Iris March 2023
  • 6 participants
  • 16 discussions

TALK: Rachel Ankeny and Audrey Henry: 'Evolving Models for Co-Production of Marine Science Knowledge in South Australia' (October 20th, 12:30-2pm CEST)
by Martin Kusch
1 year, 10 months

[Call for Papers] Futures Past: Feminism and the Radical Democratic Imaginary
by Sergej Seitz
1 year, 11 months

Invitation_ Talk by Paul*A Helfritzsch
by Brigitta Keintzel
1 year, 11 months

Khôra Verein für philosophische Diskussion
by Sebastian Krach
1 year, 11 months

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 10: Call for Applications: Summer School on Climate Science - Vienna
by Zarah Weiss
1 year, 11 months

Pygmalion Theater Wien - Ermäßigung für StudentInnen und MitarbeiterInnen
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 11 months

Young Philosophy 2023
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 11 months

REMINDER Call for Applications - Summer School on Climate Science - Vienna July 2023
by Zarah Weiss
2 years

Hearings - Philosophie der Aufklärung und der Moderne
by Philosophie
2 years

Effective Altruism, 10.03.2023, 18-19:30 Uhr, HS 2G (NIG)
by Institut für Philosophie
2 years
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