Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) war ein leidenschaftlicher Philosoph. Seine
Leitfiguren waren Platon und Kant, Bachja Ibn Pakuda und Maimonides. Er
war transzendentaler Idealist, Sozialist und als Jude ein am Gebetbuch
orientierter Reformdenker. Seine intellektuelle und rhetorische
Brillianz, seine Liebe zur Sache und der tiefe Ernst waren
unangefochten, auch seitens derer, die ihm widersprachen.
Cohen lehrte ab 1873 an der Universität Marburg, zuletzt an der
jüdischen "Lehranstalt" in Berlin. Er hinterließ ein umfangreiches Werk,
darunter ein mehrteiliges System der Philosophie und epochemachende
Entwürfe jüdischer Theologie. Der Vortrag wagt eine Skizze dieser
eindrucksvollen Persönlichkeit.
Dr. phil. habil. Hartwig Wiedebach habilitierte sich an der Universität
Kassel. Er lehrte bis 2019 Philosophie an der ETH Zürich, leitete das
Hermann Cohen Archiv und ist Mitherausgeber der Werke Cohens. Vorher 12
Jahre Tätigkeit in der Sozialpsychiatrie.
Bücher u.a.: The National Element in Hermann Cohen's Philosophy and
Religion (2012); Pathische Urteilskraft (2014); Cohen im Kontext (mit H.
Assel 2021).
w. M. Helmut Denk | Altpräsident der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften, Präsident 2009–2013 und Medizinische
Universität Graz, Obmann der Kommission für Geschichte und
Philosophie der Wissenschaften der ÖAW
w. M. Hans-Dieter Klein | Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Hermann
Cohen und der kritische Idealismus im 20. Jahrhundert und in der
Gegenwart der Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der
Wissenschaften der ÖAW und Universität Wien
17.40–18.40 VORTRAG
Hartwig Wiedebach | Dr. phil. habil.
Hermann Cohens Persönlichkeit
18.40–19.00 DISKUSSION
Dear All,
The Philosophy Department of the Central European University, the
Institute Vienna Circle and the Unit for Applied Philosophy of Science
and Epistemology (of the Department of Philosophy of the University of
Vienna) are jointly organizing a series of talks this term:
The next talk will be Thursday, October 20th, 12:30-2pm CEST. The talk
will be online only.
The speakers will be Rachel Ankeny and Audrey Henry (University of
The title of the talk is:
'Evolving Models for Co-Production of Marine Science Knowledge in South
Australia' (Abstract below)
Online access (without registration):
You can also log into our meetings through the Zoom application (rather
than by clicking the link above), by using the following credentials:
Meeting-ID: 614 7520 5762
Password: 264065
No RSVP or registered accounts are required for online attention, it's
enough to click on the link and enter your name. Chrome or Firefox
browsers work best.
Australia presents a complex example of a locale where there is
increasing awareness about the moral and legal requirements associated
with benefit sharing and acknowledgment of traditional knowledge,
particularly Indigenous knowledge sources. After a brief overview on the
history and current status of Indigenous communities in Australia, we
present a series of vignettes associated with marine research in South
Australia where different types of engagement or collaborations have
occurred between academic and governmental researchers and local
Indigenous communities. We use these vignettes to problematise typical
Western scientific methods of giving credit and including local and
traditional knowledges as part of knowledge production methods in
scientific research, and explore a broader range of options such as
diverse forms of benefit sharing that in turn can support a more robust
vision of what is epistemically and morally relevant in these domains.
Everyone welcome!
On behalf of the organizers,
Martin Kusch
Prof. Martin Kusch (he/they)
Univ. of Vienna, Dpt. of Philosophy
Prof. Hans Schelkshorn und das Institut für Interkulturelle
Religionsphilosophie laden ein zu einem Forschungsgespräch mit Prof. Dr.
Eduardo Mendieta (Penn State University, USA).
Montag 8.5.2023, 17:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Seminarraum 7, Universität Wien Hauptgebäude, Tiefparterre Stiege 9 Hof 5.
Nach einer Begrüßung durch Prof. Schelkshorn folgen zwei Vorträge zu
“The Dialectics of Coloniality/Modernity: Rewriting a Classic” und
“Poverty and Latin American Philosophy”, jeweils mit
Diskussionsmöglichkeit (englisch/deutsch).
Eduardo Mendieta ist Professor für Philosophy and Latina/o Studies an
der Penn State University (USA); seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen vor
allem in der Philosophie Lateinamerikas, der Kritischen Theorie und der
Frankfurter Diskurstheorie. Eduardo Mendieta ist einer der führenden
Denker des de-kolonialen Denkens,
2017 erhielt er den Frantz Fanon Outstanding Achievement Award.
Weitere Informationen zu Prof. Mendieta und den Vortragsthemen finden
Sie in der Einladung im Anhang.
Anmeldung erbeten an agnes.leyrer(a)univie.ac.at
<mailto:agnes.leyrer@univie.ac.at> bis Mittwoch 3.5.2023
Dear all
please join us at the Early Modern Social Epistemology conference that will take place at CEU on 19th and 20th May. Our keynote speakers are Martin Lenz (University of Groningen) and Jennifer S. Marušić (University of Edinburgh).
For more information and to register, please click here<https://events.ceu.edu/2023-05-19/early-modern-social-epistemology-conferen…>.
Kind regards
Dr. Sigrid Preissl (she/her)
Department Coordinator
Central European University
Department of Philosophy
Quellenstrasse 51 | A-1100 Wien | Austria
Office: Room D426
Working hours: Monday 09:00 – 17:00; Tuesday 09:30 – 17:30; Wednesday and Thursday 09:00 – 16:00
This message is intended for the individual named above and is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender. Central European University (CEU) is an undergraduate- and graduate-level private university accredited in the United States, Austria, and Hungary. CEU’s educational activities in Austria are performed at Central European University Private University by CEU GmbH, a private limited-liability company having its seat in Vienna, under the address Quellenstrasse 51, A-1100 Wien, and is registered at the Vienna Commercial Court under registration number FN 502313 x. CEU’s educational activities in Hungary are performed by Közép-európai Egyetem, at Nádor utca 9., 1051 Budapest, under registration number FI 27861. CEU is accredited in the US, with a registered address at 224 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
das Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) lädt Sie herzlich zur
Veranstaltung Loose Threads – Towards a Technodiversity ein, die in
Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung Medientheorie der Universität für
angewandte Kunst stattfindet.
*Wann*: 04. Mai 2023, 17:00 – 24:00
*Wo*: AIL, Otto Wagner- Postsparkasse (Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien)
/_https://ail.angewandte.at/_/ <https://ail.angewandte.at/>
Das Programm umfasst eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Kristoffer Gansing,
Tung-Hui Hu und Luiza Prado de O. Martins, moderiert von Clemens Apprich
und Elisabeth Falkensteiner. Zudem wird es einen Ausstellungsrundgang
mit Künstler*innen und Kurator*innen geben sowie die Performance Beyond
My Skin von Flavia Mazzanti, ein Live-Set von Obaro Ejimiwe und ein
DJ-Set von isocialbutterflyy.
/Die Ausstellung bricht mit der binären Vorstellung einer
technologischen Zukunft, indem sie unterschiedliche Perspektiven und
Auffassungen von Technologie erkundet. Fabric of Dreams. Towards a
Technodiversity untersucht Aspekte des (prothetischen) Körpers, fragt
nach multiplen Arten des Seins und erforscht diverse Techno-Ökologien./
/_Künstler:innen: _//Christian Freude/Christina Jauernik/Johann
Lurf/Fabian Puttinger/Rüdiger Suppin, Christina Gruber, Cyrus Kabiru,
kennedy+swan, Mary Maggic, Kumbirai Makumbe, Christiane Peschek, Luiza
Prado de O. Martins, Anna Vasof/
Kuratiert wurde die Ausstellung von Elisabeth Falkensteiner (Co-Leitung
AIL) und Clemens Apprich (Univ.-Prof. und Leitung Abteilung
Medientheorie, Angewandte)
*Programm Überblick*
17:00 Führung durch die Ausstellung
18:00 Panel mit:
Kristoffer Gansing, Tung-Hui Hu , Luiza Prado de O. Martins
Moderation: Clemens Apprich & Elisabeth Falkensteiner
20:00 Performance Beyond My Skin
A project by Flavia Mazzanti, produced by Immerea, Performers: Olivia
Hild, Imani Rameses, Sound: Brootworth
21:00 Sound Performance by Dr. Obaro Ejimiwe (Ghostpoet)
22:00 DJ-Set by isocialbutterflyy
Wir freuen uns, Sie bei der Veranstaltung begrüßen zu dürfen und bitten
Sie, diese Einladung gerne weiterzuleiten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Melina Steiner
*Melina Steiner */(she/her)
/Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab, Trainee
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
(Mo bis Do: 10 —15 Uhr)
Georg-Coch-Platz 2
1010 Vienna, Austria
_ail.angewandte.at_ <http://ail.angewandte.at/>
_Newsletter_ <https://mailchi.mp/ae765bafa522/ailnewsletter>| _Instagram
_ <https://www.instagram.com/ail_vienna/>| _LinkedIn_
/AIL is a platform for art, science and artistic research //run by the
University of Applied Arts Vienna/
Mai-SWIP-Lecture, 3. Mai 2023, 16 – 18 Uhr am IWK Berggasse 17, 1090 Wien
Titel: Rethinking Julia Kristeva.
16-17 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Claudia Melica: Freedom and Gender Revolution in
the Unterstanding of Julia Kristeva
17-18 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Miglena Nicolchina: From Avant-garde Poetry to the
Novel_ the Makind of Kirsteva*s Major Concepts.
Wir laden sehr herzlich zu dieser Veranstaltung ein und freuen uns über
viele interessierte Teilnehmende.
Die Veranstaltung findet vor Ort statt, es ist aber eine Teilnahme via
Zoom gerne möglich.
*Zoom-Participation: *
Mit herzlichen Grüßen für die SWIP Austria Society for Women in Philosophy,
Dr. Brigitte Buchhammer
Dear all,
The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy and the Vienna Forum for
Analytic Philosophy are organizing a workshop on the topic of Graduate
Applications and Funding Opportunities for Early Career Philosophers
*this Thursday, **April 20*.
The workshop will be structured in two sessions:
The DLE Research Services and Career Development will present national
and international funding opportunities for early career researchers
(PhD students, postdocs and transition phase). Among others, programs of
funding agencies such as FWF and the European Commission will be
presented and you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the
Research Services team.
*When?* April 20, 2023 – 15.00 – 16.30
*Where?* Room 3C, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
*break with snacks*: 16.30 – 17.00
Our panel of Forum Alumni will provide participants with suggestions on
how to create an ideal timeline for applying to PhD programs and related
funding. The goal is to have a concrete to-do list with timestamps by
the end of the workshop. The session will cover topics such as US and UK
funding opportunities, application documentation, making contacts, and
suggestions for tailoring applications.
*When? *April 20, 2023 – 17:00 – 18:30
*Where?* Room 3B, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
*Who?* Sophia Arbeiter (University of Pittsburgh), Michael Bruckner
(University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Katharina Bernhard (University
of St. Andrews)
*As always, everyone is welcome to join us!*
Here's the website:
If you have any questions or would like to register (optional), please
send an email to vd.philosophy(a)univie.ac.at
Meeting ID: 679 8000 7870
Passcode: 634589
Kind regards,
Martin Niederl & Raphael Aybar
Philosophy as Conceptual Engagement: The Concepts We Have and the
Concepts We Want
8 PhD- Positions
The FWF doc.funds project PACE at the University of Vienna
(pace.phl.univie.ac.at/ <http://pace.phl.univie.ac.at/>) is filling up
to 8 predoctoral positions at the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy
(VDP, vd-philosophy.univie.ac.at/ <http://vd-philosophy.univie.ac.at/>).
PACE examines questions about the subject matter and the methods of
philosophy, exploring in particular the hypothesis that philosophy often
involves conceptual engagement (see project description
The successful candidate(s) will enroll in the University of Vienna
doctoral programme in philosophy and join the VDP. They can pursue a
doctoral research project in any area of philosophy, using any
philosophical method. They will, as part of the project PACE, be
expected to conduct their research with special attention to their own
method, and also to participate in discussions on philosophical method.
The main duties are:
* to develop a PhD research plan and have it approved by the doctoral
board within the first 12 months.
* to sign a supervision agreement within the first 12-18 months, which
sets out the trajectory to successful completion of the research.
* to complete some coursework in line with the doctoral programme (at
least 24 ECTS).
* to participate actively in VDP and PACE research activities.
* to contribute to the organization of VDP and PACE events, such as
seminars, workshops, conferences, and summer schools.
* to complete and submit the doctoral thesis within four years.
There are no teaching duties associated with these positions but there
will be some opportunities to teach certain undergraduate courses in the
department (for extra pay).
These are four-year positions with a gross monthly salary of around 2458
Euros. In Austria 14 monthly salaries are paid out in a year. (Net
salaries can be calculated on this page:
<https://onlinerechner.haude.at/BMF-Brutto-Netto-Rechner/>) Funding is
available for conference trips and stays abroad. The contracts are
initially for two years and will be renewed for another two years after
successful completion of the first two years, including approval of the
research plan.
Applications should contain the following documents (in pdf-format) and
should be sent by 31 May 2023 to Raphael Aybar, the VDP-coordinator, on
1. a cover letter (anonymized) mentioning two potential supervisors
from the VDP faculty
<https://vd-philosophy.univie.ac.at/people/faculty/>, including at
least one from among the PACE faculty
2. a CV (anonymized), containing at least the following rubrics:
academic qualifications, areas of expertise and competence,
publications (if any), presentations (if any), admin/organizational
experience (if any), career breaks (if any).
3. a PhD research proposal (anonymized), of no more than three pages
4. one or two writing samples (anonymized), of a maximum of 5000 words
length each.
5. degree certificates and academic transcripts.
6. a document containing identifying information as well as contacts
for two people who can provide a letter of reference (letters of
reference will be requested only after shortlisting).
NB: documents 1–4. must be anonymized in order to allow for an anonymous
first round of selection.
Selection Process: We expect to shortlist candidates for interview by 15
June and hold online interviews on 5, 6 and 7 of July 2023.
IMPORTANT. If your application is successful and you accept a position
at the University of Vienna, you will need to move to Vienna before you
can start the employment. You will need to submit degree certificates
and transcripts that have the required legalization. Degree certificates
or transcripts that are not in German or English must be translated into
one of these two languages. The translation must be done by a court
sworn translator after the documents have been legalized.
Any questions can be directed to the VDP coordinator Raphael Aybar at
vd.philosophy(a)univie.ac.at and will if necessary be forwarded to the
relevant person.
Dear all,
The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy and the Vienna Forum for
Analytic Philosophy are organizing a workshop on the topic of Graduate
Applications and Funding Opportunities for Early Career Philosophers on
*April 20*, 2023.
The workshop will be structured in two sessions:
The DLE Research Services and Career Development will present national
and international funding opportunities for early career researchers
(PhD students, postdocs and transition phase). Among others, programs of
funding agencies such as FWF and the European Commission will be
presented and you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the
Research Services team.
*When?* April 20, 2023 – 15.00 – 16.30
*Where?* Room 3C, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
*break with snacks*: 16.30 – 17.00
Our panel of Forum Alumni will provide participants with suggestions on
how to create an ideal timeline for applying to PhD programs and related
funding. The goal is to have a concrete to-do list with timestamps by
the end of the workshop. The session will cover topics such as US and UK
funding opportunities, application documentation, making contacts, and
suggestions for tailoring applications.
*When? *April 20, 2023 – 17:00 – 18:30
*Where?* Room 3B, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
*Who?* Sophia Arbeiter (University of Pittsburgh), Michael Bruckner
(University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Katharina Bernhard (University
of St. Andrews)
*As always, everyone is welcome to join us!*
Here's the website:
If you have any questions or would like to register (optional), please
send an email to vd.philosophy(a)univie.ac.at
Meeting ID: 679 8000 7870
Passcode: 634589
Kind regards,
Martin Niederl & Raphael Aybar
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
das nächste Kolloquium der Plattform für philosophische Diskussion 'Khôra' findet nächsten Donnerstag, am 20.04. von 18:30-20:00 im HS 3F am Institut für Philosophie statt.
Thema ist der Essay Von der politischen Berufung der Philosophie von Donatella di Cesare, Professorin für theoretische Philosophie an der Universität La Sapienza in Rom
Unverbindlicher Textauszug nach Anfrage. Alle weiteren Informationen auf unserer Homepage: https://www.khora.philo.at/
Wir sind eine Gruppe von Masterstudierenden am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien und haben kürzlich einen Verein zur Förderung der philosophischen Diskussion und der Vernetzung von Studierenden gegründet.
Auf den gemeinsamen Austausch freuen wir uns!
Mit besten Grüßen
Sebastian Krach