  • 4 participants
  • 503 discussions

#INTERNATIONAL: Open Call: Chicago-Vienna International Grant Program 2023
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 5 months

#INTERNATIONAL: Call for Papers: Circle U. Conference on Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, Louvain, 23-24 November (Call open until 1 October)
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 5 months

Wittgenstein-Handbuch. Präsentation und Panel
by EDV Philosophie
1 year, 5 months

FINAL REMINDER: Annual Rousseau Lecture and Conference | Call for Commentators and Chairpersons | ECPR Kantian Standing Group and KOSAK Research Centre
by Jakob Rendl
1 year, 5 months

Philosophische Veranstaltungen des IWM Ende September
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 6 months

Annual Rousseau Lecture and Conference | Call for Commentators and Chairpersons | ECPR Kantian Standing Group and KOSAK Research Centre
by Jakob Rendl
1 year, 6 months

ONLINE CONFERENCE and E-JOURNAL: Call for Manuscripts
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 6 months

Maimonides Lectures SAVE THE DATES: 8./9. November 2023 WIEN. 22./23. Mai 2024 KREMS
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 6 months

Ausschreibungen am Institut: Organisationsassistent*in 20h
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 6 months

FINAL REMINDER: CfA: Winter School 2023 | The Relevance of Kantian Ethics and Political Theory for Global Challenges
by Jakob Rendl
1 year, 6 months
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