Our partner University of Zurich recently launched their *UZH Global
Strategy and Partnerships Funding Schemes*
University of Vienna is eligible as a partner in Funding Lines Level 2
(Seed Fund, for exploring specific collaborative ideas in a group
setting) and Level 3 (Project Fund, for deepening existing
collaborations); *Deadline: 10 April 2023*.
We kindly ask you to share this information with faculty interested in
cooperation or already cooperating with the University of Zurich.
Many thanks,
International Office
Internationale Beziehungen | International Office
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien | Vienna
Österreich | Austria
http://international.univie.ac.at <http://international.univie.ac.at/>__
*Open Call: UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme
**(Deadline: 10 April 2023)***
*Level 2: Seed Fund*
* For exploring specific collaborative ideas in a group setting, such
as a joint workshop, event or specific smaller project.
* Applicants may request up to 5,000 CHF per initiative from UZH and
are invited to seek *co-funding from the partner institution*.
(Applicants must have UZH employment contracts.)
* Expected outcomes:
o specific plan of action for further collaboration
o identification of external funding
* *More information:
*Level 3: Project Fund*
* For *deepening existing collaborations* with *potential of high
impact/visibility* for UZH.
* Examples for projects include (but are not limited to) comprehensive
research activities, establishing joint formats in teaching and
research (incl. financing of teaching assistants, PhD students etc.)
or initiatives that support the application of large-scale external
* Applicants may request up to 60,000 CHF per initiative from UZH,
must submit proof of *internal co-funding* and are strongly
encouraged to *seek co-funding from the partner institution*.
(Applicants must have UZH employment contracts.)
* *More information: