Liebe FreundInnen der Alfred Klahr Gesellschaft,
wir möchten Sie auf das *2. Hans-Hautmann-Kolloquium *zum Thema
*„Von der Arbeiterbewegungsgeschichte zur Neuen Kulturgeschichte. Bilanz
und Perspektiven“*
am*14. November 2023* von 16 bis 20 Uhr in der *Bibliothek der
Arbeiterkammer Wien* aufmerksam machen.
Mit Vorträgen von Winfried R. Garscha, Veronika Helfert, Helmut Konrad
und Florian Wenninger sowie einem Round Table mit Therese Garstenauer,
Ina Markova, Manfred Mugrauer und Georg Spitaler.
/Eine Veranstaltung von Alfred Klahr Gesellschaft, Institut für
Historische Sozialforschung und ITH./
Wir ersuchen um Anmeldung auf dieser Website, wo auch das detaillierte
Programm abrufbar ist:…
Donnerstag, 23. November 2023, 19.00
Alfred Klahr Gesellschaft, Drechslergasse 42, 1140 Wien
*Franz Leitner – ein „Gerechter unter den Völkern“*
Buchvorstellung mit *Heimo Halbrainer*
Eine Veranstaltung von Alfred Klahr Gesellschaft und KZ-Verband/VdA Wien
*Eben erschienen:*
Die Ausgabe *Nr. 3/2023* der „*Mitteilungen der Alfred Klahr
Gesellschaft*“ mit Beiträgen und Rezensionen von Irene Filip, Sabine
Fuchs, Peter Goller, Michael Graber, Martin Konecny, Stefan Kraus,
Thomas Neuhold, Alfred J. Noll, Dieter Reinisch, Florian Schwanninger
und Karl Wimmler.
Die „Maimonides Lectures“ sind eine gemeinsame Unternehmung der
Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), folgender Abrahamitischer
Altkatholische Kirche, Bulgarisch-Orthodoxe Kirche, Evangelische
Kirche A. u. H. B., Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche, Griechisch-Orthodoxe
Kirche, Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich, Israelitische
Wien, Koptisch-Orthodoxe Kirche, Römisch-Katholische Kirche, Rumänisch-
Orthodoxe Kirche, Serbisch-Orthodoxe Kirche, Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kirche sowie
der Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften (KL)
dank der Förderung und unter der Schirmherrschaft des Amtes der
Landesregierung. Als Unterstützer:innen des Projektes sind ferner
die Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems und der
für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit zu nennen. Die „Maimonides
Lectures“ etablieren somit kooperative, nachhaltige Forschung auf
Sie werden vom Land Niederösterreich und den Abrahamitischen
Österreichs gefördert.
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Christophe Erismann, 1977 geboren in Lausanne;
1996‒2001 Studium
der Philosophie an der Universität Lausanne; 2006 Promotion zum Dr.
phil. an der Ecole
Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) und an der Universität Lausanne;
2006‒2009 British
Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Universität Cambridge; 2009‒2010 Research
Fellow, Universität
Helsinki (Collegium for Advanced Studies); 2010‒2015 SNF
Förderungsprofessur (Mittelalterliche
Philosophie) an der Universität Lausanne; 2014 Habilitation an der Ecole
des Hautes Etudes (Paris); 2015 Fellow in Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton
Oaks (Harvard
Universität); 2015‒2020 Leiter des ERC-Projekts (CoG 648298)
„Reassessing Ninth Century
Philosophy. A Synchronic Approach to the Logical Traditions“ an der
Universität Wien; seit
Jänner 2019 Assistenz-Professur für byzantinische Geistesgeschichte
(tenure-track) am Institut
für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik, Universität Wien.
w.M. Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch
w.M. em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Klein
8.–9. NOVEMBER 2023
1010 WIEN
Hi everyone,
We cordially invite you to the next doc:wip, taking place next Monday
from 13:30 to 15:00
Andrew Tedder (Institute Vienna Circle) will be presenting on:
Pluriplenitudinous Platonism
Abstract: I discuss a view in philosophy of mathematics which combines
realism with a robust pluralism, admitting a range of structures,
following Mark Balaguer's Plenitudinous Pluralism, but going more
broadly in admitting inconsistent and other odd structures. In this work
in progress, I sketch the view, as well as my reasons for wanting to
adopt it.
all welcome,
Sophie Veigl (in name of the organizers)
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)
my pronouns are she/her
The Institute Vienna Circle and the Vienna Circle Society cordially invite
you to
31st Vienna Circle Lecture 2023
Money and Philosophy in Vienna: Otto Neurath and Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jordi Cat (Indiana University, Bloomington)
November 9, 2023
4 6 pm
Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 12th Floor, University of Vienna,
1090 Vienna
Please find further information on or . We are looking forward!
Yours sincerely
Zarah Weiss
31. Wiener Kreis Vorlesung 2023
Money and Philosophy in Vienna: Otto Neurath and Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jordi Cat (Indiana University, Bloomington)
9. November 2023
16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 12. Stock, Universität Wien, 1090
Weitere Infos finden Sie unter oder
<> Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihr
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Zarah Weiss
Dear all,
The Knowledge in Crisis<> Cluster of Excellence is hosting its first public event on AI and the Problems of Knowledge this November 16th.
Event Description:
Artificial Intelligence is in the process of transforming our society. But it also has profound implications for our methods of knowledge production and consumption. The products of recent AI machines like ChatGPT are linguistically impressive and convincing - but they are also full of factual errors which their creators euphemistically (and misleadingly) call 'hallucinations'. Given the extent to which we are starting to rely on AI, the question arises: how can we trust any of its outputs? How do we know what to believe? Is this is technical problem or a social and epistemological one? Technology is also beginning to change our conception of knowledge itself. If someone asks you whether you know a friend's phone number, you may say yes and reach for your phone. Do you really know it in this situation? And if so, what does this say about the concept of knowledge?
These and other questions will be introduced in a public discussion, the first public event of the Knowledge in Crisis Cluster of Excellence.
The discussion will be moderated by Professor Tim Crane, Director of Research for the Knowledge in Crisis Project, and the author of the leading textbook on the philosophy of mind and AI, The Mechanical Mind (first edition 1995, third edition 2014).
This event is open to all. Please register here:
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Jason Means
Jason Means, MA
Director of Management and Transfer
FWF Cluster of Excellence Knowledge in Crisis project
Department of Philosophy
Pronouns: He/Him
+43 1 25230 7538
Liebe KollegInnen!
Im Anhang das Programm für die Tagung "Zufall und Einfall - Medien der Kreativität" vom 9. bis 11. November in Linz. Wer mitdiskutieren möchte, kann sich noch bis zum 5. November anmelden.
Noch ein gutes Wintersemester,
Aloisia Moser.
Aloisia Moser, Ph.D.
Assistenzprofessorin Geschichte der Philosophie
Fakultät für Philosophie und für Kunstwissenschaft
Katholische Privat-Universität Linz
A-4020 Linz, Bethlehemstraße 20
C: +43 660 5673969
E: a.moser(a)<>…
Moser, A. Kant, Wittgenstein, and the Performativity of Thought, (Palgrave Macmillan, September 2021)
Von: Anna Aloisia Moser <a.moser(a)>
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Februar 2023 11:37
An: Hermes <hermes(a)>; Forum <forum(a)>; Iris <iris(a)>; philosophie(a) <philosophie(a)>
Cc: Martin Kusch <martin.kusch(a)>
Betreff: Call for Papers: Zufall&Einfall Workshop. 9. bis 11. November in Linz
Lieber Martin Kusch,
ich organisiere im November in Linz den Workshop Zufall&Einfall, der sich besonders an Nachwuchs Wissenschaftlerinnen wendet. Im Anhang der Call for Papers.
Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie ihn an StudentInnen oder KollegInnen weitersenden könnten, die dem Thema zugeneigt sind.
Mit vielen lieben Grüßen, ich wünsche produktive und erholsame Semesterferien,
Aloisia Moser.
Von: Martin Kusch über Iris <iris(a)>
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Jänner 2023 09:13
An: Hermes <hermes(a)>; Forum <forum(a)>; Iris <iris(a)>
Cc: Martin Kusch <martin.kusch(a)>
Betreff: [Iris] Fwd: CEU Summer School on Contemporary Issues in Ontology and Social Ontology
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CEU Summer School on Contemporary Issues in Ontology and Social
Date: 27.01.2023 09:07
From: "International Social Ontology Society" <ISOS(a)>
Reply-To: "Asya Passinsky" <asyapass(a)>
Central European University is offering a summer course on
“Contemporary Issues in Ontology and Social Ontology [1]”. The
course will be held July 17th to July 28th, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.
The faculty includes Mark Balaguer (Cal State LA), Talia Bettcher (Cal
State LA), Åsa Burman (Stockholm), Esa Díaz-León (Barcelona), Alex
Grzankowski (Birkbeck), Ferenc Huoranszki (CEU), Michaela McSweeney
(Boston), and Asya Passinsky (CEU).
Course description: Philosophers are becoming increasingly interested in
real-world problems and in how their discipline is relevant to these
problems. The recent explosion of interest in social ontology is part of
a movement in philosophy to come down out of the ivory tower and engage
with issues that actually matter—issues concerning, e.g., race,
gender, and social justice. This course will introduce students to
ontology, and to social ontology in particular, by delving deeply into
numerous important issues in the field. Specific topics to be covered
in the course include the following: social justice, social
construction, groups, social structures, ideal vs. non-ideal social
ontology, social power, essentialism as it relates to social groups and
genders, metaphysical grounding in the social realm, issues pertaining
to mental health and moral responsibility, social theories of art,
rationality, and mental content, and issues in meta social ontology.
We invite applications from graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in
philosophy. A few places for advanced undergraduate students will also
be available. The application deadline is February 14th, 2023.
For more information and details on how to apply, please visit the
course website [1].
Unsubscribe [2]
Iris Mailingliste -- iris(a)
Zur Abmeldung von dieser Mailingliste senden Sie eine Nachricht an iris-leave(a)
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie auf die kommende Sitzung der Initiative Khora aufmerksam machen.
Wir starten mit einem neuen Programm in das Semester.
19.10.23 18:00-20:00 im HS 3F
Auf dem Programm steht zuerst kurz Organisatorisches. Wir halten die erste Generalversammlung ab, was heißt, dass wir uns als Vorsitzteam zur Wahl stellen. Außerdem präsentieren wir unser Jahresthema "Technik - Praxis -Kultur".
Wir freuen uns auch über grundsätzliche Anregungen und Kritik bezüglich dem Projekt und unserer Organisationsstruktur. An dieser Stelle auch nochmal der Hinweis, dass Ihr Vereinsmitglieder (auch möglich, ohne Vereinsmitgliedsbeitrag zu bezahlen) werden könnt. Bitte schreibt uns dafür einfach eine email an khoraplattform(a)<>
Am Donnerstag legen wir auch eine Liste auf, in die ihr euch eintragen könnt.
Nach einem kurzen philosophischen Input vonseiten des Vorsitzteams ist anschließend im Café Gagarin für alle reserviert.
Wir freue uns auf euer Kommen!
Liebe Grüße
Sebastian Krach
Vortragsreihe zur Antiken Philosophie
Neue Texte der antiken Philosophie
Dr. Yury Arzhanov, Universität Salzburg
A 6th century Syriac Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories
Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2023, 18.30-20.00, HS 3C NIG
Prof. Oliver Primavesi, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München
Zur Wahrnehmungstheorie des Empedokles: Neue Zeugen der indirekten
(Aristoteles, De sensibus) und der direkten Überlieferung (Kairener Papyrus)
Mittwoch, 15. November 2023, 18.30-20.00, HS 3C, NIG
Prof. Tobias Reinhardt, University of Oxford
Skeptizismus und Platonismus in Ciceros Academica
Donnerstag, 11. Jänner 2024, 18.30-20.00, HS 3D, NIG
New Fellowship Opportunities at Remarque Institute
View this email in your browser
Remarque Institute at NYU
/announces our fellowship opportunities for the upcoming academic year./
We are delighted to announce a new initiative at Remarque: *Technology,
the Environment, and the Future of Europe (TEFE)*. It involves new,
funded fellowships; new programming; a podcast; and conferences.
TEFE, funded by Open Society Foundations, will host four fellows per
term: one fellowship is forgraduate students
three forfaculty or non-academics.
/*Please also read on for exciting updates to our already established
Visiting Fellows Program.*/
*Technology, the Environment, and the Future of Europe*
Doctoral Fellows
<…> will
receive a fellowship stipend of $4750 per month, an office at the
Remarque Institute, visiting scholar status to use NYU’s libraries,
databases, facilities, and relevant university privileges. Doctoral
students must be currently enrolled in a degree-granting program.
Visiting Fellows
<…> will
receive a fellowship stipend of $4500 per month, a studio apartment at
no cost (or a housing stipend), an office at the Remarque Institute,
visiting scholar status to use NYU’s libraries, databases, facilities,
and relevant university privileges.
Applications from non-academics for the Visiting Fellowships are encouraged.
The Remarque Institute is a vibrant intellectual space and the TEFE
initiative aims to allow each semester’s cohort of scholars to
work both alone and together, building on their distinctive disciplines
and shared interests.
Fellows are expected to be in residence throughout the semester; to
participate in all relevant Remarque events; and to take part in and
contribute to the community the Institute seeks to foster.
We seek scholars of the highest caliber who embody the diversity of the
United States as well as the global society in which we live. We
strongly encourage applications from women, racial and ethnic
minorities, and other individuals who are under-represented in the
profession, across color, creed, race, ethnic and national origin,
physical ability, gender, and sexual identity, or any other legally
protected basis. NYU affirms the value of differing perspectives on the
world as we strive to build the strongest possible university with the
widest reach. To learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity,
and inclusion, please read here:
EOE/Affirmative Action/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual
Orientation/Gender Identity
More Information
*Remarque Visiting Fellowship Program*
We also welcome applicants to our *Remarque Visiting Fellowship Program.*
Remarque Visiting Fellowships
as always, come with apartments and travel and for the first time also
come with a stipend for those who demonstrate need.
These Fellowships are intended for scholars on sabbatical leave at their
home institutions or with extramural funding or other outside support,
though for the 2024-25 academic year, the Institute is able to provide a
monthly stipend of $2,000 for junior scholars visiting without
sabbatical or extramural funding of their own.
All Fellows receive cost-free housing in an NYU studio apartment and
round-trip travel to and from New York, and are provided with a private
office and modest administrative support during their residency at the
Institute. At NYU, Remarque visiting fellows have access to NYU library
and other university resources and privileges.
We are particularly interested in applications from individuals whose
work will be significantly enabled by a period of residency at the
Institute. Normally, fellowship applicants must have a PhD in hand at
the time of the start date of their fellowship at the Remarque Institute.
While our housing is intended for visiting scholars, we do offer a
limited number of fellowships per semester to those currently residing
in New York, which include office space, NYU affiliation, and some
administrative support.
More Information
/Copyright (C) 2023 Remarque Announce. All rights reserved./ You are
receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing
address is: Remarque Announce 60 5th Ave New York, NY 10011-8868 USA
Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your
*Call For Papers: Special issue of Research Ethics on dual
use,****misuse, and research ethics***
The possibility of dual use and misuse of research results ("dual use
research of concern (DURC)") posesseveralethical and legal challenges
for researchers, research institutions and research funding
institutions. On the one hand, it raises an ethical dilemma between
ensuring freedom of research andminimizingthe possibility of misuse. On
the other hand, the possibility of misuse is often theflip
sideofsocially beneficialresearchresults. Therefore, dual use and misuse
can only becompletelyavoidedat thecostof valuable contributions to
addressing social challenges.
The concepts ofdual use,security-relevant research and misuse of
research resultsraise both,conceptual andethicalissues, which were
explored at the Summer School on "Dual Use and Misuse of Research
Results"atForschungzentrumJülich, Germany.In addition, several national
and international policy processes target the ethical as well as legal
structure of handling security relevant research.This special issue aims
tofurtherexplorethe conceptual, ethical and policy challenges ofdual use
and misuse of research results.
Exemplary topics are:
·The concept of dual use
· The difference between dual use and misuse
·Permissibility of Research
·Dual use governance and regulations
· Dual use governance and research ethics committees
· Dual use governance and state influence
· Dissemination of Dual use research / items
We invitescholarsto submitoriginalarticlesof max 6000 wordsfor the
upcoming special issue/Dual use, misuse, and research ethics /of SAGE's
journal“Research Ethics”. The issue will be published in early 2024. To
submit your article, please use the submissionportal of/Research
<>). The deadline for submissions to
be considered for this special issue is31^st December 2023.
Best regards
Serap Ergin Aslan
Serap Ergin Aslan
Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin
INM-7: Gehirn und Verhalten
Telefon: +49 2461 61-4792
E-Mail: s.aslan(a) <>
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jülich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Düren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Stefan Müller
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Astrid Lambrecht (Vorsitzende),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Dr. Ir. Pieter Jansens