Dear all,
I want to share this invitation to an event at mdw with you all!
Event: Pre-opening: International Research Center Gender and
Speaker: Jack Halberstam
Title: Unworlding: Trans* Architectures
When/where: Thursday, May 16th, 5pm at Großer Seminarraum (E0101), IKM /
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien
Today, I am going to lay out some ideas that build on many different
aesthetic performances and practices involving trans bodies and that
search for and produce new vocabularies for discussing transness and new
deployments of transness for the project of dismantling world and
worldedness as concepts that hold current political realities in place.
I will look at trans anarchitectures alongside performances like Faye
Driscoll’s incredible event, “Weathering,” to delineate what is meant by
unworlding, what practices and aesthetic gestures it implies and what
im/possible futures it imagines. Unworlding is a philosophy and an
anti-anti-utopian idea that breaks with world-building projects (such as
those found in early queer theory), and charts a course for queer and
trans art that skews towards violence, acts of undoing and dismantling
and the embrace of entropic unraveling. What might this look like in
terms of a politics of representation, particularly one oriented around
trans and queer bodies?
Jack Halberstam is the David Feinson Professor of The Humanities at
Columbia University. Halberstam is the author of seven books including:
Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters (Duke UP,
1995), Female Masculinity (Duke UP, 1998), In A Queer Time and Place
(NYU Press, 2005), The Queer Art of Failure (Duke UP, 2011), Gaga
Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal (Beacon Press, 2012) and, a
short book titled Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variance
(University of California Press). Halberstam’s latest book, 2020 from
Duke UP is titled Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire. Places Journal
awarded Halberstam its Arcus/Places Prize in 2018 for innovative public
scholarship on the relationship between gender, sexuality and the built
environment. Halberstam is now finishing a second volume on wildness
titled: Unworlding: An Aesthetics of Collapse. Halberstam was recently
the subject of a short film titled “So We Moved” by Adam Pendleton.
Halberstam was recently named a 2024 Guggenheim Fellow.
Find more Info here:
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
Ich darf ganz herzlich zum Nächsten Khora-Kolloquium diesen Donnerstag,
den 16.05. um 18:30 im Hörsaal 3D einladen. Dieses Mal wird uns mit
Maximilian Margreiter ein ausgewiesener Bataille-Experte das Verhältnis
von Poesie und dem Begriff des Unmöglichen bei Bataille vorstellen:
*Immanenz, Kommunikation und der Hass der Poesie. Batailles Denken
des Unmöglichen zwischen Literatur, Ökonomie und Erotik*
Georges Batailles vielschichtiges und disparat wirkendes Werk kreist
um ein zentrales Problem: Das Denken, und noch wichtiger, die
Kommunikation des Unmöglichen. Dieses Unmögliche ist es, was uns
nach Bataille als menschliche Wesen ausmacht und uns eine souveräne
Existenz verleiht. Wir werden dem Unmöglichen unter anderem in den
antiökonomischen Formen des Opfers, des Festes, der Verschwendung
gewahr, welche sich dem Primat der Nützlichkeit entziehen, in der
erotischen Ekstase, die eine Bejahung des Lebens bis in den Tod
darstellt, und in der Literatur, insbesondere der Poesie, die die
Kommunikation schlechthin ist. Im Unmöglichen findet sich nach
Bataille das Subjekt wieder, als das, was es wirklich ist, als Riss,
an dem eine intensive Kommunikation stattfindet, die in die Immanenz
verweist. 1962, kurz vor seinem Tod, gibt Bataille seine
Erzählung Der Hass der Poesie, versehen mit einem neuen Vorwort
unter dem Titel Das Unmöglicheneu heraus. Diese Verbindung zwischen
dem Unmöglichen und der Literatur, speziell in der Form der Poesie,
die Bataille so an seinem Lebensende nochmals betont hat, eröffnet
einen Zugang zu einem sonst oft kryptisch und unstrukturiert
anmutenden Werk.
Wie immer werden wir danach im Gagarin reservieren. Wir freuen uns auf
euer Kommen.
Bitte schreibt an mich oder an khoraplattform(a), wenn Ihr die
behandelten kurzen Textpassagen zugesendet bekommen möchtet.
Liebe Grüße
Adrian Fleisch
Phänomenologische Forschungen - 16. Mai 2024 - Ruud Welten: Levinas and
Lacan: Reflections on Language and Psychosis
Liebe Kolleg_innen,
wir möchten Sie herzlich zur nächsten Veranstaltung der Vortragsreihe
„Phänomenologische Forschungen“ einladen:
16.05.2024, 18.30–20.00 Uhr, Hörsaal 2H (Vortrag)
//Ruud Welten (Erasmus University Rotterdam):
"Levinas and Lacan: Reflections on Language and Psychosis"
Mit besten Grüßen,
Michael Staudigl, Gerhard Unterthurner…
Dear All,
The "Wittgen=steine" series (organized by the Wittgenstein Research
Group) features two talks this term:
April 12th, 2024; 3:00pm to 4:30pm, HS 3A:
Pavel Arazim: "Therapie(n) als Methode(n) -- warum und wie? Vergleich
der Antiphilosophie Wittgensteins und Bergsons"
May 14th, 2024: 3:00pm to 4:30pm, HS 3A:
Anna Boncompagni: "Once more with feeling" A feminist-Wittgensteinian
take on language and liberation"
Pavel Arazim: "Therapie(n) als Methode(n) - warum und wie?"
Wittgenstein wurde bereits mit vielen Autor:innen verglichen, kaum aber
mit Bergson. Dabei war er wohl der populärste Philosoph unmittelbar
bevor Wittgenstein bekannt wurde. Schon deshalb liegt es nahe, die
Möglichkeit eines Einflusses zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus wurden beide
Autoren von William James inspiriert und entwickeln seinen Ansatz
weiter, philosophische Probleme eher aufzulösen, statt sie zu lösen.
Folgende Fragen sollen im Vortrag behandelt werden: Was bedeutet es für
Bergson und Wittgenstein, dass eine philosophische Frage verschwinden
soll? Inwiefern lässt sich dieser Zugang als allgemeine Auffassung der
Philosophie verteidigen? Soll also Philosophie keine Thesen aufstellen
und mit welcher Begründung? Womöglich hilft Bergsons Zugang zu Bewegung
und Veränderung zum besseren Verständnis dessen, was Wittgenstein zu
dieser Methodologie führen konnte. Die Wirklichkeit ist lebendig und
dynamisch, und deswegen kann sie nicht mittels verallgemeinernder
Begriffe ausgedrückt werden. Mein Anliegen besteht darin aufzuzeigen,
wie sich dieser therapeutische und anti-theoretische Zugang im
Verständnis der Normativität bei beiden Autoren widerspiegelt.
Anna Boncompagni: "Once more with feeling ..."
Recent work in feminist epistemology and philosophy of language
highlights how language use contributes to oppressive practices. For
instance, Tirrell (2012), building on Wilfrid Sellars and Robert
Brandom, analyzes the normative power of derogatory terms and how they
engender harmful actions and behaviors. McGowan (2019), developing David
Lewis' approach, claims that conversational contributions enact norms
and permissibility facts both within the conversation and in social
practices, thereby constituting harms and keeping oppressive practices
in place. Both perspectives are indebted to the Wittgensteinian notion
of language games. In this paper, I retrace this inheritance and further
argue for a Wittgensteinian understanding of these phenomena, also
appealing to his concepts of rule-following and forms of life. However,
rather than oppression, I apply these insights to liberation: I claim
that certain moves in language games enact positive changes in social
norms and forms of life. In particular, I apply this approach to
linguistic moves related to LGBTQ issues. This Wittgensteinian-feminist
framework, I argue, helps better understand both the difficulties and
the potentialities of liberatory and innovative conversational moves.
Everybody welcome!
Best wishes from the organizers,
Esther Heinrich
Anja Weiberg
Martin Kusch
Dear all,
I want to cordially invite you to the second installment of the
Trans*formations talk series!
Trans* Philosophy is one of the most exciting 'new' strands of
philosophical theorizing, and we are happy to host the second event on
the topic at the Department of Philosophy, to be followed by more later
this year.
This time, we will be joined by Alyosxa Tudor, Chair of the Centre for
Gender Studies at SOAS London. Their work connects trans and queer
feminist approaches with transnational feminism and postcolonial
studies. Alyosxa’s main research interest lies in analysing (knowledge
productions on) migrations, diasporas and borders in relation to
critiques of Eurocentrism and to processes of gendering and
Title: Decolonising Trans/Gender Studies?
In this talk, I would like to discuss with you what it means to think of
trans/gender studies as a field that engages with geopolitics, with
transnational knowledge production, with histories of entangled
oppressions and resistance movements. With this I try to go beyond what
our attackers think trans/gender studies is towards defining what the
broader field of trans/gender studies can be. Can it be a field of
knowledge generation that aims for decolonisation? How can we make sure
that decolonisation is not a metaphor, as Eve Tuck and Wayne Yang remind
us? How can we mobilise histories and the theories and epistemologies
generated from them in ways that are not reductive, simplistic and
incapable of sitting with the complex contradictions that still need
responsible and decisive actions in face of present-day injustices? How
can we be accountable for our very different structural positions in
this quest, in terms of location, postcolonial position, migratisation,
queer- and transness, class and racialisation? Often this is
contradictory and painful. But it must also be clear that taking a
stance is necessary.
When/Where: 16.5.2024, HS 3A, Neues Institutsgebäude (Universitätsstraße
7, 1010 Wien)
Thanks to the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy and the Institute of
Philosophy for co-financing this talk series!
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann
P.S.: Please also invite others that could be interested, you find the
poster attached!
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Dear All,
You are very welcome to the talk "What We Owe to Nonhuman Animals" by
Gary Steiner
When: 14.05.2024 16:45
Where: Room 3C, Neues Institutsgebäude (NiG), 1010 Wien
Gary Steiner - Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Bucknell University, USA
In this talk, Professor Steiner will provide an overview of central
themes from his recent book What We Owe to Nonhuman Animals: The
Historical Pretensions of Reason and the Ideal of Felt Kinship
(Routledge, 2023). Where the Western philosophical tradition has
maintained that the idea of human superiority over all non-human beings
is a product of the impartial employment of reason, Professor Steiner
argues that in fact the tradition has used reason as a tool for
rationalizing this prior commitment to human superiority over the
nonhuman world. Where the tradition has claimed that reason operates
independently of our embodied and affective (emotional) constitution,
Professor Steiner argues for the mutual interplay of reason and emotion
in the formation of moral commitments, and he further argues for the
conclusion that a great many nonhuman animals have rich subjective lives
that in essential respects place them on a par with human beings. Rather
than seeking to preserve the historical status of human beings as what
Kant called "the titular lords of nature," we ought to broaden
considerably our conception of the moral community so as to include all
sentient beings as full and direct beneficiaries of moral concern.
Snacks and drinks will be provided!
The talk will be in English.
If you have any questions, please contact Erich Linder
Dear all,
you are cordially invited to a work-in-progress talk by Ewelina Grądzka
(UPJPII, Kraków, POL), taking place on Wed 5 June 2024, on “Propaedeutic
of Philosophy: Austrian Influences on the Heritage of Polish Didactics
of Philosophy“. (abstract below)
The talk will take place at NIG, Hörsaal 3F (R 313), from 13.15-14.45
and is public.
Propaedeutic of philosophy was introduced into the Polish educational
system in the 19th c. during the Partitions while one part of Poland,
called Galicia, belonged to the Austria-Hungarian Empire. In the paper,
I will present how this heritage evolved and how it influenced Polish
education after the independence in 1918. First, I will analyze a
discussion in the 1920s among Polish philosophers on the goals and
content of the future program of propaedeutic of philosophy that
emphasized the need to evolve from the Austrian model of teaching
psychology and logic only. Secondly, I will present the ideas of the
central figure of that discussion, Kazimierz Twardowski. I will analyze
how the program proposed by him evolved between 1921/1922 and 1935, from
the confinement to psychology and logic to a program that included
ethics, aesthetics, sociology and incorporated discussion as one of the
methodological tools. Among the reasons for this development might be
the influence of the discussion among Polish philosophers to which I
refer in the paper, but also more general developments in education
politics of the time, and finally reforms that took place in the
Austrian school system since 1918/19. Unfortunately, the work on
reforming the propaedeutics of philosophy was discontinued with the
establishment of the communist regime in Poland after the Second World
You are all very welcome,
best wishes.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arne Moritz
Professur für Ethik in Schule und Gesellschaft
Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft
Institut für Philosophie/Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung
Universität Wien
Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG)
Universitätsstraße 7
Stiege I, Gang A, R. 312
1010 Wien
Dilek Divan
Professur für Philosophie und Ethik in Schule und Gesellschaft
Bürozeiten Mittwoch bis Freitag
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten Sie gerne darauf aufmerksam machen, dass der Club of Vienna
dieses Jahr wieder den
auslobt. In den eingereichten Arbeiten muss ein Bezug zur evolutionären
Erkenntnistheorie ersichtlich sein, als deren Begründer Rupert Riedl
gilt. Arbeiten, die neue oder kritische Zugänge zu
evolutionstheoretischen Ansätzen aufgreifen, sind gleichermaßen
willkommen. Gefördert werden theoretische und praxisbezogene Arbeiten
aus den Geistes-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie den Natur-
und Technikwissenschaften.
Wir bitten interessierte Nachwuchswissenschafter:innen, ihre
Bewerbungsunterlagen in Pdf-Format bis zum*31. Mai 2024 * an
__sekretariat(a) <> zu
*Kriterien der Preiswürdigkeit*
- Verankerung in der Evolutionstheorie
- Interdisziplinarität
- gesellschaftliche Relevanz
- wissenschaftliche Exzellenz
Der Club of Vienna wendet sich mit dem Preis an den wissenschaftlichen
Nachwuchs in den jeweiligen Disziplinen. Die Arbeiten können in
deutscher und englischer Sprache verfasst sein und dürfen nicht älter
als drei Jahre sein (ab 2021). Arbeiten, die bereis einmal eingereicht
wurden, können kein zweites Mal berücksichtigt werden.
*Preisgeld und Jury*
Die Höhe des Preisgeldes beträgt *1.000 Euro. *
Die Forschungsarbeiten werden von einem ExpertInnenkreis begutachtet.
Die Entscheidung der Jury findet unter Ausschluss des Rechtswegs statt.
*Einzureichende Unterlagen*
- Forschungsarbeit (Diplom-, Masterarbeit, Dissertation, Habilitation)
- Zusammenfassung der Forschungsarbeit auf 1-2 Seiten in deutscher Sprache
- Beurteilung der Arbeit
- Lebenslauf der Bewerberin bzw. des Bewerbers
Die Informationen zur Preisausschreibung sind auch auf unserer Homepage
Für Rückfragen stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit besten Grüßen
Sigrid Kroismayr
Mag.a Sigrid Kroismayr
Gußhausstr. 30/230-1
A-1040 Wien <>
mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Wenn Sie keine weiteren Nachrichten erhalten wollen, senden Sie bitte
eine Nachricht an sekretariat(a)
We cordially invite you to our workshop on "Biasing Mechanisms in
Scientific Research" - registration is now open!
* International Workshop
Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
31 May - 1 June 2024*
*Register now! (Deadline: 22 May 2024 23:59 CEST)
In the philosophy of science, recent work has led to an emerging
consensus that science is not value-free, and that values, including
social and political values, play different roles in the research
process. It has also become clear that, values can have both a positive
and a negative impact on science. Sometimes, values can contribute to
science’s epistemic and social goals, while other times, they can have a
detrimental effect on science’s epistemic goals, i.e., biasing research
results. With this framework in mind, the main goal of this workshop is
to clarify the negative roles of values in scientific research, and in
particular their sometimes-biasing effects. While it is well-known that
biases impact scientific research results, we have a less clear
understanding of the different types of biases, their mechanisms, and
their scope.
The workshop includes talks by invited speakers Anke Büter (Aarhus
University), Heather Douglas (Michigan State University), Jacob Stegenga
(University of Cambridge), and David Teira (Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia). There is no participation fee. The workshop
language is English; the workshop is in-person only. See the workshop
for the programme and more information.
If you have any questions, please contact the workshop organiser Prof.
Dr. Torsten Wilholt (torsten.wilholt(a)
/This workshop is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and
is a collaboration between SOCRATES
<> and the research project “A
Philosophical Approach to Biasing Mechanisms in Scientific Research",
which is a joint research project by Prof. Dr. Torsten Wilholt of
Leibniz University Hannover and Prof. Dr. Manuela Fernández Pinto of the
Centre for Applied Ethics at the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá,
Best regards,
Leonie Wiemeyer
on behalf of the organising committee
Dr. Leonie Wiemeyer (sie/she)
Koordinatorin | Coordinator
Office days: Tuesdays and alternate Thursdays
“SOCRATES – Social Credibility and Trustworthiness of Expert Knowledge
and Science-Based Information”
DFG-Kollegforschungsgruppe (KFG) 43, Centre for Advanced Studies in
Humanities and Social Sciences
Institut für Philosophie
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Lange Laube 32
30159 Hannover
Mobil: +49 (0)160 92470508
Telefon: +49 (0)511 762-14541
Find us online at!