Liebe Kolleg*innen,
im Anhang schicke ich Ihnen den Aushang für die kommende FÖP der DSPL43(
Philosophie) am Montag, 19.06.2023 ab 15:00. Bitte beachten Sie, dass
die FÖP am 19.06.2023 in hybrider Form abgehalten wird. Vor Ort im
Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG) und via Zoom. Sie finden den Zoom Link im Anhang.
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the schedule for our next faculty-public
presentation (FÖP) of doctoral research projects on Monday 19th May 2023
from 3 p.m. onwards. Participants are welcome! PPlease note that the FÖP
will be held in hybrid form on 19.06.2023. On site in lecture hall 3B
(3rd floor, NIG) and via Zoom. Please find the zoom link in the attachment.
Mit besten Grüßen,
With best wishes,
Benjamin Schnieder, DSPL43
Dear All
Drawing from best practices at Racism - Critical working group at the
department of African Studies, we are planning to found our own working
group on the topic of racism, especially in the university context. You
can find more information of the group here:
In line with this, we invite you to join us for a first meeting and
discussion organised with UPSalon. The working group highly encourages
participation from all levels. This will be a yet informal group of
people who care about and are interested in taking up the topic of
racism in the university ecosystem. This working group is concerned with
the kinds of work, ideas and activities that improves awareness,
enhances visibility, initiates discussions and interventions among all
levels and practices of the institution. You can look at the website
attached for a brief orientation.
It is important to re-iterate, that our goal in doing this is to create
a working group that shares a relationship of care with the issue of
racism and it is not a career-building exercise. This also implies that
racism needs to be recognised as an issue that affects us all and yet,
those experiencing racism might also be people to keep in mind as
central to expertise seeking, intervention making and delegation of
authority. The hope is to have something that can be made continuous at
the Philosophy department regardless of the presence of specific
Please write to UPsalon <upsalon.philosophy(a)> by 23rd of
June if you would like to be a member of this group. We are planning our
first meeting at the end of June/ beginning of July at the UPSalon
Stammtisch with the goal of discussing aims, plans and ideas.
We look forward to seeing you at the discussion.
Dear All,
we cordially invite you to the third meeting of the Vienna Science
Studies Lab
(, an intra-institution
initiative hosted by UPSalon (University of Vienna), the Konrad Lorenz
Institute (KLI), and the Epistemology of the In/human Project at
Central European University (CEU).
This meeting will focus Max Liboiron's "Pollution is Colonialism".
Everyone is welcome!
The meeting will be 3rd of July, 3:00-5:00
Location: Konrad Lorenz Institute, Martinstraße 12, Klosterneuburg
Please let us know whether you'll attend by replying to
sophie.juliane.veigl(a) and we will send a pdf of the
Looking forward,
Sophie Veigl on behalf of the SSL organizers
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)
my pronouns are she/her
Guten Tag!
in Beilage möchte ich ein Seminar, "Philosophien der Komplexität"
ankündingen, die vom 04.07.2023 - 25.07.2023 an der Universität für
angewandte Kunst, Wien stattfinden wird.Es handelt sich um
eine Vortrags- und Diskussionsreihe, die in Kooperation und mit
Unterstützung der Abteilung Medientheorie organisiert wird.
Freue ich mich, wenn Sie das Seminar weiterleiten könnten und noch mehr
auf eine Teilnahme!
Registration and further information: arantzazu.saratxagaarregi(a)
Die Sommerakademie „Philosophien der Komplexität“ besteht in einem
explorativen Reflexionsraum, dessen Ziel es ist, auf die wesentlichen
Merkmale der Komplexität tiefgründig einzugehen. Erscheinungen der
Komplexität in den sozialen Systemen werden explorativ beobachtet und
analysiert zwecks Erlangung eines Verständnisses von angesprochenen
Herausforderungen, die zu einer handlungsmächtigen Ethik und einer neuen
Organisation des Denkens führen.
Komplexität steht heute für die Bezeichnung einer schwer begreifbaren
Situation. Sie hat damit zu tun, dass die globalen Ereignisse und
Probleme, die sich in einem großen Rahmen (Pandemie, Krieg, ökologische
Krise) abspielen, eine unmittelbare Wirkung auf die lokale Ebene
ausüben. Sie scheinen unvorhersehbar und unbestimmbar. Große
Unvorhersehbarkeiten machen die Entscheidungen schwierig. Vor der
Überwältigung durch komplexe Probleme wird eine KI-Maschinerie erstellt,
um Lösungen für komplexe Systeme zu finden. Allerdings bleibt die
Unkenntnis immer noch eine Frage, die der Komplexität innewohnt und
nicht von einem technischen Mittel gelöst werden kann. Insofern hat die
Sommerakademie das Ziel, Komplexität nicht nur begreifbar zu machen,
sondern die Handlungsfähigkeit aller sozialen Akteur*innen bewusst zu
machen und ein agiles Denken zu fördern.
Die Komplexität stellt heute die Frage, wie Ordnungen bzw. neue
Ordnungen aus der Verflechtung von miteinander interagierenden Elementen
hervorgehen. Diese Frage wollen wir in der Sommerakademie behandeln, mit
besonderer Aufmerksamkeit auf: Wer trägt die Verantwortung für neue
komplexe Ordnungen? Welche Erkenntniswege sind vorhanden und möglich,
mit denen soziale Agenten die miteinander verflochtenen Phänomene, die
die heutige soziale, ökonomische und ökologische globale Lage bestimmen,
bewältigen können? Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, über die
Epistemologie aktueller, sehr herausfordernder sozialer und
wissenschaftlicher Paradigmen der Komplexität zu reflektieren.
04.07.2023: Eine Reise in die Landschaft der Komplexität
06.07.2023: Paradigmenwechsel
18.07.2023. Selbstorganisation & Komplexität
20.07.2023. Emergenz & Komplexität
25.07.2023. Ökologische Relationalität
The Summer Academy "Philosophies of Complexity" consists of an
explorative space of reflection that aims to delve deeply into the
essential features of complexity. Phenomena of complexity in social
systems will be exploratively observed and analysed in order to gain an
understanding of the challenges raised, leading to an actionable ethics
and a new organisation of thinking.
Complexity is now used to describe a situation that is difficult to
understand. It has to do with the fact that global events and
large-scale problems (pandemics, wars, ecological crises) have an
immediate impact at the local level. They appear unpredictable and
unknowable. Unpredictability makes it difficult to make decisions.
Before being overwhelmed by complex problems, AI machines are being
created to find solutions to complex systems. However, uncertainty
remains an inherent problem of complexity and cannot be solved by
technical means. In this respect, the Summer Academy aims not only to
make complexity comprehensible, but also to make all social actors*
aware of their capacity to act and to promote agile thinking.
Complexity today raises the question of how orders or new orders emerge
from the entanglement of interacting elements. We want to address this
question in the Summer Academy, with a particular focus on: Who is
responsible for new complex orders? What ways of knowing are available
and possible for social actors to manage the entangled phenomena that
define today's social, economic and ecological global situation? The aim
of this project is to reflect on the epistemology of current, highly
challenging social and scientific paradigms of complexity.
04.07.2023: A journey into the landscape of complexity
06.07.2023: Paradigm Shift
18.07.2023. Self-organisation & Complexity
20.07.2023. Emergence & Complexity
25.07.2023. Ecological Relationality
Dear all, happy to share, and sorry for crossposting.
Thank you for your attention, Brigitta Keintzel
Date change! Rita Laura Segato: Femicide – The female body as a territory of war (16.6.2023, 16:45)
Terminänderung: Der Vortrag wurde auf 16.6.2023 um 16:45 verschoben (vorher: 13.6.2023, 18:30)!
Vortrag auf Englisch
Abstract: In recent decades, marked by neoliberalism and increasingly authoritarian transformations in societies and government, global violence against women has also increased dramatically. A “global war on women” marks a political shift in patriarchal understanding of power. Women’s killings cannot be considered in private and sexual, but in political categories, with the aim of perpetuating the claims to power of male alliances.
Rita Laura Segato is an Argentinian-Brazilian academic who has been called ‘one of Latin America's most celebrated feminist anthropologists’ and ‘one of the most lucid feminist thinkers of this era’. She is known especially for her research on gender in Indigenous villages and Latin American communities, violence against women and the relationships between gender, racism and colonialism. One of her specialist areas is the study of gender violence. Recent publications include: La crítica de la colonialidad en ocho ensayos. Prometeo Libros. 2016; La guerra contra las mujeres. Tinta Limón - Traficantes de sueños. 2017; Mujeres intelectuales: feminismos y liberación en América Latina y el Caribe. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales – CLACSO. 2017 (co-authored); Más allá del decenio de los pueblos afrodescendientes. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales – CLACSO. 2017 (co-authored); Contrapedagogías de la crueldad. Prometeo Libros. 2018.
Anmeldung zur Online-Übertragung des Vortrags <…>
Der Link für Kurz-Entschlossene / Link for last minute: <>
Dear colleagues and friends,
This is a gentle reminder of our conference "International Planning for
Freedom. Otto Neurath's democratic planning theory in the context of the
climate crisis". The program and abstracts can be downloaded via this link:
Please note that also the links to the two related events (June 14:
"Utopianism, Rationality, and Thought Experiments...", June 15-16:
"Metrics of Energy") have been updated (see below).
Elisabeth Nemeth
International Conference:
International Planning for Freedom. Otto Neurath's democratic planning
theory in the context of the climate crisis
A cooperation between Institute Vienna Circle (University of Vienna),
Vienna Circle Society (Vienna), Chamber of Labor (Vienna), FWF Project
Isotype. Origin, development, legacy (P 31500), Wien Museum.
Only a few years ago it was hardly imaginable that demands for planned
economy measures would be raised and publicly discussed again. Now the
time has come. Ulrike Herrmann's book "Das Ende des Kapitalismus. Warum
Wachstum und Klimaschutz nicht vereinbar sind – und wie wir in Zukunft
leben werden" (2022) is a bestseller. Her central thesis is discussed in
numerous public media: The transition from growth-dependent capitalism
to a social and ecological circular economy will only be possible
through a "private planned economy".
What she understands by this has striking similarities with the ideas of
economic planning that Otto Neurath conceived even before the First
World War and continued to develop until the end of his life in 1945. An
important point of reference for Neurath was Josef Popper-Lynkeus. The
latter justified the demand for overall social planning with a radically
individualistic ethic. Seen from today, this combination is surprising
and inspiring - not least because Popper-Lynkeus and Neurath were among
the first to introduce ecological viewpoints into economics.
A highlight of the conference will be the screening of the film "Land of
Promise" (UK 1946). The film was conceived by Neurath as a "film
argument" and directed by Paul Rotha. It argues for combating the
housing shortage in post-war England with extensively planned housing
programme. The arguments put forward in the film bear a remarkable
resemblance to the arguments Ulrike Herrmann puts forward today for a
"private planned economy" as a transition to a circular economy.
June 12th, 2023: Chamber of Labor - Bildungszentrum, Theresianumgasse
16-18, 1040 Vienna
Conference language: German
Please pre-register: Https://
(registration open from next week)
June 13th, 2023: Erika Weinzierl-Hoersaal, University of Vienna,
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Conference language: English
Please pre-register: office.wienerkreis(a)
ENTRANCE FREE. Please find the detailed program attached.
PLEASE NOTE two events closely related to our conference:
Institute Vienna Circle Philosophy of Science Colloquium Special Panel:
Utopianism, Rationality, and Thought Experiments in Viennese Late
June 14th, 2023, 15:00-17:00
Institut für Philosophie, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG),
Universitätsstraße 7, Lecture Room 2i Contact:
The Metrics of Energy: Accounting for Nature in the History of Social
Science and Ecological Economics
June 15th and 16th, 2023
International Workshop, organised by Anna Echterhölter and Marco Vianna
University of Vienna (Key Research Area History of Science) in
cooperation with the
Institute for Advanced Studies IHS Vienna (research group Energy,
Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures)…
ao. Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr. Elisabeth Nemeth
Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
im Anhang schicke ich Ihnen den Aushang für die kommende FÖP der DSPL43(
Philosophie) am Montag, 19.06.2023 ab 15:00. Bitte beachten Sie, dass
die FÖP dieses Semester vor Ort im Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG) stattfindet.
Dear colleague,
Please find attached the schedule for our next faculty-public
presentation (FÖP) of doctoral research projects on Monday 19th May 2023
from 3 p.m. onwards. Participants are welcome! Please note that this
semester the FÖP will be held on site in Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG).
Mit besten Grüßen,
With best wishes,
Benjamin Schnieder, DSPL43
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
das SWIP Symposium wird dieses Jahr in Kooperation mit der mdw –
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien stattfinden. Wir
freuen uns sehr auf diese Zusammenarbeit.
Zeit: 10.-11. November 2023
Ort: Rektoratssitzungssaal, mdw, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien
Symposiums-Thema: Einander zuhören: Kunst, Queer-Feminismus und Philosophie
Nähere Informationen im Anhang
Dear colleagues,
When? Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 16:00 hours
Where? HEUER am Karlsplatz, Treitlstraße 2, 1040 Vienna
*“Exploring Connections: Wittgenstein, Gödel, and ChatGPT”*
Join us at Café Heuer am Karlsplatz for a captivating LogicLounge panel,
featuring renowned computer scientists Carla Gomes and Bart Selman.
Delve into the fascinating connections between Wittgenstein, Gödel, and
ChatGPT in this thought-provoking discussion moderated by journalist
Sarah Kriesche.
Admission-free, no registration or expertise required; this is an event
for the general public. You are welcome to forward this invitation to
anyone who might be interested in the talk! We look forward to seeing
you there.
If you would like to share this information, you can find us on facebook
and twitter: @vclaTUwien.
Best wishes
*Andrea Hackl, MA*
Project Manager
Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms
**Technische Universität Wien*
Favoritenstraße 9-11, Stiege 3, 3. Stock, 1040 Wien
andrea.hackl(a) <> <>
Call for Papers
Creative Bodies—Creative Minds
The third international, interdisciplinary conference in gender research
25-26 March 2024, University of Graz, Austria
Organized by:
Sociology of Gender section, Department of Sociology, University of
Graz, Austria; FH JOANNEUM– University of Applied Sciences Graz; Centre
for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz.
Theoretical discussions on creativity in the last two decades have
addressed existing dichotomies in its conceptualization, such as
professional/everyday and public/private. Cultural studies have then
been critical of creativity being approached in terms of the individual
talent and elite (“creative class”), in economic terms (“creative
industries”) or in terms of exclusive locations (“creative
city”)[1]. Gender scholars, in the meantime, have levelled criticism
at the gendered definition of creativity, too often conceived as a
property of a lone male genius, and at the gender bias of research on
creativity that had tended to overlook activities in which women
typically engaged [2].
Currently, in the European cultural/political space we witness a rise in
the use of diverse artistic, creative, and playful tactics and practices
in protests and everyday activism which challenge structural
inequalities intersecting gender, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age
and (dis)ability. Such examples of creative expression, including arts,
crafts, participatory practices, and/or aesthetic interventions in
public space [3], and in feminist and queer politics, in particular
(e.g. “craftivism” [4], “artivism”[5]) challenge the common
understanding of what constitutes political, as well as creative
activities. Likewise, studies on socially engaged art in Southeastern
Europe that have conceptualized “creative work […] as a labor of
care and compassion” [6] make us think beyond the ideas of creativity
in terms of individual self-expression.
The third Creative Bodies—Creative Minds Conference 2024 will explore
the gendered and political aspects of current, historical or everyday
creative practices. DIY-making, as a form of everyday creativity,
carries a different meaning in different political regimes (such as in
the former Eastern Bloc, liberal market democracies, or post-colonial
context). Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns exemplify how everyday
creative practice is/was an adaptive response to external circumstances.
We witnessed how digital media enabled sharing of creative responses to
the constraints, including the use of humor (“from zines to memes”)
to cope with the situation, express care and solidarity, and maintain
relationships. We are interested in exploring creative adaptations to
external circumstances across different political, economic and gender
Keynote speakers:
Věra Sokolová, Department of History, Charles University, Prague
Milica Tomić, Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz University of
The areas of interest for the CBCM 2024 conference include, but are not
limited to:
* creativity and intersectional activism;
* arts, crafts, play as activist and political tools;
* reparative cultural and political practices;
* creative living as an adaptation to different biopolitical
* (everyday) creativity across different political, economic and gender
* creative labor (precarity, rethinking work/productivity, collective
* creative, playful, fun and politicized use of space and time (e.g.
festivals, parks and clubs);
* intersectional activism and digital media;
* humor, playfulness and fun in feminist and LGBTQ+ activism;
* creativity as care for others, collective and solidary creativity;
* DIY, maker movement: from knitting, through home-making to open
* material, processual and relational aspects of creative practices;
* the place of creative methodologies and creative research in teaching
and scholarly research in social
sciences and humanities.
We are inviting proposals for presentations from scholars, practitioners
and postgraduate students from a wide range of disciplines including,
but not limited to: sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human
geography, political science, gender studies, art, performance, history,
literary studies, social studies of science and technology and
environmental studies.
Please send a 250-word abstract and a 150-word bio note before 10th
September 2023 to creative.bodies(a)
Registration fee: 190 EUR
Registration fee (student presenters): 130 EUR
The conference registration fee includes the conference dinner, two
lunches, tea/coffee breaks and the conference pack with the book of
Information on registration and updates on the program will be available
on the conference website: [1]
Graz, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site and Cultural Capital of
Europe for 2003, is the capital of the Austrian province of Styria and
the home of Austria’s second largest university.
Conference organizers:
Libora Oates-Indruchová, Professor of Sociology of Gender, University
of Graz
Zorica Siročić, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology,
University of Graz
Birgit Bachler, FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz
Florian Bieber, Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of
Wolfgang Kühnelt, FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz
Biljana Purić, Centre for Southeast European Studies and Institute of
Art History, University of Graz
Gudrun Reimert, FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: 10 September 2023
Informing about abstract acceptance: mid-November 2023
Conference registration opens: 15 December 2023
Conference registration ends: 31 January 2024
[1] Oates-Indruchová, Libora and Jana Mikats. 2022. “Gender
Perspectives on Professional and Everyday Creativities: Introduction to
the Special Issue”, _Cultural Studies_ 36 (5): 699-712.
[2] Eisler, Riane and Alfonso Montuori. 2007. “Creativity, Society,
and the Hidden Subtext of Gender: Toward a New Contextualized
Approach,” _World Futures_ (63): 479-99.
[3] Sommer, Doris. 2014. _The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and
Public Humanities_. Duke University Press.
[4] Cvetkovich, Ann. 2012. _Depression: A Public Feeling_. Durham, NC:
Duke UP.
[5] Mouffe, Chantal. 2007. “Artistic Activism and Agonistic Spaces”.
_Art & Research_: Chantal Mouffe, Arts & Research. (Available at [2], last accessed
[6] Alacovska, Ana. 2020. “From Passion to Compassion: A Caring
Inquiry into Creative Work as Socially Engaged Art.” _Sociology _54
(4): 727–44.