Academic Writing Workshop: Writing Productivity and Writing Flow, by
Workshop Claudia Macho, 06.03.23 from 15:00-16:00, room 3A, NIG
We are pleased to kick off the first VDP Writing Evening in summer
semester on the 6th of march 2023 with a one-hour writing workshop from
Claudia Macho on “Academic Writing: Writing Productivity and Writing Flow”
Dr. Claudia Macho is an experienced trained academic writing and mental
coach. She accompanies PHD-students and researchers in challenging
writing projects and has been leading courses on academic writing at
universities in Austria and abroad for almost 10 years.
During the workshop on Writing Productivity and Writing Flow, Claudia
Macho offers techniques and strategies for productive academic writing
that can benefit PhD researchers as well as master students. This
workshop not only promotes productivity; individual concentration and
focus issues that you may encounter can also be addressed during the
workshop. The event is designed to help doctoral students reflect on and
optimize their writing flow.
These insights gained during the workshop can then be applied to your
own text projects. After the 60-minutes workshop, participants have time
to apply their knowledge in three writing sessions during the VDP
Writing Evening, taking place after the workshop from 16:00 to 20:00h.
Lisa Tragbar, BA BA MA
Universitätsassistentin an der Professur für Ethik mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung von angewandter Ethik
Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Wien
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG, Zi. A 0308)
A-1010 Wien
lisa.tragbar(a) <>
Dear All,
we cordially invite you to the second meeting of the Vienna Science
Studies Lab
(, an intra-institution
initiative hosted by UPSalon (University of Vienna), the Konrad Lorenz
Institute (KLI), and the Epistemology of the In/human Project at
Central European University (CEU).
This meeting will focus on feminist philosophy of the mind. Everyone is
The meeting will be 6th March, 3:00-5:00
Location: Café Gagarin Garnisongasse 24, 1090 Wien,
Gabrielle Benette Jackson -Embodiments of Sex and Gender: The Metaphors
of Speaking Surfaces, In: Jennifer McWeeny and Keya Maitra - Feminist
Philosophy of the Mind
Please let us know whether you'll attend by replying to
sophie.juliane.veigl(a) and we will send a pdf of the
Looking forward,
Mariia Fedorova, Stephania Donayre Pimentel, Laura Menatti and Sophie
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)
my pronouns are she/her
We would greatly appreciate your help disseminating this call for papers
in the hope that it may be of interest to your members.
*Conference AH-DT 2023 – Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition (July
*The submission of papers to the Conference Arts and Humanities in
Digital Transition is open until **March 6th**. *
*/Keynote speakers/*
*Yuk Hui**(City University of Hong Kong)*
*Claire Bishop**(City University of New York) *
*This call for papers aims to foster reflection on the cognitive and
creative ecology of the humanities and the arts in the digital
transition. The program welcomes proposals on culture, cognition and
creativity in the age of AI and automation, literacies and cultural
techniques, cognitive and creative industries, digital humanities,
post-humanities and the post-digital, among other topics on culture,
technology and arts.*
*Organisation: ICNOVA - Instituto de Comunicação, NOVA FCSH, Lisboa*
*E-mail: digitaltransition(a)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
> an der Professur für »Philosophie einschließlich
> Philosophiegeschichte« (Prof. Dr. Christian Martin) des
> philosophischen Instituts der Universität Stuttgart werden im
> kommenden Sommersemester 2023 folgende *drei Veranstaltungen mit dem
> Themenschwerpunkt »Klassische deutsche Philosophie«*stattfinden:
> 1. Eine internationale Tagung zum Thema /Conceptions of Nature in
> Classical German Philosophy/*, *5. bis 7. Juli
> 2. Eine Sommerschule zum Thema /Natur und Geist in der Klassischen
> deutschen Philosophie (Kant, Hegel, Hölderlin, Marx), /26. bis 30. Juli
> 3. Eine Konferenz für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen zur
> /Erkenntnistheorie und Philosophie des Geistes nach Kant und Hegel/,
> 29. September bis 1. Oktober.
> Sowohl die Sommerschule als auch die Konferenz für
> Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen sind *ausdrücklich für fortgeschrittene
> Studierende und Promovierende* konzipiert, weshalb Sie diese gerne zur
> Bewerbung ermutigen können.
> Im Anhang finden Sie drei Info-Blätter zu den jeweiligen
> Veranstaltungen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie diese an Ihrem
> Institut aushängen oder in anderweitiger Form an mögliche
> Interessenten weitergeben könnten!
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Giuliano Infantino
> -
> Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
> Lehrstuhl Philosophie einschließlich Philosophiegeschichte
> Universität Stuttgart
> <Ausschreibung Sommerschule 'Natur und Geist' 26.-30. 7. 23.pdf>
> <Conceptions of Nature_Announcement.pdf>
> <CFP Nachwuchskonferenz.pdf>
Call for Applications (Deadline: March 15, 2023)
univie: summer school – Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
Vienna, July 10–19, 2023
Since 2001, the University of Vienna and the Institute Vienna Circle hold an annual summer school dedicated to major current issues in the natural and the social sciences, their history and philosophy. The title of the program reflects the heritage of the Vienna Circle which promoted interdisciplinary and philosophical investigations based on solid disciplinary knowledge.
Climate science, understood as an interdisciplinary field of study of the Earth’s climate and the causes and effects of climate change, is clearly of central importance today. The summer school will explore climate studies from a historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective. Topics to be covered will include: foundations and methodological issues relating to climate science, including various definitions of climate change, different types of models of climate change, and the use of simulations; further, historical roots and the development of climate science before and after the “computer age”; finally, issues concerning science policy and the communication of findings of climate science to a general public.
Topics will be selected reflecting participants’ interests and may include:
• Defining climate and climate change
• Evidence for climate change
• Modelling climate change: issues of confirmation and prediction
• Climate change and decision theory
• History of climate science as a research program
• Climate science in the public debate
Candis Callison (University of British Columbia)
Deborah Coen (Yale University)
Eric Winsberg (University of South Florida)
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior researchers in relevant fields, but the organizers also encourage applications from undergraduates and people in all stages of their career.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International Program Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. Its members represent the scientific fields in the scope of USS-SWC, make contact to their home universities and will also support acknowledgement of courses taken by the students. The annual summer school is organised by the Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna.
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University (North
Carolina) here:…
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
Scientific director:
Prof. Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
*Pragmatic Academic Workshop Planning and Writing your Research Proposal*
Are you a MA-student who is interested in pursuing a PhD in Philosophy?
The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy is organizing a workshop as
part of the Pragmatic Academic series entitled ‘Planning and Writing
your Research Proposal’. The aim of this workshop is to provide the
opportunity for MA students to develop their ideas into a research
proposal with the guidance of experienced post-doctoral researchers.
Students will receive detailed feedback on how to write and improve
their research proposals.
The workshop will take place on Thursday 23 February from 09.00 to 16.00
in Hörsaal 3D (NIG). Students who are interested in participating must
register for the workshop by sending an email to <>before
February 16. In this email, please mention in which specific area of
philosophy your envisioned research project would approximately fall.
This information will be helpful for pairing the student with a post-doc.
We hope to see you at the workshop.
Kind regards,
Raphael Aybar and Niels de Haan
Liebe KollegInnen,
ich leite die Information von Aloisia Moser weiter:
Wir laden herzlich ein, bis zum 5. Juni Beiträge zum Workshop "Zufall &
Einfall" in Form von 4–5-seitigen Entwürfen oder Aufrissen an
a.moser(a) zu schicken.
We cordially invite you to send contributions to the workshop "Zufall &
Einfall" in the form of 4-5-page drafts or outlinesto a.moser(a)
by 5 June.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Aloisia Moser.
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
mit großer Trauer und Anteilnahme müssen wir Sie darüber informieren,
dass Ass.Prof. i.R. Dr. Werner Gabriel am 14. Januar 2023 gestorben ist
(die Parte finden Sie im Anhang). Unser Mitgefühl gilt besonders seinen
Werner Gabriel war bis Ende 2006 als Assistenzprofessor und danach
weiterhin als Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Philosophie tätig, seine
Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre lagen in der chinesischen
Philosophie, der komparativen und der interkulturellen Philosophie.
Er wird uns fehlen.
George Karamanolis und Anja Weiberg
Mag. Markus Riedl
+43(1)4277 46401
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7/3
1010 Wien
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CEU Summer School on Contemporary Issues in Ontology and Social
Date: 27.01.2023 09:07
From: "International Social Ontology Society" <ISOS(a)>
Reply-To: "Asya Passinsky" <asyapass(a)>
Central European University is offering a summer course on
“Contemporary Issues in Ontology and Social Ontology [1]”. The
course will be held July 17th to July 28th, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.
The faculty includes Mark Balaguer (Cal State LA), Talia Bettcher (Cal
State LA), Åsa Burman (Stockholm), Esa Díaz-León (Barcelona), Alex
Grzankowski (Birkbeck), Ferenc Huoranszki (CEU), Michaela McSweeney
(Boston), and Asya Passinsky (CEU).
Course description: Philosophers are becoming increasingly interested in
real-world problems and in how their discipline is relevant to these
problems. The recent explosion of interest in social ontology is part of
a movement in philosophy to come down out of the ivory tower and engage
with issues that actually matter—issues concerning, e.g., race,
gender, and social justice. This course will introduce students to
ontology, and to social ontology in particular, by delving deeply into
numerous important issues in the field. Specific topics to be covered
in the course include the following: social justice, social
construction, groups, social structures, ideal vs. non-ideal social
ontology, social power, essentialism as it relates to social groups and
genders, metaphysical grounding in the social realm, issues pertaining
to mental health and moral responsibility, social theories of art,
rationality, and mental content, and issues in meta social ontology.
We invite applications from graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in
philosophy. A few places for advanced undergraduate students will also
be available. The application deadline is February 14th, 2023.
For more information and details on how to apply, please visit the
course website [1].
Unsubscribe [2]
Dear all, please be invited to the following two events:
Barbara Muraca: Why protect nature? The multiple values of human-nature
relationships and their relevance for policy
Date: January 25, 2023
Time: 20:00 – 21.30
Location: Zoom
Sign-up: eva.hijlkema(a)
Barbara Muraca is a Professor of Philosophy at The University of Oregon.
Her research focuses on Environmental and Social Philosophy, Process
Philosophy, and Political Ecology. Prior to working at University of
Oregon she was Assistant Professor of Environmental and Social
Philosophy at Oregon State University and Senior Researcher (Post-Doc)
at the Center for Advanced Studies 'Post-growth Societies' at the
Institute of Sociology of the University of Jena, Germany. From 2014 to
2020 she was co-director of the International Association for
Environmental Philosophy (IAEP). Since Summer 2018 she is a Lead Author
of the IPBES assessment on multiple values of nature (Intergovernmental
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services).
For decades the question about why nature should be protected has had
two different answers: because nature matters for its own sake
(intrinsic value), independent of how it affects people, or because of
the benefits people derive from interacting with nature (instrumental
value). While the first perspective rejects instrumental justifications
for conservation and considers anthropocentrism as part of the problem,
the second one highlights anthropocentric arguments and employs economic
valuation to assess the importance of ecosystems to people. But does it
have to be one or the other? Recent research suggests a third
possibility: protecting nature because of the meaningful relationships
that connect people to nature, and to each other through nature. These
so-called relational values remain anthropocentric, but are not
instrumental justifications for conservation. Since its development, the
relational value framework has proven relevant for policy and in
valuation studies across disciplines and has been adopted by the
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
(IPBES). The lecture will present the policy relevance of this old
debate in environmental ethics and embed it into the way in which IPBES
operates at the global level.
Student Colloquium on Decision Principles in Ethics
Date: January 26, 2023
Time: 11.30 – 14.45
Location: Hörsaal 3F (NIG)
As a part of the research seminar ‘Decision Principles in Ethics’ the
students will host a colloquium on ethical decision-making and its
shortfalls in real scenarios. Please be invited to join!
11.30 – 12.00 Pauline de Ronde and Julia Leturio: Should medical AI
always be supervised by humans?
12.00 – 12.30 Ida Miczke and Jakob Lissy: How to choose whom to treat:
triage planning during the Covid-19 pandemic
12.30 – 13.00 Ekkehard Tenschert and Felix Servus: How to judge
someone’s estimated developmental capacities?
13.00 – 13.15 Break
13.15 – 13.45 Silvia Schori: An ethical dilemma with child labour in Senegal
13.45 – 14.15 Eduard Mastalski and Egzona Bokshi: The Covid-19 lockdown
through an ethical framework
14.15 – 14.45 Eva Hijlkema: Is there a case for favouring
evidence-backed choices over and above expected value?
Eva Hijlkema, BSc
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Angela Kallhoff
Universität Wien
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien