  • 4 participants
  • 503 discussions

ÖAW: Hermann Cohens Persönlichkeit, 05.05.2023, 17.30Uhr
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

TALK: Rachel Ankeny and Audrey Henry: 'Evolving Models for Co-Production of Marine Science Knowledge in South Australia' (October 20th, 12:30-2pm CEST)
by Martin Kusch
1 year, 10 months

Fwd: für IRIS: Einladung Forschungsgespräch mit Eduardo Mendieta, 8.5.2023
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

Early Modern Social Epistemology Conference, 19th-20th May, CEU
by Sigrid Preissl
1 year, 10 months

Einladung Loose Threads – Towards a Technodiversity / Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (Otto Wagner-Postsparkasse Wien) / Performance, Sound, Diskussion / 4. Mai 2023
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

SWIP-Lecture Rehtinking Julia Kristeva, 3. Mai 2023, 16 Uhr
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

Workshop: FUnding a PhD & Planning your Application
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

Salaried PhD Positions
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

Workshop: Funding a PhD & Planning Your Application - April 20
by Institut für Philosophie
1 year, 10 months

Kolloquium 'Khôra' 20.04. 18:30, HS 3F
by Sebastian Krach
1 year, 10 months
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