Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to invite you to the launch of Tuomo Tiisala’s new book Power and Freedom in the Space of Reasons: Elaborating Foucault’s Pragmatism.
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Location: Aula am Campus, University of Vienna
↗ Registration required<>.
Tuomo Tiisala will present his book’s main ideas in conversation with Prof. Catarina Dutilh Novaes (VU Amsterdam), Prof. Paulina Sliwa (University of Vienna), and Prof. Tim Crane (Central European University), followed by an open discussion with the audience, and a reception.
Please see the attached invitation for further details.
Power and Freedom in the Space of Reasons is freely available online here<…>.
We look forward to welcoming you on the 10th!
Best regards,
Jason Means
Jason Means, MA
Director of Management and Transfer
FWF Cluster of Excellence Knowledge in Crisis
Department of Philosophy, Central European University
Pronouns: He/Him
Tel: +43 1 25230 7538
Cluster Website
Cluster Newsletter<>
[A black background with a black square Description automatically generated with medium confidence]<> [A white x on a black background Description automatically generated] <> [cid:image004.jpg@01DAF892.C6E60D10] <>
Dear all,
There are three PhD positions (up to 3 years and 9 months) in Philosophy
(all fields) at the University of Vienna.
You can find the announcement at
The deadline for applications is September 15, 2024.
I kindly ask you to share this announcement with colleagues and
prospective applicants,
Raphael Aybar
Dear All,
The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy is seeking proposals for the
fifth edition of its summer school, to take place in 2025. We're
currently accepting proposals for organizing and leading our next
year's Summer School.
Deadline: 18 November 2024 23:59 (CET)
Funding: The VDP will cover organizational costs and travel expenses
of 4-5 international and local instructors.
How to apply?
Interested parties should submit a proposal for the upcoming Summer
School, which should not exceed 2-3 pages. The proposal should
1. Suggested title(s)
2. A description and motivation for the topic.
3. Target audience(s) (e.g., late master's students, graduate students,
4. Proposed dates and duration
5. Organizing team, including VDP members and faculty (ideally up 4 to 5
6. List of internal and external faculty for the Summer School.
7. Teaching format (including lectures, workshops, group discussions,
and daily activities).
8. A budget plan (summer schools may charge a fee).
Who can apply?
VDP members (doctoral researchers, VDP supervisory and non-supervisory
Submission Details
Please submit proposals in PDF format by email to vd.philosophy(a)
(Subject: "Summer School Proposal")
Please direct any queries or questions to this email address.
For more information, please visit our webpage:……
We look forward to receiving your proposals.
Best regards,
Raphael Aybar
Dear all,
per request from the organizers, I send you the link to this years
program of the Vienna Humanities Festival.
-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: ESN Uni Wien Poster
Datum: 10.08.2024 15:08
Von: Events ESN Uni Wien <events(a)>
An: philosophie(a)
Wir sind das Erasmus Student Network Uni Wien und veranstalten unter
anderem Events und Workshops für Erasmus Studierende, um diese
untereinander zu vernetzen, aber auch in unsere Gesellschaft zu
integrieren. Darüber hinaus betreiben wir das Buddy System für das
International Office und haben wöchentlich unsere Office Hours im NIG,
wo wir für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen. Es werden laufend Local Buddys
gesucht und wir freuen uns über Interessierte, die unserem Verein
beitreten wollen.
Wäre es möglich, dass Sie für uns eines unserer Plakate (siehe
Anhang) in Ihrem Institut aufhängen würden?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Bettina Zapotocny
Events Manager
ESN Uni Wien
International Office, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien, Austria [1]
[2] [3]
Dear HPS and EST students, teachers, researchers,
for a faster communication and to keep us all informed about what events
are happening in and around our masters program we want to invite you to
the "HPS_EST mailing list". The list is intended for everone studying
and teaching in the HPS/EST program.
To subscribe send a message with 'subscribe' as the subject to
A message asking for confirmation will be sent as a reply. After that
you are subscribed and will receive messages from the list!
Of course your subsription to the list can be altered. A message with
more detailed instructions will be sent to you after your subscription.
To post to the list send your message to
If you have any questions regarding the list you can contact:
Happy communicating!
Workshop on Truth, Definability and Quantification into Sentence
(description below*)
27 and 28 September 2024, University of Vienna
Jointly organised by Max Kölbel, Julio de Rizzo and Benjamin Schnieder
Speakers: Cheryl Misak, Poppy Mankowitz, Paul Horwich, Peter Fritz,
Wolfgang Künne, Arvid Båve, Torsten Odland, Bradley Armour-Garb & James
For more information and registration visit:
*Can truth be defined? Frege argued that it couldn't. Ramsey argued that
defining it would be easy if only we had an analysis of judgement. Today
Horwich claims that truth cannot be defined explicitly because doing so
would require quantification into sentence position and such
quantification is not coherent. Instead he proposes a "minimal theory"
of truth, which comprises all the unproblematic instances of the
equivalence schema. Künne, by contrast, argues that quantification into
sentence position is coherent and may actually be part of some natural
languages. Künne uses such quantification to define truth explicitly:
∀x (x is true iff ∃p ((x is the proposition that p) & p)). Or in
English: a representation (belief, assertion etc) is true just if things
are as it represents them as being. Künne claims also to find this
definition in Frank Ramsey's posthumous work, which, as an exegetical
claim, is not uncontroversial.
Is truth definable? Is propositional quantification coherent? Do natural
languages involve propositional quantification, and in what sense? What
do the answers to these questions mean for philosophical attempts to
define or explain truth? Is truth redundant if explicitly definable? Not
redundant if not explicitly definable? We are interested in these and
related questions (broadly conceived).
This workshop is supported by the FWF Cluster of Excellence project
"Knowledge in Crisis", the FWF project "Truth is Grounded in Facts" and
the University of Vienna.
CfA: Winter School 2024 | ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political
Thought | The Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre
Sessions will be led by: Pauline Kleingeld (University of Groningen),
Stefanie Grüne (University of Cologne), Eric Watkins (University of
California), Marcus Willaschek (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Luigi
Caranti (University of Catania) and Sorin Baiasu (Keele University).
10 December - 12 December, hybrid event, at the European Consortium for
Political Research (ECPR), Harbour House, Colchester
The ECPR'S Kantian Standing Group, in association with the
Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre@Keele University
and the University of Vienna, invites registrations for its hybrid
Winter School which explores the relevance of Kantian political thought
in addressing pressing global challenges of our time such as
environment, climate change, world poverty, human rights, toleration,
pandemic, AI, and migration, among others.
Approximately 15-20 postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers
are invited to participate to 3 days of themed sessions and discussions
with the additional option of giving a presentation and receiving
feedback from expert scholars leading the sessions.
Please note: this year, the Winter School will be followed by the
_'Rousseau' Annual Lecture and Conference_, on 12-13 December. The
'Rousseau' Annual Lecturer will be Marcus Willaschek [1]
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) (on "Who Is a Person? Universality and
Exclusion in Kant's Ethics").
The topic of the Annual Conferences will be "Kant on Reason, Metaphysics
and Morality. Themes from the Work of Marcus Willaschek". Application to
the Winter School will grant exclusive access to the two Annual Rousseau
Lectures and Conferences at a discounted rate.
To register, please see: Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought
Winter School, ECPR Harbour House & Online, 10 - 12 December 2024 [2]
Application deadline: 15 August 2024 midnight BST.
For more information, please email the Kantian Standing Group's Event
Officer, Jakob Rendl (Jakob.rendl(a)
All welcome!
-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: Aquinas at 800 Conference | University of Notre Dame (Sept.
22-25, 2024)
Datum: 12.08.2024 17:47
Von: Aquinas at 800 Conference <aquinas(a)>
An: Aquinas at 800 Conference <aquinas(a)>
Dear colleague,
I would be very grateful for your assistance in circulating the
following conference announcement to your department.
The Jacques Maritain Center at the University of Notre Dame is pleased
to be sponsoring the international conference "Aquinas at 800," in
celebration of Thomas Aquinas's birth anniversary, Sept. 22-25, 2024.
More than 160 speakers will be presenting their research on all areas of
the thought of Aquinas. Registration is now open here [1], and will
remain open until Sept. 6th. For any questions, please write
Thank you,
Christopher Enabnit | Program Coordinator
Maritain Center [2] and History of Philosophy Forum [3]
University of Notre Dame
428 Geddes Hall | Notre Dame, IN 46556
Dear all,
The Cluster of Excellence project is currently accepting applications
for three salaried PhD positions in all areas of philosophy. Please note
the deadline is September 15th.
You can find the call at:….
I would be grateful if you could kindly forward this information onto
anyone you think may be interested.
MSc. Mag. Raphael Aybar, BA
Scientific Coordinator
Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7, B0301
1010 Wien