Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024, 19.00 Uhr
Bruno Kreisky Forum für Internationalen Dialog, Armbrustergasse 15, 1190
Anmeldung: https://www.kreisky-forum.org
Samuel Moyn, Herlinde Pauer-Studer, Alexander Somek, Fabio Wolkenstein
The Cold War Roots of Liberalism´s Present Crisis
Liebe KollegInnen,
Ich leite eine Einladung weiter:
Am Mittwoch, dem 5. Juni 2024, findet im Hörsaal 21 im Hauptgebäude der
Universität um 17:00 Uhr die Bonitz Lecture mit dem diesjährigen
Preisträger Stephen Halliwell (St. Andrews) statt. Er spricht über "The
Paradoxes of Plato's Cave".
Der Workshop findet am 6. Juni von 10-12 Uhr im Seminarraum der
Institutsbibliothek statt. Er befasst sich mit der neuen, monumentalen
Ausgabe, Übersetzung und Kommentierung von Ps.-Longins Schrift 'Über das
Erhabene' durch Stephen Halliwell. Prof. Halliwell wird über die
Entstehung, Methoden, Schwierigkeiten und wichtigsten Ergebnisse der
Ausgabe berichten; (Zwischen-)Fragen und weitere Diskussionen sind dabei
ausdrücklich erwünscht.
Mit lieben Grüßen,
Evelyn Fischer
Dear colleagues,
The PACE Project (Institute of Philosophy, University of Vienna)
cordially invites you to the second talk of the Metaphilosophical Talk
Series by
Catherine Z. Elgin (University of Harvard)
Title: Iterative Explications
Date: Tue May 28th, 2024
Time: 16:45-18:15 hrs
Location: Hörsaal II NIG Erdgeschoß, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
We are pleased to inform you that there will be an opportunity to be
present at the talk online. A zoom link to join the event will be
circulated shortly.
Carnap maintains that explication refines and sharpens everyday
concepts, enabling them to perform rigorous philosophical and scientific
functions. Building on Carnap and Chang, I argue that conceptual
enhancement involves iterative explication. Each step is an improvement
on its predecessor and sets the stage fur further conceptual refinement.
I draw on familiar examples from the history of philosophy to illustrate
the procedure and its benefits.
Future Metaphilosophical Talk Series Talks:
Tue June 11th, 2024, 16:45 – 18.15 hrs Jennifer Nagel, University of
We look forward to seeing you then.
Best wishes,
The PACE organising team
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
am Dienstag, dem 28.05.2024, findet von 18.00-19:30 Uhr in der
Bibliothek der Klassische Philologie (Hauptgebäude der Universität,
Universitätsring 1, Stiege 6, Hochparterre)
ein Vortrag statt von
PD Dr. Michael Schramm (Göttingen)
zum Thema
"Rhetorik, Politik und Philosophie im Neuplatonismus"
Abstract: Die Neuplatoniker dachten nur an das Eine und den Aufstieg zu
ihm, so lautete lange die Forschungsmeinung zur dominierenden
philosophischen Richtung der Spätantike. Dass sich der Neuplatonismus
auch mit politischer Philosophie beschäftigte, wird in den letzten
Jahren zunehmend gesehen. Zu dieser gehört auch die Rhetorik. Trotz
Platons Ablehnung der zeitgenössischen Rhetorik engagierten sich auch
die Neuplatoniker in diesem Feld, theoretisch wie praktisch, und zwar in
Konkurrenz zu den spätantiken Rhetorenschulen im Kampf um die höhere
Bildung. Der Vortrag versucht am Beispiel des bislang für diese Frage
wenig behandelten spätantiken Philosophen und Aristoteles-Kommentators
Themistios (317-388/89), der mehr als 30 Jahre der erfolgreichste
politische Redner seiner Zeit war, einige Linien dieser
Auseinandersetzung zwischen Rhetorik und Philosophie in der Politik
nachzuzeichnen und zu zeigen, wie sich ein Philosoph praktisch
rhetorisch in der Politik engagieren konnte, ohne die Philosophie zu
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sven Meier – Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein
The School for Transformation is currently looking for a senior lecturer for an undergraduate course in ‘Ethics and Human Rights’ at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. The course should address the major challenges to democratic rights and freedoms raised by Digitization, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, while also engaging with the ethical and political dimensions of socio-ecological transformations such as loss of biodiversity, species extinction and climate change.
The course is designed as a 2 SWS module (3ECTS) to be taught in the winter term 2024 as part of the new BA ‘Transformation Studies. ArtxScience’. The degree offers a transdisciplinary curriculum that lays out the theoretical and practical foundations for understanding change dynamics – both historically and present – at the intersection of scientific and artistic methods and practices.
With this in mind, we are looking for an engaged scholar trained in political philosophy, applied ethics or human rights, ideally with a strong network of international contacts to social activists and/or human rights practitioners.
Given the scope of topics and themes to be covered, the teaching method should combine self-taught classes with inputs from external guest speakers, specializing in relevant fields. Next to topical sessions and debates, special emphasis should be placed on practical exercises, workshops and case studies as well as field visits to allow for a rich and engaging learning experience.
The renumeration follows the payment scheme for external lecturers of the KV for University Personal.
Educational Requirements: Doctoral Degree
Interested candidates should contact:
Monika Halkort
Head of School for Transformation
Dear Colleagues,
This is an email to remind you that the next presentations in the
Work-In-Progress series will be given by Kanau Kobayashi and Ali Emre
Benli this coming Thursday. Please see their titles below and the
abstracts attached.
"'Im Namen von ...' Über die Gründungsdimension des Rechts mit Blick auf
die Subjektkonstitution. Psychoanalyse und Recht in Pierre Legendres
politischer Philosophie" by Kanau Kobayashi
"How democratic should democracy seeking agents be in electoral
authoritarian regimes?" by Ali Emre Benli
The meeting will take place in lecture hall 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße
7, 3rd floor) at 17:00 and will last up to 18:30. All are invited to
join us for dinner or drinks afterwards. If possible, please let us know
in advance by email.
You can write to wip.philosophie(a)univie.ac.at if you have any questions
or would like to present for the Work-in-Progress series. Calendar and
event information can be found at:
Best wishes and we hope to see many of you there!
The Organizing Team
(Chiara Dankl, Martin Niederl, Yi-Jie Xia, Adrian Fleisch, Mark Basafa,
Sophie Veigl, Raphael Aybar, Nianzu Tu)
Adrian Fleisch, BA
er, he/him
SSC Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), B 0304
Dear colleagues,
When? Tuesday, May 28 | 16:00 hours
Where? Café Museum, Operngasse 7, 1010 Vienna
*“Artificial Intelligence & Artificial Ignorance”*
The conversation with Georg Gottlob will explore Artificial
Intelligence's current state and challenges. It will also provide
insights into the two main branches of AI research, symbolic AI and
sub-symbolic AI, highlighting their achievements and limitations. The
conversation will also delve into the recent advancements in generative
AI, such as ChatGPT, and examine instances where these models excel and
where they fall short.
The discussion will again be moderated by journalist Sarah Kriesche.
Admission-free, no registration or expertise required; this is an event
for the general public. You are welcome to forward this invitation to
anyone who might be interested in the talk! We look forward to seeing
you there.
If you would like to share this information via social media, you can
find us on facebook and twitter: @vclaTUwien.
Thanks in advance & best wishes
*Andrea Hackl, MA*
Project Manager
Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms
*Technische Universität Wien*
Favoritenstraße 9-11, Stiege 3, 3. Stock, 1040 Wien
andrea.hackl(a)tuwien.ac.at <mailto:andrea.hackl@tuwien.ac.at>
www.vcla.at <http://www.vcla.at>
Dear all,
this is a reminder for the Trans*formations talk by Dr. Alyosxa Tudor
(SOAS London) which will take place tomorrow :)
Title: Decolonising Trans/Gender Studies?
In this talk, I would like to discuss with you what it means to think of
trans/gender studies as a field that engages with geopolitics, with
transnational knowledge production, with histories of entangled
oppressions and resistance movements. With this I try to go beyond what
our attackers think trans/gender studies is towards defining what the
broader field of trans/gender studies can be. Can it be a field of
knowledge generation that aims for decolonisation? How can we make sure
that decolonisation is not a metaphor, as Eve Tuck and Wayne Yang remind
us? How can we mobilise histories and the theories and epistemologies
generated from them in ways that are not reductive, simplistic and
incapable of sitting with the complex contradictions that still need
responsible and decisive actions in face of present-day injustices? How
can we be accountable for our very different structural positions in
this quest, in terms of location, postcolonial position, migratisation,
queer- and transness, class and racialisation? Often this is
contradictory and painful. But it must also be clear that taking a
stance is necessary.
When/Where: 16.5.2024, HS 3A, Neues Institutsgebäude (Universitätsstraße
7, 1010 Wien)
Thanks to the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy and the Institute of
Philosophy for co-financing this talk series!
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann
P.S.: Please also invite others that could be interested, you find the
poster attached!
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Werte Studentinnen und Studenten, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
wir heißen Euch in diesem Semester wieder herzlich willkommen zum
Lesekreis zu Aristoteles´ De Anima III. Wir werden uns jeden Dienstag um
18:30-20:00 im Hörsaal 3A treffen und gemeinsam die Textstelle lesen und
diskutieren. Jeder von Euch ist eingeladen, teilzunehmen und mitzumachen.
Wir freuen uns sehr auf Euer Kommen!
Dear all,
our next speaker in the Philosophy of Science Colloquium organized by
the Institute Vienna Circle is Daniel Koenig, who will give a talk on
May 23, 4.45-6.15 pm.
All are welcome!
Philosophy of Science Colloquium TALK: Daniel Koenig
Philosophy of Science Colloquium
The Institute Vienna Circle holds a Philosophy of Science Colloquium
with talks by our present fellows.
Date: 23/05/2024
Time: 16h45
Venue: New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, HS
Both Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of mathematics and his philosophy of
culture received more and more attention recently. Nevertheless, there
is scarcely work on the relationship between the two and in my talk I
want to show, that considering both sheds new light on Cassirer's
conception of mathematics and, furthermore, his overall philosophy. In a
first part I will show, that in Cassirer's interpretation, the concept
of number plays a central role in determining mathematics and the
natural sciences: Mathematics is here a form of theoretical knowledge.
In a second part, I will broaden the perspective and consider Cassirer's
reflections on nonscientific conceptions of number and show, that for
Cassirer there is a double function of number. The talk will close with
another expansion of perspective: I will elaborate how mathematics can
further be understood as a form of meta-symbolic knowledge, and hereby
give a characterization of Cassirer's conception of philosophy.