Call for Applications
(Deadline: March 15, 2023 extended: April 10, 2023)
univie: summer school – Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
Vienna, July 10–19, 2023
Since 2001, the University of Vienna and the Institute Vienna Circle hold an annual summer school dedicated to major current issues in the natural and the social sciences, their history and philosophy. The title of the program reflects the heritage of the Vienna Circle which promoted interdisciplinary and philosophical investigations based on solid disciplinary knowledge.
Climate science, understood as an interdisciplinary field of study of the Earth’s climate and the causes and effects of climate change, is clearly of central importance today. The summer school will explore climate studies from a historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective. Topics to be covered will include: foundations and methodological issues relating to climate science, including various definitions of climate change, different types of models of climate change, and the use of simulations; further, historical roots and the development of climate science before and after the “computer age”; finally, issues concerning science policy and the communication of findings of climate science to a general public.
Topics will be selected reflecting participants’ interests and may include:
• Defining climate and climate change
• Evidence for climate change
• Modelling climate change: issues of confirmation and prediction
• Climate change and decision theory
• History of climate science as a research program
• Climate science in the public debate
Candis Callison (University of British Columbia)
Deborah Coen (Yale University)
Eric Winsberg (University of South Florida)
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior researchers in relevant fields, but the organizers also encourage applications from undergraduates and people in all stages of their career.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International Program Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. Its members represent the scientific fields in the scope of USS-SWC, make contact to their home universities and will also support acknowledgement of courses taken by the students. The annual summer school is organised by the Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna.
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University (North
Carolina) here:…
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
Scientific director:
Prof. Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Sehr gerne erlauben wir uns, Ihren
geschätzten StudentInnen für die im März und April 2023 anberaumten
Eigenproduktionen (und nicht als „Gastspiel“ markiert) einen ermäßigten
Kartenpreis um € 5,- (statt € 10,-) anzubieten. Für Ihre
wissenschaftlichen wie auch allgemeinen MitarbeiterInnen bieten wir
ebenfalls Ermäßigung, und zwar um € 15,- (statt € 25,-). Reservierungen
sind unkompliziert unter dramaturgie(a)
<>mit der Notiz „Sonderermäßigung
StudentIn bzw. MitarbeiterIn“ zu platzieren.
Dem Anhang entnehmen Sie bitte die Spielpläne, und wir
danken für dessen Verfügbarmachung gegenüber Ihrer geschätzten
StudentInnen- und MitarbeiterInnenschaft! Sollten Sie weitere
Informationen bzw. Materialien zum Theater und seinen Vorstellungen
benötigen, so lassen Sie mich dies bitte wissen! Sollte sich die
Verlinkung des Pygmalion Theaters mit der Adresse <>durchführen
lassen, so sind wir hierfür nicht minder dankbar und verweisen auf die
entsprechende Entnahme des Pygmalion Logos im Anhang.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Antwort!
Ich wünsche Ihnen einen gelungenen Start in den neuen Tag,
Herzliche Grüße,
Philipp Kaplan
*Mag. Philipp Kaplan*
Kaufmännischer Leiter
/Pygmalion Theater Wien/
Alser Straße 43
A-1080 Wien
+43 1 402 86 85 <>
dramaturgie(a) <>
Dear Colleagues,
on behalf of the Institute of Philosophy at Slovak Academy of Sciences,
v. v. i., we kindly ask you to circulate an attached invitation to the
conference the 18th Annual Conference YOUNG PHILOSOPHY 2023.
The conference will take place from 18th to 19th of May 2023 at the
Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences,v. v. i.
Klemensova 19, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak republic.
For more information, find the attached invitation and the application
form or visit
Please, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards,
Call for Applications (Deadline: March 15, 2023)
Climate Science:
Historical, Philosophical and Sociological Issues
univie: summer school Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC)
Vienna, July 1019, 2023
Since 2001, the University of Vienna and the Institute Vienna Circle hold an
annual summer school dedicated to major current issues in the natural and
the social sciences, their history and philosophy. The title of the program
reflects the heritage of the Vienna Circle which promoted interdisciplinary
and philosophical investigations based on solid disciplinary knowledge.
Climate science, understood as an interdisciplinary field of study of the
Earths climate and the causes and effects of climate change, is clearly of
central importance today. The summer school will explore climate studies
from a historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective. Topics to be
covered will include: foundations and methodological issues relating to
climate science, including various definitions of climate change, different
types of models of climate change, and the use of simulations; further,
historical roots and the development of climate science before and after the
computer age; finally, issues concerning science policy and the
communication of findings of climate science to a general public.
Topics will be selected reflecting participants interests and may include:
Defining climate and climate change
Evidence for climate change
Modelling climate change: issues of confirmation and
Climate change and decision theory
History of climate science as a research program
Climate science in the public debate
Candis Callison (University of British Columbia)
Deborah Coen (Yale University)
Eric Winsberg (University of South Florida)
The program is primarily directed at graduate students and junior
researchers in relevant fields, but the organizers also encourage
applications from undergraduates and people in all stages of their career.
Application form and further information:
USS-SWC operates under the academic supervision of an International Program
Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. Its
members represent the scientific fields in the scope of USS-SWC, make
contact to their home universities and will also support acknowledgement of
courses taken by the students. The annual summer school is organised by the
Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna.
Find information about our exchange programme with Duke University (North
Carolina) here:
Zarah Weiss
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
<> summerschool.ivc(a)
Scientific director:
Prof. Georg Schiemer
Institute Vienna Circle
Alserstraße 23/32
1080 Wien
<> georg.schiemer(a)
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
Am 7. und 8. März finden die Hearings für die Professur "Philosophie der
Aufklärung und Moderne" statt:
Dienstag, den 7.3.
9:00h Prof. Corey Dyck – Lehrprobe (HS 3A)
10:00h Prof. Angela Breitenbach – Lehrprobe (HS 3A)
11:00h Prof. Kristin Gjesdal – Lehrprobe (HS 3A)
13:00h Prof. Jens Timmermann – Lehrprobe (HS 3A)
14:00h Prof. Katharina Kraus – Lehrprobe (HS 3A)
15:00h Dr. Andrew Stephenson – Lehrprobe (HS 3A)
16:15h Prof. Katharina Kraus – Forschungsvortrag (HS 3A)
Mittwoch, den 8.3.
9:00h Prof. Jens Timmermann Forschungsvortrag (HS 3A)
10:35h Prof. Corey Dyck Forschungsvortrag (HS 3A)
11:25h Prof. Kristin Gjesdal Forschungsvortrag (HS 3A)
14:00h Prof. Angela Breitenbach Forschungsvortrag (HS 3A)
15:35h Dr. Andrew Stephenson Forschungsvortrag (HS 3A)
Sie können die Vorträge auch online verfolgen:
ZOOM Link:
Bitte beachten Sie, dass ich als Vorsitzender vorrangig den Mitgliedern
der Kommission die Gelegenheit geben werde, die Vortragenden zu
befragen. Ich bitte um Ihr Verständnis.
Mit besten Grüßen und in Vorfreude auf ein intellektuelles Feuerwerk,
Martin Kusch
Prof. Martin Kusch (he/they)
Univ. of Vienna, Dpt. of Philosophy
Effective Altruism, 10.03.2023, 18-19:30 Uhr, HS 2G (NIG)
[English Version Below]
Wie können wir mit knappen Ressourcen anderen umfassend helfen und
anhand von Evidenz und sorgfältigen Überlegungen herausfinden, wie die
dringendsten Probleme der Welt am besten bewältigen werden können? Komm
zu unserem Einführungsevent zum Thema “Effective Altruism” - eine
Bewegung, die versucht, diese Fragen zu beantworten! Wir diskutieren
unter anderem über die Sicherheit von Künstlicher Intelligenz, globale
Gesundheit, Tierleid sowie Spenden und Karrierewege. Außerdem sprechen
wir über die methodischen Grundlagen hinter der Priorisierung globaler
Probleme und fokussieren uns auf den Beitrag, den wir als Individuen
potenziell leisten können.
Phillip Thiedmann von EA Austria wird einen einführenden Vortrag über
die Grundideen des effektiven Altruismus halten. Im Anschluss wird es
eine Diskussion geben, bei der ihr weiterführende, klärende und
kritische Fragen einbringen könnt. Egal ob Neugierige, Kritiker:innen
oder erfahrene Mitglieder der Community, dieses Event bietet eine
Gelegenheit, um mehr über die Motivation, die Ideen und die Kritiken des
effektiven Altruismus zu lernen. Wir heißen alle Willkommen, die daran
interessiert sind, einen positiven Einfluss auf die Welt zu haben.
Wo? NIG, Hörsaal 2G
Wann? 10. März, 18:00 - 19:30
Nachher lassen wir gemeinsam den Abend im Votiv Cafe ausklingen.
How can we best make a positive impact on the world? Join us for an
evening of thought-provoking discussion on effective altruism - a
philosophy that aims to use evidence and empathy to address some of the
world's most pressing problems. Effective Altruism explores topics such
as global poverty, climate change, factory farming, and artificial
intelligence, and discusses how we can make a real difference.
Phillip Thiedmann from EA Austria will give an introductory lecture on
the basic ideas of effective altruism. Afterward, we'll open the floor
to questions and critical discussion. Whether you're a curious beginner,
an astute critic or a member of the community, this event is a great
opportunity to learn about the motivations, ideas and critiques of
effective altruism. We welcome anyone who has a serious interest in
having a positive impact on the world.
Location: NIG, Lecture Hall 2G
Date: March 10th, 18:00 - 19:30.
We will head to Votiv Cafe after the event for an informal social
gathering, feel free to join us!
Philipp Thiedmann, Effective Altruism Austria
Our partner University of Zurich recently launched their *UZH Global
Strategy and Partnerships Funding Schemes*
University of Vienna is eligible as a partner in Funding Lines Level 2
(Seed Fund, for exploring specific collaborative ideas in a group
setting) and Level 3 (Project Fund, for deepening existing
collaborations); *Deadline: 10 April 2023*.
We kindly ask you to share this information with faculty interested in
cooperation or already cooperating with the University of Zurich.
Many thanks,
International Office
Internationale Beziehungen | International Office
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien | Vienna
Österreich | Austria
<>__ <>__
*Open Call: UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme
**(Deadline: 10 April 2023)***
*Level 2: Seed Fund*
* For exploring specific collaborative ideas in a group setting, such
as a joint workshop, event or specific smaller project.
* Applicants may request up to 5,000 CHF per initiative from UZH and
are invited to seek *co-funding from the partner institution*.
(Applicants must have UZH employment contracts.)
* Expected outcomes:
o specific plan of action for further collaboration
o identification of external funding
* *More information:
*Level 3: Project Fund*
* For *deepening existing collaborations* with *potential of high
impact/visibility* for UZH.
* Examples for projects include (but are not limited to) comprehensive
research activities, establishing joint formats in teaching and
research (incl. financing of teaching assistants, PhD students etc.)
or initiatives that support the application of large-scale external
* Applicants may request up to 60,000 CHF per initiative from UZH,
must submit proof of *internal co-funding* and are strongly
encouraged to *seek co-funding from the partner institution*.
(Applicants must have UZH employment contracts.)
* *More information:
English version below
*Exzellenzstipendien für Frankreich (Forschungsaufenthalte,
* *Zielgruppe:*Doktorand*innen, Postdocs, junge Forscher*innen
* *Funding:**zwischen 1.100 und 1.700€ pro Monat *
* *Einreichfrist: 19. März 2023*
Das Institut français d'Autriche und das französische Ministerium für
Europa und auswärtige Angelegenheiten bieten *Leistungsstipendien für
kurze wissenschaftliche Forschungsaufenthalte (1 bis 6 Monaten) und
Doktoratsstudien (/Cotutelle /und /Codirection/) in Frankreich *an.
Diese Stipendien richten sich an *DoktorandInnen, Postdocs und
ambitionierte junge ForscherInnen*, *die ihre Doktorarbeit innerhalb der
letzten 5 Jahre verfasst haben und in einer österreichischen und/oder
französischen Forschungseinrichtung* (Universität, Forschungsinstitut
o.Ä.) *beschäftigt sind*.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier <>.
*Excellence Scholarships for France (research stays, doctoral studies)
(Deadline: 19 March 2023)*
*Aimed at:*doctoral students, postdocs, young researchers
The Institut français d'Autriche and the French Ministry for Europe and
Foreign Affairs offer excellence scholarships for short scientific
research stays (1 to 6 months) and doctoral studies (cotutelle and
codirection) in France. These scholarships are aimed at doctoral
students, postdocs and ambitious young researchers who have written
their doctoral thesis within the last 5 years and are employed in an
Austrian and/or French research institution (university, research
institute or similar).
*- Funding:*between 1.100 and 1.700€ per month
*- Deadline for submission:**19 March 2023*
*- More information:*
/***English version below.***/
Sehr geehrte Internationalisierungsbeauftragte der Fakultäten und Zentren,
in Rücksprache mit den beiden ASEA-UNINET Koordinatoren an der
Universität Wien, Prof. Peter Lieberzeit und Prof. Patrick Sakdapolrak,
möchten wir Sie auf den neuen *Projekt-Call*
ASEA-UNINET*hinweisen. Die Antragsrichtlinien finden Sie im Anhang.
Nähere Informationen können Sie der ASEA-UNINET Webseite
Gefördert werden kleine Forschungs-, Trainings- und Vernetzungsprojekte
mit Wissenschafter*innen an den ASEA-UNINET Partneruniversitäten
(Südostasien). Der Durchführungszeitraum ist im kommenden akademischen
Jahr (Okt. 2023 – Sept. 2024). Förderfähige Kosten sind Reise- und
Die Antragsfrist ist der *20. April 2023.*
Die Antragstellung erfolgt online: *ASEA-UNINET ONLINE ANTRAGSPORTAL*
/(falls Sie nicht automatisch weitergeleitet werden, geben Sie bitte
folgende Adresse in den Browser ein:
Aus formalen Gründen sind nur Professor*innen, bzw. habilitierte
Wissenschafter*innen antragsberechtigt. Andere Einreichende benötigen
ein Empfehlungsschreiben vom Professor*in/Habilitierte*n ihrer
Ich ersuche Sie darum, diese Information an Ihrer Fakultät/Ihrem Zentrum
zu verbreiten und hoffe erneut auf zahlreiche Einreichungen.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die zuständige Mitarbeiterin im
International Office, Frau Mag. Monika Kindl: monika.kindl(a)
<>| Tel-DW: 18217
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Barbara Good
Dear International Representatives at the Faculties and Centres,
in consultation with the two ASEA-UNINET coordinators at the University
of Vienna, Prof. Peter Lieberzeit and Prof. Patrick Sakdapolrak, we
would like to draw your attention to the new *project call*
ASEA-UNINET*. Please find the application guidelines in the attachment.
For more information, please refer to the ASEA-UNINET website
Funding is available for small-scale research, training, and networking
projects with scholars at ASEA-UNINET partner universities (Southeast
Asia). The implementation period is in the upcoming academic year (Oct
22 - Sept 23). Eligible costs are travel and subsistence expenses.
The application deadline is *April 20, 2023.*
Applications must be submitted online: *ASEA-UNINET ONLINE APPLICATION
(/if you are not automatically redirected, please enter the following
address in your
For formal reasons, only professors or habilitated scientists are
eligible to apply. Other applicants need a letter of recommendation from
a professor of their organizational unit.
I kindly ask you to disseminate this information to your faculty/centre
and hope again for numerous submissions.
If you have any questions, please contact the responsible staff member
at the International Office, Ms. Monika Kindl: monika.kindl(a)
<>| Tel-DW: 18217
With kind regards,
Barbara Good
*Dr. Barbara Good*
DLE Internationale Beziehungen | International Office
Leitung | Head
Universität Wien | University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Wien | Vienna
Österreich | Austria
Tel + 43-1-4277-18216
Mobile +43-664-60277-18216 <> <>
*** Deadline Extended ***
New Deadline: 06^th April 2023
Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to inform you about our upcoming Summer School on "Dual
Use and Misuse of Research Results (DURC)". The Summer School will take
place in Jülich, Germany from 17 to 21 July 2023. It is funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and organised
by the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 7: Brain and Behaviour at
Research Center Jülich. Please find attached our announcement (Call for
The summer school offers international junior researchers/scientists
from different disciplines the opportunity to present their own work and
research projects on the topic and to discuss dual use and misuse of
research results and their ethical, legal, social, and political aspects
in exchange with each other and with internationally renowned experts.
We consider it very important to draw the attention of as many research
institutions as possible to our event so that we can reach young
researchers from different disciplines.
If there are any young researchers in your team who might be interested
in actively participating in the Summer School, we would be grateful if
you could pass on our attached Call for Abstracts with the extended
We thank you in advance for your interest and support.
Jan-Hendrik Heinrichsund Serap Ergin Aslan
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Stefan Müller
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Dr. Ir. Pieter Jansens,
Prof. Dr. Astrid Lambrecht, Prof. Dr. Frauke Melchior