Call for Papers: HOPOS 2024 at The University of Vienna, July 9-12, 2024
The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)
will hold its biennial international congress at the University of Vienna,
Austria, 9-12 July 2024. The Society hereby requests proposals for papers
and symposia to be presented at the meeting.
Submission deadline: Sept. 15, 2023.
HOPOS is devoted to promoting scholarly research on the history of the
philosophy of science. We construe this subject broadly, to include topics
in the history of related disciplines and in all historical periods, studied
through diverse methodologies. We aim to promote historical work in a
variety of ways, but especially through encouraging exchange among scholars
through meetings, publications, and electronic media. The program committee
particularly encourages submissions on philosophical themes that cross time
The conference language is English.
The conference will take place directly after "Paul Feyerabend and Austrian
Philosophy: His Formative Years in Postwar Vienna," an international
conference also to be held at the University of Vienna, July 5-6, 2024.
Guidelines for Submissions:
HOPOS 2024 accepts two types of submissions: contributed papers and
symposia, which are topical collections of 3-4 papers intended to be
presented in a single session.
To submit a proposal, contributors will need to create and account on the
HOPOS 2024 website. Proposals for contributed papers and symposia should be
prepared for anonymous review.
Proposals for contributed papers should include:
* Title of the paper.
* Abstract of the paper (maximum 500 words).
* Contact information for all co-authors.
Proposals for symposia should include:
* Title of the symposium.
* Symposium summary statement (maximum 500 words).
* Titles and abstracts of the papers (maximum 500 words for
each paper).
* Contact information for all symposiasts.
Further details about the submission procedure will be available at:
You will be able to find a link to the submission portal on the same page,
once the portal is opened.
HOPOS will continue its tradition of holding a mentoring program for junior
scholars during the conference. Details will also become available on the
conference website, <>
Program Chairs:
David M. Miller (Auburn University) - Kant and Before Fracesca Biagioli
(University of Turin) - After Kant
Local Organizing Committee:
Martin Kusch, Georg Schiemer, Friedrich Stadler and Elisabeth Nemeth
For further questions and inquiries, please contact
<> webmaster(a)
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to bring your attention to a rank-open position in the
Department of Philosophy at Smith College. The successful candidate will
have a specialization in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind,
and/or aesthetics. Our department is committed to teaching in multiple
philosophical traditions, spanning European and non-European philosophy.
Therefore, we also seek candidates who have teaching competence in one
or more of the following: Indian philosophy, Chinese philosophy,
Africana philosophy, Native American and Indigenous philosophy broadly
construed. Information about the Department of Philosophy may be found
Located in Northampton, MA, Smith College is the largest women’s college
in the country and is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research
across the liberal arts. A faculty of outstanding scholars interact with
students in small classes, as advisors, and through student-faculty
research projects. Smith College offers opportunities to foster faculty
success at every career stage, such as those listedhere
<>. The
College is a member of the Five College Consortium with Amherst,
Hampshire and Mt. Holyoke Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts
Amherst. Students cross-enroll and faculty cross-teach across the Five
Please inform any qualified candidates you may know of this opportunity.
The position description and application information can be found
at your convenience, I also attach
the description here.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Susan Levin
Chair, Department of Philosophy
Chair, Search Committee
Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063
Susan B. Levin
Roe/Straut Professor in the Humanities
Professor of Philosophy
Chair, Department of Philosophy
*Department of Philosophy*
Dewey House, 4 Neilson Drive
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
/Posthuman Bliss? The Failed Promise of Transhumanism/
<…> (Oxford
University Press, 2021)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
gerne möchten wir Sie auf eine Veranstaltung des Tübinger Forum für
Wissenschaftskulturen (TFW) aufmerksam machen, die von Interesse für
Ihre Studierenden sein könnte.
Zwischen 25.-28. September 2023 organisiert das TFW eine internationale
Summer School zum Thema „Raumwelten. Über Raum aus interdisziplinärer
Sicht”. 15 ausgewählte Teilnehmer:innen werden mit vier renommierten
Wissenschaftlern ins Gespräch kommen und das Phänomen des Raums aus
verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchten. Unsere Gäste sind: Thomas Filk
(Physik, Freiburg), Jürgen Hasse (Humangeographie, Frankfurt), Holger
Lyre (Philosophie, Magdeburg) und Markus Schroer (Soziologie, Marburg).
Veranstaltungsort ist Tübingen. Bewerben können sich Masterstudierende
sowie Promovierende. In Ausnahmefällen werden auch Bachelorstudierende
höheren Fachsemesters zugelassen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit eines
Zuschusses für Reise- und Übernachtungskosten.
Weitere Informationen zum Programm und zum Bewerbungsprozess finden Sie
Mit besten Grüßen,
i.A. Aleksandar Georgiev
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich heiße Annemarie Profanter und bin Professorin an der Fakultät für
Bildungswissenschaften an der Freien Universität Bozen. Im Anhang sende
ich Ihnen den Call for Papers für das siebte JungakademikerInnenforum
„Kulturen im Dialog“ zu. Zahlreiche AbsolventInnen der Uni Wien haben in
den vergangenen Jahren am Wettbewerb teilgenommen.
Die Veranstaltung ist besonders interessant für Ihre Studierenden der
Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und
Gesellschaftswissenschaften; Psychologie, Pädagogik; Sprach-, Literatur-
und Kulturwissenschaften, etc. da die beste Arbeit mit einem
Druckkostenzuschuss von 1.000€ prämiert wird.
Für eventuelle Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Annemarie Profanter Mag.ra MSc Annemarie Profanter
Libera Università di Bolzano - Freie Universität Bozen
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Viale Ratisbona 16 - Regensburger Allee 16
39042 Bressanone - Brixen
Tel.: +39 0472/014 141 <tel:+390472014141>
Fax: +39 0472/014 009 <tel:+390472014009>
mailto: annemarie.profanter(a)
* * *
The Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value and the Department of
Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Pardubice, welcome
applications to:
*Master’s Programme in Ethics and Political Philosophy*
Application deadline: *11 August 2023*
Teaching language: English
Standard length of study: 2 years (120 ECTS)
Information about the programme: here
This two-year, *tuition-free* Master of Arts (MA) programme, taught in
English, is conducted in cooperation with the Centre for Ethics, an
internationally renowned research centre. The programme offers full
specialisation in the two main domains of practical philosophy: ethics
and political philosophy. The study plan uniquely integrates
problem-oriented teaching to guide students in independent and critical
thinking about highly relevant and pressing phenomena, such as issues of
marginalisation and exclusion, the nature of democracy, extremisms on
social media, the ethics of AI and robotics, and the climate crisis. The
programme has a strong research orientation and our students
receive systematic training in academic writing skills. The best
graduates will be prepared to apply for PhD study at leading academic
institutions or to join our vibrant multinational PhD community.
From the start, our students are invited to participate in the
abundant research activities of the Centre for Ethics (More information
<>).The Centre regularly organises
international conferences, workshops, and seminars with high-profile
invited speakers, such as Raimond Gaita, Veena Das, Naomi Scheman, John
Lippitt, Cora Diamond, Stephen Mulhall, Sophie Grace Chappell, and Toril
Moi. The Centre hosts prestigious research projects, for instance the
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action fellowships. It also maintains a rich
network of international collaborations with universities such as Genoa,
Manchester, Åbo, Dublin, King’s College London, Melbourne, and Uppsala,
ranging from joint grant projects to Erasmus partnerships:
*What do we offer?*
*• *Two-year, tuition-free Master of Arts (MA) programme, in English.
*• *Study in Pardubice, a charming city in the heart of Europe, well
by rail to several major European cities, including Prague (1 hour), Vienna
(4,5 hours), and Berlin (4,5 hours).
*• *Various stipend opportunities to partly cover the costs of living and
accommodation, as we ll as travel scholarships to conferences and study
stays, including the Erasmus programme.
*• *Teaching and supervision by internationally recognised researchers from
the Centre for Ethics, together with experienced academics from the
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
*• *The best graduates will be prepared to apply for PhD study at leading
academic institutions or to join our vibrant multinational PhD community.
*Application deadline: 11 August 2023*
Interviews: 28 August 2023
Starting date: 18 September 2023
Information about admission requirements and procedure:
Contact for inquiries: Dr Antony Fredriksson (antony.fredriksson(a)
I am writing on behalf of the 2023 DePaul Graduate Student Conference
Committee to notify you that the deadline for submission has been
extended to *Saturday, July 15th*. If you could please pass this on to
your graduate students, we would be very appreciative. The title of the
conference is “Philosophy and the Age of the Anthropocene” and it will
be held in person at DePaul University on September 29-30, 2023. Please
see the attached flyer and information sheet for more details.
We ask that interested participants send 300-500 word abstracts prepared
for anonymous review in PDF format to: *depaulconference2023(a)*.
In the body of the email, please include 1) Name, 2) Institutional
Affiliation, 3) Title of Paper, and 4) Contact Information (Email
and phone number).
Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions, and
we look forward to reading your submissions.
Best wishes,
Joel Bock
PhD Candidate and Teaching Fellow
Department of Philosophy, DePaul University
2352 N Clifton Ave,Suite 150
Chicago, IL60614
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is our pleasure to announce the 16th International Scientific
Conference “Students Encountering Science - StES 2023”, which will take
place in Banja Luka from 23 November to 25 November 2023.
This is a great opportunity for your students to test their knowledge
and writing skills, improve certain aspects of your writing and let your
ideas bloom.
We invite undergraduate, master and doctoral students, as well as young
researchers under 30 to participate.
We're sending all needed documents in the attached files as follows:
Invitation letter, Application form, Guidelines for writing. Please
share this information with your students.
Please confirm receipt of the email.
Looking forward to receiving their applications,
The organizing committee
Unser Seminar bildet eine politisch-theologische Diskussion zu Rousseaus
Staatstheorie und ihrem historischen Kontext. In seinen beiden
Preisschriften – "Abhandlung über die Wissenschaften und Künste /
Discours sur les sciences et les arts" (1750) und "Abhandlung über den
Ursprung und die Grundlagen der Ungleichheit unter den Menschen /
Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi les
hommes" (1755) – und in seiner Erziehungsschrift "Emil, oder Über die
Erziehung / Émile, ou De l’éducation" (1762) will Rousseau das Leid der
Menschheit erklären: Dieses resultiere nicht aus der Natur des Menschen,
sondern ‚hausgemacht‘ aus dessen gesellschaftlichen Konstrukten.
Rousseaus Anthropologie und Geschichtsphilosophie sind bei dieser
Problemschilderung tiefgehend theologisch geprägt, und so verhält es
sich auch mit der Schrift, in welcher er die Problemlösung erarbeiten
will: "Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag / Du contrat social" (1762). Wie er sich
in seinem Argumentieren bereits vorher wiederholt kulturpolitisch auf
den Calvinismus seiner Heimatstadt berufen hat, publiziert er auch diese
Schrift dezidiert als „Bürger von Genf / Citoyen de Genève“. Seine
zentrale Frage dabei ist, von welcher Religion ein Staat beschaffen sein
muss, damit er als Gemeinschaft bestehen kann; so lautet das letzte
Kapitel „Von der bürgerlichen Religion / De la religion civile“.
Rousseaus bürgerliche Religion weist eine immense Wirkungsgeschichte
auf: Sie ist maßgebliches Movens des "Kultes der Vernunft / Culte de la
Raison" in der Französischen Revolution und prägt entscheidend die
deutschsprachige Philosophie um 1800. Als Rousseau nach seinem
literarisch so produktiven Jahr 1762 von der katholischen als auch von
der reformierten Kirche verfolgt wird, legt er demonstrativ seine Genfer
Staatsbürgerschaft nieder.
Wir werden den Inhalt von Rousseaus politischen Schriften und deren
praktische und theoretische Wirkung unter dem Stichwort ‚Theokratie‘
diskutieren, wobei wir sowohl auf den Calvinismus wie auch auf den Kult
der Vernunft der Französischen Revolution eingehen. Begleitet werden wir
von Rousseau-Interpretationen, die sich über Staël, Cassirer, Barth,
Starobinski, Fetscher bis hin zur aktuellen Forschung erstrecken. Auch
thematisieren wir Rousseaus Wirkung auf die Anfänge des Deutschen
Idealismus anhand einschlägiger Texte.
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
anbei darf ich Sie auf einen CfP zur Ethik und Politik der Imagination aufmerksam machen.
Mit besten Grüßen
Sergej Seitz
Call for Papers
Ethics and Politics of Imagination
Two workshops related to the projects The Limits of Imagination: Animals, Empathy, Anthropomorphism (P35137-G; funded by the FWF) and Prefiguring Democratic Futures: Cultural and Theoretical Responses to the Crisis of Political Imagination (PREDEF 101055015; funded by the ERC)
* First workshop session: Oct 13th and 14th 2023, Innsbruck, Austria
* Second workshop session: April 12th and 13th 2024, Vienna, Austria
Organized by Martin Huth (Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck) & Sergej Seitz (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna)
The concept of imagination plays a significant, yet sometimes underestimated or concealed role in the history of as well as in current debates in practical philosophy.
Ethics problematizes whether or to what extent imagination forms a basis or at least an irreducible part of moral judgments and behavior. For instance, our treatment of people with non-normative embodiment (Garland-Thomson 2017) may depend on our capacity to empathize with them and to imagine their specific way of being in the world. While it is often claimed that this is easily possible, imaginative empathy is a complex phenomenon. An illustrative example is the case of epistemic injustice as analyzed by Fricker (2009). The tacit inability to imagine that, for example, people with cognitive disabilities can be capable knowers forms the basis of systematic exclusion and disrespect. Generally, hegemonic socio-cultural frames of the “deviant” tend to picture their way of being in the world through the lens of privation; hence, comprehension and perceptions are in some respect rooted in politically saturated schemes. This may well lead to paternalism, infantilization, or even dehumanization. With regard to non-human beings, current debates scrutinize whether and to what extent we are capable of imagining what it is like to be a pig, a lizard or a bat. Traditionally, we face widespread skepticism concerning this capability (Nagel 1974), which involves an inability to determine if and to what extent animals suffer in factory farms or during experiments, thus paving the way for the reification of animals.
In politics, imagination is considered in its relevance for forming political judgments as well as in regard to how imaginary dispositives stabilize or destabilize the status quo of a given political order. The neoliberal-capitalist hegemony forecloses the very possibility to imagine institutions and political relations substantially different from the status quo. As Margaret Thatcher’s notorious TINA dictum ‘There is No Alternative’ suggests, ‘radical imagination’ (Castoriadis 1975) and a lively political sense of possibility are repressed. Following this line of thought, it seems urgent to rethink the political’s imaginary dimensions both in its stabilizing (ideological) as well as in its possibility-disclosing and subversive capacities. While the latter is classically explicated in terms of utopia, more recent work questions the blueprint character of classical utopias and focuses instead on how political movements enact and experiment with different forms of life and new relationalities. Much-discussed notions in this respect are prefiguration (van de Sande 2023, Sörensen 2023) and pre-enactment (Marchart 2019), pointing to how political imagination is not only a mental-pictorial, but essentially a practical and collective matter.
This double workshop proceeds from the conviction that to thoroughly rethink imagination requires bridging and interweaving ethical and political perspectives. From the perspective of ethics, it is indispensable to tackle the problem of politically saturated schemes since they predetermine the possibilities and limits of perceiving, imagining, and comprehending others. In this view, ethics is not restricted to ethical criteria and deliberation, but is mindful of the bodily and pre-reflective prerequisites of ethical responsiveness. Political imaginaries constitute alternative frames of perception and comprehension as well as new versions of inclusion and (multi-species) cohabitation. In turn, from the perspective of politics, it seems indispensable to acknowledge different versions of living in the world as prerequisites for imaginaries that are considerable as meaningful alternatives to the status quo.
Against this background, exploring the possibilities and limits of imagination is crucial both for comprehending the ethical aporias as well as the political antagonisms of our times. To this end, the double workshop convenes researchers from all fields of practical philosophy, political theory, sociology, pedagogics, and related disciplines, which tackle the following or further related questions:
* How shall we describe the phenomenon of imagination and its ethical and/or political relevance?
* What role does imagination play in moral decision making? What role should it play?
* To what extent and in what way is imagination pre-determined by hegemonic socio-cultural frames? In other words, how is the relation between imagination and the imaginary to be conceived?
* How can we determine the limits of imagination? Can we extend these limits, and if so, how is that possible?
* How is imagination related to democracy? Is there such a thing as a specifically democratic imagination?
The idea behind the double-workshop model is to provide a platform for more long-term exchange between researchers working on ethico-political questions of imagination. Therefore, we expect all participants to attend both events. We strive towards creating a true workshop atmosphere that allows for serious, productive, and collaborative engagement with each other’s work. Talks should be 30 minutes, followed by at least 30 minutes of discussion. The talk at the second workshop can be on the same or a closely related topic but should however reflect the feedback and criticism gathered at the first workshop. Therefore, this double event is particularly fitting for scholars who wish to present current work-in-progress.
Venue and Accommodation
The workshops will take place in-person at the Universities of Innsbruck (October) and Vienna (April). Online participation is not possible. There is no participation fee. The organizers are happy to give recommendations regarding travel arrangements. In individual cases, assistance with travel expenses may be provided.
We plan to publish the workshop’s proceedings as a special issue in a peer-reviewed journal and/or in an edited volume.
Submission deadline: July 23, 2023
Communication of results: August 5, 2023
Please send your application with an abstract of max. 500 words and a brief biographical note to matin.huth(a)<> and sergej.seitz(a)<>. Note that you apply for both events with one abstract. For any questions regarding the CfP, please contact both Martin Huth and Sergej Seitz.
Mag. Dr. Sergej Seitz, MA
Postdoctoral Researcher @ Predef – Prefiguring Democratic Futures
Department of Political Science | University of Vienna
Mail: sergej.seitz(a)<>
Tel: +43 664 50 66 816