiled
into a single PDF file)
The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and
attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the
<> advancement of women and
diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in
senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university
staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given
equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.
Reference no.: ÖstlichePhil 2024
Application deadline: 15 April 2024
81bc> &cHash=8abdf5d294e318c3a5c3c7ab6eaa81bc
The University of Vienna is internationally renowned for its excellence in
teaching and research, and counts more than 7,500 academics from all
disciplines. This breadth of expertise offers unique opportunities to
address the complex challenges of modern society, to develop comprehensive
new approaches, and educate the problem-solvers of tomorrow from a
multidisciplinary perspective.
At the Faculty of Philosophy and Education, the University of Vienna seeks
to appoint a Full Professor of Epistemology
The position:
The successful candidate has a research focus in Epistemology. They should
have an excellent research track record with publications in internationally
leading journals. Sie*he will contribute to the research of the FWF-funded
Cluster of Excellence Knowledge in Crisis. In addition, the successful
candidate represents the philosophy of science in teaching across all
curriculum levels.
Your academic profile:
* Doctoral degree/PhD
* Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding
record, international reputation
* Proven leadership qualities
* Gender and diversity competence
* Experience in designing and managing large research projects
* Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's,
master's, and doctoral level
* Willingness to take on organisational and administrative
responsibilities within the Faculty and/or the University.
The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within
three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelors
programmes and for participation in university committees.
We offer:
* a dynamic research environment
* a wide range of research and teaching support services
* attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
* an attractive salary according to the
/> Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (§98 UG, level A1,
to be negotiated individually) and an organisational retirement plan
* a start-up package, in particular for the initiation of research
* comprehensive relocation support
Application documents:
Please submit a single PDF file (LastName_FirstName.pdf) containing the
following information in English via e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of
Philosophy and Education at the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans
Bernhard Schmid, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 1010 Wien, (
1. Letter of motivation
2. Academic curriculum vitae
o education and training
o positions held to date
o relevant parental, family or other care times
o awards and honors
o commissions of trust
o previous and current cooperation partners
o list of most important acquired third-party funding as principal
investigator, and, if applicable, of inventions/patents
o list of most important scientific talks (max. 10)
o teaching and mentoring
o supervision experience (Master and PhD)
3. List of publications and a link to your ORCID record
4. Research statement
o most important research achievements (max. 2 pages) and planned future
research activities (max. 4 pages)
o synopsis of five key publications with relevance to the position
5. Teaching and supervision statement
o teaching and supervision concept, including a description of the
previous and planned priorities in academic teaching and supervision (max. 2
Appendices to application document:
a. Five key publications as electronic full text version
b. Teaching evaluations (if available, compiled into a single PDF
c. Copies of certificates of academic degrees (mandatory, compiled
into a single PDF file)
The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and
attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the
<> advancement of women and
diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in
senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university
staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given
equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.
Reference no.: Epistemologie 2024
Application deadline: 15 April 2024
Liebe alle,
ich darf euch herzlich um eure Einreichungen zu diesem CfP für die
Tagung "Materialistisch-(queer)feministische Perspektiven auf Gewalt"
(5. bis 7.12.2024) an der Uni Innsbruck bitten.
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Gewalt aus einer
materialistisch-(queer-)feministischen Perspektive macht deutlich, dass
sie in ihren unterschiedlichen Formen mit gesellschaftlichen Strukturen
verwoben ist. Aus dieser Perspektive gilt es, Institutionen,
ökonomische Zwänge und Bedingungen, Praktiken sowie Wissensformen
sichtbar zu machen, die cis-heteronormative, patriarchale, rassistische,
postkoloniale, klassistische gesellschaftliche Strukturen normalisieren
und auf diese Weise ein Bedingungsgefüge für vielfältige Formen
vergeschlechtlichter, sexualisierter und normativer Gewalt
Die Überlegungen zu Kapitalismus als mehrdimensionalem
Gewaltverhältnis stellen den Ausgangspunkt für die Tagung dar, um die
Komplexität von Gewaltverhältnissen, -strukturen, -handlungen und
-diskursen im gegenwärtigen gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu erfassen.
Ziel der Tagung ist es, theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf
Kapitalismus als intersektionale Gesellschaftsformation zu entwickeln,
die Gewalt strukturell produziert und reproduziert. Wir wollen ausloten,
wie aus materialistisch-(queer)feministischer Perspektive Gewalt als
Ausbeutung, Gewalt als Verhinderung von Lebenschancen und Sicherheit
sowie Gewalt als Normierung konzeptualisiert werden kann, die sich in
die Konstitution von vergeschlechtlichten, sexualisierten,
rassifizierten und klassierten Subjekten, Körpern und Bevölkerungen
einschreibt. Angesichts der multiplen Krisen der Gegenwart wollen wir
zudem diskutieren, welche theoretischen und konzeptuellen Werkzeuge
erforderlich sind, um autoritären Antifeminismus, steigende Queer- und
Transfeindlichkeit sowie Angriffe auf körperliche Selbstbestimmung zu
Mehr dazu im CfP :)
Mit lieben Grüßen,
Flora Löffelmann
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!