Dear colleagues,
on behalf of Univ.-Prof. Angela Kallhoff and the Department of
Philosophy, I cordially invite you to a guest lecture titled
*"Humankind’s Common Cultural Heritage, Justice and Territorial Rights"*
by *Cecile Fabre *(All Souls College, Oxford).
Thu Dec. 14th, 2023, 6:30 p.m. in HS 3D (NIG)
For questions, contact sophie.kroiss(a)
The thought that there are cultural landmarks which have universal value
is a familiar one. It is at the heart of UNESCO's and the World
Heritage's mission, and is affirmed in a number of international
declarations, not least the Convention Concerning the Protection of
World Cultural and Natural Heritage. For all its appeal, UNESCO's ideals
raise some deep concerns. In particular, it is not easy to articulate an
account of universal value; and it is not easy to show why we are under
moral obligations in respect of that heritage. Nevertheless, I attempt
to defend those ideals. I seek to show that the protection of
humankind's heritage, qua humankind's, not only is a moral imperative:
more strongly put, it is a duty of justice. I then address one of the
most important objections to it - namely that it undermines states’ and
their citizenries’ legitimate interest in deciding what to do with
landmarks which are located on their territory.
/Cecile Fabre a political philosopher, and currently Senior Research
Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. She is also Professor of Political
Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and affiliated with the Faculty
of Philosophy, the Department of Politics and International Relations,
and Nuffield College, Oxford. Her research interests are in theories of
distributive justice; the philosophy of democracy; just war theory; the
ethics of foreign policy, with particular focus on the ethics of
economic statecraft and the ethics of espionage.
She most recently published Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of
Espionage and Counter-Intelligence (Oxford University Press 2022);
Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality
(Harvard University Press, 2018), preceded by (among others)
Cosmopolitan Peace (Oxford University Press, 2016), The Morality of
Defensive War, co-edited with Seth Lazar (Oxford University Press,
2014), Cosmopolitan War (Oxford University Press, 2012)./…
Dear colleagues,
please find attached our call for contributions for the *Day of
Parliamentary Research 2024*. The conference takes place on June 20,
2024 in the premises of the Austrian Parliament. It is organized by the
Legal, Legislative and Research Services (RLW) of the Parliamentary
Administration of the Austrian Parliament and will bring together
scholars from various disciplines to discuss their research as well as
its potential contribution to parliamentary practice.
We invite academic *contributions from all disciplines* without any
restrictions on content or methodology. Details on thematic focus,
abstract submission, and organisational issues can be found in the
Please inform yourself about all details concerning the abstract
submission and send your proposal for a presentation or a poster (in PDF
format) *by April 15, 2024 *to parlamentsforschung(a)
We kindly ask you to *forward this call* to potentially interested
colleagues and look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have
any questions please contact us using the contact details below.
If you are interested in how last year’s – and first ever – Day of
Parliamentary Research went, please read the report on the website of
the Austrian Parliament at Tag der Parlamentsforschung 2023:
German; including PDFs of the keynote-speech, presentations and posters
in English) or the Conference Report in the International Journal of
Parliamentary Studies
<>(in English).
Details on all initiatives of the Parliamentary Administration
concerning parliamentary research can be found at Research | Parliament
Austria <>(in English) or
Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich
<>(in German).
Kind regards on behalf of the project team,
Christoph Clar
*Research and Support in Parliamentary Matters*
Parliamentary Administration
Legal, Legislative & Research Services (RLW)
1017 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 401 10-2668
Mobil +43 676 8900 2668
For further information see: Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich
German) or Research | Parliament Austria
<>(in English)
Use of Personal Data
The Privacy Statement <>informs you
about how the Parliamentary Administration processes your personal data.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
die Einreichungsphase für die XI. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie hat
begonnen! Nach 10 Jahren in Salzburg zieht die Tagung um und wird am 19.
& 20. September 2024 zum ersten Mal an der Universität Passau stattfinden.
Dürften wir Sie bitten, den Call for Papers an Ihrem Institut und Ihrer
Universität zu verbreiten? Insbesondere würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie
ihn an Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen und Promovierende weitergeben
könnten. Einreichungen für Einzelvorträge, Panels und Runde Tische sind
bis 15.4.2024 unter möglich.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus Passau
Johanna Sinn
Tagung für Praktische Philosophie
Universität Passau
tfpp(a) <>
XI. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie:
Universität Passau
*Call for Papers *
*XI. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie *
*19./20. September 2024 *
*Universität Passau *
*Organisation: *Karoline Reinhardt (Passau)
in Kooperation mit Birgit Beck (TU Berlin)
sowie Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg) und Michael Zichy (Bonn/Salzburg)
Die Tagung für Praktische Philosophie zieht nach 10 Jahren in Salzburg
um: Am 19. und 20. September 2024 findet die XI. Tagung für Praktische
Philosophie an der Universität Passau statt. Christian Seidel
(Karlsruhe) und Eva Weber-Guskar (Bochum) werden die Plenarvorträge
halten – die weiteren Beiträge werden noch gesucht. Wir laden daher alle
Interessierten, mit und ohne universitäre Anbindung, ein, *Vorschläge
für Vorträge, thematische Panels oder Runde Tische* einzureichen. Dabei
sind Vorträge aus dem gesamten Spektrum der praktischen Philosophie
(angewandte Philosophie, Sozialphilosophie, Ethik, Rechtsphilosophie,
politische Philosophie und Theorie, Handlungstheorie, sowohl in
analytisch-systematischer wie auch in historischer Tradition) und
verwandter Disziplinen willkommen. Für jeden Vortrag sind 20 Minuten
plus 10 Minuten Diskussion vorgesehen. Vorschläge für Vorträge sollten
einen Titel und eine Zusammenfassung des Vortrags (im Umfang von ca. 500
Wörtern) umfassen. Die Zusammenfassung darf keinen Hinweis auf den/die
Autor:in enthalten. Die Einreichung ist bis 15. April 2024 über die
Tagungswebsite möglich:
Zum gesamten CfP und weiteren CfP für einzelne Panels:
Kristian Vstrup Madsen
"Good doesn't cut it: quality and quantity in the reception history of
a Lecture on Monday, January 22nd, 7 pm
at University of Applied Arts, Vordere Zollamtsstr. 7, 5th Floor, SE 20
In the mid 18th century, the King of Saxony bought a Vermeer because he
was told it was a Rembrandt, and he believed it. A few decades on, the
King of France declined to buy a Vermeer because it was not a Rembrandt.
Vermeer has always been good – anyone could see that. But good doesn’t
cut it when you’re selling to kings, oil barons, financiers, and
rappers. His example tells us that, across art history, from Old Masters
to post-postmodernists, quality is not a given, but subject to trend and
capital. In this lecture, Kristian Vistrup Madsen traces how value was
attributed to Vermeer's paintings, and how value, over time, made us see
those paintings differently.
/*Kristian Vistrup Madsen* is a writer and art critic based in Berlin.
He has contributed to magazines such as Artforum, Harpers, The White
Review, and Kunstkritikk. Doing Time: Essays on Using People was
published by Floating Opera Press in 2021./
"The (Great) Kristian Vistrup Madsen Show. Contemporaneity in
Postmedieval Times"
an exhibition opening on Tuesday, January 23rd, 6 pm
at University of Applied Arts, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2, Painting
Department, Studios 610 and 621
a cooperation with the departments Philosophy and Painting, in the
context of Kathrin Heinrich’s seminar „Art Criticism“.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Kernbauer
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Abteilung Kunstgeschichte | Art History
A-1010 Wien| Vienna, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2
Besuchsadresse: A-1030 Wien, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, Zimmer 444
fon +43-1-71133-2760
fax +43-1-71133-2769
eva.kernbauer(a) <>
Dear Colleagues,
The Reading Circle of the Research Group "Poststructuralism, Gender
Theory, Psychoanalysis" at the University of Vienna cordially invites
you to the next public event:
Vera Bühlmann (TU Vienna):
The Out-With and the With-Out, Or How to Think of the Digital in
Relation to a Philological "Ex Tempore"
Friday, January 26th 2024, 6-8pm, Hörsaal 2i (NIG), Department of
Philosophy (and online), Lecture and Discussion
Vera Bühlmann's recent book _The Digital, a Continent? Nature and
Poetics_ (Birkhäuser, 2024) presents a natural philosophy way of
thinking that draws from the optics and the sensibilities of New
Materialisms: Mathematical, poetical and rhetorical ideations help to
call, count, measure and proportion impersonal "thought" that "happens"
much like the weather does. It foregrounds thereby an agency as we
address it when we say "it rains", or "there is wind", or "a storm is
coming". The chapters of this book show how for the cunning reason of a
Mechanic in the old, artistic sense of the word (literally "one who
thinks and acts resourcefully") there is neither a necessity for
devotion nor humiliation involved when acknowledging that things _in the
first and last instance_ remain cryptic (dependent upon ciphering). For
what the mechanic's craft excels in and reveals objectively is how to
keep ideas and things moving and morphing, how to make them and render
them referential and graspable beyond a strict nature-culture
distinction. The knowledge the mechanic aims at conveying is how to
domesticate the meanwhile: How can we develop ideations of energy, form
and intellect in play together rationally and objectively, and yet in an
indefinite variety of ways and across many scales? Such sites of play
would have to be articulated and tuned by an architectonics for which
world and earth are neither synonymous nor subjected one to the other.
The chapters in this book explore the idea that we can better maintain
active relations to ourselves and to the currently emerging paradigm(s)
of planetary cultures, politics and economies when we study how there is
coding at work not only in the human domain but also in the natural
world too.
But how to think of such an idea of "coding", how to consider the
relations between method, poetics, technics and the arts? The talk will
explore resonances to Werner Hamacher's _95 Theses on Philology _(2009)_
_as well as his notion of "Ex Tempore" in _On the Brink. Language, Time,
History and Politics_ (2020).
Vera Bühlmann is Professor for Architecture Theory at Vienna University
of Technology TU, and director of the research group Architecture Theory
and Philosophy of Technics ATTP.
Registration for online participation or to get the referenced texts:
Since 2021 the Reading Circle PS-GT-PA includes public events
additionally to the monthly readings. Lectures and workshops have been
held with Brian Massumi, Erin Manning, Avital Ronell, Didier Debaise,
Shomo Choudhury and Alexis Shotwell.
More information: [1]
For the organizing team of the Reading Circle,
Eva-Maria Aigner, Arno Böhler, Ralf Gisinger
Dear all,
on behalf of the Anti-Racism Working Group we want to wish u a happy New
We are a group of students, Department staff and scholars who want to
create cultural change at the Department of Philosophy that is
conscious of and proactive in addressing issues around the many kinds
of racism endemic to our collective contexts.
In November, we organised for the first time a series of events
including talks, a film screening and workshops. U can find more infos
on our webpage:
For the next year, there is a lot more to come, and we are looking for
interested people to join us and collaborate with us! We hope
for your active participation, feedback, and suggestions.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact via
All the best,
your Anti-Racism Working Group
Dear All,
The "Wittgen=steine" series (organized by the Wittgenstein Research
Group) organizes a talk this Friday:
January 19th, 2024, 3-4:30pm, HS 3F (NIG):
Annette Langner-Pitschmann: „‚…und mein Spaten biegt sich zurück' (PU
§217). Zum Verhältnis zwischen Ideologie und Religion"
Everybody welcome!
Best wishes from the organizers,
Esther Heinrich
Anja Weiberg
Martin Kusch
Dear all,
this is a reminder for the first Trans*Formations event! Trans
Philosophy is one of the most exciting 'new' strands of philosophical
theorizing, and we are happy to host the first event on the topic at the
University of Vienna.
First, Luce deLire (formerly John Hopkins University, will give the talk "Can The Transsexual
Abstract: On September 14, 2021 Ella Nik Bayan set herself on fire at
Berlin Alexanderplatz, Germany. She died shortly after. On February 2,
2024, the German government will most probably pass a new
'Self-Determination Law' (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz) which promises to
simplify transition related changes of name and gender identity markers
in legal documents. In my talk, I use these two examples to present what
I call 'the transsexual contract': Trans and non-binary self
determination is (often violently) incapacitated by means of concrete
legal, political and epistemological arrangements. This is the case even
in left wing art, activism and allegedly 'progressive' legislation.
Allegedly, the transsexual contract protects cis people from trans
propaganda and from their own confusion. Yet in reality, its main goal
is the production and control of cis people. One is not born cis, but
becomes cis. With a post-colonial lens, I suggest queer hospitality as a
concrete practice to unlearn this toxic logic of protection.
After a Q&A with Luce deLire, we will watch the film "Die Räuberinnen"
(2023) by Austrian filmmaker Isa Schieche, who recently also received
the Goldene Medusa Award for this film.(More Info:
About the film: Three trans women meet in a country house to plan a
robbery. The trick of the heist is that, in order to create a false
trail, they disguise themselves as men. While they share everyday life
as a well-established team and lovers, they practice speaking in a deep
voice, walking manly and behaving in a masculine manner.
In this process, they reach their emotional and physical limits and
repeatedly fail to imitate male connoted behavior."Die Räuberinnen" is a
sociological analysis of male- and female-attributed behavior and
traits, shaking up binary role models in a swirl of radicalism and
The talk will be in English, the film is in German with English
There will be popcorn, snacks and drinks to round off the event!
When? Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 from 15:00 to 16:30
Where? HS 3F, Institute of Philosophy, NIG (Universitätsstraße 7, 1010
Looking forward to seeing you on January 16th!
Any sharing of the event is highly appreciated, and the poster for the
event is attached to this email.
Please do not hesitate to contact me concerning any accessibility needs
or questions!
With warm greetings,
Flora Löffelmann
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
CfP: ECPR General Conference 2024 | University College Dublin | Section
of the Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought
The ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought is delighted to
announce that its application for a section on "Kant, Science and
Politics" as part of the ECPR General Conference (University College
Dublin, 12-15 August 2024) has been successful, and 6 panels have been
allocated to the Section.
As a result, paper and panel proposals for the section "Kant, Science
and Politics" are now invited. Paper proposals may either be submitted
as part of one of the five suggested panels below or as part of a new
panel on a topic related to that of the section. The aim of this section
is to examine Kant's view of a practical metaphysics (both in ethics and
politico-juridical philosophy) that is on the secure path of science;
the following are suggested panel topics:
* The Relation Between Theoretical and Practical Cognitions
* Kant's Conception of Moral Theory as a Philosophical Science
* The "Land of Truth" - The Political Language of Scientific Truth
* Autonomy and the Moral Law
* Science and Racism - Kant's Anthropology and the Need for
Reorientation of Kant Scholarship
You may find further details on the section here: Kant, Science and
Politics ( [1].
If you are interested, please submit your proposal here by 18 January
Propose a panel: Panel Proposal - ECPR General Conference 2024,
University College Dublin, 12 - 15 August 2024 [2]
Propose a paper: Panel Proposal - ECPR General Conference 2024,
University College Dublin, 12 - 15 August 2024 [2]
In case you have any questions, please contact jakob.rendl(a)
or s.baiasu(a)
All welcome!
Liebe alle,
ich darf euch herzlich zu einem Film Screening einladen, das nächste
Woche stattfindet.
Der sogenannte Transgender Tipping Point deutet auf eine nie dagewesene
Präsenz von trans_ Personen in medialen Darstellungen im Globalen Norden
hin, die, wenn auch seltener, auch für die Darstellung von inter* und
nicht-binären Personen, Lebensrealitäten und Aktivismen gilt. Die
Arbeitsgruppe Inter*Trans_Nonbinary der Österreichischen Gesellschaft
für Geschlechterforschung (ÖGGF), das Referat Genderforschung
(Universität Wien) und das Institut für Theater-, Film und
Medienwissenschaft (Universität Wien) laden zu einem Filmprogramm zu
emanzipatorischen Zugängen zu trans_inter*nichtbinären Lebensrealitäten
im österreichischen Kontext. In einem anschließenden Publikumsgespräch
mit einigen der beteiligten Filmemacher*innen/Aktivist*innen wird unter
anderem nach den Möglichkeiten und Unmöglichkeiten emanzipatorischer
Arbeit gefragt, und danach, welche Aspekte allzu oft zu kurz kommen.
Zeit: Freitag, 19. Jänner 2024, 18.30 Uhr, mit Snacks und Getränken im
Ort: Hörsaal 5 im UZA II, Josef-Holaubek-Platz, 1090 Wien
Informationen zu Zuwegen und zur Erreichbarkeit für
Rollstuhlfahrer*innen (mit Fotos):
Sprachen: Die Filme Inter*Story und Trans*Phoria sind in deutscher
Lautsprache ohne Untertitel; der Film Trans*Gaze ist in deutscher und
englischer Lautsprache mit englischen Untertiteln. Die Diskussion wird
in deutscher/englischer Lautsprache stattfinden. Der Hörsaal verfügt
leider über keine Induktionsschleifen.
Inter*Story – ein Stück Aktivismus (Djordje Čenić, Nicole Baïer,
Österreich 2023, 43 Min.; deutsche Version)
Trans*Gaze (Rosa Wiesauer, Österreich 2021, 20 Min.; deutsche/englische
Version mit englischen Untertiteln)
Trans*Phoria (weitere Informationen folgen)
Publikumsgespräch mit: Ruth Jenrbekova (Trans*Gaze), Magdalena Klein und
Tinou Ponzer (Inter*Story), safer*space Collective (GM.P., M.L.;
Weitere Informationen:
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!