Dear all,
The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy and the Vienna Forum for
Analytic Philosophy are organizing a workshop on the topic of Graduate
Applications and Funding Opportunities for Early Career Philosophers on
*April 20*, 2023.
The workshop will be structured in two sessions:
The DLE Research Services and Career Development will present national
and international funding opportunities for early career researchers
(PhD students, postdocs and transition phase). Among others, programs of
funding agencies such as FWF and the European Commission will be
presented and you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the
Research Services team.
*When?* April 20, 2023 – 15.00 – 16.30
*Where?* Room 3C, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
*break with snacks*: 16.30 – 17.00
Our panel of Forum Alumni will provide participants with suggestions on
how to create an ideal timeline for applying to PhD programs and related
funding. The goal is to have a concrete to-do list with timestamps by
the end of the workshop. The session will cover topics such as US and UK
funding opportunities, application documentation, making contacts, and
suggestions for tailoring applications.
*When? *April 20, 2023 – 17:00 – 18:30
*Where?* Room 3B, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
*Who?* Sophia Arbeiter (University of Pittsburgh), Michael Bruckner
(University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Katharina Bernhard (University
of St. Andrews)
*As always, everyone is welcome to join us!*
Here's the website:
If you have any questions or would like to register (optional), please
send an email to vd.philosophy(a)
Meeting ID: 679 8000 7870
Passcode: 634589
Kind regards,
Martin Niederl & Raphael Aybar
Dear all,
The University of Innsbruck is inviting applications by MA or PhD
students to participate in a three day on site workshop (July 3rd to
5th, 2023) on the topic of "Power & Subjectivation".
This course is organized in the framework of Intergender, the
International Consortium for Feminist Research Training. Participants
can get either 7,5 ECTS (upon submitting a short text) or 10 ECTS (upon
submitting a longer essay). The deadline for application is May 7th, 2023.
You can find more info on the exact topic and how to apply in the
attached document.
With all the best,
Flora Löffelmann
(Vice-PhD representative to Intergender from the University of Vienna)
Flora Löffelmann, BA Bakk. MA MA
they/them, for more info see:
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
im Anhang schicke ich Ihnen den Aushang für die kommende FÖP der DSPL43(
Philosophie) am Montag, 17.04.2023 ab 15:00. Bitte beachten Sie, dass
die FÖP dieses Semester vor Ort im Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG) stattfindet.
Dear colleague,
Please find attached the schedule for our next faculty-public
presentation (FÖP) of doctoral research projects on Mo17.04.2023 from 3
p.m. onwards. Participants are welcome! Please note that this semester
the FÖP will be held on site in Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG).
Mit besten Grüßen,
With best wishes,
Benjamin Schnieder, DSPL43
Dear colleagues, dear readers,
I would like to draw your attention to the Call for Papers of the
Journal of Didactics of Philosophy:
The Call "What Students Need to Know in Philosophy" is focussing on
questions about essential contents or knowledge, which students need to
learn and understand in philosophy to get into the practices of
philosophy. We are looking forward to receive research articles on the
topic (deadline: Oct. 1, 2023):
We are also looking for Book Reviews of books, textbooks and other
educational material of international interest. Reviews can be done
about books that are originally in English or written in any other
language - but every review has to be in English.
Best regards
Philipp Richter
Liebe Angeschriebene,
Das DOCK 20 lädt in Kooperation mit dem Jüdischen Museum Hohenems, dem
Druckwerk Lustenau und dem S-MAK Künstler:innen aus allen Disziplinen
ein, sich für die Dauer eines einmonatigen Aufenthaltes künstlerisch
mit den Helden- und Kriegerdenkmälern in Vorarlberg zu beschäftigen.
Der:die Teilnehmer:in kann sich in die Geschichte eines selbstgewählten
Gedenkortes einarbeiten und künstlerische Strategien entwickeln, die
die Denkmäler aktualisieren. Die geplante Ausstellung „Fallende Helden.
Künstlerische Strategien des Erinnerns und Gedenkens“ vom 16. September
2023 bis 14. Januar 2024 zeigt Positionen zeitgenössischer Kunst, die
Orte des Gedenkens und Erinnerns an den Nationalsozialismus über
Vorarlberg hinaus kontextualisieren, kritische Fehlstellen benennen
und/oder um eigene Perspektiven erweitern.
Zeitraum: 26. Juni bis 23. Juli 2023
Ort: DOCK 20 Lustenau / Jüdisches Museum Hohenems
Honorar: 1500,– Euro / Reisekosten / 500,– Euro Materialbudget.
Mögliche Beteiligung an der Ausstellung „Fallende Helden.
Künstlerische Strategien des Erinnerns und Gedenkens“
Alle Informationen zum Aufenthalt, dem Bewerbungsverfahren befinden sich
in den beigefügten Ausschreibungen in Deutsch und Englisch.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, das Team des DOCK 20
Dear applicants,
DOCK 20, in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Hohenems, Druckwerk
Lustenau and S-MAK, invites artists from all disciplines to work
artistically on the monuments to heroes and warriors in Vorarlberg for
the duration of a one-month residency. The participant will be able to
delve into the history of a self-selected memorial site and develop
artistic strategies that update the monuments. The planned exhibition
"Falling Heroes. Artistic Strategies of Remembrance and Commemoration"
from September 16, 2023 to January 14, 2024 will present positions of
contemporary art that contextualize places of remembrance and
commemoration of National Socialism beyond Vorarlberg, name critical
missing points and/or expand them with their own perspectives.
Period: June 26 to July 23, 2023
Location: DOCK 20 Lustenau / Jewish Museum Hohenems
Fee: 1500,- Euro / travel expenses / 500,- Euro material budget.
Possible participation in the exhibition "Falling Heroes. Artistic
Strategies of Remembrance and Commemoration".
All information about the stay, the application procedure can be found
in the attached announcements in German and English.
Yours sincerely, the Team of DOCK 20
DOCK 20 – Kunstraum und Sammlung Hollenstein
Pontenstraße 20
A-6890 Lustenau
/English version below./
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
es freut mich, Sie über zwei Calls für gemeinsame Projekte im Rahmen der
Strategischen Partnerschaften zu informieren - einmal mit der Hebrew
University of Jerusalem und einmal mit der Kyoto University. Details
können Sie den angehängten Ausschreibungstexten entnehmen.
*/Hebrew University of Jerusalem – University of Vienna Joint Seminars
/Einreichfrist: 1. Juni 2023 – 23:59 CET/
/Förderung: bis zu 4.000 EUR/
/Weitere Informationen: //Joint Grant Programs (
/Kontakt: Franz Michalke, International Office, E-Mail:
//franz.michalke(a) <>/,
Tel .: + 43-1-4277-18209/
*/Kyoto University – University of Vienna Joint Grant Program 2023/*
/Einreichfrist: 8. Mai 2023 – 23:59 CET/
/Förderung: bis zu 8.000 EUR/
/Weitere Informationen: //Joint Grant Programs (
/Kontakt: Janna Kazim, International Office,
E-Mail://// <>/,
Tel .: + 43-1-4277- 18235/
Für Fragen stehen dieoben genannten Kolleg:innen zur Verfügung.
Liebe Grüße
Barbara Schulte
Dear colleagues,
I am pleased to inform you about two calls for joint projects within the
framework of the Strategic Partnerships - one with the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem and one with Kyoto University. Details can be found in the
attached calls for applications:
*/Hebrew University of Jerusalem – University of Vienna Joint Seminars
/Submission deadline: 1 June 2023 – 23:59 CET/
/Funding: up to 4,000 EUR/
/Further information: //Joint Grant Programs (
/Contact: Mr. Franz Michalke, International Office, email:
//franz.michalke(a) <>/,
Tel .: + 43-1-4277-18209/
*/Kyoto University – University of Vienna Joint Grant Program 2023/*
/Submission deadline: 8 May 2023 – 23:59 CET/
/Funding: up to 8,000 EUR/
/Further information: //Joint Grant Programs (
/Contact: Ms. Janna Kazim, International Office, email:
//janna.kazim(a) <>/, Tel .: +
43-1-4277- 18235/
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
thecolleagues mentioned above.
Best regards,
Barbara Schulte
Prof. Dr. Barbara Schulte
Comparative & International Education
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education & Deputy Head of
the Department of Education
Vice Director of Doctoral Program in Education
Department of Education, University of Vienna
Visiting & postal address: Sensengasse 3a, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1-4277-467 51 (administration)
E-mail: barbara.schulte(a)
Co-editor Komparatistische Bibliothek / Comparative Studies Series /
Bibliothèque d’Études Comparatives
<>(Peter Lang)
Call for Applications (Deadline: March 15, 2023) Deadline extended to April
10, 2023
Climate Science:
Historical, Philosophical and Sociological Issues
univie: summer school Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
Vienna, July 1019, 2023
Since 2001, the University of Vienna and the Institute Vienna Circle hold an
annual summer school dedicated to major current issues in the natural and
the social sciences, their history and philosophy. The title of the program
reflects the heritage of the Vienna Circle which promoted interdisciplinary
and philosophical investigations based on solid disciplinary knowledge.
Climate science, understood as an interdisciplinary field of study of the
Earths climate and the causes and effects of climate change, is clearly of
central importance today. The summer school will explore climate studies
from a historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective. Topics to be
covered will include: foundations and methodological issues relating to
climate science, including various definitions of climate change, different
types of models of climate change, and the use of simulations; further,
historical roots and the development of climate science before and after the
computer age; finally, issues concerning science policy and the
communication of findings of climate science to a general public.
Topics will be selected reflecting participants interests and may include:
Defining climate and climate change
Evidence for climate change
Modelling climate change: issues of confirmation and
Climate change and decision theory
History of climate science as a research program
Climate science in the public debate
Candis Callison (University of British Columbia)
Deborah Coen (Yale University)
Eric Winsberg (University of South Florida)
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior
researchers in relevant fields, but the organizers also encourage
applications from undergraduates and people in all stages of their career.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International Program
Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. Its
members represent the scientific fields in the scope of USS-SWC, make
contact to their home universities and will also support acknowledgement of
courses taken by the students. The annual summer school is organised by the
Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna.
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University (North
Carolina) here:
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
<> summerschool.ivc(a)
Scientific director:
Prof. Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
<> georg.schiemer(a)
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
Anbei darf ich Sie auf einen CfP zum Verhältnis von Feminismus und radikaler Demokratie aufmerksam machen.
Mit besten Grüßen
Sergej Seitz
Call for Papers
Futures Past
Feminism and the Radical Democratic Imaginary
International Essay Workshop
University of Vienna, Department of Political Science
July 6-7th, 2023
Conveners: Linda Zerilli & Oliver Marchart
Chicago–Vienna Faculty Grant & ERC Research Project Prefiguring Democratic Futures
Aims and rationale
The political history of Western feminism is typically described as encompassing various “waves” of theory and practice, with each wave building on, but also going beyond, an earlier wave. Thus, the second wave (1968-1980s) is seen as taking up and radicalizing the first wave (1848-1920) struggle for political rights by expanding the concept of rights and of politics itself beyond the confines of the formal political sphere; the third wave (1991-?) is seen as taking up and radicalizing the second wave’s concept of “women” as the political subject of feminism. Handy though this periodization may be, it has left many feminists wondering which wave they are in anymore. Some feminists argue that the various waves have given way to “intersectional feminism.” Still, that description does not address the fundamental question of what kind of critical political work the concept of a “wave” was supposed to do in the first place. It was not until 1968 that people started talking about feminism in terms of different waves, and that feminism came to be understood as having a history at all. This shift allowed feminists to root their political demand for change in a historical democratic struggle for social justice, not least as a way of countering the popular view of the women’s liberation movement as an impossibly utopian project made up by a bunch of social malcontents.
In the workshop, we want to reflect on this periodization of feminism critically and explore how conceptualizations of the past shape imaginative visions of possible futures. How we understand the past directly affects what can count as a “realistic” course of social, political, and economic activity. Furthermore, our conception of the past is shaped by a projected future, and different societies have different ways of imagining the relations between their future and the past. Originating in the revolutionary eighteenth century, Western feminism’s conceptualization of this relation, its own “futures past” (to speak with Reinhard Koselleck), is characterized by an anticipatory and distinctively modern temporality that assumes the novelty and openness of the future. If the history of feminism calls at times for rewriting, that is less because new facts are discovered than because the ever-changing present opens new perspectives on the past and makes new demands on what it can mean. As a result, the past is figured more in terms of projected futures than fidelity to how things were. For this reason, feminist historiography is rife with debates about whose story is told, and the idea of a “wave” itself has been criticized as overly generalizing in ways that blind us to the far more fraught and complex histories not captured in its conceptual net.
Thus, the workshop will provide space for scrutinizing the conceptual problems associated with producing historical knowledge and forms of periodization concerning feminist political futures. It is based on the premise that emancipatory politics is best described as an ongoing creation of the social-historical world, animated by collective radical imagination. Contributions will explore how an emerging new social movement like feminism developed alternative temporalities in response to the rapidly unfolding political crises of the time (e.g., the Vietnam War, nuclear arms race, the Cold War, desegregation and racial terror, and anti-colonial struggles).
Like the new left politics in which many cut their political teeth, feminists sought to reveal a hegemonic order in which democracy had been hollowed out. But also, like the other new social movements (e.g., Black Power, the student movement, environmentalism, and radical pacifism) that arose in the 60s and 70s in both Europe and the United States, feminist visions of social change have been accused of being naïve forms of utopianism doomed to founder on the shoals of political reality.
Contributions are welcome that discuss diverse texts and practices in which utopian visions were articulated in temporal terms as forms of public freedom, as creative action, and as “prefigurative politics.” No mere means to an end already secured by the linear movement of universal history itself, prefigurative politics aims at creating “figures of the newly thinkable” (Castoriadis) in the here and now, both as a way to interpret the past and imagine different feminist futures critically.
Contributions can be motivated, for instance, by the following set of questions:
* In what ways has feminism’s radical political imaginary been enabled and constrained by a specific practice of historiography?
* To what extent are the progressivism and presentism that tends to characterize contemporary feminism’s relation to its past a problem for its future?
* In what ways and to what extent are feminist struggles embedded within an emancipatory project of a radical democracy?
* How has feminism’s political imaginary been challenged and reconfigured, for instance, in the context of Black feminist criticism?
* How can a critically renewed historiography of feminist struggles enrich today’s feminist movements and contribute to the collective emancipatory effort to radicalize democracy?
* In short: What are the “futures past” of feminism, and how do they speak to us today?
We strive towards creating a workshop atmosphere that allows for serious, productive, and collaborative engagement with each other’s work. Workshop participants send in an essay (max. 3000 words, deadline: June 15, 2023), with the expectation that all of the papers are read in advance. In addition, each participant will prepare and present a commentary on one of the other papers. Each session begins with a brief opening statement by the author(s) on the background of the text (5 min), followed by a commentary (10 min) that opens the general discussion of the text.
Venue and Accommodation
The workshop will take place in person at the University of Vienna. Online participation is not possible. There is no participation fee. The organizers are happy to give recommendations regarding travel arrangements.
We plan to publish the workshop’s proceedings as a special issue in a peer-reviewed journal and/or edited volume.
Deadline for abstracts: April 21, 2023
Communication of results: April 30, 2023
Deadline for essays: June 15, 2023
Submission & Contact
Please send your application with an abstract of max. 300 words and a brief biographical note to predef.erc(a)<> (deadline: April 21, 2023). For any questions regarding the CfP, please contact the organizers Sara Gebh (sara.gebh(a)<>) and Sergej Seitz (sergej.seitz(a)<>).
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Council (erc). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
eine Gruppe von Masterstudierenden am Institut haben kürzlich einen Verein zur Förderung der philosophischen Diskussion und der Vernetzung von Studierenden gegründet. Der Verein trägt den Namen Khôra und veranstaltet regelmäßige Kolloquien am Institut.
Außerdem bietet der Verein eine Plattform für all jene, die Forschungsprojekte, BA- und MA-Arbeiten präsentieren möchten. Die gemeinsame Diskussion und das gegenseitige Feedback sollen beim Schaffensprozess helfen.
Darüber hinaus sind auf der Homepage Hinweise zu Lesekreisen, Informationen zum Studium und anderes Wissenswertes angezeigt und verlinkt.
Im Namen des Vereins freue ich mich, wenn Sie einen Blick auf die Homepage werfen und interessierte Student:innen über unsere Initiative informieren.
Mit besten Grüßen
Sebastian Krach