Call for Applications
(Deadline: April 1, 2024)
univie: summer school - Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
in cooperation with
Vienna, September 9-13, 2024
The second European Summer School on the Philosophy of Mathematics will
focus on different topics in the philosophy of mathematics, its
foundations, as well as on the philosophy of mathematical practice. We
are happy to invite abstract submissions by graduate students (MA and
PhD). The School will be hosted in person at the University of Vienna
and will include three tutorials by distinguished scholars as well as a
training unit on "Quantitative and qualitative empirical methods for
philosophers of mathematics" by Matthew Inglis and Deborah Kant
(provided by the CIPSH Chair DMRCP ("Diversity of Mathematical Research
Cultures and Practices").
The school aims to bring together Master and PhD students interested in
the connection between philosophy and mathematics, giving them the
opportunity to discuss related topics with leading scholars in the
Topics will be selected reflecting participants' interests and may
* Mathematical knowledge and mathematical understanding
* Justification and representation in mathematics
* Informal proofs and mathematical rigor
* The role of intuition and diagrams in mathematical reasoning
* Experimental mathematics and mathematical practice
* Mathematical ontology
Jessica Carter (Aarhus University)…
Yacin Hamami (ETH Zurich) [1]
Leon Horsten (University of Konstanz)
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior
researchers in relevant fields, but the organizers also encourage
applications from people in all stages of their career.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International
Program Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and
scientists. Its members represent the scientific fields in the scope of
USS-SWC, make contact to their home universities and will also support
acknowledgement of courses taken by the students. The annual summer
school is organised by the Institute Vienna Circle of the University of
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University
Carolina) here:…
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
Scientific director:
Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
CfP: ECPR General Conference 2024 | University College Dublin | Section
of the Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought
The ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought is delighted to
announce that its application for a section on "Kant, Science and
Politics" as part of the ECPR General Conference (University College
Dublin, 12-15 August 2024) has been successful, and 6 panels have been
allocated to the Section.
As a result, paper and panel proposals for the section "Kant, Science
and Politics" are now invited. Paper proposals may either be submitted
as part of one of the five suggested panels below or as part of a new
panel on a topic related to that of the section. The aim of this section
is to examine Kant's view of a practical metaphysics (both in ethics and
politico-juridical philosophy) that is on the secure path of science;
the following are suggested panel topics:
* The Relation Between Theoretical and Practical Cognitions
* Kant's Conception of Moral Theory as a Philosophical Science
* The "Land of Truth" - The Political Language of Scientific Truth
* Autonomy and the Moral Law
* Science and Racism - Kant's Anthropology and the Need for
Reorientation of Kant Scholarship
You may find further details on the section here: Kant, Science and
Politics ( [1].
If you are interested, please send an Expression of Interest with a
short outline of your paper (max. 500 words) or, if applicable, of the
proposed panel to jakob.rendl(a) and s.baiasu(a) by
11 January 2024, or contact us for more information.
All welcome!
Dear all,
on behalf of the APSE Group (Applied Philosophy of Science and
Epistemology), I would like to remind you about the talk by Aleksandra
Derra (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland), which will
happen ONLINE tomorrow, December 14th, 2023 from 15:00 - 17:00.
Please find the abstract & link below!
Please also forward this invite to others who could be interested.
Title: Another Science is Possible. The Role of Feminist Theory in
Building Socially Responsible Scientific Knowledge
Londa Schiebinger, in her book entitled ‘Has Feminism Changed Science’
(2001), has shown how the growing number of female scientists gradually
transformed specific fields of science. Following her reasoning, I want
to point out how feminist theories influence the way we think about
science in the philosophy of science and science and technology studies
today, and additionally indicate how the critical feminist approach
affects the priorities, methodologies, and aims of the particular fields
of knowledge.
In the first step, following Janet Kourany, I will explain what a
socially responsible philosophy of science is. Then I will show what it
means to adopt a feminist perspective in science and to include a gender
perspective in research. Then, I will present research results that
indicate that science as an institution is entangled in broader cultural
processes that perpetuate stereotypes (e.g. Draw a Scientist experiment,
visualization of a female scientist, the role of material culture).
Finally, I will present two examples of building complementary, socially
responsible scientific knowledge, enriched with a critical feminist
perspective: neurofeminism and data feminism.
Thema: Talk Alsksandra Derra
Uhrzeit: 14.Dez. 2023 03:00 PM Wien
Meeting-ID: 618 2270 9658
Kenncode: 0000
All the beste on behalf of the APSE Group,
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Dear all,
on behalf of the APSE Group (Applied Philosophy of Science and
Epistemology), I would like to cordially invite you to the following
talk by Aleksandra Derra
(Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland), which will happen
ONLINE on December 14th, 2023 from 15:00 - 17:00. Please find the
abstract & link below!
Please also forward this invite to others who could be interested.
Title: Another Science is Possible. The Role of Feminist Theory in
Building Socially Responsible Scientific Knowledge
Londa Schiebinger, in her book entitled ‘Has Feminism Changed Science’
(2001), has shown how the growing number of female scientists gradually
transformed specific fields of science. Following her reasoning, I want
to point out how feminist theories influence the way we think about
science in the philosophy of science and science and technology studies
today, and additionally indicate how the critical feminist approach
affects the priorities, methodologies, and aims of the particular fields
of knowledge.
In the first step, following Janet Kourany, I will explain what a
socially responsible philosophy of science is. Then I will show what it
means to adopt a feminist perspective in science and to include a gender
perspective in research. Then, I will present research results that
indicate that science as an institution is entangled in broader cultural
processes that perpetuate stereotypes (e.g. Draw a Scientist experiment,
visualization of a female scientist, the role of material culture).
Finally, I will present two examples of building complementary, socially
responsible scientific knowledge, enriched with a critical feminist
perspective: neurofeminism and data feminism.
Thema: Talk Alsksandra Derra
Uhrzeit: 14.Dez. 2023 03:00 PM Wien
Meeting-ID: 618 2270 9658
Kenncode: 0000
All the beste on behalf of the APSE Group,
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Studierenden-Werkstatt für Philosophie
Universität Würzburg
9.–10. April 2024
Call for Abstracts: Vortrag im Rahmen der 1. Würzburger
Studierenden-Werkstatt für Philosophie
Das Institut für Philosophie der Universität Würzburg lädt interessierte
Philosophie-Studierende in
fortgeschrittenen Semestern ein, ihre philosophischen Untersuchungen und
Forschungen im Rahmen
einer Studierenden-Werkstatt vorzustellen. Der Workshop soll
Studierenden der Philosophie
die Möglichkeit bieten, eigene Ideen vorzustellen, sich an einem
philosophischen Fachvortrag zu
versuchen und sich mit etablierten Forschenden im kollegialen Rahmen des
Würzburger Instituts
für Philosophie auszutauschen und zu vernetzen. Dies ermöglicht Ihnen,
ausgiebige Rückmeldungen
zu ihren Arbeiten von Würzburger Professor*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen
zu erhalten und mit
diesen in Dialog zu treten. Im Fokus steht die Einübung einer Praxis des
gemeinsamen philosophischen
Bei den vorgestellten Arbeiten kann es sich um Hausarbeiten,
Bachelorarbeiten, Essays oder andere
studentische Forschung, gerne auch laufende Projekte (Work in Progress),
handeln. Besonders willkommen
sind Beiträge, die sich mit den Schwerpunkten der Würzburger Forschung
befassen: Phänomenologie
und Post-Phänomenologie, antike, mittelalterliche und arabische
Philosophie. Weitere
Informationen zu Schwerpunktsetzungen des Würzburger Instituts finden
Sie hier:
Die Veranstaltung ist darüber hinaus offen für Vortragsthemen in allen
Bereichen der Philosophie.
Die Vorträge sollen 15–20 Minuten lang sein, mit anschließend jeweils 10
Minuten Zeit für Diskussion,
Rückfragen und Feedback.
Die Studierenden-Werkstatt findet am 09.–10.04.2024 in den Räumen des
Instituts für Philosophie
in der Würzburger Residenz statt. Leider können Kosten für Anfahrt und
Übernachtung nicht übernommen
werden. Private Übernachtungsgelegenheiten können gegebenenfalls über
die Fachschaftsinitiative
Philosophie (
organisiert werden.
Interessierte können sich bis zum 31.12.2023 mit einem Vortragstitel und
einem 250 Worte langen
Abstract (einer Kurzzusammenfassung des Vortrags) unter
de bewerben. Bitte geben Sie auch Ihre Studienfächer, Ihre Semesterzahl
und Ihre
Universität an. Zusagen bzw. Absagen werden im Januar 2024 verschickt
Mit freundlichen Grüßen auch im Namen des ganzen Organisationsteams,
Dr. Diego D'Angelo
Dr. Diego D'Angelo
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für praktische Philosophie
Universität Würzburg
Residenzplatz 2
97070 Würzburg
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie im Namen von Khôra herzlich zum nächsten Colloquium einladen.
Termin: 07.12.2023, 18:30 - 20:00, HS 3F, Neues Institutsgebäude
Thema: Seins-Verstrickungen. Über die Lebensphilosophie bei Ortega y Gasset
Ein kurzer Text von Ortega y Gasset dient uns als Ausgangspunkt für die weitere Diskussion. Auf Anfrage wird der Text gerne zugesendet.
Weitere Informationen sowie eine Mailingliste finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
Danach ist im Café Gagarin reserviert.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Liebe Grüße
Sebastian Krach
Dear Colleagues,
This is an email to remind you that the next presentations in the
Work-In-Progress series will be given by Bogdan Mićić and Philipp Quell
this coming Monday. Please see their titles and abstracts below.
"The ontological foundation of Pletho’s virtue ethics" by Bogdan Mićić
The short but dense treatise /Perì aretôn/ 'On Virtues' is not the only
work in which Pletho deals with moral-philosophical topics and
questions, but it is indeed the work in which Pletho presents and
develops his moral philosophy in the most systematic way. There is
surprising amount of literature which has been written and published
since the 1840s about Pletho's life and work. However, only a small part
of the otherwise relatively rich secondary literature is dedicated to
Plethonic ethics and an even smaller part wo the work /Perì aretôn/,
while the largest part is dealing with Pletho’s theology and
metaphysics. One reason (though, probably not the only one) for this is
that Pletho's (moral) philosophy, especially at first glance, hardly has
any originality. Further, it seems to be affected by a profound
eclecticism, which makes Plethon's ethics seem more like a disjointed
piecemeal: Different, sometimes even seemingly incompatible, thoughts of
various thinkers appear. A universal principle which could unify the
scattered thoughts seems to be lacking. In short, Pletho’s ethics, at
first glance, does not seem like a coherent theory. The eclectic
features of Pletho’s moral philosophy has led some researchers to accuse
Pletho of arbitrariness or a lack of critical reflection in advance.
This is wrong. I venture out to show that Pletho’s moral philosophy is
not a more or less arbitrary 'catalogue' of virtues collected without
adhering to an overarching principle and to show that this view is
short-sighted and excessive. To prove this, I will first show that the
Plethonic doctrine of virtue is thoroughly determined by a unifying
principle that underpins the theory. I will then identify this principle
as the ontological-metaphysical requirement for every being to adhere to
the specific ontological hierarchy. From this it will follow that it is
possible to draw conclusions about Pletho's ontology starting from his
doctrine of virtues (since the latter follows from the former). This
will prove that the relative neglect of treatise /Perì aretôn/ by
previous researchers is inappropriate not only in a historical respect
(/Perì aretôn/ was the most distributed and cited work out of Pletho’s
texts in his time), but also in a systematic respect: Because /Perì
aretôn/ provides remarkable insights in Pletho's ontology, Plethon's
doctrine of virtues should also be read and worked on also and
especially by people who are only interested in his theoretical philosophy.
In my talk, I will illustrate this by giving a detailed interpretation
of the first 14 lines of the text (/Peri aret/. A 1, 1.1–16).
"Aristotle’s Systematic Essentialism" by Philipp Quell:
Although many of Aristotle’s scientific findings are revised, for
example the geocentric thesis, his understanding of scientific
structures and the criteria for them to be able to discover truth is
still very similar to our scientific world. My thesis and argumentation
will focus on the Aristotelian system of sciences, mainly elaborated in
his logical writings. Within this argumentation one fundamental
difference will be found, too and I am excited to hear your opinon about
the fundamentality of this difference.
The presentation will take place in Hörsaal 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße
7, 3.Stock) at 13:30and will last up to sixty minutes. All are invited
to join afterwards for refreshments and snacks before the Writing
Evening begins.
Please let us know (wip.philosophie(a)
<>) if you have any questions or if
you would like to present for the Work-in-Progress series yourself. You
can findcalendar and event information
Best wishes and we hope to see all of you there!
The organizing team
Dear Colleagues,
The "Decolonizing" the Library lunchtime event has been rescheduled and
will take place on 18.1.2024 from 1 to 3 pm.
Birgit Athumani Hango from the African and Middle Eastern Studies
Library will shortly provide input (ca. 20 mins) about the Colonial
Contexts Working Group at the University Library followed by a moderated
discussion and reflections about how to apply the ideas and principles
to our own work.
Bring your lunch and join the discussion!
Your Colleagues from the Antiracism Working Group
P.S. In case you missed it:
1. The Anti-Racism Working Group has created a Zotero reading list on
(Anti-)Racism, (De)colonization, and Philosophy. Most of these resources
are available via u:search.
To browse the list, as well as request to join the Zotero group, visit:…
If you have a suggestion for the Zotero list, you can contact us with a
DOI/link to the item at: antiracism.philosophy(a)
2. The Library of Philosophy and Psychology has designated a shelf in
the library that will house physical books related to these subjects.
The shelf features a QR-code that links to the Zotero list. So far, we
have requested 14 books to add to the Library's collection that were not
already available via u:search.
The library will be accepting purchasing requests from library users for
this shelf on an ongoing basis.
If you would like to suggest an item that is not already available via
u:search, you can do so via this link:…
Meghan Bohardt, M.A.
Academic and Library Information Specialist
Secretariat of the European Open Science Cloud Service Office Austria
University Library
University of Vienna
Mon, Weds-Fri 9:30-12:30
Tues 9:30-17:30
Administrative Assistant to Univ.-Prof. Tarja Knuuttila
Department of Philosophy
University of Vienna
Mon, Weds-Fri 13:30-17:30
Hermes mailing list --hermes(a)
To unsubscribe send an email tohermes-leave(a)
The Institute Vienna Circle and the Vienna Circle Society cordially
invite you to
6th Arthur Pap Lecture
What role do definitions play in axiomatics?
Paola Cantù (Université Aix-Marseille)
December 7, 2023
4 - 6 pm
Alte Kapelle am Campus, Yard 2, Entrance 2.8
Right from its name, axiomatics focuses on the role of axioms as
starting points for deriving theorems. Definitions are introduced as
useful conventions, but not strictly necessary for a rigorous
presentation of theories. And yet the preeminent interest in definitions
in authors such as Peano and Pap suggests that the issue of definitions
cannot be eliminated as soon as one reflects on the epistemological role
of axiomatics. What role can axiomatics still play today and, within it,
what place should be reserved for definitions?
Please find further information on or . We are looking forward!
Yours sincerely
Zarah Weiss
6. Arthur Pap Vorlesung
What role do definitions play in axiomatics?
Paola Cantù (Université Aix-Marseille)
7. Dezember 2023
16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Alte Kapelle am Campus, Hof 2, Eingang 2.8
Right from its name, axiomatics focuses on the role of axioms as
starting points for deriving theorems. Definitions are introduced as
useful conventions, but not strictly necessary for a rigorous
presentation of theories. And yet the preeminent interest in definitions
in authors such as Peano and Pap suggests that the issue of definitions
cannot be eliminated as soon as one reflects on the epistemological role
of axiomatics. What role can axiomatics still play today and, within it,
what place should be reserved for definitions?
Weitere Infos finden Sie unter oder Wir freuen uns sehr auf
Ihr Kommen!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Zarah Weiss
Dear all,
tomorrow, we will have the final event of the Anti-Racism Week at the
Department of Philosophy.
We will show the film "Edelweiss - A Critical Love Letter" at 16:45 at
EDELWEISS is a documentary about the harrowing realities of People of
Color living in Austria. It depicts the perspectives of many People of
Color with varying connections to Austria— some who call it home, some
who have made it their home, and others who would never call it home.
Snacks and drinks will be provided :)
Looking forward to seeing you there!
All the best,
Flora in the name of the Anti Racism AG.
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!