NOVEMBER 16, 2023
START: 18:00
Interdisciplinary Centre of Aristotle Studies, Aristotle University
Ulrike Diebold | Vice-President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Claudia Isep | Deputy Secretary General of the Austrian Commission for
Introduction and Moderation of Q&A:
Herta Nagl-Docekal | Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of
Aristotle’s philosophy of nature has been underestimated for centuries. His
Physics was considered by the protagonists of the “Scientific Revolution” as
a sterile system; the idea that there is no place for an Aristotelian
in science was, subsequently, reinforced by the development of Newtonian
mechanics. Against this traditional view, the lecture seeks to show that
Aristotle’s conception of nature is one of his most fruitful ideas, and
that the
insights gained from Aristotle’s work are becoming increasingly relevant to
contemporary science. Furthermore, the lecture argues that, in the light
of the
impressive discoveries in numerous fields of science, especially in
physics, a
closer look at Aristotle’s work will reveal that the Stageirite has
elaborated a
dynamic model of nature, which is much closer than Newtonian physics to the
new scientific image of nature emerging today. At the same time, Aristotle’s
insights into the inter-relation of all disciplines and the unity of
knowledge can
respond to the growing need for a re-unification of the various sciences
an interdisciplinary approach.
Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou is Professor Em. of Philosophy of Science, the
founding and current President of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle
Studies, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece, and Fellow of the
S. Peirce Society. She served as President of the Greek Philosophical
(2006–08) and the Charles Sanders Peirce Society (2014–15). Her research
on the importance of Aristotle’s thought for the current sciences is
in her studies on Quantum Mechanics, Microphysics and the Bio-Sciences.
She edited Aristotle and Contemporary Science (two volumes, 2000/2001) and
Aristotle–Contemporary Perspectives on his Thought (2018). Furthermore, she
demonstrated how the philosophy of American Pragmatism relates to
thinking. As President of the C. S. Peirce Society she chaired the
“Charles S.
Peirce International Centennial Congress,” Lowell, Massachusetts (2014).
importantly, she initiated, organized and chaired the “World Congress
2400 Years” Thessaloniki 2016, under the auspices of the President of
the Hellenic
Republic, and edited the Proceedings of that Congress (2019). Currently,
Sfendoni-Mentzou is establishing a joint Greek-Chinese research program that
was initiated at the international “Aristotle-Confucius Symposium on
Ethics for
the 21st Century” that she co-organized in July 2023.
The Leibniz Lectures, as part of the Academy Lectures of the Austrian
of Sciences, refer to the fact that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz presented
the first plans
for a „Society of Sciences in Vienna“ to the Emperor during his time in
in 1712–1714. Lectures are given by scholars who have gained international
recognition not only in their own field, and whose research demonstrates the
differentiation potential of philosophy both for interdisciplinary
and for dealing with publicly relevant issues of the present.
Please register at:
CONTACT: Andrea Windegger, Austrian Academy of Scienes,
Hallo, liebe Mitarbeitende und Studierende des Instituts für Philosophie,
Die Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen richtet zusammen
mit der Intergenerational Foundation (IF) einen Aufsatzwettbewerb zum
Thema „Langfristige Friedenssicherung für zukünftige Generationen“ aus.
Der Preis ist mit einem Preisgeld von 10.000€ dotiert. Die
Gewinner:innen werden nicht nur finanziell honoriert, sondern erhalten
auch die Möglichkeit, ihre Einreichungen in der Zeitschrift
Intergenerational Justice Review zu veröffentlichen.
Weitere Informationen und die Teilnahmefrist befinden sich auf dem
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Das Team der Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen
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Rights of Future Generations
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Dear colleagues,
since end of September, the documentation of the first “Day of
Parliamentary Research” (2023) is available online (currently only in
German) under: Tag der Parlamentsforschung 2023: Tagungsbericht |
Parlament Österreich
It includes the presentation slides of keynote speaker Marc Geddes (see:
as well as almost all the other presentations and posters.
On this occasion, we are delighted to make the following announcements:
-The next “*Day of Parliamentary Research*” will take place on *20 June
2024*. The according call for contributions will probably be published
in January 2024.
-The call for applications for the annual “*Research Year in
Parliament*” is expected to be published in December 2023. The programme
*supports a one-year research project* with expertise and resources from
the Austrian Parliamentary Administration. Applications will be accepted
*in English and German*.
-Currently, *not* all contents about our initiatives concerning
parliamentary research are *available in English yet*. However, please
stay in touch and follow the constant development of the according
section on our website: Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich
If you have any questions, please contact us via
<>. We kindly ask you to
spread the information among interested colleagues and hope to see you
again next year in the Austrian Parliament.
Kind regards on behalf of the whole team,
Christoph Clar
*Research and Support in Parliamentary Matters
*Parliamentary Administration
Legal, Legislative and Research Services (RLW)
1017 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 401 10-2668
Mobil +43 676 8900 2668
For further information see:
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie im Namen von Khôra herzlich zum nächsten Colloquium einladen.
Termin: 09.11.2023, 18:30 - 20:00, HS 3F, Neues Institutsgebäude
Thema: Performative Philosophie mit einem Input von Nick Nagel über Rainer Totzke ("Alternative Formen des Philosophierens")
Ein kurzer Text von Totzke dient uns als Ausgangspunkt für die weitere Diskussion. Auf Anfrage wird der Text gerne zugesendet.
Weitere Informationen sowie eine Mailingliste finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
Danach ist im Café Gagarin reserviert.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Liebe Grüße
Sebastian Krach
*Workshop: "What difference does 'being' make? **The role of the verb
εἰμί in the clause and its manifestation in **philosophical discourse"*
Historians of ancient Greek philosophy often lack the necessary
knowledge to understand the strange expressions of the philosophers they
study. Moreover, ancient Greek philosophers sometimes use such
expressions as technical terms, as is the case with those that contain
the verb εἰμί 'am' (≈ to be).
Following philosophers like Frege and Russell, historians of ancient
philosophy usually approach the semantics of "being" from a logical
point of view, showing more interest in the logical operations behind
εἰμί-sentences than in the function of the verb εἰμί within the clause.
If one surveys the philosophical literature, one will find countless
mentions of the 'is' of "existence", the 'is' of "predication", or the
'is' of "identity", but hardly any mention of the difference between
lexical verbs and auxiliary verbs―and copulas are auxiliaries for
To compensate for these deficiencies, we have set out to bring together
nine distinguished experts in Ancient Greek to hear what they have to
say about the verb εἰμί and its role in the clause. The idea is to learn
from them so that we do not overlook important linguistic matters when
we approach ancient Greek philosophy. For we must not forget that Greek
philosophers coined both logical and ontological terms in natural
language, that is, in Ancient Greek.
Lecture: "The Name of the Verb: On the Persistence of the Aristotelian
View of the Copula in
Formal Syntax"
We are pleased to invite you to the in-person lecture "The Name of the
Verb: On the Persistence of the Aristotelian View of the Copula in
Formal Syntax", which will take place on December 5, 2023
(Marietta-Blau-Saal, University of Vienna, Main Building).
Professor Andrea Moro will speak about the validity of the Aristotelian
interpretation of the verb "to be" in formal syntax.
*The Name of the Verb*
Beginning with the early works of Aristotle, the interpretation of the
verb "to be" and its equivalents across languages runs through Western
linguistic thought intertwining with philosophy, metaphysics, logic, and
even mathematics―so much so that Bertrand Russell showed no hesitation
in proclaiming it to be "a disgrace to the human race". Professor Moro
will show that this verb is still a scandal and, like a Trojan horse of
linguistics, it introduces disruptive elements that lead us to a radical
rethinking of the most basic structure of human language, the sentence,
paradoxically reviving Aristotle's original view.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
vom 08. bis 13. September 2024 wird – organisiert von Christoph Horn und
Rainer Schäfer – in Bonn der 14. Internationale Kant-Kongress zur Feier
seines 300. Geburtstags unter dem Motto "Kants Projekt der Aufklärung"
stattfinden. Weiterführende Informationen unter:
Mit herzlichen Grüßen, auch im Namen der Kant-Gesellschaft und der
Universität Bonn,
i. A. Felix Maiwald
Wiss. Mitarbeiter des Digitalen Kant-Zentrums NRW
Universität Bonn
Institut für Philosophie
Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie und Philosophie der Antike
Am Hof 1, 53113 Bonn; Raum 1.076
E-Mail: f.maiwald(a)
Liebe KollegInnen,
das Programm/Plakat für den Workshop Zufall und Einfall vom 9. bis 11. November an der Katholischen Privatuniversität Linz hatte es leider nicht in die email geschafft. Finden Sie es bitte im Anhang.
Sie können sich gerne heute noch anmelden.
Aloisia Moser.
Aloisia Moser, Ph.D.
Assistenzprofessorin Geschichte der Philosophie
Fakultät für Philosophie und für Kunstwissenschaft
Katholische Privat-Universität Linz
A-4020 Linz, Bethlehemstraße 20
C: +43 660 5673969
E: a.moser(a)<>…
Moser, A. Kant, Wittgenstein, and the Performativity of Thought, (Palgrave Macmillan, September 2021)
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
im Anhang finden Sie die Ankündigung von drei Vorträgen der Reihe "Forum
Wir würden uns über Ihr Kommen sehr freuen!
Esther Heinrich-Ramharter
Michael Staudigl