Sehr geehrte Wissenschaftler:innen,
planen Sie ein Forschungsprojekt (oder arbeiten bereits daran), in dem
Sie sich mit dem Parlament beschäftigen? Wollen Sie dafür die
Wissensressourcen des österreichischen Parlaments nutzen und sich mit
Expert:innen der Parlamentsdirektion austauschen? Dann reichen Sie Ihre
Idee ein!
Der Rechts-, Legislativ- und Wissenschaftliche Dienst (RLW) der
Parlamentsdirektion lädt Wissenschaftler:innen dazu ein,
*parlamentsbezogene Forschung für ein Jahr* in unmittelbarer Nähe zum
Forschungsobjekt voranzutreiben: im Parlament. Ausgelobt wird ein
*Werkvertrag* über eine wissenschaftliche Forschungsarbeit zu einem
parlamentsbezogenen Thema in der Höhe von insgesamt EUR 15.600,00 brutto.
*Vertreter:innen aus allen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen*sind
eingeladen, ihre Ideen (inkl. aller erforderlichen Unterlagen) *bis
23.4.2023* an die E-Mail-Adresse parlamentsforschung(a)
<>zu senden. Fragen können
ebenfalls an diese E-mail-Adresse gerichtet werden. Alle Informationen
zu Einreichung und Auswahlprozess finden Sie im *Anhang* sowie unter:
Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich
Wir bitten um die Weiterverbreitung an potenziell interessierte
Kolleg:innen, Doktorand:innen, Studierende, etc.
Das Organisationsteam freut sich auf Ihre Einreichungen
*Parlamentswissenschaftliche Grundsatzarbeit*
Rechts-, Legislativ- und Wissenschaftlicher Dienst (RLW)
1017 Wien, Österreich
Tel. +43 1 401 10-2668
Mobil +43 676 8900 2668
Weitere Informationen unter:
We cordially invite you to the next lecture in the series "Forum
Religionsphilosophie" (see also attachment for this and the following
Esther Heinrich-Ramharter, Michael Staudigl*
*György Geréby* (Central European University PU, Vienna)
Thursday, March 9, 2023, 15:00-16:30,
Lecture Room 2H, 1090 Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 2nd floor
/*Theistic fallacies. What are the epistemic problems with irenic
approaches in the philosophy of religion?*/
Theism argues for the existence of a single transcendent personal god
who is a creator and governor of the world. Theism does not identify
itself with any religion in particular since it maintains that it can
establish the essential core of religious beliefs, or at least of the
‘monotheistic’ beliefs. R. Swinburne, or differently, J. Hick suppose
that ‘central’ religious tenets are rational, that is, logically
justifiable, and that the tenets are consistent. Consequently, theism
supports the widespread opinion that the ‘monotheistic’ religions
worship the same god and that religious differences are the result of
diverse historical developments. In my talk, I will challenge this
program by showing that the ‘core identity’ assumption founders on
epistemic logic, in particular, because of the Hooded Man (cognosco
venientem) paradox. Establishing the ‘rational core doctrine’ is shown
to be an illusion because of the non-substitutivity of identicals in
epistemic (or intensional) contexts. Medieval theologians (e.g. Walter
Burleigh or Albert of Saxony) were aware of this problem and offered
criteria for correct inferences. In the end, I plead that religious
tolerance can only be based on developments internal to the different
*CALL FOR PAPERS – EXTENDED DEADLINE – until April 1st, 2023*
44th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2023, Kirchberg am Wechsel,
Austria, August 6-12, 2023
*100 Years of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus-*
*70 Years after Wittgenstein´s Death: A Critical Assessment*
Oesterreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft (OeLWG)
Bueroleitung: Mag. Margret A. Kronaus
Markt 63
A-2880 Kirchberg am Wechsel
Tel./Fax: 0043 2641 2557
Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS)
Office Manager: Mag. Margret A. Kronaus
Markt 63
A-2880 Kirchberg am Wechsel
Austria, Europe
Tel./Fax:++43 2641 2557
Bitte besuchen Sie die Website der OeLWG / Visit us at:
Dear colleagues,
The ERC-project "The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency"
PI: Prof. Dr. Herlinde Pauer-Studer is hosting a talk:
*Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath, Freie Universität Berlin**
***/"What, if anything, is wrong with bequest?"/
March 10, 2023
10:00 - 12:00
Room 3a (NIG 3rd floor)
Department of Philosophy
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
über Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath:
Professor für Praktische Philosophie an der Freien Universität Berlin
Principal Investigator, VW-Stiftung-Projekts "The Deserving Rich",
zusammen mit PI Philipp Lepenies und SCRIPTS wiss. Mitarbeiter Martyna
Linartas und Christian Neuhäuser (TU Dortmund)
Principal Investigator des Exzellenzclusters “Contestations of the
Liberal Script“ (SCRIPTS) und dort Co-Koordinator der Research Unit
"Order" (dabei Principal Investigator vom Projekt Towards a Typology of
Mitglied der Berlin-Potsdamer Kollegforschungsgruppe [member of the
Berlin-Potsdam Researchgroup] "The International Rule of Law – Rise or
Participating Researcher des Exzellenzclusters “Temporal Communities:
Doing Literature in a Global Perspective"
Ordentliches Mitglied der Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz
Principle Investigator „Transforming Solidarities. Praktiken und
Infrastrukturen in der Migrationsgesellschaft“, Main Call, Exploration
Projects Social Cohesion der Berlin University Alliance 2020 - 2023
Mitglied der Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe (IAG) „Normative
Konstituenzien der Demokratie“ der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften (BBAW)
Principle Investigator Graduiertenkolleg GRK 2454/0 "Normativität,
Kritik, Wandel"
Opus Magnum Stipendium der VW Stiftung 2021/22
Principal Investigator of the Research project "Liberal Order,
Legitimate Authority and Disagreement: On the limits of legitimate
disagreement (LOLAD)", together with Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm
Buchpublikationen: (mit Robin Celikates) Einführung in die politische
Philosophie (Reclam 2013);
Gleiche Gerechtigkeit (Suhrkamp 2004); Aufgeklärtes Eigeninteresse. Eine
Theorie theoretischer
und praktischer Rationalität (Suhrkamp 1992).…
Free Admission.
All interested Department members and students are welcome. For
participation please send an e-mail to: florian.kolowrat(a)
For further information, please visit:
Florian Kolowrat
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Institut für Philosophie | Department of Philosophy
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien | Vienna
Projektadministration - ERC-Project „The Normative and Moral Foundations
of Group Agency”
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Herlinde Pauer-Studer
Projektadministration - ERC-Project „The Formal Turn - The Emergence of
Formalism in Twentieth-Century Thought”
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Georg Schiemer
Mail: Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
E-Mail: florian.kolowrat(a)
Phone: +43-1-4277-46461
Florian Kolowrat
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Institut für Philosophie | Department of Philosophy
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien | Vienna
Projektadministration - ERC-Project „The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency”
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Herlinde Pauer-Studer
Projektadministration - ERC-Project „The Formal Turn - The Emergence of Formalism in Twentieth-Century Thought”
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Georg Schiemer
Mail: Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
Phone: +43-1-4277-46461
Academic Writing Workshop: Writing Productivity and Writing Flow, by
Workshop Claudia Macho, 06.03.23 from 15:00-16:00, room 3A, NIG
We are pleased to kick off the first VDP Writing Evening in summer
semester on the 6th of march 2023 with a one-hour writing workshop from
Claudia Macho on “Academic Writing: Writing Productivity and Writing Flow”
Dr. Claudia Macho is an experienced trained academic writing and mental
coach. She accompanies PHD-students and researchers in challenging
writing projects and has been leading courses on academic writing at
universities in Austria and abroad for almost 10 years.
During the workshop on Writing Productivity and Writing Flow, Claudia
Macho offers techniques and strategies for productive academic writing
that can benefit PhD researchers as well as master students. This
workshop not only promotes productivity; individual concentration and
focus issues that you may encounter can also be addressed during the
workshop. The event is designed to help doctoral students reflect on and
optimize their writing flow.
These insights gained during the workshop can then be applied to your
own text projects. After the 60-minutes workshop, participants have time
to apply their knowledge in three writing sessions during the VDP
Writing Evening, taking place after the workshop from 16:00 to 20:00h.
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 2023-2024 Call for Applications is
now open for the Small Grants Program at theHistory of Philosophy Forum
<>at the University of Notre Dame.
This program supports international scholars with research projects in
the history of philosophy that could benefit from a stay at the
University of Notre Dame during the academic year 2023-2024. The grant
can only be used for travel and accommodation. Award amounts are in the
range of $1,400-$4,000, with 4-5 grants potentially available each year.
The program is open to all scholars working in the history of philosophy
with primary affiliation at an institution outside the U.S. This year,
we especially welcome applications that have some thematic relationship
to our current research cluster, "Modeling the Mind in the History of
However, the grant program is open to allprojects in the history of
philosophy (broadly construed).
I would be most grateful if you could share this Call for Applications
to your department. A poster is attached. More information about the
program, as well as a link to submit the online application, can be
found at
The submission deadline is March 15th, 2023. We ask that applicants
contact one of ourfaculty affiliates
submitting their applications.
To receive announcements about History of Philosophy Forum activities,
including our upcoming Spring conference and lecture series, we invite
you tojoin our mailing list
follow us on Twitter@HistPhilND <>. We
can help promote your history of philosophy events and news through our
Twitter account; simply send the webpage link for the event to David
Cory (dcory2(a)
With best regards,
Therese Scarpelli Cory
Director, History of Philosophy Forum
John and Jean Oesterle Associate Professor of Thomistic Studies
Philosophy Department
University of Notre Dame
University of Notre Dame
History of Philosophy Forum
100 Malloy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
P. (574) 631-6471
F. (574) 631-0588
Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften schreibt in diesem Jahr
wieder den *Roland Atefie-Preis* aus.
Der Preis wird für eine hervorragende Dissertation aus den Fachbereichen
Philosophie, Theologie oder Indologie vergeben, die an einer
österreichischen Universität durchgeführt und max. zwei Jahre vor dem
Einreichtermin abgeschlossen wurde. Bevorzugt werden Kandidat:innen,
deren Dissertation zum Zeitpunkt der Einreichung bereits publiziert oder
von einem Verlag zur Publikation angenommen wurde. Antragsteller:innen
müssen nicht österreichische Staatsbürger:innen sein.
*Einreichtermin: 31. März 2023*
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:…
Mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung in Ihrem Wirkungsbereich und
besten Grüßen,
Martina Milletich
*Dr. Martina Milletich*
Stipendien & Preise | Fellowships and Awards
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Österreich | Vienna, Austria
*T: +43 1 51581-1315
martina.milletich(a) <>| <>
Sehr geehrte Wissenschaftler:innen,
der Rechts-, Legislativ- und Wissenschaftliche Dienst (RLW) der
Parlamentsdirektion freut sich, zum ersten Mal den „*Österreichischen
Tag der Parlamentsforschung*“ zu veranstalten. Diese eintägige Konferenz
in den Räumlichkeiten des österreichischen Parlaments bringt
Wissenschaftler:innen aus diversen Disziplinen zusammen, um über
aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Parlamentsforschung sowie deren Rezeption
in und möglichen Beitrag zur parlamentarischen Praxis zu diskutieren.
Wir laden wissenschaftliche *Beiträge aus allen Disziplinen* und ohne
inhaltliche oder methodische Einschränkungen ein. Details zu möglichen
Schwerpunkten, zur Einreichung von Abstracts sowie dem geplanten Format
der Konferenz finden Sie anbei sowie unter:
Im Zuge der Konferenz wird aktuelle wissenschaftliche Forschung in Form
von Panel- sowie Poster-Sessions diskutiert. Wissenschaflter:innen sind
herzlich eingeladen, *Abstracts bis 16.4.2023* an die mail-Adresse
parlamentsforschung(a) zu senden. Fragen können ebenfalls
an diese mail-Adresse gerichtet werden.
Das Organisationsteam freut sich auf Ihre Einreichungen.
*Parlamentswissenschaftliche Grundsatzarbeit*
Rechts-, Legislativ- und Wissenschaftlicher Dienst (RLW)
1017 Wien, Österreich
Tel. +43 1 401 10-2668
Mobil +43 676 8900 2668
Weitere Informationen unter:
Dear all,
we are looking forward to your participation in the inaugural workshop
of the newly founded Critical Political Epistemology Network! Please
feel free to forward it to all those who could be interested.
Here is the call:
Call for Participation – Critical Political Epistemology Network
Inaugural Workshop on the 25th and 26th of May 2023
The goal of this workshop is to establish an international research
network to foster alliances in the field of critical political
epistemology (CPE). CPE analyzes how questions around knowledge, power,
governance, politics, oppression, and ignorance intersect, such as: How
do forms of political resistance generate collective knowledge? Who is
understood to be a political, epistemic agent? How do relations and
structures of power impact which and whose political interests become
knowable, and to whom? How do counter-knowledges create resistance to
Potential topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Social movements and activism
• The epistemic role, power, and authority of political parties
• Social categories and their impact on knowledge, ignorance, and power
• Marginalization and its effect on epistemic practices
• (Re-)Distribution of material and epistemic capital
These topics will be analyzed from different disciplinary perspectives.
As an inter- and transdisciplinary research network, CPE expands and
links questions, lines of inquiry, and methods in social and political
epistemology. We aim to bring together people from different epistemic
communities and focus on critical, non-ideal theorizing that is situated
in material and praxis-oriented analysis of prevailing epistemic and
political structures.
The workshop has two main goals. The first is to create an international
network for collaborative forms of knowledge production. Our hope is to
serve as a space to engage in epistemic practices that are not
exclusively centered around the individual nor confined to the
university. The second is to produce a statement of purpose that
delineates core questions and future aims of the CPE Network.
On the first day of the workshop, the coordinating committee – Melanie
Altanian (she/her, University College Dublin), Solmu Anttila (they/them,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Stephanie Deig (she/they, Universität
Luzern), Flora Löffelmann (they/them, Universität Wien) and Sonja
Riegler (she/they, Universität Wien) – will present and invite feedback
on a preliminary statement of purpose for the CPE Network. We will then
form collaborative
working groups that explore the relation of different themes, questions,
and challenges. On the second day of the workshop, the results of these
groups will be collectively discussed and incorporated into the
statement of purpose. The resulting collaboratively written text will
provide a foundation for further work in this field.
We encourage applications from relevant subfields in philosophy that
include but are not limited to epistemology, political theory and
philosophy, critical theory, philosophy of language, phenomenology,
queer philosophy, and feminist philosophy. We also welcome applications
from the humanities and social sciences, e.g., sociology and social
theory, science and technology studies, critical race studies, gender
studies, discourse studies, history, decolonial and postcolonial
studies, genocide studies, legal studies, political economy, social
psychology, media and communication science, political science and art
history. We also strongly encourage activists, science communicators,
policy analysts, artists, educators, and others who are interested in
CPE to apply.
Please submit a CV and a short letter of motivation (approximately one
page) to cpenetwork(a) indicating how your research, political or
artistic work and/or everyday experience address pertinent questions in
CPE. We invite interested persons to apply by the 19th of March, 2023.
Accepted participants will be notified by the 4th of April, 2023. Travel
and accommodation funding up to € 200 is available for those who do not
have institutional support. Please indicate in your application if you
need financial assistance, and if it might exceed the funds available.
The organizers are committed to making this workshop an accessible space
and share the goal of dismantling the exclusionary mechanisms at work in
the field of academic philosophy. We especially encourage persons from
marginalized and underrepresented groups to apply, e.g. BIPoC, LGBTQAI+
people, economically marginalized people and disabled persons.
The workshop will take place in person on the 25th and 26th of May, 2023
at the Universität Wien. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
We thank the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy, the APSE Group, the
Institute of Philosophy (Universität Wien) and the Faculty of Social
Sciences and Humanities at the Universität Luzern for their financial
Flora Löffelmann, BA Bakk. MA MA
they/them, for more info see:
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Liebe Kolleg_innen,
wir möchten Sie herzlich zur nächsten Veranstaltung der Vortragsreihe
„Phänomenologische Forschungen“ einladen:
*23./24. März 2023 (Vortrag und Workshop)*
*Bernhard Waldenfels*
VORTRAG Do., 23. März 2023, 17.00–19.00 Uhr, HS 3F, Institut für
Philosophie der Universität Wien, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
/Geburt des Ethos aus dem Pathos. Wege einer responsiven Phänomenologie/
WORKSHOP Fr., 24. März 2023, 09.00–12.00 Uhr, HS 2H, Institut für
Philosophie der Universität Wien, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
Texte und Informationen zum Workshop: michael.staudigl(a)
Mit besten Grüßen,
Michael Staudigl
Gerhard Unterthurner
In Kooperation mit Gruppe Phänomenologie