Dear all,
we cordially invite you to the upcoming talk of the APSE - lecture
series, delivered by Ariane Hanemaayer (Brandon University)
Title: Where it hurts: Making Pain Medicine
When/Where: 25.5., 15-17pm, HS 2H
If you are interested in joining us for dinner/drinks afterwards, write
me an email (sophie.juliane.veigl(a)! everyone welcome!
What makes pain problematic? The nature of pain is contested, and over
the 20th century, researchers from biomedical fields as diverse as
surgery, anesthesiology, physiology, and neurology have sought to
develop a unified theory to represent its causes and effects. In the
clinic, the status of pain is subjective. Over the last century, many
efforts have been made to raise awareness of the under-examined aspects
of pain and to objectify it through the standardization of its
measurement. There remains, however, a gap between the knowledge of and
intervention on pain that has troubled the evidence-based medicine
paradigm. In this presentation I explain the nature of this gap as a
result of particular discursive and institutional relations. In
particular, I focus on the rise of clinical pain measurement scales
alongside the professionalization of the subspecialty of pain medicine.
Drawing on material from a broader genealogical project on the
biomedical sciences of pain, I argue that the techniques of pain
management were developed in relation to a particular shift in the
notion of clinical judgment within the medical discourse. I will situate
this knowledge development within the broader societal and institutional
events that rendered pain problematic, focusing on the establishment of
the first pain clinic in the USA and the International Society for the
Study of Pain.
Kind regards,
Sophie Veigl on behalf of the APSE-Unit
Dr. Sophie Juliane Veigl, BSc., BA., MSc., MA.
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien
E-Mail: sophie.juliane.veigl(a)
my pronouns are she/her
Dear all,
together with several people all over the university and Manu Sharma
from our own institute, I am organizing an InterGender – International
Consortium for Interdisciplinary Feminist Research Training course for
PhD and late stage MA students, which will happen in October and is
entitled "Learning to Read Differently".
You can even get 7,5 or 10 ECTS credits for it!
Here's a short description:
Much academic work relies on existing texts and their interpretation. As
scholars, we necessarily build on these knowledges transmitted to us by
others in order to try to better understand power relations and their
modes of action, to form our own arguments based on the texts, to make
sense of certain social phenomena and to contribute to thinking_feeling
about the world. All too often, this process of reading becomes so
normalized that we hardly think about the consequences and premises of
these practices of reading themselves. Therefore, we want to dedicate
this PhD and MA course to the goal of “Learning to Read Differently”.
Throughout the course, we will engage not only with how we read “texts”
as they are commonly understood, but also with how we interpret the
fabric of reality and the situations and phenomena we encounter in our
research and beyond. Together, we want to explore what we choose to read
or not to read, as well as the political implications that arise from
these practices. Thus, the course aims to support participants in
exercising reading practices and research methods that enable them to
critically reflect upon the “standard” practices usually governed by
white euro-anglo-centric academia, to challenge them, and to try out
different approaches.
Deadline for application is June 18, 2023.
We invite all those who are interested to apply, and are happy if you
also widely share this call with others!
All the best,
Flora Löffelmann, MA MA
University assistant & doctoral candidate
Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna
Pronouns: they/them (for more info see:
Happy about a gender neutral "hello"!
Dear all,
UPsalon and the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy cordially invite
you to a jointly organized pragmatic-academic event: "Combatting
Gendered Marginalization and Exclusion - Good Practices for
Philosophers". The workshop will be facilitated by Stephanie Deig
(University of Lucerne).
When: May 23rd, 4-6pm
Where: VinziRast-Lokal mittendrin
This workshop is open to persons of all genders working and studying at
all levels of the department. We especially invite people with extensive
teaching experience to share their perspectives and experiences on
gendered exclusions and bystanding in academic settings.
Please sign up to the workshop via the following link:
Note that we only have 20 open spots; we will allocate them via a “first
come, first serve” system.
Brief workshop description:
“The field of academic philosophy has a serious problem with the
under-representation of women as well as persons who do not identify
with the gender assigned to them at birth. This is due to structural
forms of gendered marginalization and exclusion that create unsafe and
harmful environments. In the first part of this workshop, participants
will be introduced to how specific mechanisms, such as implicit bias,
stereotype threat, as well as sexual and moral harassment manifest
within philosophical settings: working, teaching, and learning, and how
transforming certain conditions and practices could help combat them. In
the second half of the workshop, participants will be given a
theoretical introduction to bystander interventions and be encouraged
(but not required) and given space to share their own experiences
relevant to these questions to create awareness and discuss potential
strategies that could be enacted locally. We will conclude by using
these experiences as a basis for discussion about how bystanders can
safely and productively intervene in instances of gendered wrongdoings.
Even though the workshop focuses on gender-based exclusions, the
convener seeks to create a space for discussing marginalization from an
intersectional perspective."
If you have a topic that you’d particularly like to discuss or are
interested in contributing to the workshop, please contact Stephanie
Deig at: stephanie.deig(a)
Stephanie Deig, MA, is a PhD Candidate at the University of Lucerne. She
is a co-founder of two organizations that have worked to combat gendered
inequalities in the academic field of philosophy in Switzerland and is
active as a board member with The Society for Women* in Philosophy
Here you can find the link to the Good Practice Guide that Stephanie
bases the presentation on (it is in DE and EN).
And here the event description on our website:
Kind regards,
Sonja (on behalf of UPsalon)
Sonja Riegler, BA BA MA
Prae Doc Philosophy
University of Vienna
Liebe Kolleg*innen, liebe Freund*innen,
wir möchten Euch herzlich zu unserer Konferenz "International Planning
for Freedom. Otto Neuraths demokratische Planungstheorie im Kontext der
Klimakrise" einladen.
ELisabeth Nemeth & Günther Sandner (Organisator*innen)
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
we would like to cordially invite you to our conference "International
Planning for Freedom. Otto Neurath's democratic planning theory in the
context of the climate crisis".
Elisabeth Nemeth & Günther Sandner (organisers)
International Conference:
International Planning for Freedom. Otto Neurath's democratic planning
theory in the context of the climate crisis
A cooperation between Institute Vienna Circle (University of Vienna),
Vienna Circle Society (Vienna), Chamber of Labor (Vienna), FWF Project
Isotype. Origin, development, legacy (P 31500), Wien Museum.
Only a few years ago it was hardly imaginable that demands for planned
economy measures would be raised and publicly discussed again. Now the
time has come. Ulrike Herrmann's book "Das Ende des Kapitalismus. Warum
Wachstum und Klimaschutz nicht vereinbar sind – und wie wir in Zukunft
leben werden" (2022) is a bestseller. Her central thesis is discussed in
numerous public media: The transition from growth-dependent capitalism
to a social and ecological circular economy will only be possible
through a "private planned economy".
What she understands by this has striking similarities with the ideas of
economic planning that Otto Neurath conceived even before the First
World War and continued to develop until the end of his life in 1945. An
important point of reference for Neurath was Josef Popper-Lynkeus. The
latter justified the demand for overall social planning with a radically
individualistic ethic. Seen from today, this combination is surprising
and inspiring - not least because Popper-Lynkeus and Neurath were among
the first to introduce ecological viewpoints into economics.
A highlight of the conference will be the screening of the film "Land of
Promise" (UK 1946). The film was conceived by Neurath as a "film
argument" and directed by Paul Rotha. It argues for combating the
housing shortage in post-war England with extensively planned housing
programme. The arguments put forward in the film bear a remarkable
resemblance to the arguments Ulrike Herrmann puts forward today for a
"private planned economy" as a transition to a circular economy.
June 12th, 2023: Chamber of Labor - Bildungszentrum, Theresianumgasse
16-18, 1040 Vienna
Conference language: German
Please pre-register: Https://
(registration open from next week)
June 13th, 2023: Erika Weinzierl-Hoersaal, University of Vienna,
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Conference language: English
Please pre-register: office.wienerkreis(a)
ENTRANCE FREE. Please find the detailed program attached.
PLEASE NOTE two events closely related to our conference:
Institute Vienna Circle Philosophy of Science Colloquium Special Panel:
Utopianism, Rationality, and Thought Experiments in Viennese Late
June 14th, 2023, 15:00-17:00
Institut für Philosophie, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG),
Universitätsstraße 7, Lecture Room 2i Contact:
The Metrics of Energy: Accounting for Nature in the History of Social
Science and Ecological Economics
June 15th and 16th, 2023
International Workshop, organised by Anna Echterhölter and Marco Vianna
University of Vienna (Key Research Area History of Science) in
cooperation with the
Institute for Advanced Studies IHS Vienna (research group Energy,
Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures)…
ao. Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr. Elisabeth Nemeth
Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7
T: +43-1-4277-46480
M: +43-664-60277-46480
Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen,
ich möchte Sie im Namen von Khôra, der Plattform für philosophische Diskussion, herzlich zum nächsten Kolloquium einladen.
Termin: 11.05.2023, 18:30 - 20:00, HS 3f, Neues Institutsgebäude
Thema: Bataille: Denken heißt Grenzen überschreiten
Ein kurzer Text von Georges Bataille dient uns als Ausgangspunkt für die weitere Diskussion und soll in sein Denken einführen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
Danach ist im Café Gagarin reserviert.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!
Liebe Grüße
Sebastian Krach
Dear all
Jorge Secada will give a talk at CEU on 9th May:
The Problem of Evil
The paper first suggests a problem threatening any version of the problem of evil (that is, or arguments purporting to show that either God cannot exist or that it is improbable that God exists, given the existence of evil or of some particular instance of evil). The ultimate aim of the paper is to recast replies to the problem of evil away from theodicies or justifications.
For more information and to register, please click here<>.
The Problem of Evil<>
Kind regards
Dr. Sigrid Preissl (she/her)
Department Coordinator
Central European University
Department of Philosophy
Quellenstrasse 51 | A-1100 Wien | Austria
Office: Room D426
Working hours: Monday 09:00 – 17:00; Tuesday 09:30 – 17:30; Wednesday and Thursday 09:00 – 16:00
This message is intended for the individual named above and is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender. Central European University (CEU) is an undergraduate- and graduate-level private university accredited in the United States, Austria, and Hungary. CEU’s educational activities in Austria are performed at Central European University Private University by CEU GmbH, a private limited-liability company having its seat in Vienna, under the address Quellenstrasse 51, A-1100 Wien, and is registered at the Vienna Commercial Court under registration number FN 502313 x. CEU’s educational activities in Hungary are performed by Közép-európai Egyetem, at Nádor utca 9., 1051 Budapest, under registration number FI 27861. CEU is accredited in the US, with a registered address at 224 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA.
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
im Anhang schicke ich Ihnen den Aushang für die kommende FÖP der DSPL43(
Philosophie) am Montag, 22.05.2023 ab 15:00. Bitte beachten Sie, dass
die FÖP dieses Semester vor Ort im Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG) stattfindet.
Dear colleague,
Please find attached the schedule for our next faculty-public
presentation (FÖP) of doctoral research projects on Monday 22nd 2023
from 3 p.m. onwards. Participants are welcome! Please note that this
semester the FÖP will be held on site in Hörsaal 3B (3. Stock, NIG).
Mit besten Grüßen,
With best wishes,
Benjamin Schnieder, DSPL43
Liebe Kolleg_innen,
wir möchten Sie herzlich zur nächsten Veranstaltung der Vortragsreihe
„Phänomenologische Forschungen“ einladen:
*22./23. Juni 2023 (Vortrag und Workshop)
*Käte Meyer-Drawe***
VORTRAG Do., 22. Juni 2023, 17.00–19.00 Uhr, HS 3B
/An Gefühle appellieren. Zu Fallstricken der Empfänglichkeit/
WORKSHOP Fr., 23. Juni 2023, 10.00–13.00 Uhr, HS 2G
Texte und Informationen zum Workshop: gerhard.unterthurner(a)
Mit besten Grüßen,
Michael Staudigl
Gerhard Unterthurner
In Kooperation mit Gruppe Phänomenologie…
Am 4. Mai hält ein junger Musikwissenschafter, der auch Philosohie
studierte, Paul Heidegger, einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Wie klingt
Wahrheit" - siehe attachement-Einladung mit den genauen Angaben.
Eintritt frei, Gäste sind herzlich willkommen.
Mai 2023
Mittwoch, 3. Mai, 18:00 Uhr VORTRAG
Hartmut Krones
(em. Professor der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)
Gustav Mahlers „Bach-Suite“ im Licht seiner Annotationen in seiner
Mit Faksimile- und Tonbeispielen.
Donnerstag, 4. Mai, 18:00 Uhr ZYKLUS „JUNGE MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT“
Paul Heidegger
(Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck)
Wie klingt Wahrheit? Musik als Bühne und Medium des ‚parrhesiastischen´
Spiels. Eine musikphilosophische Spurensuche.
Mit Hör- und Musikbeispielen.
Montag, 8. Mai, 18:00 Uhr EINFÜHRUNGSVORTRAG
Benedikt Leßmann
(Institut für Musikwissenschaft der Universität Wien)
Einfachheit, Resignation und Frieden. Francis Poulencs „Dialogues des
Zur Premiere am 21. Mai in der Wiener Staatsoper.
Mit Musikbeispielen.
Mittwoch, 10. Mai, 18:00 Uhr EINFÜHRUNGSVORTRAG
Gerrit Waidelich
Der deutsche Falstaff des Wahlitalieners Otto Nicolai. Zur Geschichte
der Vertonungen von Shakespeares „Merry Wives of Windsor“.
Mit Musikbeispielen.
Donnerstag, 11. Mai, 18:30 Uhr LIEDERABEND
„Es war doch so schön“
(Un)bekannte Lieder von Carl Lafite (1872-1944) und Franz Schubert.
Althea Wetter, Mezzosopran; Nathalie Matthys, Klavier.
Einführende Worte: Marion Diederichs-Lafite.
Montag, 15. Mai, 18:00 Uhr VORTRAG
Johannes Prominczel
(Direktor von Archiv, Bibliothek und Sammlungen der Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde Wien)
Dörrsucht, Lungl-Brand und Wassersucht. Gesund- und Krankheiten von
Mittwoch, 17. Mai, 18:00 Uhr KÜNSTLERPORTRAIT + LIVE-MUSIK
„Altenberg Trio“
Ziyu He, Violine; Christoph Stradner, Violoncello; Christopher
Hinterhuber, Klavier.
Im Gespräch mit Clemens Hellsberg und Carmen Ottner.
Für kurzfristig hinzugekommene Termine besuchen Sie bitte auch unsere
2. Hof, Stiege 4, 4. Stock
Achtung! Lift: Stiege 4, links in der Einfahrt! EINTRITT FREI
FEMINISM WTF Special mit Nikita Dhawan, Persson Perry Baumgartinger und
Katharina Mückstein am 10. Mai
Mittwoch 10. Mai 19:30
Wir freuen uns auf ein Special Screening mit zwei der beeindruckenden
Experts aus Katharina Mücksteins neuem Film FEMINISM WTF! Nach dem Film
sprechen Nikita Dhawan, Persson Perry Baumgartinger und Katharina
Mückstein über Feminismus, Rassismus, Diskriminierung und auch über die
Vermittlung dieser Themen sowie ihre Forschungsgebiete. Mit großer
Vorfreude begrüßen wir dieses hochkarätige Panel im Stadtkino!
Nikita Dhawan ist seit 1. Oktober 2021 Inhaberin der Professur für
Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Politische Theorie und
Ideengeschichte an der TU Dresden. Nikita Dhawans Forschungs- und
Interessenschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen der Globalen
Gerechtigkeit, der Menschenrechte sowie der Demokratie und
Dekolonisierung. Ihre Arbeit analysiert das ambivalente Erbe der
Europäischen Aufklärung für die postkoloniale Welt und sucht einer
alternativen postkolonial-queer-feministischen Ideengeschichte von
Schlüsselkonzepten nachzugehen.
Persson Perry Baumgartinger Forschen, Vermitteln, Beraten, Kuratieren an
den Schnittstellen von Sprache & Kommunikation,
Trans_Inter*Queer:Nonbinary, Kritisches Diversity, Wissenschaft & Kunst,
Hier im Anhang finden Sie 2 Bilder von Nikita Dhawan aus dem Film.
Und hier das Plakat des Films FEMINISM WTF zum download:…
Hier ist der Link zur Veranstaltung:…
Und auch der Ticketlink: