English version below
Liebe Studierende!
das Wiener Forum für Analytische Philosophie (WFAP) organisiert vom 4.
bis 6. Juli seine 13. Graduiertenkonferenz: “Wait, what?! A Graduate
Conference on Nonsense and Category Mistakes”. Die Konferenz ist eine
hervorragende Möglichkeit für Studierende und Jungforscher*innen mit
international anerkannten Forscher*innen in Kontakt zu treten.
Studierende aller Studienabschnitte sind herzlich willkommen!
Adrian Moore (Oxford)
Ofra Magidor (Oxford)
Rachel Wiseman (Liverpool) & Clare MacCumhail (Durham)
ORT: Hörsaal 3A & 3F, Institut für Philosophie, NIG
FORMAT: Hybrid
DATUM: 4. - 6. Juli 2024
ANMELDUNG: nicht notwendig
Weitere Informationen sowie ein vollständiges Programm könnt ihr unserer
Website entnehmen:
Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen!
Mit lieben Grüßen,
Veronika Lassl
(Kassiererin WFAP)
English version
Dear Students,
the Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy (WFAP) is organizing its 13th
graduate conference on the 4th to 6th of July. The title is “Wait,
what?! A Graduate Conference on Nonsense and Category Mistakes”. The
conference is an excellent opportunity for students and junior academics
to get in contact with internationally recognized keynote speakers. We
welcome students of all levels!
Adrian Moore (Oxford)
Ofra Magidor (Oxford)
Rachel Wiseman (Liverpool) & Clare MacCumhail (Durham)
VENUE: lecture halls 3A & 3F, Institute for Philosophy, NIG
FORMAT: hybrid
DATES: 4th - 6th of July
REGISTRATION: not necessary
For the full programme and more information, visit our website:
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Veronika Lassl
(WFAP treasurer)
Paul Feyerabend and Austrian Philosophy - His Formative Years in Postwar
International Conference - July 5-6, 2024
University of Vienna, Aula at Campus, Court 1, Entrance 1.11
<https://www.pkfcentennial.org/> https://www.pkfcentennial.org/
Paul K. Feyerabend (1924-1994), one of the most stimulating and
controversial figures of Twentieth-Century philosophy, spent most of his
formative years in postwar Vienna (1946-1955). Born in Red Vienna,
Feyerabend came of age at the time of the Nazi Anschluss and completed his
philosophical apprenticeship at the University of Vienna during the Allied
occupation. At the time of his university studies in philosophy and physics,
Feyerabend animated the so-called Third Vienna Circle (1949-1953) around
Viktor Kraft in the context of the Austrian College Society, and actively
participated in the European Forum Alpbach and in the Institut für
Wissenschaft und Kunst. In addition, he served as a research assistant to
Arthur Pap, who spent 1953/54 as a Fulbright visiting professor at the
University of Vienna.
The international conference Paul Feyerabend and Austrian Philosophy aims
at exploring the milieu which shaped Feyerabends intellectual development
with a focus on his interaction with university teachers and intellectual
figures such as members of the former Vienna Circle like Viktor Kraft,
Philipp Frank, Herbert Feigl, and Rudolf Carnap, physicists like Felix
Ehrenhaft and Walter Thirring, as well as with Walter Hollitscher and Ludwig
Wittgenstein. Contacts continued throughout the 1950s and 1960s at the
London School of Economics with Karl Popper and, later, with Imre Lakatos,
and in Minneapolis, at Feigls Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science,
where Feyerabend published his pathbreaking Against Method for the first
time in 1970.
A special symposium on the publication of Feyerabends Formative Years,
edited by Matteo Collodel and Eric Oberheim (Springer Nature, two volumes)
will be held as part of this conference.
The conference is organized by the Institute Vienna Circle (University of
Vienna) and by the Vienna Circle Society. It is partnered with the
subsequent HOPOS 2024, the Fifteenth International Congress of the
International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, University
of Vienna, July 8-12, 2024, and it contributes to the Feyerabend 2024
Centennial celebrations.
Keynote Speakers:
Vasso Kindi (University of Athens)
Martin Kusch (University of Vienna)
Ulrich Arnswald, Jordi Cat, David Chandler, Matteo Collodel, Margaretha
Hendrickx, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Rita Kimijima-Dennemayer, Artur Koterski,
Daniel Kuby, Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau, Eric Oberheim, John Preston, Marij
van Strien, Gerrit Tiefenthal, Natalia Tomashpolskaja
Registration required ( <mailto:vcs@univie.ac.at> vcs(a)univie.ac.at)
There will be no registration fee.
Organizing Committee:
Friedrich Stadler (University of Vienna)
Matteo Collodel (Ca Foscari University of Venice)
Daniel Kuby (University of Konstanz)
Queries and Questions:
matteo.collodel[at] <http://unive.it> unive.it
friedrich.stadler[at] <http://univie.ac.at> univie.ac.at
For more information visit: <https://vcs.univie.ac.at/>
In addition:
Wiener Vorlesung
<https://vorlesungen.wien.gv.at/paul-feyerabend-04072024/> Panel Discussion
on the occassion of the centennial of the Vienna Circle (Schlick Circle) and
Paul Feyerabend
July 4, 2024, Town Hall, 5pm
(Panel: Helga Nowotny, Elisabeth Nemeth, Karl Sigmund, Friedrich Stadler)
Phänomenologische Forschungen - 26. Juni 2024 - David W. Johnson:
Intersubjective Phenomenality: Kimura, Merleau-Ponty, Arendt (Vortrag)
Liebe Kolleg_innen,
wir möchten Sie herzlich zur folgenden Veranstaltung der
„Phänomenologischen Forschungen“ einladen:
*David W. Johnson (Boston)*
*»Intersubjective Phenomenality: Kimura, Merleau-Ponty, Arendt«*
VORTRAG: Mi, 26.06.2024, 18.30-20.00 Uhr, Hörsaal 3A, Institut für
Philosophie, Universitätsstraße 7, A-1010 Wien
Organisation: Michael Staudigl, Gerhard Unterthurner in Zusammenarbeit
mit Bianca Boteva-Richter und Graham Parkes
Mit besten Grüßen,
Michael Staudigl, Gerhard Unterthurner
Dear all,
our next speaker in the Philosophy of Science Colloquium organized by
the Institute Vienna Circle is Aleksandra Knežević (IVC Fellow), who
will give a talk on June 27, 4.45-6.15 pm.
All are welcome!
Philosophy of Science Colloquium
The Institute Vienna Circle holds a Philosophy of Science Colloquium
with talks by our present fellows.
Date: 27/06/2024
Time: 16h45
Venue: New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, HS
In this talk, I will unpack different facets of the question of what it
means to do anthropology of science as a feminist. In the first part, I
will examine the tradition of feminist philosophers of science
discussing the possibility of feminist science. Then, I will discuss
what a critical scientific perspective_ _entails in anthropology.
Finally, I will integrate these two bodies of knowledge to explore what
a feminist anthropology of science could mean in terms of its scientific
practice. In the second part, I will focus on a related issue, which I
call _the problem of normativity_ - the claim that science loses its
crucial feature, objectivity, when influenced by feminism (or any other
worldview). Despite well-established knowledge in feminist philosophy of
science and 'values in science' discussions, which offer resolutions to
this problem, I contend that confusion persists about what a critical
perspective, such as a feminist one, implies for scientific reasoning
and research aims. I will argue that the problem of normativity involves
two aspects, which are often confused: first, whether values play a role
in the context of justification, and second, whether a critical social
scientist, in order to be critical, must go beyond description. I will
address both issues by relying on mainstream claims from contemporary
philosophy of science and will draw conclusions from this discussion for
theorizing a feminist anthropology of science.
Call für Papers SWIP Symposium 2024
Termin: Freitag/Samstag 15./16.November 2024
Ort: Wird bekannt gegeben (noch nicht sicher)
Tagungssprachen: Deutsch und Englisch
Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft neu gestalten – Herausforderungen für
Philosophie in Theorie und Praxis
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Brigitte Buchhammer
*Dear Colleagues,*
This is an email to invite you to the next presentations in the WIP
series. The meeting will take place in lecture hall 3A (NIG,
Universitätsstraße 7, 3rd floor) at 17:00 and will last up to 18:30.
Pia-Zoe Hahne (University of Vienna):
"‘Trust the Machine?’: Conceptualising Trust in the Age of Generative
Artificial Intelligence"
To accept a new technology, we first need to trust it. With AI, there is
not just one specific kind of trust that we put in the system; instead,
it is a “multidimensional construct, including trust in functionality,
trust in reliability, and trust in data protection” (Wang, Lin & Shao,
2022, p. 340). However, trust in AI is often only conceptualised as an
epistemic trust (Alvaro, 2023; Ryan, 2020). These approaches to study
conceptual disruptions often remain abstract and disregard the
involvement of stakeholders. This is where a new approach in engaging
with conceptual disruptions comes in. Conceptual engineering is an
emerging approach in philosophy of technology. It stresses the
connection between empirical research and conceptual analysis (Löhr,
2023). Conceptual misalignment is relevant for AI as it describes a
scenario in which concepts seem applicable while hiding “an underlying
value misalignment” (Marchiori & Scharp, 2024, p. 2), resulting in
ethical problems. Trust is an ideal concept for conceptual engineering
as it forms the basis for other concepts and disruptions therefore have
farreaching consequences. Löhr (2023) and Marchiori & Sharp (2024)
specifically points out that studying these disruptions necessitates
empirical data, demonstrating a new turn in engaging with conceptual
disruptions. The intense disruptions influenced by AI present new
challenges by moving away from a purely epistemic view on trust in
technology as well as the far-reaching consequences on trust between
people and trust in institutions. I present a new approach to study
conceptual disruptions by moving beyond abstract conceptual analysis and
into practical uses of concepts and empirical data through conceptual
Dominik Boll (VU University Amsterdam)
"Taking Responsibility: With or Without You?"
My topic in this talk is talking responsibility and its place in our
responsibility practices. The literature on responsibility has blossomed
and turned to ever finer specialisation in the last decades, and yet the
primary focus often remains on _ holding responsible_. Philosophers have
increasingly turned to theorising our responsibility _practices_—how
blaming and praising are _socialised_ phenomena, how holding responsible
is something we _do _between each other beyond blame as a mental
state—but there is still much focus on what the blamer does or is
licenced to do.
Few theorists focus on the perspective on the other side of
responsibility interactions. While there are large literatures on guilt,
apologies, or making amends, writers rarely take the general
first-personal perspective of the party responding to their own
infraction, investigating what it is for the agent to react to what they
have done, what they are required to do to deal with it, and what
precisely their response aims at. This presents an activity distinct
from holding oneself responsible (Bero 2020). Indeed, the need to
respond to our actions and their significance is an omnipresent aspect
of our moral lives. We hold others responsible for what they do, and we
take responsibility for what we do.
This is not, however, how taking responsibility is currently theorised.
Departing from Wolf (2001), philosophers have proposed different
accounts of taking responsibility (Enoch 2012; Sliwa 2024; Mason 2019).
They differ in their assumptions and goals but theorise something
similar—how we react to (some of) our own morally consequential
actions such as to accommodate its fallout for others. Notably, however,
taking responsibility is captured as something entirely internal to the
wrongdoer and not as an interpersonal practice parallel to holding
responsible. In this paper, I theorise this interpersonal phenomenon.
I first explicate two common threads in the literature on taking
responsibility. Taking responsibility is theorised as something which
the agent can do all by themselves, yet taking responsibility is
supposed to be essentially interpersonal. I argue that this presents a
tension and leaves a lacuna to theorise a broader account of taking
responsibility. I then advance two arguments to show that such an
account is needed for making sense of the full extent of our
responsibility practices. Lastly, I provide the contours of such an
account as an activity which achieves certain aims between its parties.
This embeds taking responsibility in the broader web of our
responsibility practices and resolves the tension. If my action has a
morally significant impact on you, I can only take responsibility with
you, not without you.
You can write to wip.philosophie(a)univie.ac.at if you have any questions
or would like to present for the Work-in-Progress series.
Best wishes and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Team
Chiara Dankl, Martin Niederl, Yi-Jie Xia, Adrian Fleisch, Mark Basafa,
Sophie Veigl, Raphael Aybar, Nianzu Tu
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Phänomenologische Forschungen – 20./21. Juni 2024 – Thomas Fuchs:
Verteidigung des Menschen. Plädoyer für einen verkörperten Humanismus
(Vortrag und Workshop)
Liebe Kolleg_innen,
wir möchten Sie herzlich zur nächsten Veranstaltung der Vortragsreihe
„Phänomenologische Forschungen“ einladen:
Thomas Fuchs (Universität Heidelberg)
"Verteidigung des Menschen. Plädoyer für einen verkörperten Humanismus"
VORTRAG: Do., 20.06.2024, 18.30–20.00 Uhr, Hörsaal 3D, Institut für
Philosophie der Universität Wien, Universitätsstraße 7, A-1010 Wien
WORKSHOP: Fr., 21.06.2024, 09.00–12.00 Uhr, Hörsaal 2H, Institut für
Philosophie der Universität Wien, Universitätsstraße 7, A-1010 Wien
Für die Texte des Workshops - Mail an: gerhard.unterthurner(a)univie.ac.at
Organisation: Michael Staudigl, Gerhard Unterthurner in Zusammenarbeit
mit Florian Schmidsberger
In Kooperation mit Gruppe Phänomenologie
Mit besten Grüßen,
Michael Staudigl, Gerhard Unterthurner
Liebe Interessierte, dear all,
ich lade Sie herzlich ein zur Teilnahme an dem unten stehenden Workshop
/ I cordially invite you to participate in the workshop described below,
der ersten Veranstaltung in der Reihe / the first event in the series:
Philosophie und Ethik in Schule und Gesellschaft: Schule und Universität
Herzliche Grüße / best regards
Arne Moritz
Professur für Ethik in Schule und Gesellschaft
Mündliche Leistungsbewertungen kompetenzorientiert gestalten im Ethik-
und Philosophieunterricht
Workshop am Freitag 21.6.2024, 15-16.30 Uhr (HS 3B, R.315, Neues
Institutsgebäude (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, 3. Stock)
und am Freitag 27.9.2024, 15-18:15 Uhr (Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben)
Der Workshop richtet sich an alle Interessierten (Lehrkräfte,
Studierende, weitere Öffentlichkeit), die sich zum Thema mündliche
Leistungsbewertung in den Fächern Ethik/Philosophie (etwa im
Zusammenhang der Matura-Prüfung) fachlich austauschen und persönlich
vernetzen möchten. Beim ersten Termin im Juni wird es einen kurzen
inhaltlichen Input aus fachdidaktischer Perspektive geben, in dem vor
allem die Anforderung "Kompetenzorientierung" in zwei Weisen übersetzt
und erläutert werden soll: a) hinsichtlich konzeptioneller Anforderungen
und b) hinsichtlich praktischer Gestaltungen von mündlichen
Leistungsbewertungssituationen im Ethik- und Philosophieunterricht. Im
gemeinsamen Gespräch sollen von dort aus Interessenschwerpunkte und
Herausforderungen identifiziert werden, die beim Termin im September
weiter bearbeitet werden könnten. Unterschiedliche Formate sind denkbar,
z.B. das Gespräch über fachdidaktische Vorschläge zum Thema
Leistungsbewertung, die im Zeitraum zwischen Juni und September von den
Teilnehmenden gelesen werden - und/oder der Austausch über die
Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten konkreter Aufgabenerstellungen,
ausgehend von vorgegebenen Materialien, usw.
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Die Teilnahme am Termin im Juni verpflichtet nicht zur Teilnahme im
The workshop (which is held in German) is aimed at all interested
persons (teachers, students, other people from the public) who would
like to exchange ideas on the topic of oral assessment in the school
subjects of ethics/philosophy (e.g. in connection with the Matura
examination) and who would like to network personally. At the first
meeting in June, there will be a brief input from a didactical
perspective, in which the requirement of "competence orientation" will
be interpreted and explained in two ways: a) with regard to conceptual
requirements and b) with regard to the practical design of oral
assessment situations in ethics and philosophy education. From there,
key points of interest and the relevant challenges are to be identified
in a joint discussion, which could be worked on further at the meeting
in September. Different formats are available, e.g. a discussion on
didactical texts on the subject of assessment, which participants will
read in the period between June and September - and/or an exchange on
the challenges and opportunities of designing actual assessment
exercises based on given materials, etc.
Registration is not required.
Participation in the June event does not require to participate in
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arne Moritz
Professur für Ethik in Schule und Gesellschaft
Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft
Institut für Philosophie/Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung
Universität Wien
Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG)
Universitätsstraße 7
Stiege I, Gang A, R. 312
1010 Wien
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie im Namen von Khôra herzlich zum nächsten Colloquium einladen.
Termin: 20.06.2024, 18:30 - 20:00, Hörsaal 2H, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG)
Thema: Kritik der Philosophie – Philosophie der Kritik. Marx, Engels und die deutsche Ideologie mit einem Input von Hannah Zipser
Für einen Auszug aus Die deutsche Ideologie (S.13-36) schreiben Sie mir bitte persönlich, ich sende diesen gerne auf Anfrage zu.
Weitere Informationen sowie eine Mailingliste finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
Danach ist im Café Gagarin reserviert, wo wir den Abend gemeinsam ausklingen lassen.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Liebe Grüße
Sebastian Krach